Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Utility for parsing HTML5 entity definitions available from: http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/entities.json Written by Ezio Melotti and Iuliia Proskurnia. """ import os import sys import json from urllib.request import urlopen from html.entities import html5 entities_url = 'http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/entities.json' def get_json(url): """Download the json file from the url and returns a decoded object.""" with urlopen(url) as f: data = f.read().decode('utf-8') return json.loads(data) def create_dict(entities): """Create the html5 dict from the decoded json object.""" new_html5 = {} for name, value in entities.items(): new_html5[name.lstrip('&')] = value['characters'] return new_html5 def compare_dicts(old, new): """Compare the old and new dicts and print the differences.""" added = new.keys() - old.keys() if added: print('{} entitie(s) have been added:'.format(len(added))) for name in sorted(added): print(' {!r}: {!r}'.format(name, new[name])) removed = old.keys() - new.keys() if removed: print('{} entitie(s) have been removed:'.format(len(removed))) for name in sorted(removed): print(' {!r}: {!r}'.format(name, old[name])) changed = set() for name in (old.keys() & new.keys()): if old[name] != new[name]: changed.add((name, old[name], new[name])) if changed: print('{} entitie(s) have been modified:'.format(len(changed))) for item in sorted(changed): print(' {!r}: {!r} -> {!r}'.format(*item)) def write_items(entities, file=sys.stdout): """Write the items of the dictionary in the specified file.""" # The keys in the generated dictionary should be sorted # in a case-insensitive way, however, when two keys are equal, # the uppercase version should come first so that the result # looks like: ['Aacute', 'aacute', 'Aacute;', 'aacute;', ...] # To do this we first sort in a case-sensitive way (so all the # uppercase chars come first) and then sort with key=str.lower. # Since the sorting is stable the uppercase keys will eventually # be before their equivalent lowercase version. keys = sorted(entities.keys()) keys = sorted(keys, key=str.lower) print('html5 = {', file=file) for name in keys: print(' {!r}: {!a},'.format(name, entities[name]), file=file) print('}', file=file) if __name__ == '__main__': # without args print a diff between html.entities.html5 and new_html5 # with --create print the new html5 dict # with --patch patch the Lib/html/entities.py file new_html5 = create_dict(get_json(entities_url)) if '--create' in sys.argv: print('# map the HTML5 named character references to the ' 'equivalent Unicode character(s)') print('# Generated by {}. Do not edit manually.'.format(__file__)) write_items(new_html5) elif '--patch' in sys.argv: fname = 'Lib/html/entities.py' temp_fname = fname + '.temp' with open(fname) as f1, open(temp_fname, 'w') as f2: skip = False for line in f1: if line.startswith('html5 = {'): write_items(new_html5, file=f2) skip = True continue if skip: # skip the old items until the } if line.startswith('}'): skip = False continue f2.write(line) os.remove(fname) os.rename(temp_fname, fname) else: if html5 == new_html5: print('The current dictionary is updated.') else: compare_dicts(html5, new_html5) print('Run "./python {0} --patch" to update Lib/html/entities.html ' 'or "./python {0} --create" to see the generated ' 'dictionary.'.format(__file__))