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# Changelog # https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/connector-j/en/ Version 9.1.0 - Fix for Bug#116114 (Bug#37067812), Connector/J is writing incorrect values when passed negative dates. - Fix for Bug#96623 (Bug#30221117), batch update with rewriteBatchedStatements&useServerPrepStmts send fail request. - Fix for Bug#114705 (Bug#36539680), Contribution: make trustStorePassword be null if this.trustStoreSettings.keyStorePassword is null. Thanks to Jesper Blomquist for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#84117 (Bug#25247468), includeThreadNamesAsStatementComment ignored when using prepared statement. Thanks to Yyjun Yyjun for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#101054 (Bug#32544786), Batched Query > maxAllowedPacket size causes an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. - Fix for Bug#108415 (Bug#34579258), NullPointerException in AbstractQuery::stopQueryTimer. Thanks to Anthony Milbourne for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#115265 (Bug#36843227), Second stored procedure call with cacheCallableStmts might fail. - Fix for Bug#36936407, PrepareCall method doesn't work as expected when DB name is involved. - WL#16490, OpenID Connect authentication support. - Fix for Bug#112790 (Bug#35936477), Statement.getGeneratedKeys() returns unexpected value. - Fix for Bug#113509 (Bug#36154975), closeOnCompletion cause no statement reuse and server memory leak. - Fix for Bug#109418 (Bug#36043556), batch insert threw an unexpected exception. - Fix for Bug#114410 (Bug#36434816), Code performance issue. - Fix for Bug#110586 (Bug#35254470), got unexpected result when the data type was set to ZEROFILL. Version 9.0.0 - WL#16391, Upgrade 3rd party libraries and tools. - Fix for Bug#114800 (Bug#36576596), Wrong code by an old patch. - Fix for Bug#114846 (Bug#36574322), Auto-closeable X dev session. Thanks to Daniel Kec for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#114989 (Bug#36612566), Setting null value in setClientInfo throws an NPE. - WL#16376, Set 'caching_sha2_password' as default fallback authentication plugin. - WL#16342, Update MySQL error codes mapping. - WL#16353, Refresh the list of acceptable TLS ciphers. - Fix for Bug#114687 (Bug#36529541), Tests fail after mysql_native_password has been made optional in server. - WL#16319, Remove deprecated insensitive terminology based methods. - WL#16324, Update static MySQL keywords list. - Fix for Bug#110512 (Bug#35223851), Contribution: Replace synchronized with ReentrantLock. Thanks to Bart De Neuter and Janick Reynders for their contributions. - Fix for Bug#108830 (Bug#34721173), LIMIT clause, setMaxRows and cursor combined returns wrong number or rows. Version 8.4.0 - WL#15706, Add OpenTelemetry tracing. - WL#16174, Support for VECTOR data type. - Fix for Bug#36380711, Tests failing due to removal of deprecated features. - Fix for Bug#113600 (Bug#36171575), Contribution: Fix join condition for retrieval of imported primary keys. Thanks to Henning Pöttker for his contribution. - WL#16196, GPL License Exception Update. - Fix for Bug#111031 (Bug#35392222), Contribution: Update SyntaxRegressionTest.java. Thanks to Abby Palmero for her contribution. - Fix for Bug#113599 (Bug#36171571), Contribution: Replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder in ValueEncoders. Thanks to Henning Pöttker for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#91550 (Bug#28297874), DatabaseMetaData specifies incorrect extra name characters. - Fix for Bug#113129 (Bug#36043145), setting the FetchSize on a Statement object does not affect. - Fix for Bug#22931632, GETPARAMETERBINDINGS() ON A PS RETURNS NPE WHEN NOT ALL PARAMETERS ARE BOUND. - WL#16147, Remove support for FIDO authentication. - Fix for Bug#110286 (Bug#35152855), Only call Messages.getString(...) when it's needed (when the SQLException is thrown). Thanks to Janick Reynders for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#23143279, CLIENT HANG WHEN LOADBALANCESTRATEGY IS BESTRESPONSETIME. Version 8.3.0 - Fix for Bug#107107 (Bug#34101635), Redundant "Reset stmt" when setting useServerPrepStmts&cachePrepStmts to true. Thanks to Marcos Albe for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#19845752, COMMENT PARSING IS NOT PROPER IN CONNECTOR JDBC. - Fix for Bug#112884 (Bug#36043166), Setting a large timeout leads to errors when executing SQL. - WL#16077, Upgrade 3rd party libraries and tools. - WL#16074, Upgrade Protocol Buffers dependency to protobuf-java-3.25.1. - Fix for Bug#35929119, Issue with mysql-connector-j 8.0.33 connector (XDEVAPI) - getsession is slow. - Fix for Bug#111107 (Bug#36023972), CallableStatement::getParameterMetaData reports incorrect parameterCount. - Fix for Bug#109546 (Bug#34958912), executeUpdate throws SQLException on queries that are only comments. - Fix for Bug#112195 (Bug#35749998), getWarnings() of StatementImpl contains all warnings. - Fix for Bug#111360 (Bug#35488208), Unexpected list of permitted ciphers. - Fix for Bug#96582 (Bug#30222032), jdbc.MysqlParameterMetadata#isNullable doesnt check whether to be simple. - Fix for Bug#95796 (Bug#29907618), Parameter metadata inferred incorrectly when procedure or function doesn't exist. - Fix for Bug#73774 (Bug#19531305), Can't execute a stored procedure if exists function with same name. Version 8.2.0 - Fix for Bug#35811592, Missing implementation for Connection.releaseSavepoint(). - Fix for Bug#91351 (Bug#28225464), MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource - autocommit status lost if global autocommit = 0. - WL#15197, Support WebAuthn authentication plugin. - Fix for Bug#107215 (Bug#34139593), ClassCastException: java.time.LocalDateTime cannot be cast to java.sql.Timestamp. - WL#15747, Remove autoDeserialize feature. - Fix for Bug#35358417, MySQL Connector/J is not parsing the sessionStateChanges from the OK_Packet correctly. - WL#15845, Stop building artifacts for old maven coordinates. Version 8.1.0 - WL#15826, Deprecate autoDeserialize feature. - Fix for Bug#95039 (Bug#35534640), KeyManagementException: FIPS mode: only SunJSSE TrustManagers may be used. - Fix for Bug#110321 (Bug#35167701), Issue in JDBC PreparedStatement on adding NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES in sql_mode. Version 8.0.33 - Fix for Bug#34558945, PS using setCharacterStream() fails with "Incorrect string value" if the Java program encoding is not UTF-8 after 8.0.29. - Fix for Bug#109013 (Bug#34772608), useServerPrepStmts and useLocalTransactionState could cause rollback failure. - Fix for bug Bug#108643 (Bug#34652568), Commit statement not effect when two params turns on. - Fix for Bug#34918989, Pluggable classes are initialized even when they cannot be used by Connector/J. - Fix for Bug#93415 (Bug#28992710), Documentation for getDefaultSchema() Needs Improvements. - Fix for Bug#110168 (Bug#35110706), yum update fails upgrading Connector/J package. - Fix for Bug#35018216, Problems with Connector/J RPM's: jar names renamed. - Fix for Bug#107577 (Bug#34325361), rewriteBatchedStatements not work when table column name contains 'value' string. - Fix for Bug#109377 (Bug#34900156), rewriteBatchedStatements doesn't work when parenthesis are found in values. - Fix for Bug#109808 (Bug#35021038), DatabaseMetaData#getPrimaryKeys should ordered by COLUMN_NAME. - Fix for Bug#109864 (Bug#35034666), Connector/J 8.0.32 hangs on MySQL 5.5 with prepared statements. - Fix for Bug#109807 (Bug#35021014), DatabaseMetaData#getTypeInfo should ordered by DATA_TYPE. - Fix for Bug#77368 (Bug#21321849), "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" doesn't work properly with relative paths. - Fix for Bug#109243 (Bug#34852047), Judge whether the returned result set of the sql statement is incorrect. - WL#15490, Support OCI ephemeral key based authentication. Version 8.0.32 - Fix for Bug#104954 (Bug#33361205), MysqlDataSource fails to URL encode database name when constructing JDBC URL. Thanks to Jared Lundell for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#102520 (Bug#32476663), serverSideStatementCache ignores resultSetType. - Fix for Bug#68608 (Bug#16690898), UpdatableResultSet does not properly handle unsigned primary key. - Fix for Bug#102678 (Bug#32536384), Connector/J 8 query with explain can not return ResultRow. - Fix for Bug#99604 (Bug#31612628), Add support to row alias on INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on batch mode. - Fix for Bug#105449 (Bug#33563505), connectionCollation ignored if characterEncoding is set. - Fix for Bug#108195 (Bug#34512212), Connector/J rejects UNION with CTE. - WL#15468, Upgrade 3rd party libraries and tools. - WL#15411, Upgrade Protocol Buffers dependency to protobuf-java-3.21.9. - Fix for Bug#108414 (Bug#34578541), Malformed packet generation for `COM_STMT_EXECUTE`. Thanks to Seongman Yang for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#106252 (Bug#33968169), Connector/J client hangs after prepare & execute process with old version server. Thanks to Zhe Huang for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#34725725, RPM and DEB builds broken after introducing javadoc for maven bundles. - Fix for Bug#108814 (Bug#34717205), Contribution: Fix name of relocation POM file. Thanks to Henning Pöttker for his contribution. - WL#15437, Sonatype compliant POM and maven bundles. - Fix for Bug#106981 (Bug#34059340), Contribution: [PATCH] Remove superfluous use of boxing. Thanks to Andrey Turbanov for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#108419 (Bug#34578010), Contribution: Recognize "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" in "INSERT SET" Statement. Thanks to Yamasaki Tadashi for his contribution. Version 8.0.31 - Fix for Bug#33637993, Loss of backslashes in data after modify api is used. - Fix for Bug#34529014, JSonParser not accepting valid JSON string when converting to DbDoc. - Fix for Bug#67828 (Bug#15967406), Crashing applets due to reading file.encoding system property. - WL#15259, Review maven publishing process. - Fix for Bug#107222 (Bug#34150112), ClientPreparedStatement.toString() no longer interpolates byte arrays. - Fix for Bug#104753 (Bug#33286177), PreparedStatement.setFetchSize(0) causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Version 8.0.30 - Fix for Bug#107510 (Bug#34259416), Empty string given to set() from Collection.modify() replaces full document. - Fix for Bug#106758 (33973048), DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo returns AUTO_INCREMENT = false for all datatypes. - Fix for Bug#34090350, Update mappings for utf8mb3 and utf8mb4 collations. - Fix for Bug#106880 (34022110), Outdated description in connection property 'rewriteBatchedStatements'. - Fix for Bug#34082503, CONTRIBUTING.md contains broken links. - Fix for Bug#106779 (33976245), Contribution: Fix typo in PropertyDefinitions. Thanks to Weijie Wu for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#76623 (20856749), JDBC driver misinterprets "--" as a comment, instead of "-- ". Version 8.0.29 - Fix for Bug#21978230, COMMENT PARSING NOT PROPER IN PREPSTMT.EXECUTEBATCH(). - Fix for Bug#81468 (23312764), MySQL server fails to rewrite batch insert when column name contains word select. - Fix for Bug#106435 (33850099), 8.0.28 Connector/J has regressive in setAutoCommit after Bug#104067 (33054827). - Fix for Bug#106240 (33781440), StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when VALUE is at the end of the query. - Fix for Bug#106397 (33893591), Contribution: fix: fix LocalizedErrorMessages.properties doc: less then -> ... Thanks to Jianjian Song for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#77924 (25710160), JDBC SOCKS SHOULD NOT PERFORM LOCAL DNS RESOLUTION. - Fix for Bug#82084 (23743938), YEAR DATA TYPE RETURNS INCORRECT VALUE FOR JDBC GETCOLUMNTYPE(). - Fix for Bug#106441 (33850155), Add charset mapping for utf8mb3. - WL#15048, Upgrade Protocol Buffers dependency to protobuf-java-3.19.4. - Fix for Bug#106065 (33726184) Contribution: BigDecimal.toPlainString no need to check decimal exponent. Thanks to Baoyi Chen for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#106171 (33757217), Contribution: Remove unnecessary boxing in ResultSetImpl. Thanks to Ningpp Ning for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#25701740, STMT EXECUTION FAILS FOR REPLICATION CONNECTION WHEN USECURSORFETCH=TRUE. - Fix for Bug#33723611, getDefaultTransactionIsolation must return repeatable read. - Fix for Bug#38954 (11749415), DATA TRUNCATION WHILE USING BIT(1) IN STORED PROCEDURE WITH INOUT TYPE. - Fix for Bug#85317 (25672958), EXECUTE BATCH WILL THROW NULL POINTER EXCEPTION WHERE THE COLUMN IS BLOB! - Fix for Bug#105915 (33678490), Connector/J 8 server prepared statement precision loss in execute batch. - Fix for Bug#104349 (33563548), com.mysql.cj NPE. - Fix for Bug#62006 (16714956), JAVA.IO.NOTSERIALIZABLEEXCEPTION: JAVA.IO.STRINGREADER WHEN PROFILESQL=TRUE. - WL#14750, Better unification of query bindings. - WL#14834, Support for FIDO authentication. - WL#14835, Align TLS option checking across connectors. Version 8.0.28 - Fix for Bug#99260 (31189960), statement.setQueryTimeout,creates a database connection and does not close. - Fix for Bug#103324 (32770013), X DevAPI Collection.replaceOne() missing matching _id check. - Fix for Bug#105197 (33461744), Statement.executeQuery() may return non-navigable ResultSet. - Fix for Bug#105323 (33507321), README.md contains broken links. - Fix for Bug#96900 (30355150), STATEMENT.CANCEL()CREATE A DATABASE CONNECTION BUT DOES NOT CLOSE THE CONNECTION. - Fix for Bug#104067 (33054827), No reset autoCommit after unknown issue occurs. Thanks to Tingyu Wei for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#85223 (25656020), MYSQLSQLXML SETSTRING CRASH. - Fix for Bug#84365 (33425867), INSERT..VALUE with VALUES function lead to a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. - Fix for Bug#105211 (33468860), class java.time.LocalDate cannot be cast to class java.sql.Date. - Fix for Bug#101389 (32089018), GETWARNINGS SHOULD CHECK WARNING COUNT BEFORE SENDING SHOW. - Fix for Bug#33488091, Remove all references to xdevapi.useAsyncProtocol from properties and code. - WL#14805, Remove support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1. - WL#14650, Support for MFA (multi factor authentication) authentication. Version 8.0.27 - Fix for Bug#103612 (32902019), Incorrectly identified WITH...SELECT as unsafe for read-only connections. - Fix for Bug#71929 (18346501), Prefixing query with double comments cancels query DML validation. - Fix for Bug#23204652, CURSOR POSITIONING API'S DOESNOT CHECK THE VALIDITY OF RESULTSET. - Fix for Bug#28725534, MULTI HOST CONNECTION WOULD BLOCK IN CONNECTION POOLING. - Fix for Bug#95139 (29807572), CACHESERVERCONFIGURATION APPEARS TO THWART CHARSET DETECTION. - Fix for Bug#104641 (33237255), DatabaseMetaData.getImportedKeys can return duplicated foreign keys. - Fix for Bug#33185116, Have method ResultSet.getBoolean() supporting conversion of 'T' and 'F' in a VARCHAR to True/False (boolean). - Fix for Bug#31117686, PROTOCOL ALLOWLIST NOT COMPATIBLE WITH IBM JAVA. - Fix for Bug#104559 (33232419), ResultSet.getObject(i, java.util.Date.class) throws NPE when the value is null. - WL#14707, Support OCI IAM authentication. - WL#14660, Testsuite with support for single MySQL server instance. - Fix for Bug#103878 (32954449), CONNECTOR/J 8 : QUERY WITH 'SHOW XXX' WILL GET EXCEPTION WHEN USE CURSOR. - Fix for Bug#103796 (32922715), CONNECTOR/J 8 STMT SETQUERYTIMEOUT CAN NOT WORK. Thanks to Hong Wang for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#104170 (33064455), CONTRIBUTION: CLIENTPREPAREDSTMT: LEAVE CALENDAR UNTOUCHED. Thanks to Björn Michael for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#95564 (29894324), createDatabaseIfNotExist is not working for databases with hyphen in name. Thanks to Lukasz Sanek for his contribution. Version 8.0.26 - Fix for Bug#32954396, EXECUTEQUERY HANGS WITH USECURSORFETCH=TRUE & SETFETCHSIZE. - Fix for Bug#102372 (32459408), v8.0.23 unusable in OSGi. - Fix for Bug#25554464, CONNECT FAILS WITH NPE WHEN THE SERVER STARTED WITH CUSTOM COLLATION. - Fix for Bug#100606 (31818423), UNECESARY CALL TO "SET NAMES 'UTF8' COLLATE 'UTF8_GENERAL_CI'". Thanks to Marc Fletcher for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#102404 (32435618), CONTRIBUTION: ADD TRACK SESSION STATE CHANGE. Thanks to William Lee for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#95280 (29757140), DATABASEMETADATA.GETIMPORTEDKEYS RETURNS DOUBLE THE ROWS. Thanks to Miron Balcerzak for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#97269 (30438500), POSSIBLE BUG IN COM.MYSQL.CJ.XDEVAPI.STREAMINGDOCRESULTBUILDER. - Fix for Bug#103303 (32766143), JAVA.LANG.CLASSCASTEXCEPTION WHEN INSERTING BLOB WITH SERVER PREPARED STATEMENT. - WL#14205, Support query attributes. - WL#14411, Support for authentication_kerberos_client authentication plugin. - WL#14559, Deprecate TLS 1.0 and 1.1. - WL#14391, Migrate QA tests to main repo. Version 8.0.25 - This release contains no functional changes and is published to align the version number with the MySQL Server 8.0.25 release. Version 8.0.24 - Fix for Bug#102188 (32526663), AccessControlException with AuthenticationLdapSaslClientPlugin. - Fix for Bug#22508715, SETSESSIONMAXROWS() CALL ON CLOSED CONNECTION RESULTS IN NPE. - Fix for Bug#102131 (32338451), UPDATABLERESULTSET NPE WHEN USING DERIVED QUERIES OR VIEWS. - Fix for Bug#101596 (32151143), GET THE 'HOST' PROPERTY ERROR AFTER CALLING TRANSFORMPROPERTIES() METHOD. - Fix for Bug#20391832, SETOBJECT() FOR TYPES.TIME RESULTS IN EXCEPTION WHEN VALUE HAS FRACTIONAL PART. - Fix for Bug#97730 (31699993), xdev api: ConcurrentModificationException at Session.close. - Fix for Bug#99708 (31510398), mysql-connector-java 8.0.20 ASSERTION FAILED: Unknown message type: 57 s.close. - Fix for Bug#32122553, EXTRA BYTE IN COM_STMT_EXECUTE. - Fix for Bug#101558 (32141210), NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION WHEN EXECUTING INVALID QUERY WITH USEUSAGEADVISOR ENABLED. - Fix for Bug#102076 (32329915), CONTRIBUTION: MYSQL JDBC DRIVER RESULTSET.GETLONG() THROWS NUMBEROUTOFRANGE. - Fix for Bug#31747910, BUG 30474158 FIX IMPROVES JDBC COMPLIANCE BUT CHANGES DEFAULT RESULTSETTYPE HANDLING. - Fix for Bug#102321 (32405590), CALLING RESULTSETMETADATA.GETCOLUMNCLASSNAME RETURNS WRONG VALUE FOR DATETIME. - WL#14453, Pluggable authentication: new default behavior & user-less authentications. - WL#14392, Improve timeout error messages [classic]. - WL#14202, XProtocol: Support connection close notification. Version 8.0.23 - Fix for Bug#21789378, FORCED TO SET SERVER TIMEZONE IN CONNECT STRING. - Fix for Bug#95644 (30573281), JDBC GETDATE/GETTIME/GETTIMESTAMP INTERFACE BEHAVIOR CHANGE AFTER UPGRADE 8.0. - Fix for Bug#94457 (29402209), CONNECTOR/J RESULTSET.GETOBJECT( ..., OFFSETDATETIME.CLASS ) THROWS. - Fix for Bug#76775 (20959249), FRACTIONAL SECONDS IN TIME VALUES ARE NOT AVAILABLE VIA JDBC. - Fix for Bug#99013 (31074051), AN EXTRA HOUR GETS ADDED TO THE TIMESTAMP WHEN SUBTRACTING INTERVAL 'N' DAYS. - Fix for Bug#98695 (30962953), EXECUTION OF "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" COMMAND THROUGH JDBC FOR DATETIME COLUMN. - Fix for Bug#101413 (32099505), JAVA.TIME.LOCALDATETIME CANNOT BE CAST TO JAVA.SQL.TIMESTAMP. - Fix for Bug#101242 (32046007), CANNOT USE BYTEARRAYINPUTSTREAM AS ARGUMENTS IN PREPARED STATEMENTS ANYMORE. Thanks to Martynas Puronas for his contribution. - WL#14274, Support for authentication_ldap_sasl_client(SCRAM-SHA-256) authentication plugin. - WL#14206, Support for authentication_ldap_sasl_client(GSSAPI) authentication plugin. - WL#14207, Replace language in APIs and source code/docs. Version 8.0.22 - Fix for Bug#98667 (31711961), "All pipe instances are busy" exception on multiple connections to named Pipe. - Fix for Bug#96309 (31699357), MultiHost in loadbalance may lead to a TPS reduction during a quick switch. - Fix for Bug#99076 (31083755), Unclear exception/error when connecting with jdbc:mysql to a mysqlx port. - Fix for Bug#96870 (30304764), Contribution: Allow to disable AbandonedConnectionCleanupThread completely. Thanks to Andrey Turbanov for his contribution. - WL#14115, Support for authentication_ldap_sasl_client(SCRAM-SHA-1) authentication plugin. - WL#14096, Add option to specify LOAD DATA LOCAL allow list folder. - WL#13780, Skip system-wide trust and key stores (incl. X DevAPI client certs). - WL#14017, XProtocol -- support for configurable compression algorithms. - Fix for Bug#92903 (28834903), MySQL Connector/j should support wildcard names or alternative names. - Fix for Bug#99767 (31443178), Contribution: Check SubjectAlternativeName for TLS instead of commonName. Thanks to Daniël van Eeden for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#93444 (29015453), LOCALDATETIME PARAMETER VALUES ALTERED WHEN CLIENT AND SERVER TIMEZONES DIFFER. Thanks to Iwao Abe for his contribution. - WL#14052, Remove asynchronous variant of X Protocol. - Fix for Bug#99713 (31418928), NPE DURING COM.MYSQL.CJ.SERVERPREPAREDQUERYBINDVALUE.STOREDATE(). - WL#14068, Remove legacy integration with JBoss. Version 8.0.21 - WL#14051, Upgrade Protocol Buffers dependency to protobuf-java-3.11.4. - WL#14042, Upgrade testsuite to JUnit 5. - Fix for Bug#98237 (30911870), PREPAREDSTATEMENT.SETOBJECT(I, "FALSE", TYPES.BOOLEAN) ALWAYS SETS TRUE OR 1. - WL#13008, DevAPI: Add schema validation to create collection. Version 8.0.20 - Fix for Bug#30805426, IN CASE OF ISAUTHMETHODSWITCHREQUESTPACKET , TOSERVERS > 1 ARE IGNORED. - Fix for Bug#97714 (30570249), Contribution: Expose elapsed time for query interceptor to avoid hacky thread local implementations. Thanks to Matti Sillanpää and Johnathan Crawford for their contribution. - Fix for Bug#97724 (30570721), Contribution: Allow \'3.\' formatted numbers. Thanks to Nick Pollett for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#98536 (30877755), SIMPLEDATEFORMAT COULD CACHE A WRONG CALENDAR. - Fix for Bug#91112 (28125069), AGAIN WRONG JAVA.SQL.DATE. - Fix for Bug#30474158, CONNECTOR/J 8 DOES NOT HONOR THE REQUESTED RESULTSETTYPE SCROLL_INSENSITIVE ETC. - Fix for Bug#98445 (30832513), Connection option clientInfoProvider=ClientInfoProviderSP causes NPE. - WL#12248, DevAPI: Connection compression. - Fix for Bug#30636056, ResultSetUtil.resultSetToMap() can be unsafe to use. - Fix for Bug#97757 (30584907), NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION WITH CACHERESULTSETMETADATA=TRUE AND EXECUTEQUERY OF "SET". Version 8.0.19 - WL#13346, Support for mult-host and failover. - Fix for Bug#97413 (30477722), DATABASEMETADATA IS BROKEN AFTER SERVER WL#13528. - WL#13367, DNS SRV support. - WL#12736, DevAPI: Specify TLS ciphers to be used by a client or session. - Fix for regression tests broken by Bug#97079 fix. - Fix for Bug#96383 (30119545) RS.GETTIMESTAMP() HAS DIFFERENT RESULTS FOR TIME FIELDS WITH USECURSORFETCH=TRUE. - Fix for Bug#96059 (29999318), ERROR STREAMING MULTI RESULTSETS WITH MYSQL-CONNECTOR-JAVA 8.0.X. - Fix for Bug#96442 (30151808), INCORRECT DATE ERROR WHEN CALLING GETMETADATA ON PREPARED STATEMENT. Version 8.0.18 - WL#13347, Connectors should handle expired password sandbox without SET operations. - Fix for Bug#84098 (25223123), endless loop in LoadBalancedAutoCommitInterceptor. - Fix for Bug#23721537, MULTI-SELECT WITH EXECUTEASYNC() GIVES IMPROPER ERROR. - Fix for Bug#95741 (29898567), METADATA QUERY USES UPPER() AROUND NUMERIC EXPRESSION. - Fix for Bug#20913289, PSTMT.EXECUTEUPDATE() FAILS WHEN SQL MODE IS NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES. - Fix for Bug#80441 (22850444), SYNTAX ERROR ON RESULTSET.UPDATEROW() WITH SQL_MODE NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES. Version 8.0.17 - WL#13210, Generate Javadocs via ant. - WL#12247, DevAPI: indexing array fields. - WL#12726, DevAPI: Add overlaps and not_overlaps as operator. - Fix for Bug#95503 (29821029), Operator IN not mapping consistently to the right X Plugin operation. - WL#12942, Update README.md and add new CONTRIBUTING.md. - WL#13125, Support fully qualified hostnames longer than 60 characters. - Fix for Bug#95210 (29807741), ClassCastException in BlobFromLocator when connecting as jdbc:mysql:replication. - Fix for Bug#29591275, THE JAR FILE NEEDS TO CONTAIN A README AND LICENSE FILE. - WL#13124, Support new utf8mb4 bin collation. - WL#13009, DevAPI: Deprecate methods. - WL#11101, Remove de-cache and close of SSPSs on double call to close(). - Fix for Bug#89133 (27356869) CONTRIBUTION: UPDATE DATABASEMETADATA.JAVA. Thanks to Harald Aamot for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#11891000, DABATASEMETADATA.GETTABLES() IGNORES THE SCHEMA_PATTERN ARGUMENT. - Fix for Bug#94101 (29277648), SETTING LOGSLOWQUERIES SHOULD NOT AUTOMATICALLY ENABLE PROFILESQL FOR QUERIES. Thanks to Florian Agsteiner for the contribution. - Fix for Bug#74690 (20010454), PROFILEREVENT HOSTNAME HAS NO GETTER(). - Fix for Bug#70677 (17640628), CONNECTOR J WITH PROFILESQL - LOG CONTAINS LOTS OF STACKTRACE DATA. - Fix for Bug#41172 (11750577), PROFILEREVENT.PACK() THROWS ARRAYINDEXOUTOFBOUNDSEXCEPTION. - Fix for Bug#27453692, CHARACTERS GET GARBLED IN CONCAT() IN PS WHEN USECURSORFETCH=TRUE. - Fix for Bug#94585 (29452669), GETTABLENAME() RETURNS NULL FOR A QUERY HAVING COUNT(*) WITH JDBC DRIVER V8.0.12. - Fix for Bug#94533 (29446100), GETOBJECT FOR BOXED PRIMITIVE TYPES DOESN'T RETURN NULL FOR NULL COLUMNS. - Fix for Bug#94442 (29446059), RESULTSETIMPL.GETDOUBLE IS INEFFICIENT BECAUSE OF BIGDECIMAL (RE)CONSTRUCTIONS. Version 8.0.16 - WL#12825, Remove third-party libraries from sources and bundles. - Fix for Bug#93590 (29054329), javax.net.ssl.SSLException: closing inbound before receiving peer's close_notify. - Fix for Bug#94414 (29384853), Connector/J RPM package have version number in path. - Fix for Bug#27786499, REDUNDANT FILES IN DEBIAN PACKAGE FOR DEBIAN9(COMMUNITY PACKAGE) FOR CJAVA. - WL#12246, DevAPI: Prepared statement support. - WL#10839, Adjust c/J tests to the new "ON" default for explicit_defaults_for_timestamp. - Fix for Bug#29329326, PLEASE AVOID SHOW PROCESSLIST IF POSSIBLE. - WL#12460, DevAPI: Support new session reset functionality. - WL#12459, DevAPI: Support connection-attributes. - Fix for Bug#25650385, GETBYTE() RETURNS ERROR FOR BINARY() FLD. - Fix for Bug#27784363, MYSQL 8.0 JDBC DRIVER THROWS NUMBERFORMATEXCEPTION FOR TEXT DATA - Fix for Bug#93007 (28860051), LoadBalancedConnectionProxy.getGlobalBlacklist bug. - Fix for Bug#29186870, CONNECTOR/J REGRESSION: NOT RETURNING PRECISION GETPROCEDURECOLUMNS. - Fix for Bug#22038729, X DEVAPI: ANY API CALL AFTER A FAILED CALL PROC() RESULTS IN HANG. - Fix for Bug#29244101, ADD MAPPING FOR UTF8MB4_ZH_0900_AS_CS COLLATION. - Fix for Bug#92819 (28834959), EXPRPARSER THROWS WRONGARGUMENTEXCEPTION WHEN PARSING EMPTY JSON ARRAY. - Fix for Bug#21921956, X DEVAPI: EXPRESSION PARSE ERROR WITH UNARY OPERATOR. - Fix for Bug#94031 (29257922), WRONG JSON_UNQUOTE WORKAROUND. - Fix for Bug#22931700, BINDINGS.GETBOOLEAN() ALWAYS RETURNS FALSE. - Fix for Bug#25650912, ERROR MESSAGE NOT CLEAR WHEN WE PASS A CHAR DATA TO ANY TABLE API. - Fix for Bug#25642021, CHANGEUSER() FAILS WHEN ENABLEPACKETDEBUG=TRUE. Version 8.0.15 - Fix for Bug#94051 (29261254), Not recommended default for 'allowLoadLocalInfile'. Version 8.0.14 - WL#12298, Connectors: Expose metadata about source and binaries in unified way. - Fix for Bug#93111 (28894344), ConnectionUrl.java contains char U+00A7 (section sign). - WL#12621, DevAPI: Handling of Default Schema. - Fix for Bug#93340 (28970166), C/J BUILD SCRIPT IS TOO VERBOSE - WL#12462, DevAPI: Be prepared for initial notice on connection. - Fix for Bug#28924137, WL#12463:IF COLLECTION DOESN'T EXIST, COLL.COUNT() IS GIVING A WRONG ERROR MESSAGE. - WL#12463, DevAPI: Standardize count method. - Fix for Bug#92508 (28747636), mysql-connector in bootclasspath causing memory leak. - Fix for Bug#25650514, UPDATEROW() CALL FAILS WITH NPE WHEN SSPS=TRUE AND TABLE HAS MULTI-FLD KEY. - Fix for Bug#25650482, REFRESHROW() CALL AFTER UPDATEROW() API FAILS WHEN USESERVERPREPSTMTS=TRUE. - Fix for Bug#92536 (28692243), UPDATEING SERVER SIDE PREPSTMTS RESULTSET FAIL. - Fix for Bug#92625 (28731795), CONTRIBUTION: FIX OBSERVED NPE IN CLEARINPUTSTREAM. Thanks to Henning Schmiedehausen for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#23045642, ADDING NO-DOC (MYSQLCONNJ-696) RESULTS IN EXCEPTION. - Fix for Bug#91065 (28101003), ZERODATETIMEBEHAVIOR=CONVERT_TO_NULL SHOULD NOT APPLY TO 00:00:00 TIME COLUMNS. - Fix for Bug#92574 (28706219), WHEN CONVERTING FROM VARCHAR TO JAVA BOOLEAN, 'N' IS NOT SUPPORTED. - Fix for Bug#25642226, CHANGEUSER() NOT SETTING THE DATABASE PROPERLY WITH SHA USER. - Fix for Bug#28606708, NAMED PIPE CONNECTION FOR X PROTOCOL RETURNS NPE, EXPECTED PROPER ERROR MESSAGE. Version 8.0.13 - Fix for Bug#91317 (28207422), Wrong defaults on collation mappings. - WL#12245, DevAPI: Implement connect timeout. - Fix for Bug#21774249, UNIT TEST FAILS WITH ERROR " 'CEST' IS UNRECOGNIZED TIME ZONE". - WL#11857, DevAPI: Implement connection pooling for xprotocol. - Fix for Bug#91873 (28444461), REMOVE USEOLDUTF8BEHAVIOR CONNECTION PROPERTY. - Fix for Bug#92264 (28594434), JSONPARSER PUTS UNNECESSARY MAXIMUM LIMIT ON JSONNUMBER TO 10 DIGITS. - WL#12110, Extend PropertyDefinitions.PropertyKey usage. - Fix for Bug#81063 (23098159), w/ rewriteBatchedStatements, when 2 tables involved, the rewriting not correct. - Fix for Bug#84813 (25501750), rewriteBatchedStatements fails in INSERT. - Fix for Bug#81196 (23227334), CONNECTOR/J NOT FOLLOWING DATABASE CHARACTER SET. - Fix for Bug#72609 (18749544), SETDATE() NOT USING A PROLEPTIC GREGORIAN CALENDAR. - Fix for Bug#87534 (26730196), UNION ALL query fails when useServerPrepStmts=true on database connection. Test case only. Base bug fixed in MySQL 5.7.22. - Fix for Bug#89948 (27658489), Batched statements are not committed for useLocalTransactionState=true. - Fix for BUG#22305979, WRONG RECORD UPDATED IF SENDFRACTIONALSECONDS=FALSE AND SMT IS SCROLLABLE. - Fix for Bug#27102307, CHANGE USESSL AND VERIFYSERVERCERTIFICATE TO SSLMODE OPTION. - Fix for Bug#28150662, CONNECTOR/J 8 MALFORMED DATABASE URL EXCEPTION WHIT CORRECT URL STRING. - Fix for Bug#91421 (28246270), ALLOWED VALUES FOR ZERODATETIMEBEHAVIOR ARE INCOMPATIBLE WITH NETBEANS. - Fix for Bug#23045604, XSESSION.GETURI() RETURNS NPE. - Fix for Bug#21914769, NPE WHEN TRY TO EXECUTE INVALID JSON STRING. - Fix for Bug#BUG#90887 (28034570), DATABASEMETADATAUSINGINFOSCHEMA#GETTABLES FAILS IF METHOD ARGUMENTS ARE NULL. - Fix for Bug#28207088, C/JAVA: UPDATECLOB(INT COLUMNLABEL, JAVA.SQL.CLOB CLOB) IS FAILING. - Fix for Bug#27629553, NPE FROM GETSESSION() FOR SSL CONNECTION WHEN NO PASSWORD PASSED. Version 8.0.12 - Fix for Bug#28208000, MASTER : HANG IN ASYNCHRONOUS SELECT TEST. - WL#10544, Update MySQL 8.0 keywords list. - WL#11858, DevAPI: Core API v1 alignment. - Fix for Bug#27652379, NPE FROM GETSESSION(PROPERTIES) WHEN HOST PARAMETER IS GIVEN IN SMALL LETTER. - Fix for BUG#87600 (26724154), CONNECTOR THROWS 'MALFORMED DATABASE URL' ON NON MYSQL CONNECTION-URLS. - Fix for BUG#26089880, GETCONNECTION("MYSQLX://..") RETURNS NON-X PROTOCOL CONNECTION. - WL#11876, Improve connection properties design. - WL#11933, Connector/J 8.0 X DevAPI reference documentation update. - WL#11860, Ensure >= 75% code coverage. - Fix for Bug#90753 (27977617), WAIT_TIMEOUT EXCEEDED MESSAGE NOT TRIGGERED. - Fix for Bug#85941 (25924324), WASNULL NOT SET AFTER GETBYTES IS CALLED. - Fix for Bug#28066709, COLLECTION.CREATEINDEX() TEST IS BROKEN AFTER WL#11808 IMPLEMENTATION. - Fix for Bug#90872 (28027459), FILTERPARAMS CLASS IS NOT NEEDED. - Fix for Bug#27522054, POSSIBLE ASYNC XPROTOCOL MESSAGE HANDLING PERF ISSUE. The "xdevapi.useAsyncProtocol" connection property default value is changed to "false". Version 8.0.11 - WL#11293, DevAPI: Support new locking modes : NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED. - Fix for Bug#90029 (27678308), FAILURE WHEN GETTING GEOMCOLLECTION COLUMN TYPE. - Fix for BUG#90024 (27677574), SOME TESTS FAILED AGAINST MYSQL 8.0.5 BECAUSE OF DEPRECATED FEATURES REMOVAL. - Fix for Bug#86741 (26314325), Multi-Host connection with autocommit=0 getAutoCommit maybe wrong. - Fix for Bug#27231383, PROVIDE MAVEN-FRIENDLY COMMERCIAL PACKAGES WITHOUT "-BIN". - Fix for Bug#26819691, SETTING PACKETDEBUGBUFFERSIZE=0 RESULTS IN CONNECTION FAILURE. - Fix for Bug#88227 (27029657), Connector/J 5.1.44 cannot be used against MySQL 5.7.20 without warnings. - Fix for Bug#27374581, CONNECTION FAILS WHEN GPL SERVER STARTED WITH TLS-VERSION=TLSV1.2. - WL#11419, DevAPI: New document _id generation support. - WL#11620, Change caching_sha2_password padding. - WL#11604, DevAPI: Add SHA256_MEMORY support. - Fix for BUG#86278 (26092824), SUPPORT CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION OF SSLSOCKET DURING CONNECTION ESTABLISHMENT. - Fix for BUG#27226293, JSONNUMBER.GETINTEGER() & NUMBERFORMATEXCEPTION. - WL#10527, Clean up Protocol and Session interfaces. Version 8.0.10 - (Skipped version number to align versions between components and server) Version 8.0.9 - WL#11469, Update license header in GPL packages. - Fix for BUG#27247349, WL#11208 : UNIQUE DOES NOT GIVE ERROR EVEN THOUGH IT IS NOT SUPPORTED. - WL#11208, DevAPI: Collection.createIndex. - WL#10156, Add setters/getters for connection properties to MysqlDataSource, MysqlXADataSource and MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource. - WL#11401, DevAPI: Remove configuration API. Partial revert of "WL#9868, DevAPI: Configuration handling interface." - WL#10619, Ensure compatibility with new data dictionary. - Fix for BUG#27217264, WL#10937: NULL POINTER EXCEPTION WHEN NULL IS PASSED AS _ID IN COLL.REPLACEONE. - WL#10937, DevAPI: ReplaceOne, AddOrReplaceOne, GetOne, RemoveOne. - Fix for Bug#26723646, JSON_MERGE() FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED IN MYSQL 8.0. - Fix for Bug#27185332, WL#11210:ERROR IS THROWN WHEN NESTED EMPTY DOCUMENTS ARE INSERTED TO COLLECTION. - Fix for Bug#27151601, WL#11210: DOCUMENT PATCH EXPRESSIONS ARE NOT SUPPORTED. - WL#11210, DevAPI: Modify/MergePatch. - Fix for Bug#79612 (22362474), CONNECTION ATTRIBUTES LOST WHEN CONNECTING WITHOUT DEFAULT DATABASE. - WL#10152, Enable TLSv1.2 on mysqlx. - Fix for Bug#27131768, NULL POINTER EXCEPTION IN CONNECTION. - Fix for Bug#88232 (27047676), c/J does not rollback transaction when autoReconnect=true. - Fix for Bug#88242 (27040063), autoReconnect and socketTimeout JDBC option makes wrong order of client packet. - Fix for Bug#88021 (26939943), High GC pressure when driver configured with serversideprepared statements. Thanks to Johnathan Crawford for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#26724085, CHARSET MAPPING TO BE UPDATED FOR MYSQL 8.0.3. - Fix for Bug#87704 (26771560), THE STREAM GETS THE RESULT SET ?THE DRIVER SIDE GET WRONG ABOUT GETLONG(). - Fix for Bug#24924097, SERVER GREETING ERROR ISN'T RECOGNIZED DURING HANDSHAKE. - Fix for Bug#26748909, MASTER : ERROR - NO OPERATIONS ALLOWED AFTER STATEMENT CLOSED FOR TOSTRING(). - Fix for Bug#26266731, CONCUR_UPDATABLE RESULTSET OPERATIONS FAIL AGAINST 8.0 FOR BOOLEAN COLUMN. - WL#11239, DevAPI: Remove create table implementation. - Fix for Bug#27131100, WL#11212 : SAVEPOINT CREATING WITH EMPTY STRING AND SPACE AS NAME. - WL#11212, DevAPI: transaction save-points. - WL#11060, Support new SHA-256 authentication system. - Fix for Bug#87826 (26846249), MYSQL JDBC CONNECTOR/J DATABASEMETADATA NULL PATTERN HANDLING IS NON-COMPLIANT. - WL#11163, Extract parameter setters, serverPrepare() and serverExecute() to core classes. - Fix for BUG#26995710, WL#11161 : NULL POINTER EXCEPTION IN EXECUTEBATCH() AND CLOSE(). - WL#11161, Unify query bindings. - WL#8469, Don't extract query text from packets when possible. Version 8.0.8 - Fix for BUG#26722030, TEST FAILING DUE TO BINARY LOGGING ENABLED BY DEFAULT IN MYSQL 8.0.3. - Fix for BUG#26722018, TESTS FAILING DUE TO CHANGE IN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_* NAMING. - Fix for BUG#26750807, MASTER : NULL POINTER EXCEPTION IN SCHEMA.DROPVIEW(NULL). - Fix for BUG#26750705, MASTER : ERROR - UNSUPPORTED CONVERSION FROM TIME TO JAVA.SQL.DATE. - WL#10620, DevAPI: SHA256 Authentication support. - WL#10936, DevAPI: Row locking for Crud.Find. - WL#9868, DevAPI: Configuration handling interface. - WL#10935, DevAPI: Array or Object "contains" operator. - WL#9875, Prepare c/J 8.0 for DEB and RPM builds. - Fix for BUG#26259384, CALLABLE STATEMENT GIVES ERROR IN C/JAVA WHEN RUN AGAINST MYSQL 8.0. - Fix for Bug#26393132, NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION IS THROWN WHEN TRIED TO DROP A NULL COLLECTION. - WL#10532, DevAPI: Cleanup Drop APIs. - Fix for Bug#87429 (26633984), repeated close of ServerPreparedStatement causes memory leak. Thanks to Eduard Gurskiy for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#87379 (26646676), Perform actual TLS capabilities check when restricting TLSv1.2. Thanks to Todd Farmer for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#85601 (25777822), Unit notation is missing in the description of the property involved in the time. - Fix for Bug#87153 (26501245), INCORRECT RESULT OF DBMD.GETVERSIONCOLUMNS() AGAINST MYSQL 8.0.2+. - Fix for Bug#78313 (21931572), proxies not handling Object.equals(Object) calls correctly. - Fix for Bug#85885 (25874048), resultSetConcurrency and resultSetType are swapped in call to prepareStatement. - Fix for Bug#74932 (20066806), ConnectionImp Doesn't Close Server Prepared Statement (PreparedStatement Leak). - WL#10536, Deprecating COM_SHUTDOWN. - Fix for Bug#25946965, UPDATE THE TIME ZONE MAPPINGS WITH LATEST TZ DATABASES. - Fix for Bug#20182108, INCLUDE CUSTOM LOAD BALANCING STRATEGY USING PLUGIN API. New load-balancing strategy "serverAffinity" and new connection property "serverAffinityOrder" added. - Fix for Bug#26440544, CONNECTOR/J SHOULD NOT USE TX_{READ_ONLY,ISOLATION} WHICH IS PLANNED FOR REMOVAL. - Fix for Bug#26399958, UNABLE TO CONNECT TO MYSQL 8.0.3. - Fix for Bug#25650305, GETDATE(),GETTIME() AND GETTIMESTAMP() CALL WITH NULL CALENDAR RETURNS NPE. Version 8.0.7 - Fix for Bug#26227653, WL#10528 DIFF BEHAVIOUR WHEN SYSTEM PROP JAVAX.NET.SSL.TRUSTSTORETYPE IS SET. - WL#10528, DevAPI: Ensure all connectors are secure by default. - WL#8305, Remove internal dependency on connection objects. - Fix for Bug#22972057, X DEVAPI: CLIENT HANGS AFTER CONNECTION FAILURE. - Fix for Bug#26140577, GIS TESTS ARE FAILING WITH MYSQL 8.0.1. - WL#10765, DevAPI: Forbid modify() and remove() with no condition. - Fix for Bug#26090721, CONNECTION FAILING WHEN SERVER STARTED WITH COLLATION UTF8MB4_DE_PB_0900_AI_CI. - WL#10781, enum-based connection properties. - Fix for Bug#73775 (19531384), DBMD.getProcedureColumns()/.getFunctionColumns() fail to filter by columnPattern. - Fix for Bug#84324 (25321524), CallableStatement.extractProcedureName() not work when catalog name with dash. - Fix for Bug#79561 (22333996), NullPointerException when calling a fully qualified stored procedure. - Fix for Bug#84783 (25490163), query timeout is not working(thread hang). - Fix for Bug#70704 (17653733), Deadlock using UpdatableResultSet. - Fix for Bug#66430 (16714868), setCatalog on connection leaves ServerPreparedStatement cache for old catalog. - Fix for Bug#70808 (17757070), Set sessionVariables in a single query. - Fix for Bug#77192 (21170603), Description for the Property replicationConnetionGroup Missing from the Manual. - Fix for Bug#83834 (25101890), Typo in Connector/J error message. - WL#10531, Support utf8mb4 as default charset. - Fix for Bug#85555 (25757019), useConfigs Can't find configuration template named, in mysql-connector-java 6.x - WL#10529, Move version number to 8.0. - WL#10530, DevAPI: Remove XSession, rename NodeSession to Session. - Fix for Bug#23510958, CONCURRENT ASYNC OPERATIONS RESULT IN HANG. - Fix for Bug#23597281, GETNODESESSION() CALL WITH SSL PARAMETERS RETURNS CJCOMMUNICATIONSEXCEPTION. - Fix for Bug#25207784, C/J DOESN'T FOLLOW THE FINAL X DEVAPI MY-193 SPECIFICATION. - Fix for Bug#25494338, ENABLEDSSLCIPHERSUITES PARAMETER NOT WORKING AS EXPECTED WITH X-PLUGIN. - Fix for Bug#84084 (25215008), JAVA.LANG.ARRAYINDEXOUTOFBOUNDSEXCEPTION ON ATTEMPT TO GET VALUE FROM RESULTSET. - WL#10553, Add mapping for Japanese utf8mb4 collation. - Fix for Bug#25575103, NPE FROM CREATETABLE() WHEN SOME OF THE INPUTS ARE NULL. - Fix for Bug#25575156, NPE FROM CREATEVIEW() WHEN SOME OF THE INPUTS ARE NULL. - Fix for Bug#25636947, CONNECTION USING MYSQL CLIENT FAILS IF WE USE THE SSL CERTIFICATES FROM C/J SRC. - Fix for Bug#25687718, INCORRECT TIME ZONE IDENTIFIER IN STATEMENTREGRESSIONTEST. - Fix for Bug#25556597, RESULTSETTEST.TESTPADDING UNIT TEST IS FAILING IN 5.1.41 RELEASE PACKAGE. - Fix for Bug#25517837, CONNECT PERFORMNACE DEGRADED BY 10% IN 5.1.41. - Fix for Bug#25504578, CONNECT FAILS WHEN CONNECTIONCOLLATION=ISO-8859-13. - Fix for Bug#25438355, Improper automatic deserialization of binary data. - Fix for Bug#70785 (17756825), MySQL Connector/J inconsistent init state for autocommit. Property 'elideSetAutoCommits' is temporarily disabled due to Bug#66884. Defaults to 'false' until this bug is fixed. - Fix for Bug#75615 (21181249), Incorrect implementation of Connection.setNetworkTimeout(). - Fix for Bug#81706 (23535001), NullPointerException in driver. - Fix for Bug#83052 (25048543), static method in com.mysql.jdbc.Util relies on null object. - Fix for Bug#69526 (17035755), 'Abandoned connection cleanup thread' at mysql-connector-java-5.1.25. - Fix for Bug#82826 (24942672), Unneeded version requirement for javax.net.ssl Import-Package on OSGi MANIFEST.MF. Version 6.0.6 - Added Core TLS/SSL options for the mysqlx URI scheme. - Updated collations map. - Fix for Bug#24350526, UNEXPECTED BEHAVIOUR OF IS_NUMBER_SIGNED API IN C/JAVA. - Fix for Bug#82707 (24512766), WRONG MILLI SECOND VALUE RETURNED FROM TIMESTAMP COLUMN. - Fix for Bug#82005 (23702040), JDBCDATEVALUEFACTORY FAILS TO PARSE SOME DATES. - Fix for Bug#83725 (25056803), NPE IN XPROTOCOL.GETPLUGINVERSION() WITH MYSQL 5.7.17. - Fix for Bug#24525461, UPDATABLE RESULTSET FEATURE FAILS WHEN USESERVERPREPSTMTS=TRUE. - Fix for Bug#24527173, QUERY EXECUTION USING PREPARED STMT FAILS WHEN USECURSORFETCH=TRUE. - Fix for Bug#82964 (24658016), JSR-310 DATA TYPES CREATED THROUGH JAVA.SQL TYPES. - Fix for Bug#81202 (23188159), RESULTSETIMPL.GETOBJECT THROWS NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION WHEN FIELD IS NULL. - Fix for Bug#22931277, COLUMN.GETTYPE() RETURNS ERROR FOR VALID DATATYPES. - Fix for BUG#24471057, UPDATE FAILS WHEN THE NEW VALUE IS OF TYPE DBDOC WHICH HAS ARRAY IN IT. - Fix for Bug#81691 (23519211), GETLASTDOCUMENTIDS() DOESN'T REPORT IDS PROVIDED BY USER. - Fix for Bug#82826 (24942672), Unneeded version requirement for javax.net.ssl Import-Package on OSGi MANIFEST.MF. 10-21-16 - Version 6.0.5 - Fix for BUG#82896 (24613062), Unexpected behavior on attempt to connect to JDBC driver with unsupported URL. - Added client-side failover during XSession initialization for multi-router configuration. - Removed Extension interface. All extension classes now implement their specific interfaces. - Fix for Bug#22988922, GETLENGTH() RETURNS -1 FOR LONGBLOB AND LONGTEXT FIELDS. - Fix for Bug#24619829, NEW FAILURES IN C/JAVA UNITTESTS AGAINST MYSQL 8.0. - Fix for Bug#75209 (20212882), Set useLocalTransactionState may result in partially committed transaction. - Fix for Bug#48346 (11756431), Communications link failure when reading compressed data with compressed=true. Thanks to Ryosuke Yamazaki for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#80631 (22891845), ResultSet.getString return garbled result with json type data. Thanks to Dong SongLing for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#64188 (13702433), MysqlXAConnection.MYSQL_ERROR_CODES_TO_XA_ERROR_CODES is missing XA error codes. - Fix for Bug#72632 (18759269), NullPointerException for invalid JDBC URL. - Fix for Bug#82115 (23743956), Some exceptions are intercepted twice or fail to set the init cause. - Fix for Bug#78685 (21938551), Wrong results when retrieving the value of a BIT column as an integer. - Fix for Bug#80615 (22954007), prepared statement leak when rewriteBatchedStatements=true and useServerPrepStmt. - Extended X DevAPI with flexible parameter lists. - Added a virtual NodeSession to X DevAPI. 09-05-16 - Version 6.0.4 - X DevAPI URL prefix changed from "mysql:x:" to "mysqlx:". - Fix for Bug#24301468 X DEVAPI SSL CONNECTION FAILS ON WINDOWS - The X DevAPI Table object now represents both database tables and views. - Added support for matching against pattern for X DevAPI list_objects calls. Added Schema.getCollections(String pattern) and Schema.getTables(String pattern) interface methods. - Switched to "mysqlx" namespace for X DevAPI StmtExecute messages. This change is incompatible to MySQL server versions < 5.7.14. - Fix for Bug#82046 (23743947), MYSQL CONNECTOR JAVA OSGI METADATA BROKEN. - Fix for Bug#21690043, CONNECT FAILS WHEN PASSWORD IS BLANK. - Fix for Bug#22931433, GETTING VALUE OF BIT COLUMN RESULTS IN EXCEPTION. 06-17-16 - Version 6.0.3 - Fix for Bug#23535571, EXCESSIVE MEMORY USAGE WHEN ENABLEPACKETDEBUG=TRUE. - Fix for Bug#23212347, ALL API CALLS ON RESULTSET METADATA RESULTS IN NPE WHEN USESERVERPREPSTMTS=TRUE. - Fix for Bug#23201930, CLIENT HANG WHEN RSLT CUNCURRENCY=CONCUR_UPDATABLE AND RSLTSET TYPE=FORWARD_ONLY. - Fix for Bug#23188498, CLIENT HANG WHILE USING SERVERPREPSTMT WHEN PROFILESQL=TRUE AND USEIS=TRUE. - Fix for Bug#22678872, NPE DURING UPDATE WITH FABRIC. New property 'loadBalanceHostRemovalGracePeriod' sets the grace period when removing hosts from a load-balanced connection. - Fix for Bug#71131 (18068303), Poor error message in CallableStatement.java. - Fix for Bug#59462 (16736619), ConcurrentModificationException inside ConnectionImpl.closeAllOpenStatements(). - Fix for Bug#22848249, LOADBALANCECONNECTIONGROUPMANAGER.REMOVEHOST() NOT WORKING AS EXPECTED. - Fix for Bug#22730682, ARRAYINDEXOUTOFBOUNDSEXCEPTION FROM CONNECTIONGROUPMANAGER.REMOVEHOST(). - Fix for Bug#77171 (21181466), On every connect getting sql_mode from server creates unnecessary exception. - Fix for Bug#79343 (22353759), NPE in TimeUtil.loadTimeZoneMappings causing server time zone value unrecognized. - Fix for Bug#22038729, X DevAPI: Any API call after a failed CALL PROC() results in hang - Remove Schema.drop(), Collection.drop() and replaced with X DevAPI's session.dropSchema() and session.dropCollection(). Also added session.dropTable(). - Fix for Bug#22932078, GETTIMESTAMP() RETURNS WRONG VALUE FOR FRACTIONAL PART - Extracted packet readers from MysqlaProtocol. - Fix for Bug#22972057, X protocol CLIENT HANGS AFTER CONNECTION FAILURE - Fix for Bug#23044312, NullPointerException in X protocol AsyncMessageReader due to race condition - Returned support for MySQL 5.5 and 5.6. 04-05-16 - Version 6.0.2 - Deprecate the EOF packet. - Fix for Bug#75956, Inserting timestamps using a server PreparedStatement and useLegacyDatetimeCode=false - Fix for Bug#22385172, CONNECTOR/J MANIFEST DOES NOT EXPOSE FABRIC (OSGi). - Fix for Bug#22598938, FABRICMYSQLDATASOURCE.GETCONNECTION() NPE AFTER SWITCHOVER. - Merged version 5.1.38. - Fix for Bug#21286268, CONNECTOR/J REPLICATION USE MASTER IF SLAVE IS UNAVAILABLE. - Fix for Bug#21296840 & Bug#17910835, Server information in a group from Fabric is not refreshed after expired TTL. - Fix for Bug#56122 (11763419), JDBC4 functionality failure when using replication connections. - Added support for TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 - Fix for Bug#78961 (22096981), Can't call MySQL procedure with InOut parameters in Fabric environment. - Fix for Bug#56100 (11763401), Replication driver routes DML statements to read-only slaves. - StandardSSLSocketFactory implements SocketMetadata. - Fix for Bug#21978216, GETTYPEINFO REPORT MAXIMUM PRECISION OF 255 FOR VARBINARY. - Fix for Bug#78706 (21947042), Prefer TLS where supported by MySQL Server. - Fix for Bug#21934573, FABRIC CODE INVOLVED IN THREAD DEADLOCK. Duplicate: Bug#78710 (21966391), Deadlock on ReplicationConnection and ReplicationConnectionGroup when failover. - Merged version 5.1.37. - Fix for Bug#21876798, CONNECTOR/J WITH MYSQL FABRIC AND SPRING PRODUCES PROXY ERROR. 10-19-15 - Version 6.0.1 - Removed useJvmCharsetConverters connection property. JVM charset converters are now used in all cases. - Refactored value decoding and removed all date/time connection properties - Refactored connection properties - Assume existence of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARAMETERS (and thus MySQL 5.5) when preparing stored procedure calls. - Removed retainStatementAfterResultSetClose connection property. - Null-merge of Bug#54095 (11761585) fix. - Removed support code for MySQL server versions < 5.7. - Merged version 5.1.37. - Fix for Bug#76859 (20969312), DBMD getColumns using I_S doesn't have column IS_GENERATEDCOLUMN as per JDBC 4.1. Added support for GENERATED COLUMNS. - Update Time Zone mappings with IANA Time Zone database tsdata2015f and Unicode CLDR v.28. - Update DatabaseMetaData SQL keywords. - Added tests for Optimizer hints syntax introduced in MySQL 5.7.7. - Fix for Bug#21860833, JSON DATA TYPE DOESN'T WORK WITH SSPS. Added support for JSON data type. - Added support for JDBC 4.2 new features. New property 'enableEscapeProcessing' sets the default escape processing behavior for Statement objects. - Fix for Bug#16634180, LOCK WAIT TIMEOUT EXCEEDED CAUSES SQLEXCEPTION, SHOULD CAUSE SQLTRANSIENTEXCEPTION - Fix for Bug#75849 (20536592), NPE in abortInternal() method on line 1358 of ConnectionImpl. - Fix for Bug#78106 (21648826), Potential memory leak with inflater. - Fix for Bug#78225 (21697684), DEFAULT NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER SQL_MODE BEHAVIOR BROKE SOME TESTS - Fix for Bug#77665 (21415165), JDBC fails to connect with MySQL 5.0. - Fix for Bug#77681 (21429909), rewrite replace sql like insert when rewriteBatchedStatements=true (contribution). Thanks to Jie Han for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#77449 (21304726) Add 'truncateFractionalSeconds=true|false' property (contribution). The property 'sendFractionalSeconds' was added instead of the proposed 'truncateFractionalSeconds'. Thanks to KwonNam for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#50348 (11758179), mysql connector/j 5.1.10 render the wrong value for dateTime column in GMT DB. - Fix for Bug#75670 (20433047), Connection fails with "Public Key Retrieval is not allowed" for native auth. - Fix for Bug#76187 (20675539), getTypeInfo report maximum precision of 255 for varchar. - Merged version 5.1.36. - Add test for new syntax 'ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD|IMPORT PARTITION ...' introduced in MySQL 5.7.4. - Fix for Bug#20727196, GETPROCEDURECOLUMNS() RETURNS EXCEPTION FOR FUNCTION WHICH RETURNS ENUM/SET TYPE. - Fix for Bug#19803348, GETPROCEDURES() RETURNS INCORRECT OUTPUT WHEN USEINFORMATIONSCHEMA=FALSE. - Fix for Bug#21215151, DATABASEMETADATA.GETCATALOGS() FAILS TO SORT RESULTS. - Fix for Bug#72630 (18758686), NullPointerException during handshake in some situations - Fix for Bug#20825727, CONNECT FAILURE WHEN TRY TO CONNECT SHA USER WITH DIFFERENT CHARSET. - Flag RowDataDynamic.isInterrupted removed as it isn't needed. - Fix for Bug#20518653, XSL FILES IN PACKAGES - Fix for Bug#20804635, GETTIME() AND GETDATE() FUNCTIONS FAILS WHEN FRACTIONAL PART EXISTS - Fix for Bug#62452 (16444069), NPE thrown in JDBC4MySQLPooledException when statement is closed. - Fix for BUG#70927 (17810800), Connector/J COM_CHANGE_USER handling is broken - Fix for Bug#75335 (20283655), Maven artifact for Connector/J is missing source jar. - Fix for BUG#75592 (20408891), "SHOW VARIABLES WHERE" is expensive. - Fix for Bug#75113 (20821888), Fail in failover of the connection in MySQL fabric - Fix for Bug#72077 (18425861), Fabric connection with username to a server with disabled auth throws NPE - Add test for already fixed Bug#72546 (18719760), C/J Fabric createGroup() throws ClassCastException - Fix for Bug#77217 (21184949), ClassCastException when executing a streaming PreparedStatement with Fabric - Merged version 5.1.35. - Fix for Bug#19536760, GETSTRING() CALL AFTER RS.RELATIVE() RETURNS NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION - Fix for BUG#20453712, CLOB.SETSTRING() WITH VALID INPUT RETURNS EXCEPTION - Fix for BUG#20453671, CLOB.POSITION() API CALL WITH CLOB INPUT RETURNS EXCEPTION - Fix for Bug#20685022, SSL CONNECTION TO MYSQL 5.7.6 COMMUNITY SERVER FAILS. - Fix for Bug#20606107, TEST FAILURES WHEN RUNNING AGAINST 5.7.6 SERVER VERSION - Fix for Bug#20533907, BUG#20204783 FIX EXPOSES WRONG BEAHAVIORS IN FAILOVER CONNECTIONS. This fix is a refactoring of the default failover feature which is no longer attached to load-balancing support. - Fix for Bug#20504139, GETFUNCTIONCOLUMNS() AND GETPROCEDURECOLUMNS() RETURNS ERROR FOR VALID INPUTS. - Expose PreparedStatment.ParseInfo for external usage, with no capture of the connection, which allows for global, highly-concurrent parse caches to be implemented. - Fix for Bug#75309 (20272931), mysql connector/J driver in streaming mode will in the blocking state. - New property 'readOnlyPropagatesToServer' controls the implicit propagation of read only transaction access mode to server. - Fix for Bug#54095 (11761585), Unnecessary call in newSetTimestampInternal. Test case only. The bug was fixed as a consequence of the patch for Bug#71084. - Fix for Bug#67760 (15936413), Deadlock when concurrently executing prepared statements with Timestamp objects. - Fix for Bug#71084 (18028319), Wrong java.sql.Date stored if client and server time zones differ. Two connection properties added, "noTimezoneConversionForDateType" and "cacheDefaultTimezone", to define if and how time zone conversions are available to DATE data type values. - Fix for Bug#75080 (20217686), NullPointerException during setTimestamp on Fabric connection. - Fix for Bug#75168 (20204783), loadBalanceExceptionChecker interface cannot work using JDBC4/JDK7. - Fix for Bug#73595 (19465516), Replace usage of StringBuffer in JDBC driver. - Fix for Bug#18925727, SQL INJECTION IN MYSQL JDBC DRIVER. - Fix for Bug#74998 (20112694), readRemainingMultiPackets not computed correctly for rows larger than 16 MB. - Merged version 5.1.34. - Fix for Bug#73012 (19219158), Precedence between timezone options is unclear. - Implement support for connecting through SOCKS proxies (WL#8105). Connection properties supporting this are socksProxyHost, socksProxyPort. - Ant buildfile reworked to fix incompatibilities with latest Eclipse, to remove dependency from ant-contrib and to improve structure and documentation. - Fix for Bug#18474141, TESTSUITE.FABRIC TEST CASES FAIL IF NO FABRIC.TESTSUITE PROPERTIES PROVIDED - Fix for Bug#19383371, CONNECT USING MYSQL_OLD_PASSWORD USER FAILS WHEN PWD IS BLANK - Merged version 5.1.33. - Fix for Bug#17441747, C/J DOESN'T SUPPORT XA RECOVER OUTPUT FORMAT CHANGED IN MYSQL 5.7. Test case was disabled for affected server versions 5.7.0 - 5.7.4. - Fix for Bug#19145408, Error messages may not be interpreted according to the proper character set - Fix for Bug#19505524, UNIT TEST SUITE DOES NOT CONSIDER ALL THE PARAMETERS PASSED TO BUILD.XML. - Fix for Bug#73474 (19365473), Invalid empty line in MANIFEST.MF - Fix for Bug#70436 (17527948), Incorrect mapping of windows timezone to Olson timezone. TimeZone mappings were revised in order to use latest data from IANA Time Zone Database and Unicode CLDR. - Fix for Bug73163 (19171665), IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown preparing statement. Regression test added. Fix was included in patch from 5.1.32: "Fix for failing tests when running test suite with Java 6+". - Added support for gb18030 character set - Fix for Bug#73663 (19479242), utf8mb4 does not work for connector/j >=5.1.13 - Fix for Bug#73594 (19450418), ClassCastException in MysqlXADataSource if pinGlobalTxToPhysicalConnection=true - Fix for Bug#19354014, changeUser() call results in "packets out of order" error when useCompression=true. - Fix for Bug#73577 (19443777), CHANGEUSER() CALL WITH USECOMPRESSION=TRUE COULD LEAD TO IO FREEZE - Fix for Bug#19172037, TEST FAILURES WHEN RUNNING AGAINST 5.6.20 SERVER VERSION - Merged version 5.1.32 - Fix for Bug#71923 (18344403), Incorrect generated keys if ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE not exact. Additionally several methods in StringUtils were fixed/upgraded. - Fix for Bug#72502 (18691866), NullPointerException in isInterfaceJdbc() when using DynaTrace - Fix for Bug#72890 (18970520), Java jdbc driver returns incorrect return code when it's part of XA transaction. - Fabric client now supports Fabric 1.5. Older versions are no longer supported. - Fix for Bug#71672 (18232840), Every SQL statement is checked if it contains "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" or not. Thanks to Andrej Golovnin for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#73070 (19034681), Preparing a stored procedure call with Fabric results in an exception - Fix for Bug#73053 (19022745), Endless loop in MysqlIO.clearInputStream due to Linux kernel bug. In the source of this issue is a Linux kernel bug described in the patch "tcp: fix FIONREAD/SIOCINQ" (https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=a3374c4). - Fix for Bug#18869381, CHANGEUSER() FOR SHA USER RESULTS IN NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION - Fix for Bug#62577 (16722757), XA connection fails with ClassCastException - Fix for Bug#18852587, CONNECT WITH A USER CREATED USING SHA256_PASSWORD PLUGIN FAILS WHEN PWD IS BLANK - Fix for Bug#18852682, TEST TESTSHA256PASSWORDPLUGIN FAILS WHEN EXECUTE AGAINST COMMERCIAL SERVER - Fix for failing tests when running test suite with Java 6+. Includes fix for Bug#35829 (11748301), build.xml check for java6 should use or instead of and. - Charset mappings refactored. - Fix for Bug#72712 (18836319), No way to configure Connector JDBC to not do extra queries on connection 06-09-14 - Version 5.1.31 - Fix for Bug#66947 (16004987), Calling ServerPreparedStatement.close() twice corrupts cached statements. - Fix for Bug#61213 (18009254), ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE breaks generated key list when extended INSERT is used - Test cases updated to comply with MySQL 5.7.4 new STRICT_MODE behavior and no longer supported IGNORE clause in ALTER TABLE statement. - Added support for sha256_password authentication with RSA encryption. - Fix for Bug#71753 (18260918), Bad SSL socket transform. - Added tests for changes in GET DIAGNOSTIC syntax introduced in MySQL 5.7.0. - Fix for Bug#67803 (16708231), XA commands sent twice to MySQL server. Thanks to Andrej Golovnin for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#55680 (16737192), MySQL Connector/J memory leak - Fix for Bug#72326 (18598665), Typo in fullDebug.properties - gatherPerMetrics should be gatherPerfMetrics - Fix for Bug#72023 (18403456), Avoid byte array creation in MysqlIO#unpackBinaryResultSetRow. Thanks to Andrej Golovnin for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#72000 (18402873), java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on java.sql.ResultSet.getInt(String). - Fix for Bug#71850 (18318197), init() is called twice on exception interceptors - Fix for Bug#72008 (18389973), Avoid useless object creation in StringUtils#getBytes-methods. Thanks to Andrej Golovnin for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#72006 (18403199), Avoid creation of a character array in PreparedStatement$ParseInfo. Thanks to Andrej Golovnin for his contribution. Additionally, unneeded StringBuffer replaced by StringBuilder instances in StringUtils. - Fix for Bug#72301 (18549472), Fabric driver swallows exceptions thrown during connection creation using JDBC4 03-28-14 - Version 5.1.30 - Fix for Bug#71679 (18236388), Avoid iterator creation when invoking statement interceptors in MysqlIO. Thanks to Andrej Golovnin for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#70944 (17831255), community and commercial builds should have the same line number tables - Fix for Bug#71861 (18327245), Avoid manual array copy in MysqlIO and LoadBalancingConnectionProxy. Thanks to Andrej Golovnin for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#71623 (18228668), Field#getStringFromBytes() creates useless byte array when using JVM converter. Thanks to Andrej Golovnin for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#71621 (18228302), MysqlXAConnection#xidToString(Xid xid) produces too much garbage. Thanks to Andrej Golovnin for his contribution. - Fix for Bug#67318 (16722637), SQLException thrown on already closed ResultSet. Thanks to Thomas Manville and Andrej Golovnin for their contribution. - Fix for Bug#71396 (18110320), setMaxRows (SQL_SELECT_LIMIT) from one query used in later queries (sometimes). Additionally, SQL_SELECT_LIMIT is no longer sent unnecessarily between consecutive queries. - Fix for Bug#71432 (18107621), Key store files not closed when making SSL connection - Reserved words lists updated from latest official SQL:92 and SQL:2003 specifications. - Fix for Bug#18091639, STRINGINDEXOUTOFBOUNDSEXCEPTION IN PREPAREDSTATEMENT.SETTIMESTAMP WITH 5.6.15 - Added Fabric support 02-10-14 - Version 5.1.29 - Fix for Bug#70701 (17647584), DatabaseMetaData.getSQLKeywords() doesn't match MySQL 5.6 reserved words. - Fix for Bug#17435879, REMOVE SRC/LIB-NODIST DIRECTORY FROM LAUNCHPAD DISTRIBUTION. Additional "com.mysql.jdbc.extra.libs" parameter must be used for ant build. - Fix for Bug#71038, Add an option for custom collations detection. Added new connection property detectCustomCollations=[true|false], with default false. Please be aware that these changed the previous default behavior and if you use custom charsets or collations you need to set detectCustomCollations=true. - Added tests for new index renaming syntax introduced in 5.7.1. 12-23-13 - Version 5.1.28 - Fix for Bug#69579, DriverManager.setLoginTimeout not honored. - Fix for Bug#51313, Escape processing is confused by multiple backslashes. - Fix for Bug#55340, initializeResultsMetadataFromCache fails on second call to stored proc. - Fix for Bug#70969, Shadow declaration of OperationNotSupportedException in RowDataDynamic. - Fix for Bug#70835 (17750877), SQLExceptions thrown because of query interruption (KILL QUERY, query timeout, etc.) didn't extend java.sql.SQLNonTransientException for JDBC4+ deployments. - Fix for Bug#24344 test case, test fails if it's run with UTC timezone settings. - Fix for Bug#69777, Setting maxAllowedPacket below 8203 makes blobSendChunkSize negative. - Fix for Bug#35115, yearIsDateType=false has no effect on result's column type and class. - Fix for Bug#68916 (16691047), closeOnCompletion doesn't work. - Fix for Bug #69746 (17164058), ResultSet closed after Statement.close() when dontTrackOpenResources=true - Fix for Bug#70842 (17753369), Adding live management of replication host topographies. 11-04-13 - Version 5.1.27 - Fix for Bug#17248345, getFunctionColumns() method returns columns of procedure. - Fix for Bug#69290 (16879239), JDBC Table type "SYSTEM TABLE" is used inconsistently. - Fix for Bug#68562, Combination rewriteBatchedStatements and useAffectedRows not working as expected. - Fix for Bug#69452 (17015673), memory size connection property doesn't support large values well. - Added tests for InnoDB full-text search support introduced in 5.6GA. - Extended slow query warning with query execution plan for INSERT, REPLACE, UPDATE and DELETE. - Added tests for IPv6 functions introduced in 5.6GA. - Added support of authentication data up to 2^64-1 bytes. - Fix for Bug#38252, ResultSet.absolute(0) is not behaving according to JDBC specification. - Fix for Bug#62469, JDBC Authentication Fails with Null Byte in Scramble - Fix for Bug#69506, XAER_DUPID error code is not returned when a duplicate XID is offered in Java. - Added support for multi-master replication topographies in ReplicationDriver. ReplicationDriver now uses two discrete load-balanced connections, one each for master and slave connections. The same load-balancing options which apply to load-balanced connections now also apply to ReplicationConnections. By default, this means that when a ReplicationConnection uses master connections (because the read-only property of the Connection is false), work may be re-balanced between configured master hosts at transaction boundaries. As with load-balanced connections, the ReplicationConnection host list may be managed within the JVM (see com.mysql.jdbc.ReplicationConnectionGroupManager) or optionally via JMX (using replicationEnableJMX configuration option; see com.mysql.jdbc.jmx.ReplicationGroupManagerMBean). To specify multi-master replication topographies, define each host "type" property using the following format: address=(host=hostname)(port=3306)(type=[master|slave]) In the absense of explicit type definitions, the driver will assume a single master listed first, with all subsequently-listed hosts configured as slaves. - Fix for Bug#63354 (16443992), JDBC cannot make new connections if master is down. - Fix for Bug#17003626, REGRESSION TEST FAILURE WITH SERVER VERSION 5.7.1 - Removed ant-contrib.jar from C/J distribution. - Added tests for GIS precise spatial operations introduced in 5.6GA. - Fixed META-INF information - Fix for Bug#17251955, ARRAYINDEXOUTOFBOUNDSEXCEPTION ON LONG MULTI-BYTE DB/USER NAMES - Fix for Bug#50538, DatabaseMetaData.getDriverVersion() contains unexpanded ${bzr.revision-id} 08-05-13 - Version 5.1.26 - Fix for Bug#69298 (16845965), Methods DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures() and DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns(), in JDBC4, return stored procedure only or both stored procedures and functions metadata information, depending on the value set in the connection property "getProceduresReturnsFunctions", having default value 'true'. Several fixes in Functions and Procedures metadata so that consulting I__S and MySQL/DDL returns the same info. - Fix for Bug#69308 (16879267), Avoid calling batchedStatement.close() twice, and thus raising and ignoring an undercover SQLException, in methods PreparedStatement.executeBatchedInserts and PreparedStatement.executePreparedBatchAsMultiStatement. - Fix for Bug#68400, useCompression=true and connect to server, zip native method cause out of memory. CompressedInputStream now does not keep reference to connection. Thank Dominic Tootell for his investigation, proposed solution and all the help he provided. - Fix for Bug#65871, DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() throws an MySQLSyntaxErrorException. Delimited names of databases and tables are handled correctly now. The edge case is ANSI quoted identifiers with leading and trailing "`" symbols, for example CREATE DATABASE "`dbname`". Methods like DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() allow parameters passed both in unquoted and quoted form, quoted form is not JDBC-compliant but used by third party tools. So when you pass the indentifier "`dbname`" in unquoted form (`dbname`) driver handles it as quoted by "`" symbol. To handle such identifiers correctly a new behavior was added to pedantic mode (connection property pedantic=true), now if it set to true methods like DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() treat all parameters as unquoted. - Fix for Bug#45757 (11754192), Don't allow updateRow() to be called when updatable cursor is positioned on insert row. - Fix for Bug#68098 (16224299), Return indexes sorted by NON_UNIQUE, TYPE, INDEX_NAME, and ORDINAL_POSITION in DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo. - Fix for Bug#68307 (16707803), Return correct COLUMN_TYPE from both getProcedureColumns() and getFunctionColumns(). - Fix for Bug#42267, PreparedStatementWrapper doesn't have a toString() implementation - Fix for Bug#44451 (11753081), Added missing fields in methods getColumns(), getProcedureColumns(), getTables() and getUDTs(). Methods getClientInfoProperties() and getFunctions() were made available in all *DatabaseMetaDataUsingInfoSchema implementations. 05-06-13 - Version 5.1.25 - Fix for Bug#68801, java webstart mysql-connector-java lib calls -bin library. - Fix for Bug#16426462, SyntaxRegressionTest failing on C/J 5.1.24 against MySQL 5.6.10 - Fix for Bug#60816, Cannot pass NULL to an INOUT procedure parameter. - Added support for Connection Attributes when used with MySQL Server versions (5.6+) which support this feature. By default, the following standard attributes are sent to the server, where they can be seen in the performance_schema.session_connect_attrs table: * _client_version : the version of MySQL Connector Java in use * _client_name : "MySQL Connector Java" * _runtime_version : the version of the Java runtime environment in which the driver is running * _runtime_vendor : the name of company which produced the Java runtime environment Additionally, users may supply their own key/value attributes to be exposed by providing them in "key1:value1,key2:value2" format in the connectionAttributes connection property. To avoid sending any connection attributes to the server, set connectionAttributes property to "none". - Fix for Bug#68763 (16545334), ReplicationConnection.isMasterConnection() returns false always. - Fix for Bug#68733 (16526938), ReplicationConnection doesn't ping all slaves. - Fix for Bug#68556, Tomcat can't stop a cleanup thread by clearReferencesStopThreads. - Fix for Bug#16436511, getDriverName() returns a string with company name "MySQL-AB". Driver name changed to "MySQL Connector Java". - Fix for Bug#68664 (16486957), Enable packaging of .JAR file from Eclipse. 03-05-13 - Version 5.1.24 - Fix for Bug#64204, ResultSet.close hangs if streaming query is killed. - Fix for Bug#16224249, Deadlock on concurrently used LoadBalancedMySQLConnection: 1) abortInternal() method was moved from com.mysql.jdbc.MySQLConnection to com.mysql.jdbc.Connection interface; 2) load-balanced/failover proxy now broadcasts abortInternal() to all underlying physical connections; 3) load-balanced/failover proxy now prevents picking of new physical connection after close() or abortInternal() were called explicitly on proxy; 4) connection synchronization mutex was refactored, now mutex is proxy instance for proxied connection or connection instance itself if there is no proxy. - Fix for Bug#64805, StatementImpl$CancelTask occasionally throws NullPointerExceptions. - Fixed typos in descriptions of properties. - Fix for Bug#68011, Invalid error message noDatetimeSync property instead of noDatetimeStringSync. 02-04-13 - Version 5.1.23 - Fix for Bug#35653, executeQuery() in Statement.java let "TRUNCATE" queries being executed. "TRUNCATE" and "RENAME" are now filtered for executeQuery(). - Fix for Bug#65909, referenceThread causes memory leak in Tomcat. Abandoned connection cleanup thread was refactored to have static shutdown method. If you encountered this leak problem, your application should implement context listener with AbandonedConnectionCleanupThread.shutdown() call in contextDestroyed method. For example: @WebListener public class YourThreadsListener implements ServletContextListener { public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) { try { AbandonedConnectionCleanupThread.shutdown(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } ... } Note that if container does not support annotations you should add description to web.xml: <listener> <listener-class>user.package.YourThreadsListener</listener-class> </listener> - Added tests for explicit partition selection syntax introduced in 5.6GA. - Added support of password expiration protocol. This introduces new boolean connection property disconnectOnExpiredPasswords. If disconnectOnExpiredPasswords = true and password expired then connection will be rejected by server with ErrorCode == 1820 (ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD). If disconnectOnExpiredPasswords = false then connection will enter to "sandbox" mode, all commands except SET PASSWORD = ... and SET PASSWORD FOR CURRRENT_USER() = ... will cause an error to be thrown. - Added tests for EXCHANGE PARTITION syntax introduced in 5.6GA. - Added tests for transportable tablespaces syntax introduced in 5.6GA. - Added tests for CREATE TABLE syntax changed in 5.6GA: CREATE TABLE ... DATA DIRECTORY = 'absolute/path/to/directory/' - Added tests for ALTER TABLE syntax changed in 5.6GA: ALGORITHM and LOCK keywords. - Fix for Bug#67954, stack trace used for point-of-origin in log and exception messages causes permgen leak with webapp classloader on application redeploy. We no longer store the entire stack trace, only the calling class and method, and even then, that only when using the usage advisor or when profiling. - Fix for Bug#11237, useCompression=true and LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE SQL Command. - Static charset/collation maps were updated. - Fix for Bug#14260352, difference in Timestamp value returned with rewriteBatchedStatements=true. - Fix for Bug#60598, nativeSQL() truncates fractional seconds. - Fix for Bug#40279, Timestamp values get truncated when passed as prepared statement parameters. This was partly fixed in 5.1.19 but that fix did not cover useLegacyDatetimeCode=true case. - Fix for Bug#14665141, Diff results returned from ResultSet and CachedRowSet with new password hashing. Test suite modified to don't perform comparison of PASSWORD() results if old_passwords=2 because with SHA-256 password hashing enabled they are nondeterministic. - The driver now allows the mechanism for caching MySQL server configuration values replaceable at runtime, via the "serverConfigCacheFactory" property. The default is an implementation that is a per-VM concurrent map, keyed by URL. The driver will invalidate cache entries when SQLExceptions that indicate communications errors are thrown (on the assumption that the server has been or is restarting), or if the server version that is being connected to, differs from the one that was present when the cached values were populated. To replace the default implementation, implement CacheAdapterFactory<String, Map<String, String>>, and use the fully-qualified class name of this implementation for "serverConfigCacheFactory". - Connection.setReadOnly() will take advantage of server-side support for read-only transactions present in MySQL-5.6 and newer. Calling .isReadOnly() will incur a round-trip if useLocalSessionState is not enabled. 09-06-12 - Version 5.1.22 - Fix for Bug#57662, Incorrect Query Duration When useNanosForElapsedTime Enabled. - Fix for Bug#65503, ResultSets created by PreparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys() are not close()d. - Fix for Bug#63800, getVersionColumns() does not return timestamp fields; always empty. Added support of ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for TIMESTAMP and DATETIME fields. - Fix for Bug#41752, Can't connect mysqld which character_set_server=ucs2. - Fix for Bug#65508, getCharsetNameForIndex() should be faster. - Fix for Bug#14563127, Load-balanced connection fails to select valid host, closes connection on re-balance. 07-05-12 - Version 5.1.21 - Added new built-in authentication plugin com.mysql.jdbc.authentication.Sha256PasswordPlugin ("sha256_password"). - Fix for Bug#64731, StringUtils.getBytesWrapped throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. - Added new built-in authentication plugin com.mysql.jdbc.authentication.MysqlClearPasswordPlugin ("mysql_clear_password"). It allows C/J based clients to connect to MySQL accounts which use PAM authentication for example. SSL connection required for this authentication method. If SSL is not enabled then authentication which requires "mysql_clear_password" will lead to an error. - Fix for Bug#13980303, Auth plugin's confidentiality requirements are not checked after Auth Switch Request. - Fix for Bug#64205, Connected through Connector/J 5.1 to MySQL 5.5, the error message is garbled. - Fix for Bug#37931, Null Pointer Exception Thrown When specifying invalid character_set_results enc. - Fix for Bug#36662, TimeUtil.java: MEST mapping n/a. - Fix a scalability/memory footprint issue where Object.finalize() was being used on ConnectionImpl to clean up the low-level network connection to MySQL should a connection be abandoned by the application before being cleanly close()d. We now track connections in a phantom reference queue, and have a single thread per-vm clean these up when the VM notices the connection is no longer referenced by anything else. - Added the ability to add new client-side prepared statement parse info caches by implementing com.mysql.jdbc.CacheAdapterFactory and telling the driver to use it when "cachePrepStmts=true" via the "parseInfoCacheFactory" configuration property. - Implemented JDBC-4.1 methods from Java-7: - Connection.setSchema(String) - no-op, until we support database==schema in the driver - Connection.getSchema() - see above - Connection.abort(Executor executor) - Connection.setNetworkTimeout(Executor, int) - Connection.getNetworkTimeout() throws SQLException; - CallableStatement.getObject(int, Class<T>) - CallableStatement.getObject(String, Class<T>) - DBMD.getPseudoColumns() - returns an empty result set - DBMD.generatedKeyAlwaysReturned() - always true for MySQL - ResultSet.getObject(int, Class<T>) - ResultSet.getObject(String, Class<T>) - Statement.closeOnCompletion() - Statement.isCloseOnCompletion() 05-02-12 - Version 5.1.20 - Fix for Bug#64983, 5.1.19 not working with JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA. - Fix for Bug#13960556, java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.formatNanos(int nanos). - Fix for pluggable authentication tests to run on Windows. - Fix for Bug#13897714, NPE in testsuite.regression.StatementRegressionTest.testBug1933() with 5.6.5_m8 server. - Fix for Bug#55962, Savepoint identifier is occasionally considered as floating point numbers. - Fix for Bug#13955027, SET OPTION syntax was removed starting from 5.6.5 server version. - Fix for Bug#13958793, ClassCastException in ConnectionImpl.buildCollationMapping() with 4.1 server. - Fix for Bug#36478, Client prepared statement bugged if word 'limit' included in the query. 04-02-12 - Version 5.1.19 - Fix for Bug#64621, setMaxRows was not correctly processed during CS PS metadata collection causing entire resultset to be fetched and possibly leading to OOM. - Fix for Bug#63456, MetaData precision is different when using UTF8 or Latin1 tables. The problem was in finding maxBytesPerChar through versioned mapping from Java charset to MySQL charset. That map returns "utf8mb4" instead "utf8" for server versions starting with 5.5.2. CharsetMapping, ConnectionImpl and Field have been reorganized to use static maps INDEX_TO_MYSQL_CHARSET, STATIC_CHARSET_TO_NUM_BYTES_MAP instead. Also dynamic maps ConnectionImpl.indexToCustomMysqlCharset and ConnectionImpl.mysqlCharsetToCustomMblen have been added for custom charsets. - Added support for pluggable authentication via the com.mysql.jdbc.AuthenticationPlugin interface (which extends standard "extension" interface). Examples are in com/mysql/jdbc/authentication and in testsuite.regression.ConnectionRegressionTest. This introduces three new properties: authenticationPlugins defines comma-delimited list of classes that implement com.mysql.jdbc.AuthenticationPlugin and which will be used for authentication unless disabled by "disabledAuthenticationPlugins" property. disabledAuthenticationPlugins defines comma-delimited list of classes implementing com.mysql.jdbc.AuthenticationPlugin or mechanisms, i.e. "mysql_native_password". The authentication plugins or mechanisms listed will not be used for authentication which will fail if it requires one of them. It is an error to disable the default authentication plugin (either the one named by "defaultAuthenticationPlugin" property or the hard-coded one if "defaultAuthenticationPlugin" propery is not set). defaultAuthenticationPlugin defines name of a class implementing com.mysql.jdbc.AuthenticationPlugin which will be used as the default authentication plugin. It is an error to use a class which is not listed in "authenticationPlugins" nor it is one of the built-in plugins. It is an error to set as default a plugin which was disabled with "disabledAuthenticationPlugins" property. It is an error to set this value to null or the empty string (i.e. there must be at least a valid default authentication plugin specified for the connection, meeting all constraints listed above). - Fix for Bug#63526. The problem happens in com.mysql.jdbc.EscapeProcessor#escapeSQL. The function recognizes the string in the create table statement as an escape sequence (line 136+138). The "if" construct beginning in line 182 tries to match a white-space collapsed version of the string to prefixes for valid jdbc-escapes (till line 300). Since no matching escape sequence is found and no "else" clause is defined, neither the token, nor replacement are added to the resulting escaped SQL string. - Fix for Bug#61203, noAccessToProcedureBodies does not work anymore. - Fix for Bug#63811, pointless Socket.bind() when using ephemeral ports and interfaces, which limits scalability on some platforms. - Connection.changeUser() would not check for closed connections, leading to NPEs when this method was called on a closed connection. - Fix for Bug#63284, memory leak with Failover proxied Statement/PreparedStatement with DBCP due to improper implementation of equals(). - Prepared statements would needlessly allocate a 4K buffer for converting streams when no set*Stream() methods had been used. 10-03-11 - Version 5.1.18 - Fix for Bug#12565726, not putting the space between VALUES() and ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE causes C/J a) enter rewriting the query although it has ON UPDATE and b) to generate the wrong query with multiple ON DUPLICATE KEY - Fix for Bug#12784170, "process fork failure" errors while running test suite via ant on Windows. Added new ant flag, com.mysql.jdbc.junit.fork, which controls whether JUnit will fork new processes for testing ("on", default and legacy behavior) or not ("off", required for Windows). - Reverting changes made to ConnectionImpl.java, private boolean characterSetNamesMatches function. - Added function MYSQL_INDEX_TO_MYSQL_CHARSET to retrieve server charset name using index instead of parsing variables to CharsetMapping.java. - Completed fix for Bug#61201/12649557, fixed tests failures. - Fix for Bug#61201/12649557, Can't establish connection when url has sessionVariables and characterEncoding. Fix covers only MySQL server 4.1+ - Fix for Bug#61501 - Calling Statement.cancel() on a statement that isn't currently executing will cause some later-executed query on the same connection to be cancelled unexpectedly. The driver now guards against this condition, but it is an underlying server issue. The MySQL statement "KILL QUERY" (which is what the driver uses to implement Statement.cancel()) is rather non-deterministic, and thus the use of Statement.cancel() should be avoided if possible. - Fix for Bug#61866/12791594 - Calling Statement.getWarnings() after Statement.clearWarnings() has been called, returns the "old" warnings. - Fix for Bug#13036537 - LRUCache was really a least-recently-added cache. - Fix for Bug#13036309, Correcting parameter name in maxPerformance.properties. 07-04-11 - Version 5.1.17 - Fix for Bug#61332 - LIKE not optimized in server when run against I__S tables and no wildcards used. Databases/tables with "_" and/or "%" in their names (escaped or not) will be handled by this code path, although slower, since it's rare to find these characters in table names in SQL. If there's a "_" or "%" in the string, LIKE will take care of that, otherwise we now use = . The only exception is information_schema database which is handled separately. Patch covers both getTables() and getColumns(). - Fix for Bug#61150 - First call to stored procedure fails with "No Database Selected". The workaround introduced in DatabaseMetaData.getCallStmtParameterTypes to fix the bug in server where SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE was not respecting lower-case table names is misbehaving when connection is not attached to database and on non-casesensitive OS. - Fix for Bug#61105 - Avoid a concurrent bottleneck in Java's character set encoding/decoding when converting bytes to/from Strings. 04-21-11 - Version 5.1.16 - Partial fix for BUG#54135 - setQueryTimeout unsafe across VIP. Fix prevents c/J from killing the right ConnectionID but on wrong server. - Fix for BUG#57808 - wasNull not set for DATE field with value 0000-00-00 in getDate() although zeroDateTimeBehavior is convertToNull. - Fix for Bug#54425 - Bypassing the server protocol bug where DB should be null-terminated whether it exists or not. Affects COM_CHANGE_USER. - Fix for Bug#60313 (11890729), bug in com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSetRow.getTimestampFast(). - Fix for bug 11782297, DBMD.getTables (so thus getColumns too) fails with table names containing dot (like "junk_[Sp:e,c/ C-h+a=.r]"). - Added the ability to determine if the connection is against a server on the same host via the Connection.isServerLocal() method. - Fix for bug 12325877, Setting "autoReconnect=true" and "cacheServerConfiguration=true" would cause connections created after an existing connection fails to have non-existent values for server variables which lead to exceeding of max allowed packet exceptions when the new connections were used. 02-08-11 - Version 5.1.15 - Fix for Bug#38367, parameters metadata did not reflect the fact that NULL is allowed parameter value. So DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns will set isNullable member to java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.procedureNullable now. - Completed fix for Bug#27916. - Fix for Bug#59224, adding 5.5 reserved words to DatabaseMetaData.getSQLKeywords(). - Fixed an issue where statement comments set via Connection.setStatementComment() weren't represented in autoGenerateTestcaseScript=true output. - Added ability to include the current java thread dump in the exception message given for deadlock/wait lock timeout exceptions, enable with "includeThreadDumpInDeadlockExceptions=true" in your JDBC url. - Added ability to include current thread name as a statement comment visible in MySQL's "SHOW PROCESSLIST" and Innodb deadlock diagnostics, enable with "includeThreadNamesAsStatementComment=true". - Added an SLF4J logging adapter. Enable by adding setting the connection property "logger" to "Slf4JLogger" and placing the appropriate bridge from SLF4J to the logging framework of choice in your CLASSPATH. As with other Connector/J logging adapters, the log category name used by the driver is "MySQL". See http://www.slf4j.org/manual.html for more details. 12-06-10 - Version 5.1.14 - Fix for Bug#58728, NPE in com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.StatementWrappe.getResultSet() if rs is null. Regression test case added to Statement regression tests. - Fix for Bug#58751, DatabaseMetadata.getIndexInfo() CARDINALITY now clamped to Integer.MAX_VALUE. - Fix for BUG#58590 - Testsuite.Simple.DateTest, MetadataTest, NumbersTest and StatementsTest cleaned and fixed. - Testsuite.simple, ConenctionTest & DataSourceTest are up to date. Major rework on ConnectionTest.testDeadlockDetection (Sveta) and testUseCompress. - Testsuite.simple, CallableStatementTest & CharsetTests are up to date. - Testsuite.regression SubqueriesRegressionTest and StringRegressionTest are up to date. - Testsuite.regression MicroPerformanceRegressionTest, NumbersRegressionTest, PooledConnectionRegressionTest, ResultSetRegressionTest are up to date. - Testsuite.regression.MetaDataRegressionTest up to date. - Typo in StatementRegressionTest.testLikeWithBackslashes fixed. StatementRegressionTest is up to date. - Fix for Bug#58232 - CallableStatement fails to fetch OUT parameter against 5.5 server - Testsuite.regression.Connection, tests for BUG#45419 refined by Todd so not to cause failures. - Testsuite.regression.CallableStatement, tests for BUG#26959 failing against 5.5+ server. - Bringing testsuite.regression.CachedRowsetTest up to date. - Bringing BLOBregression tests up to date. - Fix for Bug#58042 - Statements test failure not handled. - Fix for Bug#57850 - Refresh SELECT statement doesn't use correct data type. Added Field.valueNeedsQuoting (private final boolean) and protected boolean getvalueNeedsQuoting(). UpdatableResultSet refresher and updater call upon this value now. - Removing commented source in fix for Bug#57697 - Fix for Bug#57697 - Metadata getTables() was not checking for table_name already been quoted. - Fix for Bug#57694 - 3byte UTF8 can not be used with 5.5.3+ server. - Fix for Bug#57701 - StatementsTest.testBatchRewriteErrors() failing on new servers. - Fix for Bug#54756 - Cannot retrieve data from ResultSet by column name from a Sphinx daemon. We were relying only on "server version string" passed. Now, determining server version is done via protocol flags too, where applicable. - Fix for Bug#57022 - cannot execute a store procedure with output parameters, database parameter was ignored in db.sp notation. The fix is to "sanitize" db.sp call just like in patch for noAccessToProcedureBodies. BaseTestCase extended with createDatabase and dropDatabase. Regression test added. - Fix for Bug#57262 - "useOldUTF8Behavior" behavior was broken since 5.1.3, now explicitly sets connection character set to latin1 ("SET NAMES latin1") during connection post-handshake process. - Patch for problem where "noAccessToProcedureBodies=true" was causing "underprivileged" user not to have access to procedures created by him. - Patch for Bug#56305, unhandled NPE in DatabaseMetaData.java when calling wrong-cased function without access to mysql.proc. Although simple by itself, some more enhancements were needed for everything to function properly. So, along with catching potential NPE due to server bug, a guard against calling JDBC functions with db_name.proc_name notation was also added. Necessary changes added to StringUtils.java too. - Added ability to load-balance while auto-commit is enabled. This introduces two new properties: loadBalanceAutoCommitStatementThreshold defines the number of matching statements which will trigger the driver to (potentially) swap physical server connections, loadBalanceAutoCommitStatementRegex defines the regular expression against which statements must match. The default values (0 and blank, respectively) retain the previously-established behavior that connections with auto-commit enabled are never balanced. Feature request documented in Bug#55723. - Minor fix in getProcedureColumns() DisplaySize for Bug#51712. Fix for Bug#41269 is not complete without this. getColumnDisplaySize on a ResultSet already consisting of metadata is now functional thanks to Bogdan. - Minor fix for Bug#55217, return 4 as a result of DataBaseMetadata.getJDBCMajorVersion() as per manual. - Added support for hosts specified in the URL of the form: address=(key=value), supported keys are: (protocol=tcp or pipe (for named pipes on Windows) (path=[] for named pipes) (host=[]) for TCP connections (port=[]) for TCP connections An example would be: jdbc:mysql://address=(protocol=tcp)(host=localhost)(port=3306)(user=test)/db Any other parameters are treated as host-specific properties that follow the conventions of the JDBC URL properties. This now allows per-host overrides of any configuration property for multi-host connections (failover, loadbalance, replication). We do recommend that the overrides are limited to user, password, network timeouts and statement and metadata cache sizes. Unexpected behavior may be observed with other per-host overrides. - Fix for Bug#56099 - Added support for JDBC4-specific functionality when using load-balanced connections. - Fix for Bug#56200 - Added diagnostic information to SQLException message thrown when a closed load-balanced connection is reused. This information will identify the conditions which caused the connection to be closed. - Fix for Bug#56429 - When using Connector/J configured for failover (jdbc:mysql://host1,host2,... URLs), the non-primary servers re-balance and spawned new idle connections when the transactions on the master were committed or rolled-back, eventually exceeding max_connections. It was also discovered that session state (autocommit, isolation level, catalog) wasn't being copied from the primary connection to secondary connections correctly because of the same changes that caused this bug, and this was fixed as well. - Fix for Bug#56706 - Ensure read-only state is synchronized when new load-balanced connections are selected. - Fixed Bug#56955 - Connection properties "trustCertificateKeyStoreType" and "clientCertificateKeyStoreType" have invalid defaults, therefore connections that specify "useSSL" will sometimes fail with exceptions from JSSE unless "JKS" has been specified for both of these properties. The default value for these properties is now "JKS", and thus it no longer has to be specified. - Fixed Bug#56979 - Improper connection closing logic leads to TIME_WAIT sockets on server - Fixed Bug#57380 - DatabaseMetaData.supportsMultipleResultSets() now returns true when connected to a 4.1 version or later server. - Fixed Bug#58706 - Failover connections didn't honor "failOverReadOnly=false", and in some situations would not fall back. - Removed logging integrations with log4j and apache-commons-logging due to license incompatibility. Replacing with SLF4J integration in next release. 06-24-10 - Version 5.1.13 - Minor fix in previous patch for Bug#51904. Function ConnectionImpl.setCatalog() was passed quoted argument thus breaking with "...for the right syntax to use near 'test``'" - Fix for Bug#51912 - Passing NULL as cat. param to getProcedureColumns with !nullCatalogMeansCurrent - Fix for Bug#52167 - Can't parse parameter list with special characters inside - Fix for Bug#51904 - getProcedureColumns() always returns PROCEDURE_CAT result column as NULL - Fix for Bug#51712 - Display Size is always 0 for columns returned by getProcedureColumns() - Fix for Bug#51908 - db variable might have end up unassigned when calling getProcedureColumns()/Functions(). This is a followup on code changes made for Bug#51022. - Fixed Bug#51266 - jdbc:mysql:loadbalance:// would stick to the first host in the list in some cases, especially exacerbated if the host was down. - Replaced URLs of the form jdbc:mysql://host-1,host-2 with a composite of a normal connection and a jdbc:mysql:loadbalance:// connection for more robustness and cleaner code. - Fixed BUG#51643 - Connections using jdbc:mysql:loadbalance:// would have statements (and prepared statements) that did not have their connections changed upon commit()/rollback(), and thus applications that held statement instances past commit()/rollback() could have data written to or read from un-intended connections. - Fixed BUG#51666 - StatementInterceptors were never "un-safed" after connection establishment, causing interceptors which returned result sets pre/post execution would not work. - Fixed BUG#51783 - Load-balanced connections could throw a SQLException incorrectly on commit() or rollback(). This was not caused by failures in commit or rollback, but rather by the possibility that the newly-selected physical connection was stale. Added logic to catch and retry if this happens, up to the number of hosts specified for load-balancing. Also added new property, loadBalanceValidateConnectionOnSwapServer, which controls whether to explicitly ping the selected host (otherwise, the host is presumed to be up, and will only be noticed if auto-commit or transaction isolation state needs to be set and fails). - Added loadBalancePingTimeout property to allow a specific timeout to be set for each ping executed against the servers. This ping is executed when the physical connections are rebalanced (commit/rollback or communication exception), or when a query starting with (exactly) "/* ping */" is executed. The latter causes each open underlying physical connection to be pinged. - Fixed BUG#51776 - Connection.rollback() could swallow exceptions incorrectly. - Fixed BUG#52231 - Differences in definitions of which SQLExceptions trigger a failover event could result in failure to try more than a single host in certain situations. - Fixed BUG#52534 - Performance regression using load-balanced connection. - More aggressively purge the statement timeout timers after they've been cancelled to trade time for memory. This purge only happens if statement timeouts are in use. - Added management of running load-balanced connections. Statistics can be obtained, and hosts added/dropped via com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionGroupManager or the JMX implementation. This functionality is enabled by setting the new paramenter, loadBalanceConnectionGroup to the name of the logical grouping of connections. All load-balanced connections sharing the same loadBalanceConnectionGroup value, regardless of how the application creates them, will be managed together. To enable JMX-based management, set loadBalanceEnableJMX=true and ensure that remote JMX is enabled in the JRE (eg, use -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote). - Added loadBalanceExceptionChecker property, which takes a fully-qualified class name implementing com.mysql.jdbc.LoadBalancedExceptionChecker interface. This allows custom evaluation of SQLExceptions thrown to determine whether they should trigger failover to an alternate host in load-balanced deployments. The default is com.mysql.jdbc.StandardLoadBalanceExceptionChecker. - Added two new properties which allow more flexibility in determining which SQLExceptions should trigger failover in a load-balanced deployment. The new loadBalanceSQLStateFailover property takes a comma-delimited list of SQLState codes which are compared to the SQLState of the SQLException (matching done with trailing wildcard), while loadBalanceSQLExceptionSubclassFailover takes a comma-delimited list of fully-qualified class/interface names, against which the SQLException is checked to determine if it is an instance of any. Matches trigger failover to an alternate host. - Fixed Bug#51704 - Re-written batched statements don't honor escape processing flag of their creator. - Fixed Bug#43576 - Sometimes not able to register OUT parameters for CallableStatements. - Fixed Bug#54175 - Driver doesn't support utf8mb4 for servers 5.5.2 and newer. The driver now auto-detects servers configured with character_set_server=utf8mb4 or treats the Java encoding "utf-8" passed via "characterEncoding=..." as utf8mb4 in the "SET NAMES=" calls it makes when establishing the connection. 02-18-10 - Version 5.1.12 - NO_INDEX_USED and NO_GOOD_INDEX used were only being set when profileSQL was set to "true", and in some cases their values were reversed. - Fix for Bug#51022 - conn.getMetaData().getProcedures("schema",null,"%"); returns all stored procedures from all databases and not only for given one. - Fixed Bug#50538 - ${svn.revno} shows up in DBMD.getDriverVersion(). - Removed usage of timestamp nanoseconds in PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(), as long as Bug#50774 exists in the server and there's no real support for nanos/micros in TIMESTAMPs, avoid the performance regression usage of them causes. 01-20-10 - Version 5.1.11 - Fix for BUG#50288 - NullPointerException possible during invalidateCurrentConnection() for load-balanced connections. - Fix for BUG#49745 - deleteRow() for updatable result sets can cause full table scan because escaped hex values are used for primary key identifiers. - Fix for BUG#49607 - Provide Connection context in ExceptionInterceptor. - Fix for BUG#48605 - Ping leaves closed connections in liveConnections, causing subsequent Exceptions when that connection is used. - Fix for BUG#48442 - Load-balanced Connection object returns inconsistent results for hashCode() and equals() dependent upon state of underlying connections. - Fix for BUG#48172 - Batch rewrite requires space immediately after "VALUES" - Statement Interceptors didn't completely intercept server-side prepared statements. - Fix for BUG#48486 Cannot use load balanced connections with MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource. - Fix for Bug#32525 - "noDatetimeStringSync" doesn't work for server-side prepared statements. Now it does. - Hooked up exception interceptors so they get called now. - Rev'd the statement interceptor interface to pass on some server flags, warning counts and errors. See the com.mysql.jdbc.StatementInteceptorsV2 interface for more details. The driver will create adaptors to transparently convert older implementations to the newer interface at runtime. - Statement Interceptors are now enabled at connection instantiation, but can not return result sets (they will be ignored) until the connection has bootstrapped itself. If during the init() method your interceptor requires access to the connection itself, it should ensure that methods that might throw exceptions if the connection is closed should handle this in a robust manner. - "Replication" connections (those with URLs that start with jdbc:mysql:replication) now use a jdbc:mysql:loadbalance connection under the hood for the slave "pool". This also means that one can set load balancing properties such as "loadBalanceBlacklistTimeout" and "loadBalanceStrategy" to choose a mechanism for balancing the load and failover/fault tolerance strategy for the slave pool. This work was done in order to fix Bug#49537. - Fixed Bug#36565 - permgen leak from java.util.Timer. Unfortunately no great fix exists that lets us keep the timer shared amongst connection instances, so instead it's lazily created if need be per-instance, and torn down when the connection is closed. - Fixed BUG#49700 - Connections from ConnectionPoolDataSource don't maintain any values set with "sesssionVariables=...". This was a bug in Connection.changeUser()/resetServerState(), we now resubmit the session variables during the execution of these methods. 09-22-09 - Version 5.1.10 - Fix for BUG#47494 - Non standard port numbers in the URL are not honored. 09-16-09 - Version 5.1.9 - The driver has been OSGi-ified. The bundle symbolic name is "com.mysql.jdbc", see META-INF/MANIFEST.MF to see what interfaces we export. - Fixed BUG#45040, adding missing tags from SVN import to BZR branch for 5.1. - Fix for a variant of Bug#41484 - ResultSet.find*(String) failed when using cached result set metadata. - Fixed BUG#46637 - When the driver encounters an error condition that causes it to create a CommunicationsException, it tries to build a friendly error message that helps diagnose what is wrong. However, if there has been no network packets received from the server, the error message contains bogus information like: "The last packet successfully received from the server was 1,249,932,468,916 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago." Now the error message states that it has never received any packets from the server in this scenario. - Added a new option, "queryTimeoutKillsConnection", when set to "true" will cause timeouts set by Statement.setQueryTimeout() to forcibly kill the connection, not just the query. - Fixed BUG#32216, "PORT" property filled in by Driver.parseURL() not always present. The driver will now always fill in the "PORT" (using 3306 if not specified) property, and the "HOST" property (using "localhost" if not specified) when parseURL() is called. The driver also parses a list of hosts into HOST.n and PORT.n properties as well as adding a property "NUM_HOSTS" for the number of hosts it has found. If a list of hosts is passed to the driver, "HOST" and "PORT" will be set to the values given by "HOST.1" and "PORT.1" respectively. This change has centralized and cleaned up a large swath of code used to generate lists of hosts, both for load-balanced and fault tolerant connections and their tests. - Fixed the ResultSet side of BUG#23584 - Calendar discared when retrieving dates from server-side prepared statements. The other cases of this bug were fixed when "useLegacyDatetimeCode=false" became the default. - Fixed Bug#44324 - Data truncation exceptions did not return the vendor error code from the server. Note that the vendor error code is not hard-coded to 1265 as in the bug report, because the server returns different error codes for different types of truncations, and we did not want to mask those. - Fixed Bug#27431 - ResultSet.deleteRow() advances the cursor. The driver now places the cursor on the prior row in the result set, or before the start of the result set if the result set is empty after the deletion. - Fixed Bug#43759 - ResultSet.deleteRow() generates corrupt DELETE statement for primary keys with binary data. - Fixed Bug#46925 - Suspendable XA connections were not pinned to the XID for the global transaction, leading to failure when attempting to suspend/resume/commit from different logical XA connections. - Fixed Bug#44508 - DatabaseMetadata.getSuperTypes() returns result set with incorrect column names. - Fixed Bug#46788 - Batched prepared statements with ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE are rewritten incorrectly when when there are parameters as part of the UPDATE clause. Statements of this form can not be rewritten as multi-value INSERTs so they are rewritten into multi-statements instead. 07-16-09 - Version 5.1.8 - Fixed BUG#44588 - Fixed error message for connection exceptions when streaming result sets are used. - Modified/fixed test cases using UnreliableSocketFactory. - Fixed BUG#43421 - Made doPing() global blacklist-aware, so that it does not throw Exceptions when at least a single load-balanced server is available. - Fixed BUG#43071 - Specifying ASCII encoding for converting seed String to byte array; allowing system default encoding to be used causes auth failures on EBCDIC platforms. - Fixed BUG#43070 - traceProtocol parameter isn't configured early enough to capture handshake protocol. - Fixed BUG#41161 - PreparedStatement.addBatch() doesn't check for all parameters being set, which leads to a NullPointerException when calling executeBatch() and rewriting batched statements into multi-value or multi-statement statements. - Fixed BUG#42055 - ConcurrentModificationException possible when removing items from global blacklist. - Fixed Bug #42309 - Statement.getGeneratedKeys() returns 2 keys when using ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE - Fixed some quoting of substituted parameter issues in localized error messages. - Added a version check around getting the variable 'auto_increment_increment' for servers < 5.0.2, which quiets down a warning message that the driver would log when connecting to MySQL-4.1 or older. - The driver will automatically disable elideSetAutoCommit and useLocalTransactionState if it detects a MySQL server version older than 6.0.10 with the query cache enabled, due to Bug#36326 which can cause the server to report bogus transaction state. - Fixed a performance regression (Bug#41532) in rewritten batched inserts when "ON DUPLICATE KEY" was present. Fixes include an improvement to token searching in the statement, and the ability for the driver to rewrite prepared statements that include "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" into multi-valued inserts as long as there is no use of LAST_INSERT_ID() in the update clause (as this would render getGeneratedKey() values incorrect). - Fixed Bug#44056 - Statement.getGeneratedKeys() retains result set instances until statement is closed, thus causing memory leaks for long-lived statements, or statements used in tight loops. - Fixed issues with server-side prepared statement batch re-writing caused by the fix to Bug#41532. Rewriting of batched statements now works the same between normal prepared statements and server-side prepared statements. - Fixed Bug#44862 - getBestRowIdentifier does not return resultset as per JDBC API specifications - Fixed Bug#44683 - getVersionColumns does not return resultset as per JDBC API specifications - Fixed Bug#44865 - getColumns does not return resultset as per JDBC API specifications - Fixed Bug#44868 - getTypeInfo does not return resultset as per JDBC API specifications - Fixed Bug#44869 - getIndexInfo does not return resultset as per JDBC API specifications - Fixed Bug#44867 - getImportedKeys/exportedKeys/crossReference doesn't have correct type for DEFERRABILITY - Fixed Bug#41730 - SQL Injection when using U+00A5 and SJIS - Fixed Bug#43196 - Statement.getGeneratedKeys() doesn't return values for UNSIGNED BIGINTS with values > Long.MAX_VALUE. Unfortunately, because the server doesn't tell clients what TYPE the auto increment value is, the driver can't consistently return BigIntegers for the result set returned from getGeneratedKeys(), it will only return them if the value is > Long.MAX_VALUE. If your application needs this consistency, it will need to check the class of the return value from .getObject() on the ResultSet returned by Statement.getGeneratedKeys() and if it's not a BigInteger, create one based on the java.lang.Long that is returned. - Fixed Bug#38387 - "functionsNeverReturnBlobs=true" now works for SQL functions that return binary/binary collation VAR_STRINGS. - Fixed Bug#45171 - Connection.serverPrepareStatement() returns wrong default result set types - Fixed Bug #43714 - useInformationSchema with DatabaseMetaData.getExportedKeys() throws exception - Fixed Bug #42253 - multiple escaped quotes cause exception from EscapeProcessor - Fixed Bug #41566 - Quotes within comments not correctly ignored by statement parser - Fixed Bug #41269 - DatabaseMetadata.getProcedureColumns() returns wrong value for column length - Fixed Bug #40439 - Error rewriting batched statement if table name ends with "values". - Fixed Bug #41484 Accessing fields by name after the ResultSet is closed throws NullPointerException. - Fixed Bug #39426 - executeBatch passes most recent PreparedStatement params to StatementInterceptor - Support use of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARAMETERS when "useInformationSchema" is set "true" and the view exists for DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns() and getFunctionColumns(). - When "logSlowQueries" is set to "true", and the driver has made a connection to a server that has suport for the SERVER_QUERY_WAS_SLOW flag in the protocol, the query will be logged if the server indicates the query has passed the slow query threshold. - Added new property, "maxAllowedPacket" to set maximum allowed packet size to send to server. 10-22-08 - Version 5.1.7 - Fixed BUG#33861 - Added global blacklist for LoadBalancingConnectionProxy and implemented in RandomBalanceStrategy and BestResponseTimeBalanceStrategy. Added new property, "loadBalanceBlacklistTimeout", to control how long a server lives in the global blacklist. - Fixed BUG#38782 - Possible IndexOutOfBoundsException in random load balancing strategy. - Fixed BUG#39784 - invalidateCurrentConnection() does not manage global blacklist when handling connection exceptions. - Fixed BUG#40031 - Adding support for CallableStatement.execute() to call stored procedures that are defined as NO SQL or SQL READ DATA when failed over to a read-only slave with replication driver. - Fixed BUG#35170- ResultSet.isAfterLast() doesn't work with for streaming result sets. - Fixed BUG#35199 - Parse error for metadata in stored function. - Fixed BUG#35415 - When result set is from views without access to underlying columns and is opened with CONCUR_UPDATABLE, don't throw SQLExceptions when checking updatability due to access permissions, instead return CONCUR_READONLY from getConcurrency. - Fixed BUG#35666 - NullPointerException when using "logSlowQueries=true" with server-side prepared statements enabled. - Fixed BUG#35660 - Calling equals() on connections created with "jdbc:mysql:loadbalance:" URLs did not have the same behavior as "plain" connections. The behavior we use is the implementation in java.lang.Object, load-balanced connections just happened to be using a java.lang.reflect.Proxy which required some custom behavior in equals() to make it work the same as "plain" connections. Note that there is no *specified* equals contract for JDBC connections in the JDBC specification itself, but the test makes sure that our implementation is at least consistent. - Fixed BUG#35810 - Properties set in URLs and then passed to DataSources via setUrl() did not take effect in certain circumstances. This also fixes related bugs BUG#13261 and BUG#35753. - Fixed BUG#36051 - ResultSet.getTime() won't accept value of '24' for hours component of a java.sql.Time. - Fixed BUG#36830 - DBMD.getColumns() doesn't return correct COLUMN_SIZE for SET columns. The logic wasn't accounting for the ","s in the column size. - Fixed BUG#35610, BUG#35150- ResultSet.findColumn() and ResultSet.get...(String) doesn't allow column names to be used, and isn't congruent with ResultSetMetadata.getColumnName(). By default, we follow the JDBC Specification here, in that the 4.0 behavior is correct. Calling programs should use ResultSetMetaData.getColumnLabel() to dynamically determine the correct "name" to pass to ResultSet.findColumn() or ResultSet.get...(String) whether or not the query specifies an alias via "AS" for the column. ResultSetMetaData.getColumnName() will return the actual name of the column, if it exists, and this name can *not* be used as input to ResultSet.findColumn() or ResultSet.get...(String). The JDBC-3.0 (and earlier) specification has a bug, but you can get the buggy behavior (allowing column names *and* labels to be used for ResultSet.findColumn() and get...(String)) by setting "useColumnNamesInFindColumn" to "true". - Fixed BUG#35489 - Prepared statements from pooled connections cause NPE when closed() under JDBC-4.0. - Added connection property "useLocalTransactionState" which configures if the driver use the in-transaction state provided by the MySQL protocol to determine if a commit() or rollback() should actually be sent to the database. (disabled by default). - Use socket timeouts for JDBC-4.0's Connection.isValid(int timeout) instead of timer tasks, for scalability. As a side effect internally, any communications with the database can use a timeout different than the configured timeout, but this isn't currently used. - The number and position of columns for "SHOW INNODB STATUS" changed in MySQL-5.1, which caused the "includeInnodbStatusInDeadlockExceptions" feature to not show data about the deadlock. - Implemented support of INFORMATION_SCHEMA for DatabaseMetadata.getTables() (views there are available as "SYSTEM TABLE"), and thus also made INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables available via DatabaseMetadata.getColumns(). - Fixed BUG#39352, "INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" doesn't return "0" for un-affected rows. This requires the driver to not send the "CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS" flag to the server when it connects if the connection property "useAffectedRows" is set to "true", which breaks JDBC-compliance, but currently there is no other way to get correct return values from the server. - Fixed BUG#38747 - ResultSets in "streaming" mode throw an exception when closed when the connection is set as "read-only". - Fixed BUG#37570 - Can't use non-latin1 passwords. Added connection property "passwordCharacterEncoding". Leaving this set to the default value (null), uses the platform character set, which works for ISO8859_1 (i.e. "latin1") passwords. For passwords in other character encodings, the encoding will have to be specified with this property, as it's not possible for the driver to auto-detect this. - Fixed BUG#39911 - We don't retrieve nanos correctly when -parsing- a string for a TIMESTAMP. MySQL itself doesn't support micros or nanos in timestamp values, but if they're stored as strings, historically we try and parse the nanos portion as well. Unfortunately we -interpreted- them as micros. This fix includes correcting that behavior, and setting the milliseconds portion of such TIMESTAMPs to a correct value as well. - Fixed BUG#39962 - ResultSet.findColumn() is slow for applications that call it too often (we're looking at -you- Hibernate). We're using TreeMaps to get case-insensitive comparisons (required for JDBC compliance), but they can be slower than hash maps, so using the approach Alex Burgel points out in this bug seems to help. - Fixed BUG#39956 - Statement.getGeneratedKeys() doesn't respect the 'auto_increment_increment' value. We now grab the *session-scoped* value, and use that. Beware that using "cacheServerConfig=true" will cause us to cache this value, so new connections won't see changes that are applied via something like "init-sql". - Fixed BUG#39611 - ReplicationConnection never sends queries to last host in slave list. - Fixed BUG#34185 - Statement.getGeneratedKeys() does not raise exception when statement was not created with Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS flags. - Using autoGenerateTestcaseScript=true now logs all statements, regardless or not if they cause errors when processed by MySQL. A "clock" value (millis since epoch) was added in the comment that is pre-pended with the idea that it can then be used when post-processing output to sequence things correctly for a multi-threaded testcase, or to replay the test case with the correct think times. 03-06-08 - Version 5.1.6 - JDBC-4.0-ized XAConnections and datasources. - Fixed BUG#31790 MysqlValidConnectionChecker doesn't properly handle ReplicationConnection - Fixed Bug#20491 - DatabaseMetadata.getColumns() doesn't return correct column names if connection character set isn't UTF-8. (There was a server-side component of this that was fixed late in the 5.0 development cycle, it seems, this is the last piece that fixes some loose ends in the JDBC driver). This fix touches *all* metadata information coming from the MySQL server itself. - Fixed MysqlIO.nextRowFast() to only attempt to read server warning counts and status if talking to a 4.1 or newer server (fixes a hang when reading data from 4.0 servers). - Made profiler event handling extensible via the "profilerEventHandler" connection property. - Fixed Bug#31823 - CallableStatement.setNull() on a stored function would throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds when setting the last parameter to null when calling setNull(). - Added SSL-related configuration property "verifyServerCertificate". If set to "false", the driver won't verify the server's certificate when "useSSL" is set to "true". When using this feature, the keystore parameters should be specified by the "clientCertificateKeyStore*" properties, rather than system properties, as the JSSE doesn't make it straightforward to have a non-verifying trust store and the "default" key store. - Fixed ResultSetMetadata.getColumnName() for result sets returned from Statement.getGeneratedKeys() - it was returning null instead of "GENERATED_KEY" as in 5.0.x. - More applicable fix for the "random" load balance strategy in the face of node non-responsive, it re-tries a *different* random node, rather than waiting for the node to recover (for BUG#31053) - Fixed BUG#32577 - no way to store two timestamp/datetime values that happens over the DST switchover, as the hours end up being the same when sent as the literal that MySQL requires. Note that to get this scenario to work with MySQL (since it doesn't support per-value timezones), you need to configure your server (or session) to be in UTC, and tell the driver not to use the legacy date/time code by setting "useLegacyDatetimeCode" to "false". This will cause the driver to always convert to/from the server and client timezone consistently. This bug fix also fixes BUG#15604, by adding entirely new date/time handling code that can be switched on by "useLegacyDatetimeCode" being set to "false" as a JDBC configuration property. For Connector/J 5.1.x, the default is "true", in trunk and beyond it will be "false" (i.e. the old date/time handling code, warts and all will be deprecated). - Fixed BUG#32877 - Load balancing connection using best response time would incorrectly "stick" to hosts that were down when the connection was first created. We solve this problem with a black list that is used during the picking of new hosts. If the black list ends up including all configured hosts, the driver will retry for a configurable number of times (the "retriesAllDown" configuration property, with a default of 120 times), sleeping 250ms between attempts to pick a new connection. We've also went ahead and made the balancing strategy extensible. To create a new strategy, implement the interface com.mysql.jdbc.BalanceStrategy (which also includes our standard "extension" interface), and tell the driver to use it by passing in the class name via the "loadBalanceStrategy" configuration property. - Fixed BUG#30508 - ResultSet returned by Statement.getGeneratedKeys() is not closed automatically when statement that created it is closed. - Added two new connection properties, "selfDestructOnPingSecondsLifetime" and "selfDestructOnPingMaxOperations" designed to control overall connection lifetime (useful to reclaim resources on the server side) for connection pools that don't have such a facility. The driver will consult the values of these properties when a ping is sent, either through calling Connection.ping(), issuing the "ping marker" query (any query that starts with "/* ping */"), or when using JDBC-4.0, calling Connection.isValid(). If the connection has issued too many operations, or is too old, the driver will throw a SQLException with the SQLState of "08S01" at the time of the ping, which will cause the connection to be invalidated with most pools in use today. - Fixed issue where driver could send invalid server-side prepared statement IDs to the server when the driver was setup to do auto-reconnect as the connection could get set up enough to start sending queries on one thread, while the thread that "noticed" the connection was down hasn't completed re-preparing all of the server-side prepared statements that were open when the connection died. Potentially fixes cause for bug 28934. Potentially fixes other possible race conditions where one thread that has created a connection "shares" it with other threads if the connection is reconnected due to auto-reconnect functionality. - Fixed BUG#33823 - Public interface ResultSetInternalMethods with reference to non-public class com.mysql.jdbc.CachedResultSetMetaData. - For any SQLException caused by another Throwable, besides dumping the message or stack trace as a string into the message, set the underlying Throwable as the cause for the SQLException, making it accessible via getCause(). - Fixed BUG#34093 - Statements with batched values do not return correct values for getGeneratedKeys() when "rewriteBatchedStatements" is set to "true", and the statement has an "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" clause. - Fixed BUG#31192 - Encoding Issue retrieving serverVersion in MysqlIO in the method doHandshake when encoding doesn't contain ASCII characters in the "standard" place (i.e. ebcdic). - Fixed issue where META-INF in the binary .jar file wasn't packed correctly, leading to failure of the JDBC-4.0 SPI mechanism. - CallableStatements that aren't really stored procedure or stored function calls can now be used, for tools such as Oracle JDeveloper ADF that issue statements such as DDL through CallableStatements. - Fixed BUG#34518 - Statements using cursor fetch leaked internal prepared statements until connection was closed. The internal prepared statement is now held open while the result set is open, and closed by the result set itself being closed. - Fixed BUG#34677 - Blob.truncate() wouldn't take "0" as an argument. - CommunicationExceptions now carry information about the last time a packet was received from the MySQL server, as well as when the last packet was sent to one, in an effort to make it easier to debug communications errors caused by network timeouts. - Reverted a change to DatabaseMetadata.getColumns() from 5.0, where getColumns() would report NULL for COLUMN_SIZE for TIME, DATE, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP types. It now reports the column size, in the DatabaseMetadata implementations that use "SHOW" commands, and the INFORMATION_SCHEMA. - Fixed Bug#34762 - RowDataStatic does't always set the metadata in ResultSetRow, which can lead to failures when unpacking DATE, TIME, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP types when using absolute, relative, and previous result set navigation methods. - Fixed BUG#34703 - Connection.isValid() invalidates connection after timeout, even if connection is actually valid. - Fixed BUG#34194 - ResultSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName() returns "UNKNOWN" for GEOMETRY type. - Fixed BUG#33162 - NullPointerException instead of SQLException thrown for ResultSet.getTimestamp() when not positioned on a row. - The ConnectionLifecycleInterceptor interface now has callback methods for transaction initiation (transactionBegun()), and completion (transactionCompleted()), as reported by the *server* (i.e. calling Connection.setAutoCommit(false) will not trigger transactionBegun() being called, however the first statement which causes a transaction to start on the server will cause transactionBegun() to be called *after* the statement has been processed on the server). - Fixed Bug#34913 - ResultSet.getTimestamp() returns incorrect values for month/day of TIMESTAMPs when using server-side prepared statements (not enabled by default). - Fixed BUG#34937 - MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource does not support ReplicationConnection. Notice that we implemented com.mysql.jdbc.Connection for ReplicationConnection, however, only accessors from ConnectionProperties are implemented (not the mutators), and they return values from the currently active connection. All other methods from com.mysql.jdbc.Connection are implemented, and operate on the currently active connection, with the exception of resetServerState() and changeUser(). - Connections created with jdbc:mysql:replication:// URLs now force roundRobinLoadBalance=true on the slaves, and round-robin loadbalancing now uses a "random" choice to more evenly distribute load across slave servers, especially in connection pools. Connections that are configured with "roundRobinLoadBalance=true" no longer set the failover state, as it's assumed that we're not attempting to fall-back to a master server. This fixes BUG#34963. 10-09-07 - Version 5.1.5 - Released instead of 5.1.4 to pickup patch for BUG#31053 from 5.0.8. 10-09-07 - Version 5.1.4 - Added "autoSlowLog" configuration property, overrides "slowQueryThreshold*" properties, driver determines slow queries by those that are slower than 5 * stddev of the mean query time (outside the 96% percentile). - Fixed BUG#28256 - When connection is in read-only mode, queries that are wrapped in parentheses incorrectly identified as DML. 09-07-07 - Version 5.1.3 RC - Setting "useBlobToStoreUTF8OutsideBMP" to "true" tells the driver to treat [MEDIUM/LONG/TINY]BLOB columns as [LONG]VARCHAR columns holding text encoded in UTF-8 that has characters outside the BMP (4-byte encodings), which MySQL server can't handle natively. Set "utf8OutsideBmpExcludedColumnNamePattern" to a regex so that column names matching the given regex will still be treated as BLOBs The regex must follow the patterns used for the java.util.regex package. The default is to exclude no columns, and include all columns. Set "utf8OutsideBmpIncludedColumnNamePattern" to specify exclusion rules to "utf8OutsideBmpExcludedColumnNamePattern". The regex must follow the patterns used for the java.util.regex package. - New methods on com.mysql.jdbc.Statement: setLocalInfileInputStream() and getLocalInfileInputStream(). setLocalInfileInputStream() sets an InputStream instance that will be used to send data to the MySQL server for a "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" statement rather than a FileInputStream or URLInputStream that represents the path given as an argument to the statement. This stream will be read to completion upon execution of a "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" statement, and will automatically be closed by the driver, so it needs to be reset before each call to execute*() that would cause the MySQL server to request data to fulfill the request for "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE". If this value is set to NULL, the driver will revert to using a FileInputStream or URLInputStream as required. getLocalInfileInputStream() returns the InputStream instance that will be used to send data in response to a "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" statement. This method returns NULL if no such stream has been set via setLocalInfileInputStream(). - The driver now connects with an initial character set of "utf-8" solely for the purposes of authentication to allow usernames and database names in any character set to be used in the JDBC URL. - Errors encountered during Statement/PreparedStatement/CallableStatement.executeBatch() when "rewriteBatchStatements" has been set to "true" now return BatchUpdateExceptions according to the setting of "continueBatchOnError". If "continueBatchOnError" is set to "true", the update counts for the "chunk" that were sent as one unit will all be set to EXECUTE_FAILED, but the driver will attempt to process the remainder of the batch. You can determine which "chunk" failed by looking at the update counts returned in the BatchUpdateException. If "continueBatchOnError" is set to "false", the update counts returned will contain the failed "chunk", and stop with the failed chunk, with all counts for the failed "chunk" set to EXECUTE_FAILED. Since MySQL doesn't return multiple error codes for multiple-statements, or for multi-value INSERT/REPLACE, it is the application's responsibility to handle determining which item(s) in the "chunk" actually failed. - Statement.setQueryTimeout()s now affect the entire batch for batched statements, rather than the individual statements that make up the batch. 06-29-07 - Version 5.1.2 Beta - Setting the configuration property "rewriteBatchedStatements" to "true" will now cause the driver to rewrite batched prepared statements with more than 3 parameter sets in a batch into multi-statements (separated by ";") if they are not plain (i.e. without SELECT or ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clauses) INSERT or REPLACE statements. 06-22-07 - Version 5.1.1 Alpha - Pulled vendor-extension methods of Connection implementation out into an interface to support java.sql.Wrapper functionality from ConnectionPoolDataSource. The vendor extensions are javadoc'd in the com.mysql.jdbc.Connection interface. For those looking further into the driver implementation, it is not an API that is used for plugability of implementations inside our driver (which is why there are still references to ConnectionImpl throughout the code). Incompatible change: Connection.serverPrepare(String) has been re-named to Connection.serverPrepareStatement() for consistency with Connection.clientPrepareStatement(). We've also added server and client prepareStatement() methods that cover all of the variants in the JDBC API. - Similar to Connection, we pulled out vendor extensions to Statement into an interface named "com.mysql.Statement", and moved the Statement class into com.mysql.StatementImpl. The two methods (javadoc'd in "com.mysql.Statement" are enableStreamingResults(), which already existed, and disableStreamingResults() which sets the statement instance back to the fetch size and result set type it had before enableStreamingResults() was called. - Added experimental support for statement "interceptors" via the com.mysql.jdbc.StatementInterceptor interface, examples are in com/mysql/jdbc/interceptors. Implement this interface to be placed "in between" query execution, so that you can influence it. (currently experimental). StatementInterceptors are "chainable" when configured by the user, the results returned by the "current" interceptor will be passed on to the next on in the chain, from left-to-right order, as specified by the user in the JDBC configuration property "statementInterceptors". See the sources (fully javadoc'd) for com.mysql.jdbc.StatementInterceptor for more details until we iron out the API and get it documented in the manual. - Externalized the descriptions of connection properties. - The data (and how it's stored) for ResultSet rows are now behind an interface which allows us (in some cases) to allocate less memory per row, in that for "streaming" result sets, we re-use the packet used to read rows, since only one row at a time is ever active. - Made it possible to retrieve prepared statement parameter bindings (to be used in StatementInterceptors, primarily). - Row navigation now causes any streams/readers open on the result set to be closed, as in some cases we're reading directly from a shared network packet and it will be overwritten by the "next" row. - Setting "rewriteBatchedStatements" to "true" now causes CallableStatements with batched arguments to be re-written in the form "CALL (...); CALL (...); ..." to send the batch in as few client-server round trips as possible. - Driver now picks appropriate internal row representation (whole row in one buffer, or individual byte[]s for each column value) depending on heuristics, including whether or not the row has BLOB or TEXT types and the overall row-size. The threshold for row size that will cause the driver to use a buffer rather than individual byte[]s is configured by the configuration property "largeRowSizeThreshold", which has a default value of 2KB. 04-11-07 - Version 5.1.0 Alpha - Bumped JDBC Specification version number in jar-file manifest. - Re-worked Ant buildfile to build JDBC-4.0 classes separately, as well as support building under Eclipse (since Eclipse can't mix/match JDKs). To build, you must set JAVA_HOME to J2SDK-1.4.2 or Java-5, and set the following properties on your Ant commandline: com.mysql.jdbc.java6.javac - full path to your Java-6 javac executable com.mysql.jdbc.java6.rtjar - full path to your Java-6 rt.jar file - New feature - driver will automatically adjust session variable "net_write_timeout" when it determines its been asked for a "streaming" result, and resets it to the previous value when the result set has been consumed. (configuration property is named "netTimeoutForStreamingResults", value has unit of seconds, the value '0' means the driver will not try and adjust this value). - Added support for JDBC-4.0 categorized SQLExceptions. - Refactored CommunicationsException into a JDBC3 version, and a JDBC4 version (which extends SQLRecoverableException, now that it exists). This change means that if you were catching com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException in your applications instead of looking at the SQLState class of "08", and are moving to Java 6 (or newer), you need to change your imports to that exception to be com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException, as the old class will not be instantiated for communications link-related errors under Java 6. - Added support for JDBC-4.0's client information. The backend storage of information provided via Connection.setClientInfo() and retrieved by Connection.getClientInfo() is pluggable by any class that implements the com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4ClientInfoProvider interface and has a no-args constructor. The implementation used by the driver is configured using the "clientInfoProvider" configuration property (with a default of value of "com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4CommentClientInfoProvider", an implementation which lists the client info as a comment prepended to every query sent to the server). This functionality is only available when using Java-6 or newer. - Added support for JDBC-4.0's SQLXML interfaces. - Added support for JDBC-4.0's Wrapper interface. - Added support for JDBC-4.0's NCLOB, and NCHAR/NVARCHAR types. nn-nn-07 - Version 5.0.9 - Driver now calls SocketFactory.afterHandshake() at appropriate time. 10-09-07 - Version 5.0.8 - Fixed BUG#30550, executeBatch() would fail with an ArithmeticException and/or NullPointerException when the batch had zero members and "rewriteBatchedStatements" was set to "true" for the connection. - Added two configuration parameters (both default to "false") * blobsAreStrings - Should the driver always treat BLOBs as Strings specifically to work around dubious metadata returned by the server for GROUP BY clauses? * functionsNeverReturnBlobs - Should the driver always treat data from functions returning BLOBs as Strings - specifically to work around dubious metadata returned by the server for GROUP BY clauses? - Fixed BUG#29106 - Connection checker for JBoss didn't use same method parameters via reflection, causing connections to always seem "bad". - Fixed BUG#30664 - Note that this fix only works for MySQL server versions 5.0.25 and newer, since earlier versions didn't consistently return correct metadata for functions, and thus results from subqueries and functions were indistinguishable from each other, leading to type-related bugs. - Fixed BUG#28972 - DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo() for the types DECIMAL and NUMERIC will return a precision of 254 for server versions older than 5.0.3, 64 for versions 5.0.3-5.0.5 and 65 for versions newer than 5.0.5. - Fixed BUG#29852 - Closing a load-balanced connection would cause a ClassCastException. - Fixed BUG#27867 - Schema objects with identifiers other than the connection character aren't retrieved correctly in ResultSetMetadata. - Fixed BUG#28689 - CallableStatement.executeBatch() doesn't work when connection property "noAccessToProcedureBodies" has been set to "true". The fix involves changing the behavior of "noAccessToProcedureBodies",in that the driver will now report all paramters as "IN" paramters but allow callers to call registerOutParameter() on them without throwing an exception. - Fixed BUG#27182 - Connection.getServerCharacterEncoding() doesn't work for servers with version >= 4.1. - Fixed BUG#27915 - DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() doesn't contain SCOPE_* or IS_AUTOINCREMENT columns. - Fixed BUG#30851, NPE with null column values when "padCharsWithSpace" is set to "true". - Specifying a "validation query" in your connection pool that starts with "/* ping */" _exactly_ will cause the driver to instead send a ping to the server and return a fake result set (much lighter weight), and when using a ReplicationConnection or a LoadBalancedConnection, will send the ping across all active connections. - Fixed Bug#30892 setObject(int, Object, int, int) delegate in PreparedStatmentWrapper delegates to wrong method. - XAConnections now start in auto-commit mode (as per JDBC-4.0 specification clarification). - Fixed Bug#27412 - cached metadata with PreparedStatement.execute() throws NullPointerException. - Driver will now fall back to sane defaults for max_allowed_packet and net_buffer_length if the server reports them incorrectly (and will log this situation at WARN level, since it's actually an error condition). - Fixed BUG#27916 - UNSIGNED types not reported via DBMD.getTypeInfo(), and capitalization of type names is not consistent between DBMD.getColumns(), RSMD.getColumnTypeName() and DBMD.getTypeInfo(). This fix also ensures that the precision of UNSIGNED MEDIUMINT and UNSIGNED BIGINT is reported correctly via DBMD.getColumns(). - Fixed BUG#31053 - Connections established using URLs of the form "jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://" weren't doing failover if they tried to connect to a MySQL server that was down. The driver now attempts connections to the next "best" (depending on the load balance strategy in use) server, and continues to attempt connecting to the next "best" server every 250 milliseconds until one is found that is up and running or 5 minutes has passed. If the driver gives up, it will throw the last-received SQLException. 07-19-07 - Version 5.0.7 - Setting the configuration parameter "useCursorFetch" to "true" for MySQL-5.0+ enables the use of cursors that allow Connector/J to save memory by fetching result set rows in chunks (where the chunk size is set by calling setFetchSize() on a Statement or ResultSet) by using fully-materialized cursors on the server. The driver will will now automatically set "useServerPrepStmts" to "true" when "useCursorFetch" has been set to "true", since the feature requires server-side prepared statements in order to function. - Fixed BUG#28469 - PreparedStatement.getMetaData() for statements containing leading one-line comments is not returned correctly. As part of this fix, we also overhauled detection of DML for executeQuery() and SELECTs for executeUpdate() in plain and prepared statements to be aware of the same types of comments. - Added configuration property "useNanosForElapsedTime" - for profiling/debugging functionality that measures elapsed time, should the driver try to use nanoseconds resolution if available (requires JDK >= 1.5)? - Added configuration property "slowQueryThresholdNanos" - if "useNanosForElapsedTime" is set to "true", and this property is set to a non-zero value the driver will use this threshold (in nanosecond units) to determine if a query was slow, instead of using millisecond units. Note, that if "useNanosForElapsedTime" is set to "true", and this property is set to "0" (or left default), then elapsed times will still be measured in nanoseconds (if possible), but the slow query threshold will be converted from milliseconds to nanoseconds, and thus have an upper bound of approximately 2000 millesconds (as that threshold is represented as an integer, not a long). - Added configuration properties to allow tuning of TCP/IP socket parameters: "tcpNoDelay" - Should the driver set SO_TCP_NODELAY (disabling the Nagle Algorithm, default "true")? "tcpKeepAlive" - Should the driver set SO_KEEPALIVE (default "true")? "tcpRcvBuf" - Should the driver set SO_RCV_BUF to the given value? The default value of '0', means use the platform default value for this property. "tcpSndBuf" - Should the driver set SO_SND_BUF to the given value? The default value of '0', means use the platform default value for this property. "tcpTrafficClass" - Should the driver set traffic class or type-of-service fields? See the documentation for java.net.Socket.setTrafficClass() for more information. - Give more information in EOFExceptions thrown out of MysqlIO (how many bytes the driver expected to read, how many it actually read, say that communications with the server were unexpectedly lost). - Setting "useDynamicCharsetInfo" to "false" now causes driver to use static lookups for collations as well (makes ResultSetMetadata.isCaseSensitive() much more efficient, which leads to performance increase for ColdFusion, which calls this method for every column on every table it sees, it appears). - Driver detects when it is running in a ColdFusion MX server (tested with version 7), and uses the configuration bundle "coldFusion", which sets useDynamicCharsetInfo to "false" (see previous entry), and sets useLocalSessionState and autoReconnect to "true". - Fixed BUG#28851 - parser in client-side prepared statements eats character following '/' if it's not a multi-line comment. - Fixed BUG#28956 - parser in client-side prepared statements runs to end of statement, rather than end-of-line for '#' comments. Also added support for '--' single-line comments. - Don't send any file data in response to LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE if the feature is disabled at the client side. This is to prevent a malicious server or man-in-the-middle from asking the client for data that the client is not expecting. Thanks to Jan Kneschke for discovering the exploit and Andrey "Poohie" Hristov, Konstantin Osipov and Sergei Golubchik for discussions about implications and possible fixes. This fixes BUG 29605 for JDBC. - Added new debugging functionality - Setting configuration property "includeInnodbStatusInDeadlockExceptions" to "true" will cause the driver to append the output of "SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS" to deadlock-related exceptions, which will enumerate the current locks held inside InnoDB. 05-15-07 - Version 5.0.6 - Fixed BUG#25545 - Client options not sent correctly when using SSL, leading to stored procedures not being able to return results. Thanks to Don Cohen for the bug report, testcase and patch. - Fixed BUG#26592 - PreparedStatement is not closed in BlobFromLocator.getBytes(). - Fixed BUG#25624 - Whitespace surrounding storage/size specifiers in stored procedure parameters declaration causes NumberFormatException to be thrown when calling stored procedure on JDK-1.5 or newer, as the Number classes in JDK-1.5+ are whitespace intolerant. - Fixed BUG#26173 - When useCursorFetch=true, sometimes server would return new, more exact metadata during the execution of the server-side prepared statement that enables this functionality, which the driver ignored (using the original metadata returned during prepare()), causing corrupt reading of data due to type mismatch when the actual rows were returned. - Fixed BUG#26959 - comments in DDL of stored procedures/functions confuse procedure parser, and thus metadata about them can not be created, leading to inability to retrieve said metadata, or execute procedures that have certain comments in them. - Give better error message when "streaming" result sets, and the connection gets clobbered because of exceeding net_write_timeout on the server. (which is basically what the error message says too). - Fixed BUG#26789 - fast date/time parsing doesn't take into account 00:00:00 as a legal value. - Fixed BUG#27317 - ResultSet.get*() with a column index < 1 returns misleading error message. - Fixed BUG#25517 - Statement.setMaxRows() is not effective on result sets materialized from cursors. - New configuration property, "enableQueryTimeouts" (default "true"). When enabled, query timeouts set via Statement.setQueryTimeout() use a shared java.util.Timer instance for scheduling. Even if the timeout doesn't expire before the query is processed, there will be memory used by the TimerTask for the given timeout which won't be reclaimed until the time the timeout would have expired if it hadn't been cancelled by the driver. High-load environments might want to consider disabling this functionality. (this configuration property is part of the "maxPerformance" configuration bundle). - Fixed BUG#27400 - CALL /* ... */ some_proc() doesn't work. As a side effect of this fix, you can now use /* */ and # comments when preparing statements using client-side prepared statement emulation. If the comments happen to contain parameter markers '?', they will be treated as belonging to the comment (i.e. not recognized) rather than being a parameter of the statement. Note that the statement when sent to the server will contain the comments as-is, they're not stripped during the process of preparing the PreparedStatement or CallableStatement. - Fixed BUG#25328 - BIT(> 1) is returned as java.lang.String from ResultSet.getObject() rather than byte[]. - Fixed BUG#25715 - CallableStatements with OUT/INOUT parameters that are "binary" (blobs, bits, (var)binary, java_object) have extra 7 bytes (which happens to be the _binary introducer!) - Added configuration property "padCharsWithSpace" (defaults to "false"). If set to "true", and a result set column has the CHAR type and the value does not fill the amount of characters specified in the DDL for the column, the driver will pad the remaining characters with space (for ANSI compliance). - Fixed BUG#27655 - Connection.getTransactionIsolation() uses "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE" which is very inefficient on MySQL-5.0+ - Added configuration property "useDynamicCharsetInfo". If set to "false" (the default), the driver will use a per-connection cache of character set information queried from the server when necessary, or when set to "true", use a built-in static mapping that is more efficient, but isn't aware of custom character sets or character sets implemented after the release of the JDBC driver. Note: this only affects the "padCharsWithSpace" configuration property and the ResultSetMetaData.getColumnDisplayWidth() method. - More intelligent initial packet sizes for the "shared" packets are used (512 bytes, rather than 16K), and initial packets used during handshake are now sized appropriately as to not require reallocation. - Fixed issue where calling getGeneratedKeys() on a prepared statement after calling execute() didn't always return the generated keys (executeUpdate() worked fine however). - Fixed issue where a failed-over connection would let an application call setReadOnly(false), when that call should be ignored until the connection is reconnected to a writable master unless "failoverReadOnly" had been set to "false". - Fixed BUG#28085 - Generate more useful error messages for diagnostics when the driver thinks a result set isn't updatable. (Thanks to Ashley Martens for the patch). - Driver will now use INSERT INTO ... VALUES (DEFAULT) form of statement for updatable result sets for ResultSet.insertRow(), rather than pre-populating the insert row with values from DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() (which results in a "SHOW FULL COLUMNS" on the server for every result set). If an application requires access to the default values before insertRow() has been called, the JDBC URL should be configured with "populateInsertRowWithDefaultValues" set to "true". This fix specifically targets performance issues with ColdFusion and the fact that it seems to ask for updatable result sets no matter what the application does with them. - com.mysql.jdbc.[NonRegistering]Driver now understands URLs of the format "jdbc:mysql:replication://" and "jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://" which will create a ReplicationConnection (exactly like when using [NonRegistering]ReplicationDriver) and an experimenal load-balanced connection designed for use with SQL nodes in a MySQL Cluster/NDB environment, respectively. In an effort to simplify things, we're working on deprecating multiple drivers, and instead specifying different core behavior based upon JDBC URL prefixes, so watch for [NonRegistering]ReplicationDriver to eventually disappear, to be replaced with com.mysql.jdbc[NonRegistering]Driver with the new URL prefix. - Added an experimental load-balanced connection designed for use with SQL nodes in a MySQL Cluster/NDB environment (This is not for master-slave replication. For that, we suggest you look at ReplicationConnection or "lbpool"). If the JDBC URL starts with "jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://host-1,host-2,...host-n", the driver will create an implementation of java.sql.Connection that load balances requests across a series of MySQL JDBC connections to the given hosts, where the balancing takes place after transaction commit. Therefore, for this to work (at all), you must use transactions, even if only reading data. Physical connections to the given hosts will not be created until needed. The driver will invalidate connections that it detects have had communication errors when processing a request. A new connection to the problematic host will be attempted the next time it is selected by the load balancing algorithm. There are two choices for load balancing algorithms, which may be specified by the "loadBalanceStrategy" JDBC URL configuration property: * "random" - the driver will pick a random host for each request. This tends to work better than round-robin, as the randomness will somewhat account for spreading loads where requests vary in response time, while round-robin can sometimes lead to overloaded nodes if there are variations in response times across the workload. * "bestResponseTime" - the driver will route the request to the host that had the best response time for the previous transaction. - When "useLocalSessionState" is set to "true" and connected to a MySQL-5.0 or later server, the JDBC driver will now determine whether an actual "commit" or "rollback" statement needs to be sent to the database when Connection.commit() or Connection.rollback() is called. This is especially helpful for high-load situations with connection pools that always call Connection.rollback() on connection check-in/check-out because it avoids a round-trip to the server. 03-01-07 - Version 5.0.5 - Fixed BUG#23645 - Some collations/character sets reported as "unknown" (specifically cias variants of existing character sets), and inability to override the detected server character set. - Performance enhancement of initial character set configuration, driver will only send commands required to configure connection character set session variables if the current values on the server do not match what is required. - Fixed BUG#24360 .setFetchSize() breaks prepared SHOW and other commands. - Fixed BUG#24344 - useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift with server-side prepared statements gives different behavior than when using client-side prepared statements. (this is now fixed if moving from server-side prepared statements to client-side prepared statements by setting "useSSPSCompatibleTimezoneShift" to true", as the driver can't tell if this is a new deployment that never used server-side prepared statements, or if it is an existing deployment that is switching to client-side prepared statements from server-side prepared statements. - Fixed BUG#23304 - DBMD using "show" and DBMD using information_schema do not return results consistent with each other. (note this fix only addresses the inconsistencies, not the issue that the driver is treating schemas differently than some users expect. We will revisit this behavior when there is full support for schemas in MySQL). - Fixed BUG#25073 - rewriting batched statements leaks internal statement instances, and causes a memory leak. - Fixed issue where field-level for metadata from DatabaseMetaData when using INFORMATION_SCHEMA didn't have references to current connections, sometimes leading to NullPointerExceptions when intropsecting them via ResultSetMetaData. - Fixed BUG#25025 - Client-side prepared statement parser gets confused by in-line (/* ... */) comments and therefore can't rewrite batched statements or reliably detect type of statements when they're used. - Fixed BUG#24065 - Better error message when server doesn't return enough information to determine stored procedure/function parameter types. - Fixed BUG#21438 - Driver sending nanoseconds to server for timestamps when using server-side prepared statements, when server expects microseconds. - Fixed BUG#25514 - Timer instance used for Statement.setQueryTimeout() created per-connection, rather than per-VM, causing memory leak - Fixed BUG#25009 - Results from updates not handled correctly in multi-statement queries, leading to erroneous "Result is from UPDATE" exceptions. - Fixed BUG#25047 - StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCaseRespectQuotes() isn't case-insensitive on the first character of the target. This bug broke rewriteBatchedStatements functionality when prepared statements don't use upper-case for the VALUES clause in their statements. - Fixed BUG#21480 - Some exceptions thrown out of StandardSocketFactory were needlessly wrapped, obscurring their true cause, especially when using socket timeouts. - Fixed BUG#23303 - DatabaseMetaData.getSchemas() doesn't return a TABLE_CATALOG column. - Fixed BUG#25399 - EscapeProcessor gets confused by multiple backslashes. We now push the responsibility of syntax errors back on to the server for most escape sequences. - Fixed BUG#25379 - INOUT parameters in CallableStatements get doubly-escaped. - Removed non-short-circuited logical ORs from "if" statements. - Re-worked stored procedure parameter parser to be more robust. Driver no longer requires "BEGIN" in stored procedure definition, but does have requirement that if a stored function begins with a label directly after the "returns" clause, that the label is not a quoted identifier. - Reverted back to internal character conversion routines for single-byte character sets, as the ones internal to the JVM are using much more CPU time than our internal implementation. - Changed cached result set metadata (when using "cacheResultSetMetadata=true") to be cached per-connection rather than per-statement as previously implemented. - Use a java.util.TreeMap to map column names to ordinal indexes for ResultSet.findColumn() instead of a HashMap. This allows us to have case-insensitive lookups (required by the JDBC specification) without resorting to the many transient object instances needed to support this requirement with a normal HashMap with either case-adjusted keys, or case-insensitive keys. (In the worst case scenario for lookups of a 1000 column result set, TreeMaps are about half as fast wall-clock time as a HashMap, however in normal applications their use gives many orders of magnitude reduction in transient object instance creation which pays off later for CPU usage in garbage collection). - Avoid static synchronized code in JVM class libraries for dealing with default timezones. - Fixed cases where ServerPreparedStatements weren't using cached metadata when "cacheResultSetMetadata=true" was configured. - Use faster datetime parsing for ResultSets that come from plain or non-server-side prepared statements. (Enable old implementation with "useFastDateParsing=false" as a configuration parameter). - Fixed BUG#24794 - DatabaseMetaData.getSQLKeywords() doesn't return all reserved words for current MySQL version. The current fix/implementation returns keywords for MySQL-5.1, and doesn't distinguish between different versions of the server. - When using cached metadata, skip field-level metadata packets coming from the server, rather than reading them and discarding them without creating com.mysql.jdbc.Field instances. - Fixed BUG#25836 - Statement execution which timed out doesn't always throw MySQLTimeoutException. - Throw exceptions encountered during timeout to thread calling Statement.execute*(), rather than RuntimeException. - Added configuration property "localSocketAddress",which is the hostname or IP address given to explicitly configure the interface that the driver will bind the client side of the TCP/IP connection to when connecting. - Take "localSocketAddress" property into account when creating instances of CommunicationsException when the underyling exception is a java.net.BindException, so that a friendlier error message is given with a little internal diagnostics. - Fixed some NPEs when cached metadata was used with UpdatableResultSets. - The "rewriteBatchedStatements" feature can now be used with server-side prepared statements. - Fixed BUG#26326 - Connection property "socketFactory" wasn't exposed via correctly named mutator/accessor, causing data source implementations that use JavaBean naming conventions to set properties to fail to set the property (and in the case of SJAS, fail silently when trying to set this parameter). - Fixed BUG#25787 - java.util.Date should be serialized for PreparedStatement.setObject(). We've added a new configuration option "treatUtilDateAsTimestamp", which is false by default, as (1) We already had specific behavior to treat java.util.Date as a java.sql.Timestamp because it's useful to many folks, and (2) that behavior will very likely be required for drivers JDBC-post-4.0. - Fixed BUG#22628 - Driver.getPropertyInfo() throws NullPointerException for URL that only specifies host and/or port. - Fixed BUG#21267, ParameterMetaData throws NullPointerException when prepared SQL actually has a syntax error. Added "generateSimpleParameterMetadata" configuration property, which when set to "true" will generate metadata reflecting VARCHAR for every parameter (the default is "false", which will cause an exception to be thrown if no parameter metadata for the statement is actually available). - When extracting foreign key information from "SHOW CREATE TABLE " in DatabaseMetaData, ignore exceptions relating to tables being missing (which could happen for cross-reference or imported-key requests, as the list of tables is generated first, then iterated). - Fixed logging of XA commands sent to server, it's now configurable via "logXaCommands" property (defaults to "false"). - Fixed issue where XADataSources couldn't be bound into JNDI, as the DataSourceFactory didn't know how to create instances of them. - Fixed issue where XADataSources couldn't be bound into JNDI, as the DataSourceFactory didn't know how to create instances of them. - Usage advisor will now issue warnings for result sets with large numbers of rows (size configured by "resultSetSizeThreshold" property, default value is 100). 10-20-06 - Version 5.0.4 - Fixed BUG#21379 - column names don't match metadata in cases where server doesn't return original column names (column functions) thus breaking compatibility with applications that expect 1-1 mappings between findColumn() and rsmd.getColumnName(), usually manifests itself as "Can't find column ('')" exceptions. - Fixed BUG#21544 - When using information_schema for metadata, COLUMN_SIZE for getColumns() is not clamped to range of java.lang.Integer as is the case when not using information_schema, thus leading to a truncation exception that isn't present when not using information_schema. - Fixed configuration property "jdbcCompliantTruncation" was not being used for reads of result set values. - Fixed BUG#22024 - Newlines causing whitespace to span confuse procedure parser when getting parameter metadata for stored procedures. - Driver now supports {call sp} (without "()" if procedure has no arguments). - Fixed BUG#22359 - Driver was using milliseconds for Statement.setQueryTimeout() when specification says argument is to be in seconds. - Workaround for server crash when calling stored procedures via a server-side prepared statement (driver now detects prepare(stored procedure) and substitutes client-side prepared statement), addresses BUG#22297. - Added new _ci collations to CharsetMapping, fixing Bug#22456 - utf8_unicode_ci not working. - Fixed BUG#22290 - Driver issues truncation on write exception when it shouldn't (due to sending big decimal incorrectly to server with server-side prepared statement). - Fixed BUG#22613 - DBMD.getColumns() does not return expected COLUMN_SIZE for the SET type, now returns length of largest possible set disregarding whitespace or the "," delimitters to be consistent with the ODBC driver. - Driver now sends numeric 1 or 0 for client-prepared statement setBoolean() calls instead of '1' or '0'. - DatabaseMetaData correctly reports true for supportsCatalog*() methods. 07-26-06 - Version 5.0.3 - Fixed BUG#20650 - Statement.cancel() causes NullPointerException if underlying connection has been closed due to server failure. - Added configuration option "noAccessToProcedureBodies" which will cause the driver to create basic parameter metadata for CallableStatements when the user does not have access to procedure bodies via "SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE" or selecting from mysql.proc instead of throwing an exception. The default value for this option is "false". 07-11-06 - Version 5.0.2-beta (5.0.1 not released due to packaging error) - Fixed BUG#17401 - Can't use XAConnection for local transactions when no global transaction is in progress. - Fixed BUG#18086 - Driver fails on non-ASCII platforms. The driver was assuming that the platform character set would be a superset of MySQL's "latin1" when doing the handshake for authentication, and when reading error messages. We now use Cp1252 for all strings sent to the server during the handshake phase, and a hard-coded mapping of the "language" server variable to the character set that is used for error messages. - Fixed BUG#19169 - ConnectionProperties (and thus some subclasses) are not serializable, even though some J2EE containers expect them to be. - Fixed BUG#20242 - MysqlValidConnectionChecker for JBoss doesn't work with MySQLXADataSources. - Better caching of character set converters (per-connection) to remove a bottleneck for multibyte character sets. - Added connection/datasource property "pinGlobalTxToPhysicalConnection" (defaults to "false"). When set to "true", when using XAConnections, the driver ensures that operations on a given XID are always routed to the same physical connection. This allows the XAConnection to support "XA START ... JOIN" after "XA END" has been called, and is also a workaround for transaction managers that don't maintain thread affinity for a global transaction (most either always maintain thread affinity, or have it as a configuration option). - MysqlXaConnection.recover(int flags) now allows combinations of XAResource.TMSTARTRSCAN and TMENDRSCAN. To simulate the "scanning" nature of the interface, we return all prepared XIDs for TMSTARTRSCAN, and no new XIDs for calls with TMNOFLAGS, or TMENDRSCAN when not in combination with TMSTARTRSCAN. This change was made for API compliance, as well as integration with IBM WebSphere's transaction manager. 12-23-05 - Version 5.0.0-beta - XADataSource implemented (ported from 3.2 branch which won't be released as a product). Use "com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXADataSource" as your datasource class name in your application server to utilize XA transactions in MySQL-5.0.10 and newer. - PreparedStatement.setString() didn't work correctly when sql_mode on server contained NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES, and no characters that needed escaping were present in the string. - Attempt detection of the MySQL type "BINARY" (it's an alias, so this isn't always reliable), and use the java.sql.Types.BINARY type mapping for it. - Moved -bin-g.jar file into separate "debug" subdirectory to avoid confusion. - Don't allow .setAutoCommit(true), or .commit() or .rollback() on an XA-managed connection as-per the JDBC specification. - If the connection "useTimezone" is set to "true", then also respect timezone conversions in escape-processed string literals (e.g. "{ts ...}" and "{t ...}"). - Return original column name for RSMD.getColumnName() if the column was aliased, alias name for .getColumnLabel() (if aliased), and original table name for .getTableName(). Note this only works for MySQL-4.1 and newer, as older servers don't make this information available to clients. - Setting "useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true" (it's not the default) causes the driver to use GMT for _all_ TIMESTAMP/DATETIME timezones, and the current VM timezone for any other type that refers to timezones. This feature can not be used when "useTimezone=true" to convert between server and client timezones. - Add one level of indirection of internal representation of CallableStatement parameter metadata to avoid class not found issues on JDK-1.3 for ParameterMetadata interface (which doesn't exist prior to JDBC-3.0). - Added unit tests for XADatasource, as well as friendlier exceptions for XA failures compared to the "stock" XAException (which has no messages). - Fixed BUG#14279 - Idle timeouts cause XAConnections to whine about rolling themselves back - Added support for Connector/MXJ integration via url subprotocol "jdbc:mysql:mxj://....". - Moved all SQLException constructor usage to a factory in SQLError (ground-work for JDBC-4.0 SQLState-based exception classes). - Removed Java5-specific calls to BigDecimal constructor (when result set value is '', (int)0 was being used as an argument in-directly via method return value. This signature doesn't exist prior to Java5.) - Moved all SQLException creation to a factory method in SQLError, groundwork for JDBC-4.0 SQLState class-based exceptions. - Added service-provider entry to META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver for JDBC-4.0 support. - Return "[VAR]BINARY" for RSMD.getColumnTypeName() when that is actually the type, and it can be distinguished (MySQL-4.1 and newer). - When fix for BUG#14562 was merged from 3.1.12, added functionality for CallableStatement's parameter metadata to return correct information for .getParameterClassName(). - Fuller synchronization of Connection to avoid deadlocks when using multithreaded frameworks that multithread a single connection (usually not recommended, but the JDBC spec allows it anyways), part of fix to BUG#14972). - Implementation of Statement.cancel() and Statement.setQueryTimeout(). Both require MySQL-5.0.0 or newer server, require a separate connection to issue the "KILL QUERY" command, and in the case of setQueryTimeout() creates an additional thread to handle the timeout functionality. Note: Failures to cancel the statement for setQueryTimeout() may manifest themselves as RuntimeExceptions rather than failing silently, as there is currently no way to unblock the thread that is executing the query being cancelled due to timeout expiration and have it throw the exception instead. - Removed dead code in com.mysql.jdbc.Connection. - Made construction of com.mysql.jdbc.Field (result set metadata) instances more efficient for non-string types by not doing character set initialization, or detection of type changes due to temporary tables. - Removed redundant code in com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO. - Removed work done for BUG#14652, and instead loosened synchronization to solve a number of deadlock issues in BUG#18719, BUG#18367, BUG#17709 and BUG#15067. New strategy basically makes Connection instances threadsafe and thus shareable across threads, and anything else threadsafe, but not necessarily shareable across threads due to JDBC API interactions that can cause non-obvious behavior and/or deadlock scenarios to occur since the API is not designed to be used from multiple threads at once. Therefore, unless external synchronization is provided, clients should not allow multiple threads to share a given statement or result set. Examples of issues with the API itself not being multi-thread suitable include, but are not limited to race conditions between modifiers and execution and retrieval methods on statements and result sets that are not synchronizable such as ResultSet.get*() and traversal methods, or Statement.execute*() closing result sets without effectively making the driver itself serializable across the board. These changes should not have any effect on "normal" J(2)EE use cases where only one thread ever uses a connection instance and the objects created by it. - Use a java.util.Timer to schedule cancellation of queries via Statement.setQueryTimeout() rather than one thread per potential cancellation. A new thread will be used to actually cancel a running query, as there's potential for a cancel request to block other cancel requests if all run from the same thread. nn-nn-07 - Version 3.1.15 - Fixed BUG#23281 - Downed slave caused round-robin load balance to not cycle back to first host in list. - Disabled use of server-side prepared statements by default. - Handle YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format of timestamp in ResultSet.getTimeFromString(). - Fixed BUG#24840 - character encoding of "US-ASCII" doesn't map correctly for 4.1 or newer - Added Implementation-Vendor-Id attribute to jar manifest per request in BUG#15641. - C3P0 >= version 0.9.1 passes non-proxied connections to MysqlConnectionTester, thus it began throwing ClassCastExceptions. MysqlConnectionTester now checks if it has a plain Connection and uses that if possible. Thanks to Brian Skrab for the fix. 10-19-06 - Version 3.1.14 - Fixed BUG#20479 - Updatable result set throws ClassCastException when there is row data and moveToInsertRow() is called. - Fixed BUG#20485 - Updatable result set that contains a BIT column fails when server-side prepared statements are used. - Fixed BUG#16987 - Memory leak with profileSQL=true. - Fixed BUG#19726 - Connection fails to localhost when using timeout and IPv6 is configured. - Fixed BUG#16791 - NullPointerException in MysqlDataSourceFactory due to Reference containing RefAddrs with null content. - Fixed BUG#20306 - ResultSet.getShort() for UNSIGNED TINYINT returns incorrect values when using server-side prepared statements. - Fixed BUG#20687 - Can't pool server-side prepared statements, exception raised when re-using them. - Fixed BUG#21062 - ResultSet.getSomeInteger() doesn't work for BIT(>1). - Fixed BUG#18880 - ResultSet.getFloatFromString() can't retrieve values near Float.MIN/MAX_VALUE. - Fixed BUG#20888 - escape of quotes in client-side prepared statements parsing not respected. Patch covers more than bug report, including NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES being set, and stacked quote characters forms of escaping (i.e. '' or ""). - Fixed BUG#19993 - ReplicationDriver does not always round-robin load balance depending on URL used for slaves list. - Fixed calling toString() on ResultSetMetaData for driver-generated (i.e. from DatabaseMetaData method calls, or from getGeneratedKeys()) result sets would raise a NullPointerException. - Fixed Bug#21207 - Driver throws NPE when tracing prepared statements that have been closed (in asSQL()). - Removed logger autodectection altogether, must now specify logger explitly if you want to use a logger other than one that logs to STDERR. - Fixed BUG#22290 - Driver issues truncation on write exception when it shouldn't (due to sending big decimal incorrectly to server with server-side prepared statement). - Driver now sends numeric 1 or 0 for client-prepared statement setBoolean() calls instead of '1' or '0'. - Fixed bug where driver would not advance to next host if roundRobinLoadBalance=true and the last host in the list is down. - Fixed BUG#18258 - DatabaseMetaData.getTables(), columns() with bad catalog parameter threw exception rather than return empty result set (as required by spec). - Check and store value for continueBatchOnError property in constructor of Statements, rather than when executing batches, so that Connections closed out from underneath statements don't cause NullPointerExceptions when it's required to check this property. - Fixed bug when calling stored functions, where parameters weren't numbered correctly (first parameter is now the return value, subsequent parameters if specified start at index "2"). - Fixed BUG#21814 - time values outside valid range silently wrap. 05-26-06 - Version 3.1.13 - Fixed BUG#15464 - INOUT parameter does not store IN value. - Fixed BUG#14609 - Exception thrown for new decimal type when using updatable result sets. - Fixed BUG#15544, no "dos" character set in MySQL > 4.1.0 - Fixed BUG#15383 - PreparedStatement.setObject() serializes BigInteger as object, rather than sending as numeric value (and is thus not complementary to .getObject() on an UNSIGNED LONG type). - Fixed BUG#11874 - ResultSet.getShort() for UNSIGNED TINYINT returned wrong values. - Fixed BUG#15676 - lib-nodist directory missing from package breaks out-of-box build - Fixed BUG#15854 - DBMD.getColumns() returns wrong type for BIT. - Fixed BUG#16169 - ResultSet.getNativeShort() causes stack overflow error via recurisve calls. - Fixed BUG#14938 - Unable to initialize character set mapping tables. Removed reliance on .properties files to hold this information, as it turns out to be too problematic to code around class loader hierarchies that change depending on how an application is deployed. Moved information back into the CharsetMapping class. - Fixed BUG#16841 - updatable result set doesn't return AUTO_INCREMENT values for insertRow() when multiple column primary keys are used. (the driver was checking for the existence of single-column primary keys and an autoincrement value > 0 instead of a straightforward isAutoIncrement() check). - Fixed BUG#17099 - Statement.getGeneratedKeys() throws NullPointerException when no query has been processed. - Fixed BUG#13469 - Driver tries to call methods that don't exist on older and newer versions of Log4j. The fix is not trying to auto-detect presense of log4j, too many different incompatible versions out there in the wild to do this reliably. If you relied on autodetection before, you will need to add "logger=com.mysql.jdbc.log.Log4JLogger" to your JDBC URL to enable Log4J usage, or alternatively use the new "CommonsLogger" class to take care of this. - Added support for Apache Commons logging, use "com.mysql.jdbc.log.CommonsLogger" as the value for the "logger" configuration property. - LogFactory now prepends "com.mysql.jdbc.log" to log class name if it can't be found as-specified. This allows you to use "short names" for the built-in log factories, for example "logger=CommonsLogger" instead of "logger=com.mysql.jdbc.log.CommonsLogger". - Fixed BUG#15570 - ReplicationConnection incorrectly copies state, doesn't transfer connection context correctly when transitioning between the same read-only states. - Fixed BUG#18041 - Server-side prepared statements don't cause truncation exceptions to be thrown when truncation happens. - Added performance feature, re-writing of batched executes for Statement.executeBatch() (for all DML statements) and PreparedStatement.executeBatch() (for INSERTs with VALUE clauses only). Enable by using "rewriteBatchedStatements=true" in your JDBC URL. - Fixed BUG#17898 - registerOutParameter not working when some parameters pre-populated. Still waiting for feedback from JDBC experts group to determine what correct parameter count from getMetaData() should be, however. - Fixed BUG#17587 - clearParameters() on a closed prepared statement causes NPE. - Map "latin1" on MySQL server to CP1252 for MySQL > 4.1.0. - Added additional accessor and mutator methods on ConnectionProperties so that DataSource users can use same naming as regular URL properties. - Fixed BUG#18740 - Data truncation and getWarnings() only returns last warning in set. - Improved performance of retrieving BigDecimal, Time, Timestamp and Date values from server-side prepared statements by creating fewer short-lived instances of Strings when the native type is not an exact match for the requested type. Fixes BUG#18496 for BigDecimals. - Fixed BUG#18554 - Aliased column names where length of name > 251 are corrupted. - Fixed BUG#17450 - ResultSet.wasNull() not always reset correctly for booleans when done via conversion for server-side prepared statements. - Fixed BUG#16277 - Invalid classname returned for RSMD.getColumnClassName() for BIGINT type. - Fixed case where driver wasn't reading server status correctly when fetching server-side prepared statement rows, which in some cases could cause warning counts to be off, or multiple result sets to not be read off the wire. - Driver now aware of fix for BIT type metadata that went into MySQL-5.0.21 for server not reporting length consistently (bug number 13601). - Fixed BUG#19282 - ResultSet.wasNull() returns incorrect value when extracting native string from server-side prepared statement generated result set. 11-30-05 - Version 3.1.12 - Fixed client-side prepared statement bug with embedded ? inside quoted identifiers (it was recognized as a placeholder, when it was not). - Don't allow executeBatch() for CallableStatements with registered OUT/INOUT parameters (JDBC compliance). - Fall back to platform-encoding for URLDecoder.decode() when parsing driver URL properties if the platform doesn't have a two-argument version of this method. - Fixed BUG#14562 - Java type conversion may be incorrect for mediumint. - Added configuration property "useGmtMillisForDatetimes" which when set to true causes ResultSet.getDate(), .getTimestamp() to return correct millis-since GMT when .getTime() is called on the return value (currently default is "false" for legacy behavior). - Fixed DatabaseMetaData.stores*Identifiers(): * if lower_case_table_names=0 (on server): storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() returns false storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() returns false storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() returns true storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() returns true storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() returns false storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() returns true * if lower_case_table_names=1 (on server): storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() returns true storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() returns true storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() returns false storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() returns false storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() returns false storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() returns true - Fixed BUG#14815 - DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() doesn't return TABLE_NAME correctly. - Fixed BUG#14909 - escape processor replaces quote character in quoted string with string delimiter. - Fixed BUG#12975 - OpenOffice expects DBMD.supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() to return "true" if foreign keys are supported by the datasource, even though this method also covers support for check constraints, which MySQL _doesn't_ have. Setting the configuration property "overrideSupportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility" to "true" causes the driver to return "true" for this method. - Added "com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.url.default" system property to set default JDBC url for testsuite (to speed up bug resolution when I'm working in Eclipse). - Fixed BUG#14938 - Unable to initialize character set mapping tables (due to J2EE classloader differences). - Fixed BUG#14972 - Deadlock while closing server-side prepared statements from multiple threads sharing one connection. - Fixed BUG#12230 - logSlowQueries should give better info. - Fixed BUG#13775 - Extraneous sleep on autoReconnect. - Fixed BUG#15024 - Driver incorrectly closes streams passed as arguments to PreparedStatements. Reverts to legacy behavior by setting the JDBC configuration property "autoClosePStmtStreams" to "true" (also included in the 3-0-Compat configuration "bundle"). - Fixed BUG#13048 - maxQuerySizeToLog is not respected. Added logging of bound values for execute() phase of server-side prepared statements when profileSQL=true as well. - Fixed BUG#15065 - Usage advisor complains about unreferenced columns, even though they've been referenced. - Don't increase timeout for failover/reconnect (BUG#6577) - Process escape tokens in Connection.prepareStatement(...), fix for BUG#15141. You can disable this behavior by setting the JDBC URL configuration property "processEscapeCodesForPrepStmts" to "false". - Fixed BUG#13255 - Reconnect during middle of executeBatch() should not occur if autoReconnect is enabled. 10-07-05 - Version 3.1.11 - Fixed BUG#11629 - Spurious "!" on console when character encoding is "utf8". - Fixed statements generated for testcases missing ";" for "plain" statements. - Fixed BUG#11663 - Incorrect generation of testcase scripts for server-side prepared statements. - Fixed regression caused by fix for BUG#11552 that caused driver to return incorrect values for unsigned integers when those integers where within the range of the positive signed type. - Moved source code to svn repo. - Fixed BUG#11797 - Escape tokenizer doesn't respect stacked single quotes for escapes. - GEOMETRY type not recognized when using server-side prepared statements. - Fixed BUG#11879 -- ReplicationConnection won't switch to slave, throws "Catalog can't be null" exception. - Fixed BUG#12218, properties shared between master and slave with replication connection. - Fixed BUG#10630, Statement.getWarnings() fails with NPE if statement has been closed. - Only get char[] from SQL in PreparedStatement.ParseInfo() when needed. - Fixed BUG#12104 - Geometry types not handled with server-side prepared statements. - Fixed BUG#11614 - StringUtils.getBytes() doesn't work when using multibyte character encodings and a length in _characters_ is specified. - Fixed BUG#11798 - Pstmt.setObject(...., Types.BOOLEAN) throws exception. - Fixed BUG#11976 - maxPerformance.properties mis-spells "elideSetAutoCommits". - Fixed BUG#11575 -- DBMD.storesLower/Mixed/UpperIdentifiers() reports incorrect values for servers deployed on Windows. - Fixed BUG#11190 - ResultSet.moveToCurrentRow() fails to work when preceeded by a call to ResultSet.moveToInsertRow(). - Fixed BUG#11115, VARBINARY data corrupted when using server-side prepared statements and .setBytes(). - Fixed BUG#12229 - explainSlowQueries hangs with server-side prepared statements. - Fixed BUG#11498 - Escape processor didn't honor strings demarcated with double quotes. - Lifted restriction of changing streaming parameters with server-side prepared statements. As long as _all_ streaming parameters were set before execution, .clearParameters() does not have to be called. (due to limitation of client/server protocol, prepared statements can not reset _individual_ stream data on the server side). - Reworked Field class, *Buffer, and MysqlIO to be aware of field lengths > Integer.MAX_VALUE. - Updated DBMD.supportsCorrelatedQueries() to return true for versions > 4.1, supportsGroupByUnrelated() to return true and getResultSetHoldability() to return HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT. - Fixed BUG#12541 - Handling of catalog argument in DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo(), which also means changes to the following methods in DatabaseMetaData: - getBestRowIdentifier() - getColumns() - getCrossReference() - getExportedKeys() - getImportedKeys() - getIndexInfo() - getPrimaryKeys() - getProcedures() (and thus indirectly getProcedureColumns()) - getTables() The "catalog" argument in all of these methods now behaves in the following way: - Specifying NULL means that catalog will not be used to filter the results (thus all databases will be searched), unless you've set "nullCatalogMeansCurrent=true" in your JDBC URL properties. - Specifying "" means "current" catalog, even though this isn't quite JDBC spec compliant, it's there for legacy users. - Specifying a catalog works as stated in the API docs. - Made Connection.clientPrepare() available from "wrapped" connections in the jdbc2.optional package (connections built by ConnectionPoolDataSource instances). - Added Connection.isMasterConnection() for clients to be able to determine if a multi-host master/slave connection is connected to the first host in the list. - Fixed BUG#12753 - Tokenizer for "=" in URL properties was causing sessionVariables=.... to be parameterized incorrectly. - Fixed BUG#11781, foreign key information that is quoted is parsed incorrectly when DatabaseMetaData methods use that information. - The "sendBlobChunkSize" property is now clamped to "max_allowed_packet" with consideration of stream buffer size and packet headers to avoid PacketTooBigExceptions when "max_allowed_packet" is similar in size to the default "sendBlobChunkSize" which is 1M. - CallableStatement.clearParameters() now clears resources associated with INOUT/OUTPUT parameters as well as INPUT parameters. - Fixed BUG#12417 - Connection.prepareCall() is database name case-sensitive (on Windows systems). - Fixed BUG#12752 - Cp1251 incorrectly mapped to win1251 for servers newer than 4.0.x. - Fixed BUG#12970 - java.sql.Types.OTHER returned for BINARY and VARBINARY columns when using DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(). - ServerPreparedStatement.getBinding() now checks if the statement is closed before attempting to reference the list of parameter bindings, to avoid throwing a NullPointerException. - Fixed BUG#13277 - ResultSetMetaData from Statement.getGeneratedKeys() caused NullPointerExceptions to be thrown whenever a method that required a connection reference was called. - Removed support for java.nio I/O. Too many implementations turned out to be buggy, and there was no performance difference since MySQL is a blocking protocol anyway. 06-23-05 - Version 3.1.10-stable - Fixed connecting without a database specified raised an exception in MysqlIO.changeDatabaseTo(). - Initial implemention of ParameterMetadata for PreparedStatement.getParameterMetadata(). Only works fully for CallableStatements, as current server-side prepared statements return every parameter as a VARCHAR type. - Fixed BUG#11552 - Server-side prepared statements return incorrect values for unsigned TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT and Long. - Fixed BUG#11540 - Incorrect year conversion in setDate(..) for system that use B.E. year in default locale. 06-22-05 - Version 3.1.9-stable - Overhaul of character set configuration, everything now lives in a properties file. - Driver now correctly uses CP932 if available on the server for Windows-31J, CP932 and MS932 java encoding names, otherwise it resorts to SJIS, which is only a close approximation. Currently only MySQL-5.0.3 and newer (and MySQL-4.1.12 or .13, depending on when the character set gets backported) can reliably support any variant of CP932. - Fixed BUG#9064 - com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.ParseInfo does unnecessary call to toCharArray(). - Fixed Bug#10144 - Memory leak in ServerPreparedStatement if serverPrepare() fails. - Actually write manifest file to correct place so it ends up in the binary jar file. - Added "createDatabaseIfNotExist" property (default is "false"), which will cause the driver to ask the server to create the database specified in the URL if it doesn't exist. You must have the appropriate privileges for database creation for this to work. - Fixed BUG#10156 - Unsigned SMALLINT treated as signed for ResultSet.getInt(), fixed all cases for UNSIGNED integer values and server-side prepared statements, as well as ResultSet.getObject() for UNSIGNED TINYINT. - Fixed BUG#10155, double quotes not recognized when parsing client-side prepared statements. - Made enableStreamingResults() visible on com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.StatementWrapper. - Made ServerPreparedStatement.asSql() work correctly so auto-explain functionality would work with server-side prepared statements. - Made JDBC2-compliant wrappers public in order to allow access to vendor extensions. - Cleaned up logging of profiler events, moved code to dump a profiler event as a string to com.mysql.jdbc.log.LogUtils so that third parties can use it. - DatabaseMetaData.supportsMultipleOpenResults() now returns true. The driver has supported this for some time, DBMD just missed that fact. - Fixed BUG#10310 - Driver doesn't support {?=CALL(...)} for calling stored functions. This involved adding support for function retrieval to DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures() and getProcedureColumns() as well. - Fixed BUG#10485, SQLException thrown when retrieving YEAR(2) with ResultSet.getString(). The driver will now always treat YEAR types as java.sql.Dates and return the correct values for getString(). Alternatively, the "yearIsDateType" connection property can be set to "false" and the values will be treated as SHORTs. - The datatype returned for TINYINT(1) columns when "tinyInt1isBit=true" (the default) can be switched between Types.BOOLEAN and Types.BIT using the new configuration property "transformedBitIsBoolean", which defaults to "false". If set to "false" (the default), DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() and ResultSetMetaData.getColumnType() will return Types.BOOLEAN for TINYINT(1) columns. If "true", Types.BOOLEAN will be returned instead. Irregardless of this configuration property, if "tinyInt1isBit" is enabled, columns with the type TINYINT(1) will be returned as java.lang.Boolean instances from ResultSet.getObject(..), and ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName() will return "java.lang.Boolean". - Fixed BUG#10496 - SQLException is thrown when using property "characterSetResults" with cp932 or eucjpms. - Reorganized directory layout, sources now in "src" folder, don't pollute parent directory when building, now output goes to "./build", distribution goes to "./dist". - Added support/bug hunting feature that generates .sql test scripts to STDERR when "autoGenerateTestcaseScript" is set to "true". - Fixed BUG#10850 - 0-length streams not sent to server when using server-side prepared statements. - Setting "cachePrepStmts=true" now causes the Connection to also cache the check the driver performs to determine if a prepared statement can be server-side or not, as well as caches server-side prepared statements for the lifetime of a connection. As before, the "prepStmtCacheSize" parameter controls the size of these caches. - Try to handle OutOfMemoryErrors more gracefully. Although not much can be done, they will in most cases close the connection they happened on so that further operations don't run into a connection in some unknown state. When an OOM has happened, any further operations on the connection will fail with a "Connection closed" exception that will also list the OOM exception as the reason for the implicit connection close event. - Don't send COM_RESET_STMT for each execution of a server-side prepared statement if it isn't required. - Driver detects if you're running MySQL-5.0.7 or later, and does not scan for "LIMIT ?[,?]" in statements being prepared, as the server supports those types of queries now. - Fixed BUG#11115, Varbinary data corrupted when using server-side prepared statements and ResultSet.getBytes(). - Connection.setCatalog() is now aware of the "useLocalSessionState" configuration property, which when set to true will prevent the driver from sending "USE ..." to the server if the requested catalog is the same as the current catalog. - Added the following configuration bundles, use one or many via the "useConfigs" configuration property: * maxPerformance -- maximum performance without being reckless * solarisMaxPerformance -- maximum performance for Solaris, avoids syscalls where it can * 3-0-Compat -- Compatibility with Connector/J 3.0.x functionality - Added "maintainTimeStats" configuration property (defaults to "true"), which tells the driver whether or not to keep track of the last query time and the last successful packet sent to the server's time. If set to false, removes two syscalls per query. - Fixed BUG#11259, autoReconnect ping causes exception on connection startup. - Fixed BUG#11360 Connector/J dumping query into SQLException twice - Fixed PreparedStatement.setClob() not accepting null as a parameter. - Fixed BUG#11411 - Production package doesn't include JBoss integration classes. - Removed nonsensical "costly type conversion" warnings when using usage advisor. 04-14-05 - Version 3.1.8-stable - Fixed DatabaseMetaData.getTables() returning views when they were not asked for as one of the requested table types. - Added support for new precision-math DECIMAL type in MySQL >= 5.0.3. - Fixed ResultSet.getTime() on a NULL value for server-side prepared statements throws NPE. - Made Connection.ping() a public method. - Fixed Bug#8868, DATE_FORMAT() queries returned as BLOBs from getObject(). - ServerPreparedStatements now correctly 'stream' BLOB/CLOB data to the server. You can configure the threshold chunk size using the JDBC URL property 'blobSendChunkSize' (the default is one megabyte). - BlobFromLocator now uses correct identifier quoting when generating prepared statements. - Server-side session variables can be preset at connection time by passing them as a comma-delimited list for the connection property 'sessionVariables'. - Fixed regression in ping() for users using autoReconnect=true. - Fixed BUG#9040 - PreparedStatement.addBatch() doesn't work with server-side prepared statements and streaming BINARY data. - Fixed BUG#8800 - DBMD.supportsMixedCase*Identifiers() returns wrong value on servers running on case-sensitive filesystems. - Fixed BUG#9206, can not use 'UTF-8' for characterSetResults configuration property. - Fixed BUG#9236, a continuation of BUG#8868, where functions used in queries that should return non-string types when resolved by temporary tables suddenly become opaque binary strings (work-around for server limitation). Also fixed fields with type of CHAR(n) CHARACTER SET BINARY to return correct/matching classes for RSMD.getColumnClassName() and ResultSet.getObject(). - Fixed BUG#8792 - DBMD.supportsResultSetConcurrency() not returning true for forward-only/read-only result sets (we obviously support this). - Fixed BUG#8803, 'DATA_TYPE' column from DBMD.getBestRowIdentifier() causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when accessed (and in fact, didn't return any value). - Check for empty strings ('') when converting char/varchar column data to numbers, throw exception if 'emptyStringsConvertToZero' configuration property is set to 'false' (for backwards-compatibility with 3.0, it is now set to 'true' by default, but will most likely default to 'false' in 3.2). - Fixed BUG#9320 - PreparedStatement.getMetaData() inserts blank row in database under certain conditions when not using server-side prepared statements. - Connection.canHandleAsPreparedStatement() now makes 'best effort' to distinguish LIMIT clauses with placeholders in them from ones without in order to have fewer false positives when generating work-arounds for statements the server cannot currently handle as server-side prepared statements. - Fixed build.xml to not compile log4j logging if log4j not available. - Added support for the c3p0 connection pool's (http://c3p0.sf.net/) validation/connection checker interface which uses the lightweight 'COM_PING' call to the server if available. To use it, configure your c3p0 connection pool's 'connectionTesterClassName' property to use 'com.mysql.jdbc.integration.c3p0.MysqlConnectionTester'. - Better detection of LIMIT inside/outside of quoted strings so that the driver can more correctly determine whether a prepared statement can be prepared on the server or not. - Fixed BUG#9319 - Stored procedures with same name in different databases confuse the driver when it tries to determine parameter counts/types. - Added finalizers to ResultSet and Statement implementations to be JDBC spec-compliant, which requires that if not explicitly closed, these resources should be closed upon garbage collection. - Fixed BUG#9682 - Stored procedures with DECIMAL parameters with storage specifications that contained "," in them would fail. - PreparedStatement.setObject(int, Object, int type, int scale) now uses scale value for BigDecimal instances. - Fixed BUG#9704 - Statement.getMoreResults() could throw NPE when existing result set was .close()d. - The performance metrics feature now gathers information about number of tables referenced in a SELECT. - The logging system is now automatically configured. If the value has been set by the user, via the URL property "logger" or the system property "com.mysql.jdbc.logger", then use that, otherwise, autodetect it using the following steps: Log4j, if it's available, Then JDK1.4 logging, Then fallback to our STDERR logging. - Fixed BUG#9778, DBMD.getTables() shouldn't return tables if views are asked for, even if the database version doesn't support views. - Fixed driver not returning 'true' for '-1' when ResultSet.getBoolean() was called on result sets returned from server-side prepared statements. - Added a Manifest.MF file with implementation information to the .jar file. - More tests in Field.isOpaqueBinary() to distinguish opaque binary (i.e. fields with type CHAR(n) and CHARACTER SET BINARY) from output of various scalar and aggregate functions that return strings. - Fixed BUG#9917 - Should accept null for catalog (meaning use current) in DBMD methods, even though it's not JDBC-compliant for legacy's sake. Disable by setting connection property "nullCatalogMeansCurrent" to "false" (which will be the default value in C/J 3.2.x). - Fixed BUG#9769 - Should accept null for name patterns in DBMD (meaning "%"), even though it isn't JDBC compliant, for legacy's sake. Disable by setting connection property "nullNamePatternMatchesAll" to "false" (which will be the default value in C/J 3.2.x). 02-18-05 - Version 3.1.7-stable - Fixed BUG#7686, Timestamp key column data needed "_binary'" stripped for UpdatableResultSet.refreshRow(). - Fixed BUG#7715 - Timestamps converted incorrectly to strings with Server-side prepared statements and updatable result sets. - Detect new sql_mode variable in string form (it used to be integer) and adjust quoting method for strings appropriately. - Added 'holdResultsOpenOverStatementClose' property (default is false), that keeps result sets open over statement.close() or new execution on same statement (suggested by Kevin Burton). - Fixed BUG#7952 -- Infinite recursion when 'falling back' to master in failover configuration. - Disable multi-statements (if enabled) for MySQL-4.1 versions prior to version 4.1.10 if the query cache is enabled, as the server returns wrong results in this configuration. - Fixed duplicated code in configureClientCharset() that prevented useOldUTF8Behavior=true from working properly. - Removed 'dontUnpackBinaryResults' functionality, the driver now always stores results from server-side prepared statements as-is from the server and unpacks them on demand. - Fixed BUG#8096 where emulated locators corrupt binary data when using server-side prepared statements. - Fixed synchronization issue with ServerPreparedStatement.serverPrepare() that could cause deadlocks/crashes if connection was shared between threads. - By default, the driver now scans SQL you are preparing via all variants of Connection.prepareStatement() to determine if it is a supported type of statement to prepare on the server side, and if it is not supported by the server, it instead prepares it as a client-side emulated prepared statement (BUG#4718). You can disable this by passing 'emulateUnsupportedPstmts=false' in your JDBC URL. - Remove _binary introducer from parameters used as in/out parameters in CallableStatement. - Always return byte[]s for output parameters registered as *BINARY. - Send correct value for 'boolean' "true" to server for PreparedStatement.setObject(n, "true", Types.BIT). - Fixed bug with Connection not caching statements from prepareStatement() when the statement wasn't a server-side prepared statement. - Choose correct 'direction' to apply time adjustments when both client and server are in GMT timezone when using ResultSet.get(..., cal) and PreparedStatement.set(...., cal). - Added 'dontTrackOpenResources' option (default is false, to be JDBC compliant), which helps with memory use for non-well-behaved apps (i.e applications which don't close Statements when they should). - Fixed BUG#8428 - ResultSet.getString() doesn't maintain format stored on server, bug fix only enabled when 'noDatetimeStringSync' property is set to 'true' (the default is 'false'). - Fixed NPE in ResultSet.realClose() when using usage advisor and result set was already closed. - Fixed BUG#8487 - PreparedStatements not creating streaming result sets. - Don't pass NULL to String.valueOf() in ResultSet.getNativeConvertToString(), as it stringifies it (i.e. returns "null"), which is not correct for the method in question. - Fixed BUG#8484 - ResultSet.getBigDecimal() throws exception when rounding would need to occur to set scale. The driver now chooses a rounding mode of 'half up' if non-rounding BigDecimal.setScale() fails. - Added 'useLocalSessionState' configuration property, when set to 'true' the JDBC driver trusts that the application is well-behaved and only sets autocommit and transaction isolation levels using the methods provided on java.sql.Connection, and therefore can manipulate these values in many cases without incurring round-trips to the database server. - Added enableStreamingResults() to Statement for connection pool implementations that check Statement.setFetchSize() for specification-compliant values. Call Statement.setFetchSize(>=0) to disable the streaming results for that statement. - Added support for BIT type in MySQL-5.0.3. The driver will treat BIT(1-8) as the JDBC standard BIT type (which maps to java.lang.Boolean), as the server does not currently send enough information to determine the size of a bitfield when < 9 bits are declared. BIT(>9) will be treated as VARBINARY, and will return byte[] when getObject() is called. 12-23-04 - Version 3.1.6-stable - Fixed hang on SocketInputStream.read() with Statement.setMaxRows() and multiple result sets when driver has to truncate result set directly, rather than tacking a 'LIMIT n' on the end of it. - Fixed BUG#7026 - DBMD.getProcedures() doesn't respect catalog parameter. - Respect bytes-per-character for RSMD.getPrecision(). 12-02-04 - Version 3.1.5-gamma - Fix comparisons made between string constants and dynamic strings that are either toUpperCase()d or toLowerCase()d to use Locale.ENGLISH, as some locales 'override' case rules for English. Also use StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase() instead of .toUpperCase().indexOf(), avoids creating a very short-lived transient String instance. - Fixed BUG#5235 - Server-side prepared statements did not honor 'zeroDateTimeBehavior' property, and would cause class-cast exceptions when using ResultSet.getObject(), as the all-zero string was always returned. - Fixed batched updates with server prepared statements weren't looking if the types had changed for a given batched set of parameters compared to the previous set, causing the server to return the error 'Wrong arguments to mysql_stmt_execute()'. - Handle case when string representation of timestamp contains trailing '.' with no numbers following it. - Fixed BUG#5706 - Inefficient detection of pre-existing string instances in ResultSet.getNativeString(). - Don't throw exceptions for Connection.releaseSavepoint(). - Use a per-session Calendar instance by default when decoding dates from ServerPreparedStatements (set to old, less performant behavior by setting property 'dynamicCalendars=true'). - Added experimental configuration property 'dontUnpackBinaryResults', which delays unpacking binary result set values until they're asked for, and only creates object instances for non-numerical values (it is set to 'false' by default). For some usecase/jvm combinations, this is friendlier on the garbage collector. - Fixed BUG#5729 - UNSIGNED BIGINT unpacked incorrectly from server-side prepared statement result sets. - Fixed BUG#6225 - ServerSidePreparedStatement allocating short-lived objects un-necessarily. - Removed un-wanted new Throwable() in ResultSet constructor due to bad merge (caused a new object instance that was never used for every result set created) - Found while profiling for BUG#6359. - Fixed too-early creation of StringBuffer in EscapeProcessor.escapeSQL(), also return String when escaping not needed (to avoid unnecssary object allocations). Found while profiling for BUG#6359. - Use null-safe-equals for key comparisons in updatable result sets. - Fixed BUG#6537, SUM() on Decimal with server-side prepared statement ignores scale if zero-padding is needed (this ends up being due to conversion to DOUBLE by server, which when converted to a string to parse into BigDecimal, loses all 'padding' zeros). - Use DatabaseMetaData.getIdentifierQuoteString() when building DBMD queries. - Use 1MB packet for sending file for LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE if that is < 'max_allowed_packet' on server. - Fixed BUG#6399, ResultSetMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize() returns incorrect values for multibyte charsets. - Make auto-deserialization of java.lang.Objects stored in BLOBs configurable via 'autoDeserialize' property (defaults to 'false'). - Re-work Field.isOpaqueBinary() to detect 'CHAR(n) CHARACTER SET BINARY' to support fixed-length binary fields for ResultSet.getObject(). - Use our own implementation of buffered input streams to get around blocking behavior of java.io.BufferedInputStream. Disable this with 'useReadAheadInput=false'. - Fixed BUG#6348, failing to connect to the server when one of the addresses for the given host name is IPV6 (which the server does not yet bind on). The driver now loops through _all_ IP addresses for a given host, and stops on the first one that accepts() a socket.connect(). 09-04-04 - Version 3.1.4-beta - Fixed BUG#4510 - connector/j 3.1.3 beta does not handle integers correctly (caused by changes to support unsigned reads in Buffer.readInt() -> Buffer.readShort()). - Added support in DatabaseMetaData.getTables() and getTableTypes() for VIEWs which are now available in MySQL server version 5.0.x. - Fixed BUG#4642 -- ServerPreparedStatement.execute*() sometimes threw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when unpacking field metadata. - Optimized integer number parsing, enable 'old' slower integer parsing using JDK classes via 'useFastIntParsing=false' property. - Added 'useOnlyServerErrorMessages' property, which causes message text in exceptions generated by the server to only contain the text sent by the server (as opposed to the SQLState's 'standard' description, followed by the server's error message). This property is set to 'true' by default. - Fixed BUG#4689 - ResultSet.wasNull() does not work for primatives if a previous null was returned. - Track packet sequence numbers if enablePacketDebug=true, and throw an exception if packets received out-of-order. - Fixed BUG#4482, ResultSet.getObject() returns wrong type for strings when using prepared statements. - Calling MysqlPooledConnection.close() twice (even though an application error), caused NPE. Fixed. - Fixed BUG#5012 -- ServerPreparedStatements dealing with return of DECIMAL type don't work. - Fixed BUG#5032 -- ResultSet.getObject() doesn't return type Boolean for pseudo-bit types from prepared statements on 4.1.x (shortcut for avoiding extra type conversion when using binary-encoded result sets obscurred test in getObject() for 'pseudo' bit type) - You can now use URLs in 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE' statements, and the driver will use Java's built-in handlers for retreiving the data and sending it to the server. This feature is not enabled by default, you must set the 'allowUrlInLocalInfile' connection property to 'true'. - The driver is more strict about truncation of numerics on ResultSet.get*(), and will throw a SQLException when truncation is detected. You can disable this by setting 'jdbcCompliantTruncation' to false (it is enabled by default, as this functionality is required for JDBC compliance). - Added three ways to deal with all-zero datetimes when reading them from a ResultSet, 'exception' (the default), which throws a SQLException with a SQLState of 'S1009', 'convertToNull', which returns NULL instead of the date, and 'round', which rounds the date to the nearest closest value which is '0001-01-01'. - Fixed ServerPreparedStatement to read prepared statement metadata off the wire, even though it's currently a placeholder instead of using MysqlIO.clearInputStream() which didn't work at various times because data wasn't available to read from the server yet. This fixes sporadic errors users were having with ServerPreparedStatements throwing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundExceptions. - Use com.mysql.jdbc.Message's classloader when loading resource bundle, should fix sporadic issues when the caller's classloader can't locate the resource bundle. 07-07-04 - Version 3.1.3-beta - Mangle output parameter names for CallableStatements so they will not clash with user variable names. - Added support for INOUT parameters in CallableStatements. - Fix for BUG#4119, null bitmask sent for server-side prepared statements was incorrect. - Use SQL Standard SQL states by default, unless 'useSqlStateCodes' property is set to 'false'. - Added packet debuging code (see the 'enablePacketDebug' property documentation). - Added constants for MySQL error numbers (publicly-accessible, see com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlErrorNumbers), and the ability to generate the mappings of vendor error codes to SQLStates that the driver uses (for documentation purposes). - Externalized more messages (on-going effort). - Fix for BUG#4311 - Error in retrieval of mediumint column with prepared statements and binary protocol. - Support new timezone variables in MySQL-4.1.3 when 'useTimezone=true' - Support for unsigned numerics as return types from prepared statements. This also causes a change in ResultSet.getObject() for the 'bigint unsigned' type, which used to return BigDecimal instances, it now returns instances of java.lang.BigInteger. 06-09-04 - Version 3.1.2-alpha - Fixed stored procedure parameter parsing info when size was specified for a parameter (i.e. char(), varchar()). - Enabled callable statement caching via 'cacheCallableStmts' property. - Fixed case when no output parameters specified for a stored procedure caused a bogus query to be issued to retrieve out parameters, leading to a syntax error from the server. - Fixed case when no parameters could cause a NullPointerException in CallableStatement.setOutputParameters(). - Removed wrapping of exceptions in MysqlIO.changeUser(). - Fixed sending of split packets for large queries, enabled nio ability to send large packets as well. - Added .toString() functionality to ServerPreparedStatement, which should help if you're trying to debug a query that is a prepared statement (it shows SQL as the server would process). - Added 'gatherPerformanceMetrics' property, along with properties to control when/where this info gets logged (see docs for more info). - ServerPreparedStatements weren't actually de-allocating server-side resources when .close() was called. - Added 'logSlowQueries' property, along with property 'slowQueriesThresholdMillis' to control when a query should be considered 'slow'. - Correctly map output parameters to position given in prepareCall() vs. order implied during registerOutParameter() - fixes BUG#3146. - Correctly detect initial character set for servers >= 4.1.0 - Cleaned up detection of server properties. - Support placeholder for parameter metadata for server >= 4.1.2 - Fix for BUG#3539 getProcedures() does not return any procedures in result set - Fix for BUG#3540 getProcedureColumns() doesn't work with wildcards for procedure name - Fixed BUG#3520 -- DBMD.getSQLStateType() returns incorrect value. - Added 'connectionCollation' property to cause driver to issue 'set collation_connection=...' query on connection init if default collation for given charset is not appropriate. - Fixed DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures() when run on MySQL-5.0.0 (output of 'show procedure status' changed between 5.0.1 and 5.0.0. - Fixed BUG#3804 -- getWarnings() returns SQLWarning instead of DataTruncation - Don't enable server-side prepared statements for server version 5.0.0 or 5.0.1, as they aren't compatible with the '4.1.2+' style that the driver uses (the driver expects information to come back that isn't there, so it hangs). 02-14-04 - Version 3.1.1-alpha - Fixed bug with UpdatableResultSets not using client-side prepared statements. - Fixed character encoding issues when converting bytes to ASCII when MySQL doesn't provide the character set, and the JVM is set to a multibyte encoding (usually affecting retrieval of numeric values). - Unpack 'unknown' data types from server prepared statements as Strings. - Implemented long data (Blobs, Clobs, InputStreams, Readers) for server prepared statements. - Implemented Statement.getWarnings() for MySQL-4.1 and newer (using 'SHOW WARNINGS'). - Default result set type changed to TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY (JDBC compliance). - Centralized setting of result set type and concurrency. - Re-factored how connection properties are set and exposed as DriverPropertyInfo as well as Connection and DataSource properties. - Support for NIO. Use 'useNIO=true' on platforms that support NIO. - Support for SAVEPOINTs (MySQL >= 4.0.14 or 4.1.1). - Support for mysql_change_user()...See the changeUser() method in com.mysql.jdbc.Connection. - Reduced number of methods called in average query to be more efficient. - Prepared Statements will be re-prepared on auto-reconnect. Any errors encountered are postponed until first attempt to re-execute the re-prepared statement. - Ensure that warnings are cleared before executing queries on prepared statements, as-per JDBC spec (now that we support warnings). - Support 'old' profileSql capitalization in ConnectionProperties. This property is deprecated, you should use 'profileSQL' if possible. - Optimized Buffer.readLenByteArray() to return shared empty byte array when length is 0. - Allow contents of PreparedStatement.setBlob() to be retained between calls to .execute*(). - Deal with 0-length tokens in EscapeProcessor (caused by callable statement escape syntax). - Check for closed connection on delete/update/insert row operations in UpdatableResultSet. - Fix support for table aliases when checking for all primary keys in UpdatableResultSet. - Removed useFastDates connection property. - Correctly initialize datasource properties from JNDI Refs, including explicitly specified URLs. - DatabaseMetaData now reports supportsStoredProcedures() for MySQL versions >= 5.0.0 - Fixed stack overflow in Connection.prepareCall() (bad merge). - Fixed IllegalAccessError to Calendar.getTimeInMillis() in DateTimeValue (for JDK < 1.4). - Fix for BUG#1673, where DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() is not returning correct column ordinal info for non '%' column name patterns. - Merged fix of datatype mapping from MySQL type 'FLOAT' to java.sql.Types.REAL from 3.0 branch. - Detect collation of column for RSMD.isCaseSensitive(). - Fixed sending of queries > 16M. - Added named and indexed input/output parameter support to CallableStatement. MySQL-5.0.x or newer. - Fixed NullPointerException in ServerPreparedStatement.setTimestamp(), as well as year and month descrepencies in ServerPreparedStatement.setTimestamp(), setDate(). - Added ability to have multiple database/JVM targets for compliance and regression/unit tests in build.xml. - Fixed NPE and year/month bad conversions when accessing some datetime functionality in ServerPreparedStatements and their resultant result sets. - Display where/why a connection was implicitly closed (to aid debugging). - CommunicationsException implemented, that tries to determine why communications was lost with a server, and displays possible reasons when .getMessage() is called. - Fixed BUG#2359, NULL values for numeric types in binary encoded result sets causing NullPointerExceptions. - Implemented Connection.prepareCall(), and DatabaseMetaData. getProcedures() and getProcedureColumns(). - Reset 'long binary' parameters in ServerPreparedStatement when clearParameters() is called, by sending COM_RESET_STMT to the server. - Merged prepared statement caching, and .getMetaData() support from 3.0 branch. - Fixed off-by-1900 error in some cases for years in TimeUtil.fastDate/TimeCreate() when unpacking results from server-side prepared statements. - Fixed BUG#2502 -- charset conversion issue in getTables(). - Implemented multiple result sets returned from a statement or stored procedure. - Fixed BUG#2606 -- Server side prepared statements not returning datatype 'YEAR' correctly. - Enabled streaming of result sets from server-side prepared statements. - Fixed BUG#2623 -- Class-cast exception when using scrolling result sets and server-side prepared statements. - Merged unbuffered input code from 3.0. - Fixed ConnectionProperties that weren't properly exposed via accessors, cleaned up ConnectionProperties code. - Fixed BUG#2671, NULL fields not being encoded correctly in all cases in server side prepared statements. - Fixed rare buffer underflow when writing numbers into buffers for sending prepared statement execution requests. - Use DocBook version of docs for shipped versions of drivers. 02-18-03 - Version 3.1.0-alpha - Added 'requireSSL' property. - Added 'useServerPrepStmts' property (default 'false'). The driver will use server-side prepared statements when the server version supports them (4.1 and newer) when this property is set to 'true'. It is currently set to 'false' by default until all bind/fetch functionality has been implemented. Currently only DML prepared statements are implemented for 4.1 server-side prepared statements. - Track open Statements, close all when Connection.close() is called (JDBC compliance). 06-22-05 - Version 3.0.17-ga - Fixed BUG#5874, Timestamp/Time conversion goes in the wrong 'direction' when useTimeZone='true' and server timezone differs from client timezone. - Fixed BUG#7081, DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo() ignoring 'unique' parameter. - Support new protocol type 'MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR'. - Added 'useOldUTF8Behavoior' configuration property, which causes JDBC driver to act like it did with MySQL-4.0.x and earlier when the character encoding is 'utf-8' when connected to MySQL-4.1 or newer. - Fixed BUG#7316 - Statements created from a pooled connection were returning physical connection instead of logical connection when getConnection() was called. - Fixed BUG#7033 - PreparedStatements don't encode Big5 (and other multibyte) character sets correctly in static SQL strings. - Fixed BUG#6966, connections starting up failed-over (due to down master) never retry master. - Fixed BUG#7061, PreparedStatement.fixDecimalExponent() adding extra '+', making number unparseable by MySQL server. - Fixed BUG#7686, Timestamp key column data needed "_binary'" stripped for UpdatableResultSet.refreshRow(). - Backported SQLState codes mapping from Connector/J 3.1, enable with 'useSqlStateCodes=true' as a connection property, it defaults to 'false' in this release, so that we don't break legacy applications (it defaults to 'true' starting with Connector/J 3.1). - Fixed BUG#7601, PreparedStatement.fixDecimalExponent() adding extra '+', making number unparseable by MySQL server. - Escape sequence {fn convert(..., type)} now supports ODBC-style types that are prepended by 'SQL_'. - Fixed duplicated code in configureClientCharset() that prevented useOldUTF8Behavior=true from working properly. - Handle streaming result sets with > 2 billion rows properly by fixing wraparound of row number counter. - Fixed BUG#7607 - MS932, SHIFT_JIS and Windows_31J not recog. as aliases for sjis. - Fixed BUG#6549 (while fixing #7607), adding 'CP943' to aliases for sjis. - Fixed BUG#8064, which requires hex escaping of binary data when using multibyte charsets with prepared statements. - Fixed BUG#8812, NON_UNIQUE column from DBMD.getIndexInfo() returned inverted value. - Workaround for server BUG#9098 - default values of CURRENT_* for DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP/TIMESTAMP columns can't be distinguished from 'string' values, so UpdatableResultSet.moveToInsertRow() generates bad SQL for inserting default values. - Fixed BUG#8629 - 'EUCKR' charset is sent as 'SET NAMES euc_kr' which MySQL-4.1 and newer doesn't understand. - DatabaseMetaData.supportsSelectForUpdate() returns correct value based on server version. - Use hex escapes for PreparedStatement.setBytes() for double-byte charsets including 'aliases' Windows-31J, CP934, MS932. - Added support for the "EUC_JP_Solaris" character encoding, which maps to a MySQL encoding of "eucjpms" (backported from 3.1 branch). This only works on servers that support eucjpms, namely 5.0.3 or later. 11-15-04 - Version 3.0.16-ga - Re-issue character set configuration commands when re-using pooled connections and/or Connection.changeUser() when connected to MySQL-4.1 or newer. - Fixed ResultSetMetaData.isReadOnly() to detect non-writable columns when connected to MySQL-4.1 or newer, based on existence of 'original' table and column names. - Fixed BUG#5664, ResultSet.updateByte() when on insert row throws ArrayOutOfBoundsException. - Fixed DatabaseMetaData.getTypes() returning incorrect (i.e. non-negative) scale for the 'NUMERIC' type. - Fixed BUG#6198, off-by-one bug in Buffer.readString(string). - Made TINYINT(1) -> BIT/Boolean conversion configurable via 'tinyInt1isBit' property (default 'true' to be JDBC compliant out of the box). - Only set 'character_set_results' during connection establishment if server version >= 4.1.1. - Fixed regression where useUnbufferedInput was defaulting to 'false'. - Fixed BUG#6231, ResultSet.getTimestamp() on a column with TIME in it fails. 09-04-04 - Version 3.0.15-ga - Fixed BUG#4010 - StringUtils.escapeEasternUnicodeByteStream is still broken for GBK - Fixed BUG#4334 - Failover for autoReconnect not using port #'s for any hosts, and not retrying all hosts. (WARN: This required a change to the SocketFactory connect() method signature, which is now public Socket connect(String host, int portNumber, Properties props), therefore any third-party socket factories will have to be changed to support this signature. - Logical connections created by MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource will now issue a rollback() when they are closed and sent back to the pool. If your application server/connection pool already does this for you, you can set the 'rollbackOnPooledClose' property to false to avoid the overhead of an extra rollback(). - Removed redundant calls to checkRowPos() in ResultSet. - Fixed BUG#4742, 'DOUBLE' mapped twice in DBMD.getTypeInfo(). - Added FLOSS license exemption. - Fixed BUG#4808, calling .close() twice on a PooledConnection causes NPE. - Fixed BUG#4138 and BUG#4860, DBMD.getColumns() returns incorrect JDBC type for unsigned columns. This affects type mappings for all numeric types in the RSMD.getColumnType() and RSMD.getColumnTypeNames() methods as well, to ensure that 'like' types from DBMD.getColumns() match up with what RSMD.getColumnType() and getColumnTypeNames() return. - 'Production' - 'GA' in naming scheme of distributions. - Fix for BUG#4880, RSMD.getPrecision() returning 0 for non-numeric types (should return max length in chars for non-binary types, max length in bytes for binary types). This fix also fixes mapping of RSMD.getColumnType() and RSMD.getColumnTypeName() for the BLOB types based on the length sent from the server (the server doesn't distinguish between TINYBLOB, BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB or LONGBLOB at the network protocol level). - Fixed BUG#5022 - ResultSet should release Field[] instance in .close(). - Fixed BUG#5069 -- ResultSet.getMetaData() should not return incorrectly-initialized metadata if the result set has been closed, but should instead throw a SQLException. Also fixed for getRow() and getWarnings() and traversal methods by calling checkClosed() before operating on instance-level fields that are nullified during .close(). - Parse new timezone variables from 4.1.x servers. - Use _binary introducer for PreparedStatement.setBytes() and set*Stream() when connected to MySQL-4.1.x or newer to avoid misinterpretation during character conversion. 05-28-04 - Version 3.0.14-production - Fixed URL parsing error 05-27-04 - Version 3.0.13-production - Fixed BUG#3848 - Using a MySQLDatasource without server name fails - Fixed BUG#3920 - "No Database Selected" when using MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource. - Fixed BUG#3873 - PreparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys() method returns only 1 result for batched insertions 05-18-04 - Version 3.0.12-production - Add unsigned attribute to DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() output in the TYPE_NAME column. - Added 'failOverReadOnly' property, to allow end-user to configure state of connection (read-only/writable) when failed over. - Backported 'change user' and 'reset server state' functionality from 3.1 branch, to allow clients of MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource to reset server state on getConnection() on a pooled connection. - Don't escape SJIS/GBK/BIG5 when using MySQL-4.1 or newer. - Allow 'url' parameter for MysqlDataSource and MysqlConnectionPool DataSource so that passing of other properties is possible from inside appservers. - Map duplicate key and foreign key errors to SQLState of '23000'. - Backport documentation tooling from 3.1 branch. - Return creating statement for ResultSets created by getGeneratedKeys() (BUG#2957) - Allow java.util.Date to be sent in as parameter to PreparedStatement.setObject(), converting it to a Timestamp to maintain full precision (BUG#3103). - Don't truncate BLOBs/CLOBs when using setBytes() and/or setBinary/CharacterStream() (BUG#2670). - Dynamically configure character set mappings for field-level character sets on MySQL-4.1.0 and newer using 'SHOW COLLATION' when connecting. - Map 'binary' character set to 'US-ASCII' to support DATETIME charset recognition for servers >= 4.1.2 - Use 'SET character_set_results" during initialization to allow any charset to be returned to the driver for result sets. - Use charsetnr returned during connect to encode queries before issuing 'SET NAMES' on MySQL >= 4.1.0. - Add helper methods to ResultSetMetaData (getColumnCharacterEncoding() and getColumnCharacterSet()) to allow end-users to see what charset the driver thinks it should be using for the column. - Only set character_set_results for MySQL >= 4.1.0. - Fixed BUG#3511, StringUtils.escapeSJISByteStream() not covering all eastern double-byte charsets correctly. - Renamed StringUtils.escapeSJISByteStream() to more appropriate escapeEasternUnicodeByteStream(). - Fixed BUG#3554 - Not specifying database in URL caused MalformedURL exception. - Auto-convert MySQL encoding names to Java encoding names if used for characterEncoding property. - Added encoding names that are recognized on some JVMs to fix case where they were reverse-mapped to MySQL encoding names incorrectly. - Use junit.textui.TestRunner for all unit tests (to allow them to be run from the command line outside of Ant or Eclipse). - Fixed BUG#3557 - UpdatableResultSet not picking up default values for moveToInsertRow(). - Fixed BUG#3570 - inconsistent reporting of column type. The server still doesn't return all types for *BLOBs *TEXT correctly, so the driver won't return those correctly. - Fixed BUG#3520 -- DBMD.getSQLStateType() returns incorrect value. - Fixed regression in PreparedStatement.setString() and eastern character encodings. - Made StringRegressionTest 4.1-unicode aware. 02-19-04 - Version 3.0.11-stable - Trigger a 'SET NAMES utf8' when encoding is forced to 'utf8' _or_ 'utf-8' via the 'characterEncoding' property. Previously, only the Java-style encoding name of 'utf-8' would trigger this. - AutoReconnect time was growing faster than exponentially (BUG#2447). - Fixed failover always going to last host in list (BUG#2578) - Added 'useUnbufferedInput' parameter, and now use it by default (due to JVM issue http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4401235.html) - Detect 'on/off' or '1','2','3' form of lower_case_table_names on server. - Return 'java.lang.Integer' for TINYINT and SMALLINT types from ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName() (fix for BUG#2852). - Return 'java.lang.Double' for FLOAT type from ResultSetMetaData. getColumnClassName() (fix for BUG#2855). - Return '[B' instead of java.lang.Object for BINARY, VARBINARY and LONGVARBINARY types from ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName() (JDBC compliance). 01-13-04 - Version 3.0.10-stable - Don't count quoted id's when inside a 'string' in PreparedStatement parsing (fix for BUG#1511). - 'Friendlier' exception message for PacketTooLargeException (BUG#1534). - Backported fix for aliased tables and UpdatableResultSets in checkUpdatability() method from 3.1 branch. - Fix for ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception when using Statement.setMaxRows() (BUG#1695). - Fixed BUG#1576, dealing with large blobs and split packets not being read correctly. - Fixed regression of Statement.getGeneratedKeys() and REPLACE statements. - Fixed BUG#1630, subsequent call to ResultSet.updateFoo() causes NPE if result set is not updatable. - Fix for 4.1.1-style auth with no password. - Fix for BUG#1731, Foreign Keys column sequence is not consistent in DatabaseMetaData.getImported/Exported/CrossReference(). - Fix for BUG#1775 - DatabaseMetaData.getSystemFunction() returning bad function 'VResultsSion'. - Fix for BUG#1592 -- cross-database updatable result sets are not checked for updatability correctly. - DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() should return Types.LONGVARCHAR for MySQL LONGTEXT type. - ResultSet.getObject() on TINYINT and SMALLINT columns should return Java type 'Integer' (BUG#1913) - Added 'alwaysClearStream' connection property, which causes the driver to always empty any remaining data on the input stream before each query. - Added more descriptive error message 'Server Configuration Denies Access to DataSource', as well as retrieval of message from server. - Autoreconnect code didn't set catalog upon reconnect if it had been changed. - Implement ResultSet.updateClob(). - ResultSetMetaData.isCaseSensitive() returned wrong value for CHAR/VARCHAR columns. - Fix for BUG#1933 -- Connection property "maxRows" not honored. - Fix for BUG#1925 -- Statements being created too many times in DBMD.extractForeignKeyFromCreateTable(). - Fix for BUG#1914 -- Support escape sequence {fn convert ... } - Fix for BUG#1958 -- ArrayIndexOutOfBounds when parameter number == number of parameters + 1. - Fix for BUG#2006 -- ResultSet.findColumn() should use first matching column name when there are duplicate column names in SELECT query (JDBC-compliance). - Removed static synchronization bottleneck from PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(). - Removed static synchronization bottleneck from instance factory method of SingleByteCharsetConverter. - Enable caching of the parsing stage of prepared statements via the 'cachePrepStmts', 'prepStmtCacheSize' and 'prepStmtCacheSqlLimit' properties (disabled by default). - Speed up parsing of PreparedStatements, try to use one-pass whenever possible. - Fixed security exception when used in Applets (applets can't read the system property 'file.encoding' which is needed for LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE). - Use constants for SQLStates. - Map charset 'ko18_ru' to 'ko18r' when connected to MySQL-4.1.0 or newer. - Ensure that Buffer.writeString() saves room for the \0. - Fixed exception 'Unknown character set 'danish' on connect w/ JDK-1.4.0 - Fixed mappings in SQLError to report deadlocks with SQLStates of '41000'. - 'maxRows' property would affect internal statements, so check it for all statement creation internal to the driver, and set to 0 when it is not. 10-07-03 - Version 3.0.9-stable - Faster date handling code in ResultSet and PreparedStatement (no longer uses Date methods that synchronize on static calendars). - Fixed test for end of buffer in Buffer.readString(). - Fixed ResultSet.previous() behavior to move current position to before result set when on first row of result set (bugs.mysql.com BUG#496) - Fixed Statement and PreparedStatement issuing bogus queries when setMaxRows() had been used and a LIMIT clause was present in the query. - Fixed BUG#661 - refreshRow didn't work when primary key values contained values that needed to be escaped (they ended up being doubly-escaped). - Support InnoDB contraint names when extracting foreign key info in DatabaseMetaData BUG#517 and BUG#664 (impl. ideas from Parwinder Sekhon) - Backported 4.1 protocol changes from 3.1 branch (server-side SQL states, new field info, larger client capability flags, connect-with-database, etc). - Fix UpdatableResultSet to return values for getXXX() when on insert row (BUG#675). - The insertRow in an UpdatableResultSet is now loaded with the default column values when moveToInsertRow() is called (BUG#688) - DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() wasn't returning NULL for default values that are specified as NULL. - Change default statement type/concurrency to TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and CONCUR_READ_ONLY (spec compliance). - Don't try and reset isolation level on reconnect if MySQL doesn't support them. - Don't wrap SQLExceptions in RowDataDynamic. - Don't change timestamp TZ twice if useTimezone==true (BUG#774) - Fixed regression in large split-packet handling (BUG#848). - Better diagnostic error messages in exceptions for 'streaming' result sets. - Issue exception on ResultSet.getXXX() on empty result set (wasn't caught in some cases). - Don't hide messages from exceptions thrown in I/O layers. - Don't fire connection closed events when closing pooled connections, or on PooledConnection.getConnection() with already open connections (BUG#884). - Clip +/- INF (to smallest and largest representative values for the type in MySQL) and NaN (to 0) for setDouble/setFloat(), and issue a warning on the statement when the server does not support +/- INF or NaN. - Fix for BUG#879, double-escaping of '\' when charset is SJIS or GBK and '\' appears in non-escaped input. - When emptying input stream of unused rows for 'streaming' result sets, have the current thread yield() every 100 rows in order to not monopolize CPU time. - Fixed BUG#1099, DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() getting confused about the keyword 'set' in character columns. - Fixed deadlock issue with Statement.setMaxRows(). - Fixed CLOB.truncate(), BUG#1130 - Optimized CLOB.setChracterStream(), BUG#1131 - Made databaseName, portNumber and serverName optional parameters for MysqlDataSourceFactory (BUG#1246) - Fix for BUG#1247 -- ResultSet.get/setString mashing char 127 - Backported auth. changes for 4.1.1 and newer from 3.1 branch. - Added com.mysql.jdbc.util.BaseBugReport to help creation of testcases for bug reports. - Added property to 'clobber' streaming results, by setting the 'clobberStreamingResults' property to 'true' (the default is 'false'). This will cause a 'streaming' ResultSet to be automatically closed, and any oustanding data still streaming from the server to be discarded if another query is executed before all the data has been read from the server. 05-23-03 - Version 3.0.8-stable - Allow bogus URLs in Driver.getPropertyInfo(). - Return list of generated keys when using multi-value INSERTS with Statement.getGeneratedKeys(). - Use JVM charset with filenames and 'LOAD DATA [LOCAL] INFILE' - Fix infinite loop with Connection.cleanup(). - Changed Ant target 'compile-core' to 'compile-driver', and made testsuite compilation a separate target. - Fixed result set not getting set for Statement.executeUpdate(), which affected getGeneratedKeys() and getUpdateCount() in some cases. - Unicode character 0xFFFF in a string would cause the driver to throw an ArrayOutOfBoundsException (Bug #378) - Return correct amount of generated keys when using 'REPLACE' statements. - Fix problem detecting server character set in some cases. - Fix row data decoding error when using _very_ large packets. - Optimized row data decoding. - Issue exception when operating on an already-closed prepared statement. - Fixed SJIS encoding bug, thanks to Naoto Sato. - Optimized usage of EscapeProcessor. - Allow multiple calls to Statement.close() 04-08-03 - Version 3.0.7-stable - Fixed MysqlPooledConnection.close() calling wrong event type. - Fixed StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in PreparedStatement. setClob(). - 4.1 Column Metadata fixes - Remove synchronization from Driver.connect() and Driver.acceptsUrl(). - IOExceptions during a transaction now cause the Connection to be closed. - Fixed missing conversion for 'YEAR' type in ResultSetMetaData. getColumnTypeName(). - Don't pick up indexes that start with 'pri' as primary keys for DBMD.getPrimaryKeys(). - Throw SQLExceptions when trying to do operations on a forcefully closed Connection (i.e. when a communication link failure occurs). - You can now toggle profiling on/off using Connection.setProfileSql(boolean). - Fixed charset issues with database metadata (charset was not getting set correctly). - Updatable ResultSets can now be created for aliased tables/columns when connected to MySQL-4.1 or newer. - Fixed 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE' bug when file > max_allowed_packet. - Fixed escaping of 0x5c ('\') character for GBK and Big5 charsets. - Fixed ResultSet.getTimestamp() when underlying field is of type DATE. - Ensure that packet size from alignPacketSize() does not exceed MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET (JVM bug) - Don't reset Connection.isReadOnly() when autoReconnecting. 02-18-03 - Version 3.0.6-stable - Fixed ResultSetMetaData to return "" when catalog not known. Fixes NullPointerExceptions with Sun's CachedRowSet. - Fixed DBMD.getTypeInfo() and DBMD.getColumns() returning different value for precision in TEXT/BLOB types. - Allow ignoring of warning for 'non transactional tables' during rollback (compliance/usability) by setting 'ignoreNonTxTables' property to 'true'. - Fixed SQLExceptions getting swallowed on initial connect. - Fixed Statement.setMaxRows() to stop sending 'LIMIT' type queries when not needed (performance) - Clean up Statement query/method mismatch tests (i.e. INSERT not allowed with .executeQuery()). - More checks added in ResultSet traversal method to catch when in closed state. - Fixed ResultSetMetaData.isWritable() to return correct value. - Add 'window' of different NULL sorting behavior to DBMD.nullsAreSortedAtStart (4.0.2 to 4.0.10, true, otherwise, no). - Implemented Blob.setBytes(). You still need to pass the resultant Blob back into an updatable ResultSet or PreparedStatement to persist the changes, as MySQL does not support 'locators'. - Backported 4.1 charset field info changes from Connector/J 3.1 01-22-03 - Version 3.0.5-gamma - Fixed Buffer.fastSkipLenString() causing ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exceptions with some queries when unpacking fields. - Implemented an empty TypeMap for Connection.getTypeMap() so that some third-party apps work with MySQL (IBM WebSphere 5.0 Connection pool). - Added missing LONGTEXT type to DBMD.getColumns(). - Retrieve TX_ISOLATION from database for Connection.getTransactionIsolation() when the MySQL version supports it, instead of an instance variable. - Quote table names in DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(), getPrimaryKeys(), getIndexInfo(), getBestRowIdentifier() - Greatly reduce memory required for setBinaryStream() in PreparedStatements. - Fixed ResultSet.isBeforeFirst() for empty result sets. - Added update options for foreign key metadata. 01-06-03 - Version 3.0.4-gamma - Added quoted identifiers to database names for Connection.setCatalog. - Added support for quoted identifiers in PreparedStatement parser. - Streamlined character conversion and byte[] handling in PreparedStatements for setByte(). - Reduce memory footprint of PreparedStatements by sharing outbound packet with MysqlIO. - Added 'strictUpdates' property to allow control of amount of checking for 'correctness' of updatable result sets. Set this to 'false' if you want faster updatable result sets and you know that you create them from SELECTs on tables with primary keys and that you have selected all primary keys in your query. - Added support for 4.0.8-style large packets. - Fixed PreparedStatement.executeBatch() parameter overwriting. 12-17-02 - Version 3.0.3-dev - Changed charsToByte in SingleByteCharConverter to be non-static - Changed SingleByteCharConverter to use lazy initialization of each converter. - Fixed charset handling in Fields.java - Implemented Connection.nativeSQL() - More robust escape tokenizer -- recognize '--' comments, and allow nested escape sequences (see testsuite.EscapeProcessingTest) - DBMD.getImported/ExportedKeys() now handles multiple foreign keys per table. - Fixed ResultSetMetaData.getPrecision() returning incorrect values for some floating point types. - Fixed ResultSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName() returning BLOB for TEXT and TEXT for BLOB types. - Fixed Buffer.isLastDataPacket() for 4.1 and newer servers. - Added CLIENT_LONG_FLAG to be able to get more column flags (isAutoIncrement() being the most important) - Because of above, implemented ResultSetMetaData.isAutoIncrement() to use Field.isAutoIncrement(). - Honor 'lower_case_table_names' when enabled in the server when doing table name comparisons in DatabaseMetaData methods. - Some MySQL-4.1 protocol support (extended field info from selects) - Use non-aliased table/column names and database names to fullly qualify tables and columns in UpdatableResultSet (requires MySQL-4.1 or newer) - Allow user to alter behavior of Statement/ PreparedStatement.executeBatch() via 'continueBatchOnError' property (defaults to 'true'). - Check for connection closed in more Connection methods (createStatement, prepareStatement, setTransactionIsolation, setAutoCommit). - More robust implementation of updatable result sets. Checks that _all_ primary keys of the table have been selected. - 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ...' now works, if your server is configured to allow it. Can be turned off with the 'allowLoadLocalInfile' property (see the README). - Substitute '?' for unknown character conversions in single-byte character sets instead of '\0'. - NamedPipeSocketFactory now works (only intended for Windows), see README for instructions. 11-08-02 - Version 3.0.2-dev - Fixed issue with updatable result sets and PreparedStatements not working - Fixed ResultSet.setFetchDirection(FETCH_UNKNOWN) - Fixed issue when calling Statement.setFetchSize() when using arbitrary values - Fixed incorrect conversion in ResultSet.getLong() - Implemented ResultSet.updateBlob(). - Removed duplicate code from UpdatableResultSet (it can be inherited from ResultSet, the extra code for each method to handle updatability I thought might someday be necessary has not been needed). - Fixed "UnsupportedEncodingException" thrown when "forcing" a character encoding via properties. - Fixed various non-ASCII character encoding issues. - Added driver property 'useHostsInPrivileges'. Defaults to true. Affects whether or not '@hostname' will be used in DBMD.getColumn/TablePrivileges. - All DBMD result set columns describing schemas now return NULL to be more compliant with the behavior of other JDBC drivers for other databases (MySQL does not support schemas). - Added SSL support. See README for information on how to use it. - Properly restore connection properties when autoReconnecting or failing-over, including autoCommit state, and isolation level. - Use 'SHOW CREATE TABLE' when possible for determining foreign key information for DatabaseMetaData...also allows cascade options for DELETE information to be returned - Escape 0x5c character in strings for the SJIS charset. - Fixed start position off-by-1 error in Clob.getSubString() - Implemented Clob.truncate() - Implemented Clob.setString() - Implemented Clob.setAsciiStream() - Implemented Clob.setCharacterStream() - Added com.mysql.jdbc.MiniAdmin class, which allows you to send 'shutdown' command to MySQL server...Intended to be used when 'embedding' Java and MySQL server together in an end-user application. - Added 'connectTimeout' parameter that allows users of JDK-1.4 and newer to specify a maxium time to wait to establish a connection. - Failover and autoReconnect only work when the connection is in a autoCommit(false) state, in order to stay transaction safe - Added 'queriesBeforeRetryMaster' property that specifies how many queries to issue when failed over before attempting to reconnect to the master (defaults to 50) - Fixed DBMD.supportsResultSetConcurrency() so that it returns true for ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE and ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY or ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE - Fixed ResultSet.isLast() for empty result sets (should return false). - PreparedStatement now honors stream lengths in setBinary/Ascii/Character Stream() unless you set the connection property 'useStreamLengthsInPrepStmts' to 'false'. - Removed some not-needed temporary object creation by using Strings smarter in EscapeProcessor, Connection and DatabaseMetaData classes. 09-21-02 - Version 3.0.1-dev - Fixed ResultSet.getRow() off-by-one bug. - Fixed RowDataStatic.getAt() off-by-one bug. - Added limited Clob functionality (ResultSet.getClob(), PreparedStatemtent.setClob(), PreparedStatement.setObject(Clob). - Added socketTimeout parameter to URL. - Connection.isClosed() no longer "pings" the server. - Connection.close() issues rollback() when getAutoCommit() == false - Added "paranoid" parameter...sanitizes error messages removing "sensitive" information from them (i.e. hostnames, ports, usernames, etc.), as well as clearing "sensitive" data structures when possible. - Fixed ResultSetMetaData.isSigned() for TINYINT and BIGINT. - Charsets now automatically detected. Optimized code for single-byte character set conversion. - Implemented ResultSet.getCharacterStream() - Added "LOCAL TEMPORARY" to table types in DatabaseMetaData.getTableTypes() - Massive code clean-up to follow Java coding conventions (the time had come) 07-31-02 - Version 3.0.0-dev - !!! LICENSE CHANGE !!! The driver is now GPL. If you need non-GPL licenses, please contact me <mark@mysql.com> - JDBC-3.0 functionality including Statement/PreparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys() and ResultSet.getURL() - Performance enchancements - driver is now 50-100% faster in most situations, and creates fewer temporary objects - Repackaging...new driver name is "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", old name still works, though (the driver is now provided by MySQL-AB) - Better checking for closed connections in Statement and PreparedStatement. - Support for streaming (row-by-row) result sets (see README) Thanks to Doron. - Support for large packets (new addition to MySQL-4.0 protocol), see README for more information. - JDBC Compliance -- Passes all tests besides stored procedure tests - Fix and sort primary key names in DBMetaData (SF bugs 582086 and 582086) - Float types now reported as java.sql.Types.FLOAT (SF bug 579573) - ResultSet.getTimestamp() now works for DATE types (SF bug 559134) - ResultSet.getDate/Time/Timestamp now recognizes all forms of invalid values that have been set to all zeroes by MySQL (SF bug 586058) - Testsuite now uses Junit (which you can get from www.junit.org) - The driver now only works with JDK-1.2 or newer. - Added multi-host failover support (see README) - General source-code cleanup. - Overall speed improvements via controlling transient object creation in MysqlIO class when reading packets - Performance improvements in string handling and field metadata creation (lazily instantiated) contributed by Alex Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes 05-16-02 - Version 2.0.14 - More code cleanup - PreparedStatement now releases resources on .close() (SF bug 553268) - Quoted identifiers not used if server version does not support them. Also, if server started with --ansi or --sql-mode=ANSI_QUOTES then '"' will be used as an identifier quote, otherwise '`' will be used. - ResultSet.getDouble() now uses code built into JDK to be more precise (but slower) - LogicalHandle.isClosed() calls through to physical connection - Added SQL profiling (to STDERR). Set "profileSql=true" in your JDBC url. See README for more information. - Fixed typo for relaxAutoCommit parameter. 04-24-02 - Version 2.0.13 - More code cleanup. - Fixed unicode chars being read incorrectly (SF bug 541088) - Faster blob escaping for PrepStmt - Added set/getPortNumber() to DataSource(s) (SF bug 548167) - Added setURL() to MySQLXADataSource (SF bug 546019) - PreparedStatement.toString() fixed (SF bug 534026) - ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName() now implemented - Rudimentary version of Statement.getGeneratedKeys() from JDBC-3.0 now implemented (you need to be using JDK-1.4 for this to work, I believe) - DBMetaData.getIndexInfo() - bad PAGES fixed (SF BUG 542201) 04-07-02 - Version 2.0.12 - General code cleanup. - Added getIdleFor() method to Connection and MysqlLogicalHandle. - Relaxed synchronization in all classes, should fix 520615 and 520393. - Added getTable/ColumnPrivileges() to DBMD (fixes 484502). - Added new types to getTypeInfo(), fixed existing types thanks to Al Davis and Kid Kalanon. - Added support for BIT types (51870) to PreparedStatement. - Fixed getRow() bug (527165) in ResultSet - Fixes for ResultSet updatability in PreparedStatement. - Fixed timezone off by 1-hour bug in PreparedStatement (538286, 528785). - ResultSet: Fixed updatability (values being set to null if not updated). - DataSources - fixed setUrl bug (511614, 525565), wrong datasource class name (532816, 528767) - Added identifier quoting to all DatabaseMetaData methods that need them (should fix 518108) - Added support for YEAR type (533556) - ResultSet.insertRow() should now detect auto_increment fields in most cases and use that value in the new row. This detection will not work in multi-valued keys, however, due to the fact that the MySQL protocol does not return this information. - ResultSet.refreshRow() implemented. - Fixed testsuite.Traversal afterLast() bug, thanks to Igor Lastric. 01-27-02 - Version 2.0.11 - Fixed missing DELETE_RULE value in DBMD.getImported/ExportedKeys() and getCrossReference(). - Full synchronization of Statement.java. - More changes to fix "Unexpected end of input stream" errors when reading BLOBs. This should be the last fix. 01-24-02 - Version 2.0.10 - Fixed spurious "Unexpected end of input stream" errors in MysqlIO (bug 507456). - Fixed null-pointer-exceptions when using MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource with Websphere 4 (bug 505839). 01-13-02 - Version 2.0.9 - Ant build was corrupting included jar files, fixed (bug 487669). - Fixed extra memory allocation in MysqlIO.readPacket() (bug 488663). - Implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getExported/ImportedKeys() and getCrossReference(). - Full synchronization on methods modifying instance and class-shared references, driver should be entirely thread-safe now (please let me know if you have problems) - DataSource implementations moved to org.gjt.mm.mysql.jdbc2.optional package, and (initial) implementations of PooledConnectionDataSource and XADataSource are in place (thanks to Todd Wolff for the implementation and testing of PooledConnectionDataSource with IBM WebSphere 4). - Added detection of network connection being closed when reading packets (thanks to Todd Lizambri). - Fixed quoting error with escape processor (bug 486265). - Report batch update support through DatabaseMetaData (bug 495101). - Fixed off-by-one-hour error in PreparedStatement.setTimestamp() (bug 491577). - Removed concatenation support from driver (the '||' operator), as older versions of VisualAge seem to be the only thing that use it, and it conflicts with the logical '||' operator. You will need to start mysqld with the "--ansi" flag to use the '||' operator as concatenation (bug 491680) - Fixed casting bug in PreparedStatement (bug 488663). 11-25-01 - Version 2.0.8 - Batch updates now supported (thanks to some inspiration from Daniel Rall). - XADataSource/ConnectionPoolDataSource code (experimental) - PreparedStatement.setAnyNumericType() now handles positive exponents correctly (adds "+" so MySQL can understand it). - DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys() and getBestRowIdentifier() are now more robust in identifying primary keys (matches regardless of case or abbreviation/full spelling of Primary Key in Key_type column). 10-24-01 - Version 2.0.7 - PreparedStatement.setCharacterStream() now implemented - Fixed dangling socket problem when in high availability (autoReconnect=true) mode, and finalizer for Connection will close any dangling sockets on GC. - Fixed ResultSetMetaData.getPrecision() returning one less than actual on newer versions of MySQL. - ResultSet.getBlob() now returns null if column value was null. - Character sets read from database if useUnicode=true and characterEncoding is not set. (thanks to Dmitry Vereshchagin) - Initial transaction isolation level read from database (if avaialable) (thanks to Dmitry Vereshchagin) - Fixed DatabaseMetaData.supportsTransactions(), and supportsTransactionIsolationLevel() and getTypeInfo() SQL_DATETIME_SUB and SQL_DATA_TYPE fields not being readable. - Fixed PreparedStatement generating SQL that would end up with syntax errors for some queries. - Fixed ResultSet.isAfterLast() always returning false. - Fixed timezone issue in PreparedStatement.setTimestamp() (thanks to Erik Olofsson) - Captialize type names when "captializeTypeNames=true" is passed in URL or properties (for WebObjects, thanks to Anjo Krank) - Updatable result sets now correctly handle NULL values in fields. - PreparedStatement.setDouble() now uses full-precision doubles (reverting a fix made earlier to truncate them). - PreparedStatement.setBoolean() will use 1/0 for values if your MySQL Version >= 3.21.23. 06-16-01 - Version 2.0.6 Fixed PreparedStatement parameter checking - Fixed case-sensitive column names in ResultSet.java 06-13-01 - Version 2.0.5 - Fixed ResultSet.getBlob() ArrayIndex out-of-bounds - Fixed ResultSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName for TEXT/BLOB - Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBounds when sending large BLOB queries (Max size packet was not being set) - Added ISOLATION level support to Connection.setIsolationLevel() - Fixed NPE on PreparedStatement.executeUpdate() when all columns have not been set. - Fixed data parsing of TIMESTAMPs with 2-digit years - Added Byte to PreparedStatement.setObject() - ResultSet.getBoolean() now recognizes '-1' as 'true' - ResultSet has +/-Inf/inf support - ResultSet.insertRow() works now, even if not all columns are set (they will be set to "NULL") - DataBaseMetaData.getCrossReference() no longer ArrayIndexOOB - getObject() on ResultSet correctly does TINYINT->Byte and SMALLINT->Short 12-03-00 - Version 2.0.3 - Implemented getBigDecimal() without scale component for JDBC2. - Fixed composite key problem with updateable result sets. - Added detection of -/+INF for doubles. - Faster ASCII string operations. - Fixed incorrect detection of MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET, so sending large blobs should work now. - Fixed off-by-one error in java.sql.Blob implementation code. - Added "ultraDevHack" URL parameter, set to "true" to allow (broken) Macromedia UltraDev to use the driver. 04-06-00 - Version 2.0.1 - Fixed RSMD.isWritable() returning wrong value. Thanks to Moritz Maass. - Cleaned up exception handling when driver connects - Columns that are of type TEXT now return as Strings when you use getObject() - DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys() now works correctly wrt to key_seq. Thanks to Brian Slesinsky. - No escape processing is done on PreparedStatements anymore per JDBC spec. - Fixed many JDBC-2.0 traversal, positioning bugs, especially wrt to empty result sets. Thanks to Ron Smits, Nick Brook, Cessar Garcia and Carlos Martinez. - Fixed some issues with updatability support in ResultSet when using multiple primary keys. 02-21-00 - Version 2.0pre5 - Fixed Bad Handshake problem. 01-10-00 - Version 2.0pre4 - Fixes to ResultSet for insertRow() - Thanks to Cesar Garcia - Fix to Driver to recognize JDBC-2.0 by loading a JDBC-2.0 class, instead of relying on JDK version numbers. Thanks to John Baker. - Fixed ResultSet to return correct row numbers - Statement.getUpdateCount() now returns rows matched, instead of rows actually updated, which is more SQL-92 like. 10-29-99 - Statement/PreparedStatement.getMoreResults() bug fixed. Thanks to Noel J. Bergman. - Added Short as a type to PreparedStatement.setObject(). Thanks to Jeff Crowder - Driver now automagically configures maximum/preferred packet sizes by querying server. - Autoreconnect code uses fast ping command if server supports it. - Fixed various bugs wrt. to packet sizing when reading from the server and when alloc'ing to write to the server. 08-17-99 - Version 2.0pre - Now compiles under JDK-1.2. The driver supports both JDK-1.1 and JDK-1.2 at the same time through a core set of classes. The driver will load the appropriate interface classes at runtime by figuring out which JVM version you are using. - Fixes for result sets with all nulls in the first row. (Pointed out by Tim Endres) - Fixes to column numbers in SQLExceptions in ResultSet (Thanks to Blas Rodriguez Somoza) - The database no longer needs to specified to connect. (Thanks to Christian Motschke) 07-04-99 - Version 1.2b - Better Documentation (in progress), in doc/mm.doc/book1.html - DBMD now allows null for a column name pattern (not in spec), which it changes to '%'. - DBMD now has correct types/lengths for getXXX(). - ResultSet.getDate(), getTime(), and getTimestamp() fixes. (contributed by Alan Wilken) - EscapeProcessor now handles \{ \} and { or } inside quotes correctly. (thanks to Alik for some ideas on how to fix it) - Fixes to properties handling in Connection. (contributed by Juho Tikkala) - ResultSet.getObject() now returns null for NULL columns in the table, rather than bombing out. (thanks to Ben Grosman) - ResultSet.getObject() now returns Strings for types from MySQL that it doesn't know about. (Suggested by Chris Perdue) - Removed DataInput/Output streams, not needed, 1/2 number of method calls per IO operation. - Use default character encoding if one is not specified. This is a work-around for broken JVMs, because according to spec, EVERY JVM must support "ISO8859_1", but they don't. - Fixed Connection to use the platform character encoding instead of "ISO8859_1" if one isn't explicitly set. This fixes problems people were having loading the character- converter classes that didn't always exist (JVM bug). (thanks to Fritz Elfert for pointing out this problem) - Changed MysqlIO to re-use packets where possible to reduce memory usage. - Fixed escape-processor bugs pertaining to {} inside quotes. 04-14-99 - Version 1.2a - Fixed character-set support for non-Javasoft JVMs (thanks to many people for pointing it out) - Fixed ResultSet.getBoolean() to recognize 'y' & 'n' as well as '1' & '0' as boolean flags. (thanks to Tim Pizey) - Fixed ResultSet.getTimestamp() to give better performance. (thanks to Richard Swift) - Fixed getByte() for numeric types. (thanks to Ray Bellis) - Fixed DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo() for DATE type. (thanks to Paul Johnston) - Fixed EscapeProcessor for "fn" calls. (thanks to Piyush Shah at locomotive.org) - Fixed EscapeProcessor to not do extraneous work if there are no escape codes. (thanks to Ryan Gustafson) - Fixed Driver to parse URLs of the form "jdbc:mysql://host:port" (thanks to Richard Lobb) 03-24-99 - Version 1.1i - Fixed Timestamps for PreparedStatements - Fixed null pointer exceptions in RSMD and RS - Re-compiled with jikes for valid class files (thanks ms!) 03-08-99 - Version 1.1h - Fixed escape processor to deal with un-matched { and } (thanks to Craig Coles) - Fixed escape processor to create more portable (between DATETIME and TIMESTAMP types) representations so that it will work with BETWEEN clauses. (thanks to Craig Longman) - MysqlIO.quit() now closes the socket connection. Before, after many failed connections some OS's would run out of file descriptors. (thanks to Michael Brinkman) - Fixed NullPointerException in Driver.getPropertyInfo. (thanks to Dave Potts) - Fixes to MysqlDefs to allow all *text fields to be retrieved as Strings. (thanks to Chris at Leverage) - Fixed setDouble in PreparedStatement for large numbers to avoid sending scientific notation to the database. (thanks to J.S. Ferguson) - Fixed getScale() and getPrecision() in RSMD. (contrib'd by James Klicman) - Fixed getObject() when field was DECIMAL or NUMERIC (thanks to Bert Hobbs) - DBMD.getTables() bombed when passed a null table-name pattern. Fixed. (thanks to Richard Lobb) - Added check for "client not authorized" errors during connect. (thanks to Hannes Wallnoefer) 02-19-99 - Version 1.1g - Result set rows are now byte arrays. Blobs and Unicode work bidriectonally now. The useUnicode and encoding options are implemented now. - Fixes to PreparedStatement to send binary set by setXXXStream to be sent un-touched to the MySQL server. - Fixes to getDriverPropertyInfo(). 12-31-98 - Version 1.1f - Changed all ResultSet fields to Strings, this should allow Unicode to work, but your JVM must be able to convert between the character sets. This should also make reading data from the server be a bit quicker, because there is now no conversion from StringBuffer to String. - Changed PreparedStatement.streamToString() to be more efficient (code from Uwe Schaefer). - URL parsing is more robust (throws SQL exceptions on errors rather than NullPointerExceptions) - PreparedStatement now can convert Strings to Time/Date values via setObject() (code from Robert Currey). - IO no longer hangs in Buffer.readInt(), that bug was introduced in 1.1d when changing to all byte-arrays for result sets. (Pointed out by Samo Login) 11-03-98 - Version 1.1b - Fixes to DatabaseMetaData to allow both IBM VA and J-Builder to work. Let me know how it goes. (thanks to Jac Kersing) - Fix to ResultSet.getBoolean() for NULL strings (thanks to Barry Lagerweij) - Beginning of code cleanup, and formatting. Getting ready to branch this off to a parallel JDBC-2.0 source tree. - Added "final" modifier to critical sections in MysqlIO and Buffer to allow compiler to inline methods for speed. 9-29-98 - If object references passed to setXXX() in PreparedStatement are null, setNull() is automatically called for you. (Thanks for the suggestion goes to Erik Ostrom) - setObject() in PreparedStatement will now attempt to write a serialized representation of the object to the database for objects of Types.OTHER and objects of unknown type. - Util now has a static method readObject() which given a ResultSet and a column index will re-instantiate an object serialized in the above manner. 9-02-98 - Vesion 1.1 - Got rid of "ugly hack" in MysqlIO.nextRow(). Rather than catch an exception, Buffer.isLastDataPacket() was fixed. - Connection.getCatalog() and Connection.setCatalog() should work now. - Statement.setMaxRows() works, as well as setting by property maxRows. Statement.setMaxRows() overrides maxRows set via properties or url parameters. - Automatic re-connection is available. Because it has to "ping" the database before each query, it is turned off by default. To use it, pass in "autoReconnect=true" in the connection URL. You may also change the number of reconnect tries, and the initial timeout value via "maxReconnects=n" (default 3) and "initialTimeout=n" (seconds, default 2) parameters. The timeout is an exponential backoff type of timeout, e.g. if you have initial timeout of 2 seconds, and maxReconnects of 3, then the driver will timeout 2 seconds, 4 seconds, then 16 seconds between each re-connection attempt. 8-24-98 - Version 1.0 - Fixed handling of blob data in Buffer.java - Fixed bug with authentication packet being sized too small. - The JDBC Driver is now under the LPGL 8-14-98 - - Fixed Buffer.readLenString() to correctly read data for BLOBS. - Fixed PreparedStatement.stringToStream to correctly read data for BLOBS. - Fixed PreparedStatement.setDate() to not add a day. (above fixes thanks to Vincent Partington) - Added URL parameter parsing (?user=... etc). 8-04-98 - Version 0.9d - Big news! New package name. Tim Endres from ICE Engineering is starting a new source tree for GNU GPL'd Java software. He's graciously given me the org.gjt.mm package directory to use, so now the driver is in the org.gjt.mm.mysql package scheme. I'm "legal" now. Look for more information on Tim's project soon. - Now using dynamically sized packets to reduce memory usage when sending commands to the DB. - Small fixes to getTypeInfo() for parameters, etc. - DatabaseMetaData is now fully implemented. Let me know if these drivers work with the various IDEs out there. I've heard that they're working with JBuilder right now. - Added JavaDoc documentation to the package. - Package now available in .zip or .tar.gz. 7-28-98 - Version 0.9 - Implemented getTypeInfo(). Connection.rollback() now throws an SQLException per the JDBC spec. - Added PreparedStatement that supports all JDBC API methods for PreparedStatement including InputStreams. Please check this out and let me know if anything is broken. - Fixed a bug in ResultSet that would break some queries that only returned 1 row. - Fixed bugs in DatabaseMetaData.getTables(), DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() and DatabaseMetaData.getCatalogs(). - Added functionality to Statement that allows executeUpdate() to store values for IDs that are automatically generated for AUTO_INCREMENT fields. Basically, after an executeUpdate(), look at the SQLWarnings for warnings like "LAST_INSERTED_ID = 'some number', COMMAND = 'your SQL query'". If you are using AUTO_INCREMENT fields in your tables and are executing a lot of executeUpdate()s on one Statement, be sure to clearWarnings() every so often to save memory. 7-06-98 - Version 0.8 - Split MysqlIO and Buffer to separate classes. Some ClassLoaders gave an IllegalAccess error for some fields in those two classes. Now mm.mysql works in applets and all classloaders. Thanks to Joe Ennis <jce@mail.boone.com> for pointing out the problem and working on a fix with me. 7-01-98 - Version 0.7 - Fixed DatabaseMetadata problems in getColumns() and bug in switch statement in the Field constructor. Thanks to Costin Manolache <costin@tdiinc.com> for pointing these out. 5-21-98 - Version 0.6 - Incorporated efficiency changes from Richard Swift <Richard.Swift@kanatek.ca> in MysqlIO.java and ResultSet.java - We're now 15% faster than gwe's driver. - Started working on DatabaseMetaData. The following methods are implemented: * getTables() * getTableTypes() * getColumns * getCatalogs()