Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
local base64 = require "base64" local bin = require "bin" local http = require "http" local match = require "match" local nmap = require "nmap" local package = require "package" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" local url = require "url" _ENV = stdnse.module("ajp", stdnse.seeall) --- -- A basic AJP 1.3 implementation based on documentation available from Apache -- mod_proxy_ajp; http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_proxy_ajp.html -- -- @author "Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>" -- AJP = { -- The magic prefix that has to be present in all requests Magic = 0x1234, -- Methods encoded as numeric values Method = { ['OPTIONS'] = 1, ['GET'] = 2, ['HEAD'] = 3, ['POST'] = 4, ['PUT'] = 5, ['DELETE'] = 6, ['TRACE'] = 7, ['PROPFIND'] = 8, ['PROPPATCH'] = 9, ['MKCOL'] = 10, ['COPY'] = 11, ['MOVE'] = 12, ['LOCK'] = 13, ['UNLOCK'] = 14, ['ACL'] = 15, ['REPORT'] = 16, ['VERSION-CONTROL'] = 17, ['CHECKIN'] = 18, ['CHECKOUT'] = 19, ['UNCHECKOUT'] = 20, ['SEARCH'] = 21, ['MKWORKSPACE'] = 22, ['UPDATE'] = 23, ['LABEL'] = 24, ['MERGE'] = 25, ['BASELINE_CONTROL'] = 26, ['MKACTIVITY'] = 27, }, -- Request codes Code = { FORWARD_REQUEST = 2, SEND_BODY = 3, SEND_HEADERS = 4, END_RESPONSE = 5, SHUTDOWN = 7, PING = 8, CPING = 10, }, -- Request attributes Attribute = { CONTEXT = 0x01, SERVLET_PATH = 0x02, REMOTE_USER = 0x03, AUTH_TYPE = 0x04, QUERY_STRING = 0x05, JVM_ROUTE = 0x06, SSL_CERT = 0x07, SSL_CIPHER = 0x08, SSL_SESSION = 0x09, REQ_ATTRIBUTE= 0x0A, SSL_KEY_SIZE = 0x0B, ARE_DONE = 0xFF, }, ForwardRequest = { -- Common headers encoded as numeric values Header = { ['accept'] = 0xA001, ['accept-charset'] = 0xA002, ['accept-encoding'] = 0xA003, ['accept-language'] = 0xA004, ['authorization'] = 0xA005, ['connection'] = 0xA006, ['content-type'] = 0xA007, ['content-length'] = 0xA008, ['cookie'] = 0xA009, ['cookie2'] = 0xA00A, ['host'] = 0xA00B, ['pragma'] = 0xA00C, ['referer'] = 0xA00D, ['user-agent'] = 0xA00E, }, new = function(self, host, port, method, uri, headers, attributes, options) local o = { host = host, magic = 0x1234, length = 0, code = AJP.Code.FORWARD_REQUEST, method = AJP.Method[method], version = "HTTP/1.1", uri = uri, raddr = options.raddr or "", rhost = options.rhost or "", srv = host.ip, port = port.number, is_ssl = (port.service == "https"), headers = headers or {}, attributes = attributes or {}, } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, __tostring = function(self) -- encodes a string, prefixing it with a 2-byte length -- and suffixing it with a zero. P-encoding can't be used -- as the zero terminator should not be counted in the length local function encstr(str) if ( not(str) or #str == 0 ) then return bin.pack(">S", 0xFFFF) end return bin.pack(">Sz", #str, str) end -- count the number of headers local function headerCount() local i = 0 for _, _ in pairs(self.headers) do i = i + 1 end return i end -- add host header if it's missing if ( not(self.headers['host']) ) then self.headers['host'] = stdnse.get_hostname(self.host) end -- add keep-alive connection header if missing if ( not(self.headers['connection']) ) then self.headers['connection'] = "keep-alive" end local p_url = url.parse(self.uri) -- save the magic and data for last local data = bin.pack(">CCAAAAASCS", self.code, self.method, encstr(self.version), encstr(p_url.path), encstr(self.raddr), encstr(self.rhost), encstr(self.srv), self.port, (self.is_ssl and 1 or 0), headerCount()) -- encode headers for k, v in pairs(self.headers) do local header = AJP.ForwardRequest.Header[k:lower()] or k if ( "string" == type(header) ) then data = data .. bin.pack(">Sz", #header, header) else data = data .. bin.pack(">S", header) end data = data .. encstr(v) end -- encode attributes if ( p_url.query ) then data = data .. bin.pack("C", AJP.Attribute.QUERY_STRING) data = data .. encstr(p_url.query) end -- terminate the attribute list data = data .. bin.pack("C", AJP.Attribute.ARE_DONE) -- returns the AJP request as a string return bin.pack(">SSA", AJP.Magic, #data, data) end, }, Response = { Header = { ['Content-Type'] = 0xA001, ['Content-Language'] = 0xA002, ['Content-Length'] = 0xA003, ['Date'] = 0xA004, ['Last-Modified'] = 0xA005, ['Location'] = 0xA006, ['Set-Cookie'] = 0xA007, ['Set-Cookie2'] = 0xA008, ['Servlet-Engine'] = 0xA009, ['Status'] = 0xA00A, ['WWW-Authenticate'] = 0xA00B, }, SendHeaders = { new = function(self) local o = { headers = {}, rawheaders = {} } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, parse = function(data) local sh = AJP.Response.SendHeaders:new() local pos = 6 local status_msg, hdr_count pos, sh.status = bin.unpack(">S", data, pos) pos, status_msg = bin.unpack(">P", data, pos) pos = pos + 1 sh['status-line'] = ("AJP/1.3 %d %s"):format(sh.status, status_msg) pos, hdr_count = bin.unpack(">S", data, pos) local function headerById(id) for k, v in pairs(AJP.Response.Header) do if ( v == id ) then return k end end end for i=1, hdr_count do local key, val, len pos, len = bin.unpack(">S", data, pos) if ( len < 0xA000 ) then pos, key = bin.unpack("A"..len, data, pos) pos = pos + 1 else key = headerById(len) end pos, val = bin.unpack(">P", data, pos) pos = pos + 1 sh.headers[key:lower()] = val -- to keep the order, in which the headers were received, -- add them to the rawheader table as well. This is based -- on the same principle as the http library, however the -- difference being that we have to "construct" the "raw" -- format of the header, as we're receiving kvp's. table.insert(sh.rawheaders, ("%s: %s"):format(key,val)) end return sh end, }, }, } -- The Comm class handles sending and receiving AJP requests/responses Comm = { -- Creates a new Comm instance new = function(self, host, port, options) local o = { host = host, port = port, options = options or {}} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, -- Connects to the AJP server -- -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return err string containing error message on failure connect = function(self) self.socket = nmap.new_socket() self.socket:set_timeout(self.options.timeout or 5000) return self.socket:connect(self.host, self.port) end, -- Sends a request to the server -- -- @param req instance of object that can be serialized with tostring -- @return status true on succes, false on failure -- @return err string containing error message on failure send = function(self, req) return self.socket:send(tostring(req)) end, -- Receives an AJP response from the server -- -- @return status true on succes, false on failure -- @return response table containing the following fields, or string -- containing error message on failure -- <code>status</code> - status of response (see HTTP status codes) -- <code>status-line</code> - the complete status line (eg. 200 OK) -- <code>body</code> - the response body as string -- <code>headers</code> - table of response headers -- receive = function(self) local response = {} while(true) do local status, buf = self.socket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(4), true) if ( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to receive response from server" end local pos, magic, length = bin.unpack(">A2S", buf) if ( magic ~= "AB" ) then return false, ("Invalid magic received from server (%s)"):format(magic) end local status, data = self.socket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(length), true) if ( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to receive response from server" end local pos, code = bin.unpack("C", data) if ( AJP.Code.SEND_HEADERS == code ) then local sh = AJP.Response.SendHeaders.parse(buf .. data) response = sh elseif( AJP.Code.SEND_BODY == code ) then response.body = select(2, bin.unpack(">P", data, pos)) elseif( AJP.Code.END_RESPONSE == code ) then break end end return true, response end, -- Closes the socket close = function(self) return self.socket:close() end, } Helper = { --- Creates a new AJP Helper instance -- -- @param host table -- @param port table -- @param opt -- @return o new Helper instance new = function(self, host, port, opt) local o = { host = host, port = port, opt = opt or {} } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, --- Connects to the AJP server -- -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return err string containing error message on failure connect = function(self) self.comm = Comm:new(self.host, self.port, self.opt) return self.comm:connect() end, getOption = function(self, options, key) -- first check options, then global self.opt if ( options and options[key] ) then return options[key] elseif ( self.opt and self.opt[key] ) then return self.opt[key] end end, --- Sends an AJP request to the server -- -- @param url string containing the URL to query -- @param headers table containing optional headers -- @param attributes table containing optional attributes -- @param options table with request specific options -- @return status true on succes, false on failure -- @return response table (@see Comm.receive), or string containing error -- message on failure request = function(self, method, url, headers, attributes, options) local status, lhost, lport, rhost, rport = self.comm.socket:get_info() if ( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to get socket information" end local request = AJP.ForwardRequest:new(self.host, self.port, method, url, headers, attributes, { raddr = rhost }) if ( not(self.comm:send(request)) ) then return false, "Failed to send request to server" end local status, result = self.comm:receive() -- support Basic authentication if ( status and result.status == 401 and result.headers['www-authenticate'] ) then local auth = self:getOption(options, "auth") if ( not(auth) or not(auth.username) and not(auth.password) ) then stdnse.print_debug(2, "No authentication information") return status, result end local challenges = http.parse_www_authenticate(result.headers['www-authenticate']) local scheme for _, challenge in ipairs(challenges or {}) do if ( challenge and challenge.scheme and challenge.scheme:lower() == "basic") then scheme = challenge.scheme:lower() break end end if ( not(scheme) ) then stdnse.print_debug(2, "Could not find a supported authentication scheme") elseif ( "basic" ~= scheme ) then stdnse.print_debug(2, "Unsupported authentication scheme: %s", scheme) else headers = headers or {} headers["Authorization"] = ("Basic %s"):format(base64.enc(auth.username .. ":" .. auth.password)) request = AJP.ForwardRequest:new(self.host, self.port, method, url, headers, attributes, { raddr = rhost }) if ( not(self.comm:send(request)) ) then return false, "Failed to send request to server" end status, result = self.comm:receive() end end return status, result end, --- Sends an AJP GET request to the server -- -- @param url string containing the URL to query -- @param headers table containing optional headers -- @param attributes table containing optional attributes -- @param options table with request specific options -- @return status true on succes, false on failure -- @return response table (@see Comm.receive), or string containing error -- message on failure get = function(self, url, headers, attributes, options) return self:request("GET", url, headers, attributes, options) end, --- Sends an AJP HEAD request to the server -- -- @param url string containing the URL to query -- @param headers table containing optional headers -- @param attributes table containing optional attributes -- @param options table with request specific options -- @return status true on succes, false on failure -- @return response table (@see Comm.receive), or string containing error -- message on failure head = function(self, url, headers, attributes, options) return self:request("HEAD", url, headers, attributes, options) end, --- Sends an AJP TRACE request to the server -- -- @param url string containing the URL to query -- @param headers table containing optional headers -- @param attributes table containing optional attributes -- @param options table with request specific options -- @return status true on succes, false on failure -- @return response table (@see Comm.receive), or string containing error -- message on failure trace = function(self, url, headers, attributes, options) return self:request("TRACE", url, headers, attributes, options) end, --- Sends an AJP PUT request to the server -- -- @param url string containing the URL to query -- @param headers table containing optional headers -- @param attributes table containing optional attributes -- @param options table with request specific options -- @return status true on succes, false on failure -- @return response table (@see Comm.receive), or string containing error -- message on failure put = function(self, url, headers, attributes, options) return self:request("PUT", url, headers, attributes, options) end, --- Sends an AJP DELETE request to the server -- -- @param url string containing the URL to query -- @param headers table containing optional headers -- @param attributes table containing optional attributes -- @param options table with request specific options -- @return status true on succes, false on failure -- @return response table (@see Comm.receive), or string containing error -- message on failure delete = function(self, url, headers, attributes, options) return self:request("DELETE", url, headers, attributes, options) end, --- Sends an AJP OPTIONS request to the server -- -- @param url string containing the URL to query -- @param headers table containing optional headers -- @param attributes table containing optional attributes -- @param options table with request specific options -- @return status true on succes, false on failure -- @return response table (@see Comm.receive), or string containing error -- message on failure options = function(self, url, headers, attributes, options) return self:request("OPTIONS", url, headers, attributes, options) end, -- should only work against shutdownContainer = function(self) self.comm:send(bin.pack("H", "1234000107")) self.comm:receive() end, --- Disconnects from the server close = function(self) return self.comm:close() end, } return _ENV;