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--- An iSCSI library implementing written by Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net> -- The library currently supports target discovery and login. -- -- The implementation is based on packetdumps and the iSCSI RFC -- * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3720 -- -- The library contains the protocol message pairs in <code>Packet</code> -- E.g. <code>LoginRequest</code> and <code>LoginResponse</code> -- -- Each request can be "serialized" to a string using: -- <code>tostring(request)</code>. -- All responses can be read and instantiated from the socket by calling: -- <code>local status,resp = Response.fromSocket(sock)</code> -- -- In addition the library has the following classes: -- * <code>Packet</code> -- ** A class containing the request and response packets -- * <code>Comm</code> -- ** A class used to send and receive packet between the library and server -- ** The class handles some of the packet "counting" and value updating -- * <code>Socket</code> -- ** A buffered socket class that allows reading of exakt number of bytes -- * <code>KVP</code> -- ** A key/value pair class that holds key value pairs -- * <code>Helper</code> -- ** A class that wraps the <code>Comm</code> and <code>Packet</code> classes -- ** The purpose of the class is to provide easy access to common iSCSI task -- -- -- @author "Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>" -- @copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html -- Version 0.2 -- Created 2010/11/18 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net> -- Revised 2010/11/28 - v0.2 - improved error handling, fixed discovery issues -- with multiple addresses <patrik@cqure.net> local bin = require "bin" local bit = require "bit" local ipOps = require "ipOps" local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local openssl = stdnse.silent_require "openssl" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" _ENV = stdnse.module("iscsi", stdnse.seeall) Packet = { Opcode = { LOGIN = 0x03, TEXT = 0x04, LOGOUT = 0x06, }, LoginRequest = { CSG = { SecurityNegotiation = 0, LoginOperationalNegotiation = 1, FullFeaturePhase = 3, }, NSG = { SecurityNegotiation = 0, LoginOperationalNegotiation = 1, FullFeaturePhase = 3, }, --- Creates a new instance of LoginRequest -- -- @return instance of LoginRequest new = function( self ) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.immediate = 0 o.opcode = Packet.Opcode.LOGIN o.flags = {} o.ver_max = 0 o.ver_min = 0 o.total_ahs_len = 0 o.data_seg_len = 0 o.isid = { t=0x01, a=0x00, b=0x0001, c=0x37, d=0 } o.tsih = 0 o.initiator_task_tag = 1 o.cid = 1 o.cmdsn = 0 o.expstatsn = 1 o.kvp = KVP:new() return o end, setImmediate = function(self, b) self.immediate = ( b and 1 or 0 ) end, --- Sets the transit bit -- -- @param b boolean containing the new transit value setTransit = function(self, b) self.flags.transit = ( b and 1 or 0 ) end, --- Sets the continue bit -- -- @param b boolean containing the new continue value setContinue = function(self, b) self.flags.continue = ( b and 1 or 0 ) end, --- Sets the CSG values -- -- @param csg number containing the new NSG value setCSG = function(self, csg) self.flags.csg = csg end, --- Sets the NSG values -- -- @param nsg number containing the new NSG value setNSG = function(self, nsg) self.flags.nsg = nsg end, --- Converts the class instance to string -- -- @return string containing the converted instance __tostring = function( self ) local reserved = 0 local kvps = tostring(self.kvp) self.data_seg_len = #kvps local pad = 4 - ((#kvps + 48) % 4) pad = ( pad == 4 ) and 0 or pad for i=1, pad do kvps = kvps .. "\0" end local len = bit.lshift( self.total_ahs_len, 24 ) + self.data_seg_len local flags = bit.lshift( ( self.flags.transit or 0 ), 7 ) flags = flags + bit.lshift( ( self.flags.continue or 0 ), 6) flags = flags + ( self.flags.nsg or 0 ) flags = flags + bit.lshift( ( self.flags.csg or 0 ), 2 ) local opcode = self.opcode + bit.lshift((self.immediate or 0), 6) local data = bin.pack(">CCCCICSCSSISSIILLA", opcode, flags, self.ver_max, self.ver_min, len, bit.lshift( self.isid.t, 6 ) + bit.band( self.isid.a, 0x3f), self.isid.b, self.isid.c, self.isid.d, self.tsih, self.initiator_task_tag, self.cid, reserved, self.cmdsn, self.expstatsn, reserved, reserved, kvps ) return data end }, LoginResponse = { -- Error messages ErrorMsgs = { [0x0000] = "Success", [0x0101] = "Target moved temporarily", [0x0102] = "Target moved permanently", [0x0200] = "Initiator error", [0x0201] = "Authentication failure", [0x0202] = "Authorization failure", [0x0203] = "Target not found", [0x0204] = "Target removed", [0x0205] = "Unsupported version", [0x0206] = "Too many connections", [0x0207] = "Missing parameter", [0x0208] = "Can't include in session", [0x0209] = "Session type not supported", [0x020a] = "Session does not exist", [0x020b] = "Invalid request during login", [0x0300] = "Target error", [0x0301] = "Service unavailable", [0x0302] = "Out of resources", }, -- Error constants Errors = { SUCCESS = 0, AUTH_FAILED = 0x0201, }, --- Creates a new instance of LoginResponse -- -- @return instance of LoginResponse new = function( self ) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, --- Returns the error message getErrorMessage = function( self ) return Packet.LoginResponse.ErrorMsgs[self.status_code] or "Unknown error" end, --- Returns the error code getErrorCode = function( self ) return self.status_code or 0 end, --- Creates a LoginResponse with data read from the socket -- -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return resp instance of LoginResponse fromSocket = function( s ) local status, header = s:recv(48) if ( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to read header from socket" end local resp = Packet.LoginResponse:new() local pos, len = bin.unpack(">I", header, 5) resp.total_ahs_len = bit.rshift(len, 24) resp.data_seg_len = bit.band(len, 0x00ffffff) pos, resp.status_code = bin.unpack(">S", header, 37) local pad = ( 4 - ( resp.data_seg_len % 4 ) ) pad = ( pad == 4 ) and 0 or pad local status, data = s:recv( resp.data_seg_len + pad ) if ( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to read data from socket" end resp.kvp = KVP:new() for _, kvp in ipairs(stdnse.strsplit( "\0", data )) do local k, v = kvp:match("(.*)=(.*)") if ( v ) then resp.kvp:add( k, v ) end end return true, resp end, }, TextRequest = { --- Creates a new instance of TextRequest -- -- @return instance of TextRequest new = function( self ) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.opcode = Packet.Opcode.TEXT o.flags = {} o.flags.final = 0 o.flags.continue = 0 o.total_ahs_len = 0 o.data_seg_len = 0 o.lun = 0 o.initiator_task_tag = 1 o.target_trans_tag = 0xffffffff o.cmdsn = 2 o.expstatsn = 1 o.kvp = KVP:new() return o end, --- Sets the final bit of the TextRequest setFinal = function( self, b ) self.flags.final = ( b and 1 or 0 ) end, --- Sets the continue bit of the TextRequest setContinue = function( self, b ) self.flags.continue = ( b and 1 or 0 ) end, --- Converts the class instance to string -- -- @return string containing the converted instance __tostring = function(self) local flags = bit.lshift( ( self.flags.final or 0 ), 7 ) flags = flags + bit.lshift( (self.flags.continue or 0), 6 ) local kvps = tostring(self.kvp) for i=1, (#kvps % 2) do kvps = kvps .. "\0" end self.data_seg_len = #kvps local len = bit.lshift( self.total_ahs_len, 24 ) + self.data_seg_len local reserved = 0 local data = bin.pack(">CCSILIIIILLA", self.opcode, flags, reserved, len, self.lun, self.initiator_task_tag, self.target_trans_tag, self.cmdsn, self.expstatsn, reserved, reserved, kvps) return data end, }, TextResponse = { --- Creates a new instance of TextResponse -- -- @return instance of TextResponse new = function( self ) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, --- Creates a TextResponse with data read from the socket -- -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return instance of TextResponse -- err string containing error message fromSocket = function( s ) local resp = Packet.TextResponse:new() local textdata = "" repeat local status, header = s:recv(48) local pos, _, flags, _, _, len = bin.unpack(">CCCCI", header) local cont = ( bit.band(flags, 0x40) == 0x40 ) resp.total_ahs_len = bit.rshift(len, 24) resp.data_seg_len = bit.band(len, 0x00ffffff) local data status, data = s:recv( resp.data_seg_len ) textdata = textdata .. data until( not(cont) ) resp.records = {} local kvps = stdnse.strsplit( "\0", textdata ) local record -- Each target record starts with one text key of the form: -- TargetName=<target-name-goes-here> -- Followed by zero or more address keys of the form: -- TargetAddress=<hostname-or-ipaddress>[:<tcp-port>], -- <portal-group-tag> for _, kvp in ipairs(kvps) do local k, v = kvp:match("(.*)%=(.*)") if ( k == "TargetName" ) then if ( record ) then table.insert(resp.records, record) record = {} end if ( #resp.records == 0 ) then record = {} end record.name = v elseif ( k == "TargetAddress" ) then record.addr = record.addr or {} table.insert( record.addr, v ) elseif ( not(k) ) then -- this should be the ending empty kvp table.insert(resp.records, record) break else stdnse.print_debug("ERROR: iscsi.TextResponse: Unknown target record (%s)", k) end end return true, resp end, }, --- Class handling a login request LogoutRequest = { --- Creates a new instance of LogoutRequest -- -- @return instance of LogoutRequest new = function( self ) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.opcode = Packet.Opcode.LOGOUT o.immediate = 1 o.reasoncode = 0 o.total_ahs_len = 0 o.data_seg_len = 0 o.initiator_task_tag = 2 o.cid = 1 o.cmdsn = 0 o.expstatsn = 1 return o end, --- Converts the class instance to string -- -- @return string containing the converted instance __tostring = function(self) local opcode = self.opcode + bit.lshift((self.immediate or 0), 6) local reserved = 0 local len = bit.lshift( self.total_ahs_len, 24 ) + self.data_seg_len local data = bin.pack(">CCSILISSIILL", opcode, (0x80 + self.reasoncode), reserved, len, reserved,self.initiator_task_tag, self.cid, reserved, self.cmdsn, self.expstatsn, reserved, reserved ) return data end, }, --- Class handling the Logout response LogoutResponse = { --- Creates a new instance of LogoutResponse -- -- @return instance of LogoutResponse new = function( self ) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, --- Creates a LogoutResponse with data read from the socket -- -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return instance of LogoutResponse -- err string containing error message fromSocket = function( s ) local resp = Packet.LogoutResponse:new() local status, header = s:recv(48) if ( not(status) ) then return status, header end return true, resp end } } --- The communication class handles socket reads and writes -- In addition it keeps track of both immediate packets and the amount of read -- packets and updates cmdsn and expstatsn accordingly. Comm = { --- Creates a new instance of Comm -- -- @return instance of Comm new = function(self, socket) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.expstatsn = 0 o.cmdsn = 1 o.socket = socket return o end, --- Sends a packet and retrieves the response -- -- @param out_packet instance of a packet to send -- @param in_class class of the packet to read -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return r decoded instance of in_class exchange = function( self, out_packet, in_class ) local expstatsn = ( self.expstatsn == 0 ) and 1 or self.expstatsn if ( out_packet.immediate and out_packet.immediate == 1 ) then self.cmdsn = self.cmdsn + 1 end out_packet.expstatsn = expstatsn out_packet.cmdsn = self.cmdsn self.socket:send( tostring( out_packet ) ) local status, r = in_class.fromSocket( self.socket ) self.expstatsn = self.expstatsn + 1 return status, r end, } --- A buffered socket implementation Socket = { --- Creates a new instance of Socket -- -- @return instance of Socket new = function(self) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.Socket = nmap.new_socket() o.Buffer = nil return o end, --- Establishes a connection. -- -- @param hostid Hostname or IP address. -- @param port Port number. -- @param protocol <code>"tcp"</code>, <code>"udp"</code>, or -- @return Status (true or false). -- @return Error code (if status is false). connect = function( self, hostid, port, protocol ) self.Socket:set_timeout(10000) return self.Socket:connect( hostid, port, protocol ) end, --- Closes an open connection. -- -- @return Status (true or false). -- @return Error code (if status is false). close = function( self ) return self.Socket:close() end, --- Opposed to the <code>socket:receive_bytes</code> function, that returns -- at least x bytes, this function returns the amount of bytes requested. -- -- @param count of bytes to read -- @return true on success, false on failure -- @return data containing bytes read from the socket -- err containing error message if status is false recv = function( self, count ) local status, data self.Buffer = self.Buffer or "" if ( #self.Buffer < count ) then status, data = self.Socket:receive_bytes( count - #self.Buffer ) if ( not(status) or #data < count - #self.Buffer ) then return false, data end self.Buffer = self.Buffer .. data end data = self.Buffer:sub( 1, count ) self.Buffer = self.Buffer:sub( count + 1) return true, data end, --- Sends data over the socket -- -- @return Status (true or false). -- @return Error code (if status is false). send = function( self, data ) return self.Socket:send( data ) end, } --- Key/Value pairs class KVP = { --- Creates a new instance of KVP -- -- @return instance of KVP new = function( self ) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.kvp = {} return o end, --- Adds a key/value pair -- -- @param key string containing the key name -- @param value string containing the value add = function( self, key, value ) table.insert( self.kvp, {[key]=value} ) end, --- Gets all values for a specific key -- -- @param key string containing the name of the key to retrieve -- @return values table containing all values for the specified key get = function( self, key ) local values = {} for _, kvp in ipairs(self.kvp) do for k, v in pairs( kvp ) do if ( key == k ) then table.insert( values, v ) end end end return values end, --- Returns all key value pairs as string delimited by \0 -- eg. "key1=val1\0key2=val2\0" -- -- @return string containing all key/value pairs __tostring = function( self ) local ret = "" for _, kvp in ipairs(self.kvp) do for k, v in pairs( kvp ) do ret = ret .. ("%s=%s\0"):format(k,v) end end return ret end, } --- CHAP authentication class CHAP = { --- Calculate a CHAP - response -- -- @param identifier number containing the CHAP identifier -- @param challenge string containing the challenge -- @param secret string containing the users password -- @return response string containing the CHAP response calcResponse = function( identifier, challenge, secret ) return openssl.md5( identifier .. secret .. challenge ) end, } --- The helper class contains functions with more descriptive names Helper = { --- Creates a new instance of the Helper class -- -- @param host table as received by the script action function -- @param port table as received by the script action function -- @return o instance of Helper new = function( self, host, port ) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.host, o.port = host, port o.socket = Socket:new() return o end, --- Connects to the iSCSI target -- -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return err string containing error message is status is false connect = function( self ) local status, err = self.socket:connect(self.host, self.port, "tcp") if ( not(status) ) then return false, err end self.comm = Comm:new( self.socket ) return true end, --- Attempts to discover accessible iSCSI targets on the remote server -- -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return targets table containing discovered targets -- each table entry is a target table with <code>name</code> -- and <code>addr</code>. -- err string containing an error message is status is false discoverTargets = function( self ) local p = Packet.LoginRequest:new() p:setTransit(true) p:setNSG(Packet.LoginRequest.NSG.LoginOperationalNegotiation) p.kvp:add( "InitiatorName", "iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:nmap_iscsi_probe" ) p.kvp:add( "SessionType", "Discovery" ) p.kvp:add( "AuthMethod", "None" ) local status, resp = self.comm:exchange( p, Packet.LoginResponse ) if ( not(status) ) then return false, ("ERROR: iscsi.Helper.discoverTargets: %s"):format(resp) end local auth_method = resp.kvp:get("AuthMethod")[1] if ( auth_method:upper() ~= "NONE" ) then return false, "ERROR: iscsi.Helper.discoverTargets: Unsupported authentication method" end p = Packet.LoginRequest:new() p:setTransit(true) p:setNSG(Packet.LoginRequest.NSG.FullFeaturePhase) p:setCSG(Packet.LoginRequest.CSG.LoginOperationalNegotiation) p.kvp:add( "HeaderDigest", "None") p.kvp:add( "DataDigest", "None") p.kvp:add( "MaxRecvDataSegmentLength", "65536") p.kvp:add( "DefaultTime2Wait", "0") p.kvp:add( "DefaultTime2Retain", "60") status, resp = self.comm:exchange( p, Packet.LoginResponse ) p = Packet.TextRequest:new() p:setFinal(true) p.kvp:add( "SendTargets", "All" ) status, resp = self.comm:exchange( p, Packet.TextResponse ) if ( not(resp.records) ) then return false, "iscsi.discoverTargets: response returned no targets" end for _, record in ipairs(resp.records) do table.sort( record.addr, function(a, b) local c = ipOps.compare_ip(a:match("(.-):"), "le", b:match("(.-):")); return c end ) end return true, resp.records end, --- Logs out from the iSCSI target -- -- @return status true on success, false on failure logout = function(self) local p = Packet.LogoutRequest:new() local status, resp = self.comm:exchange( p, Packet.LogoutResponse ) return status end, --- Authenticate to the iSCSI service -- -- @param target_name string containing the name of the iSCSI target -- @param username string containing the username -- @param password string containing the password -- @param auth_method string containing either "None" or "Chap" -- @return status true on success false on failure -- @return response containing the loginresponse or -- err string containing an error message if status is false login = function( self, target_name, username, password, auth_method ) local auth_method = auth_method or "None" if ( not(target_name) ) then return false, "No target name specified" end if ( auth_method:upper()~= "NONE" and auth_method:upper()~= "CHAP" ) then return false, "Unknown authentication method" end local p = Packet.LoginRequest:new() p:setTransit(true) p:setNSG(Packet.LoginRequest.NSG.LoginOperationalNegotiation) p.kvp:add( "InitiatorName", "iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:nmap_iscsi_probe" ) p.kvp:add( "SessionType", "Normal" ) p.kvp:add( "TargetName", target_name ) p.kvp:add( "AuthMethod", auth_method ) if ( not(self.comm) ) then return false, "ERROR: iscsi.Helper.login: Not connected" end local status, resp = self.comm:exchange( p, Packet.LoginResponse ) if ( not(status) ) then return false, ("ERROR: iscsi.Helper.login: %s"):format(resp) end if ( resp.status_code ~= 0 ) then stdnse.print_debug(3, "ERROR: iscsi.Helper.login: Authentication failed (error code: %d)", resp.status_code) return false, resp elseif ( auth_method:upper()=="NONE" ) then return true, resp end p = Packet.LoginRequest:new() p.kvp:add( "CHAP_A", "5" ) status, resp = self.comm:exchange( p, Packet.LoginResponse ) if ( not(status) ) then return false, ("ERROR: iscsi.Helper.login: %s"):format(resp) end local alg = resp.kvp:get("CHAP_A")[1] if ( alg ~= "5" ) then return false, "Unsupported authentication algorithm" end local chall = resp.kvp:get("CHAP_C")[1] if ( not(chall) ) then return false, "Failed to decode challenge" end chall = bin.pack("H", chall:sub(3)) local ident = resp.kvp:get("CHAP_I")[1] if (not(ident)) then return false, "Failed to decoded identifier" end ident = string.char(tonumber(ident)) local resp = CHAP.calcResponse( ident, chall, password ) resp = "0x" .. select(2, bin.unpack("H16", resp)) p = Packet.LoginRequest:new() p:setImmediate(true) p:setTransit(true) p:setNSG(Packet.LoginRequest.NSG.LoginOperationalNegotiation) p.kvp:add("CHAP_N", username) p.kvp:add("CHAP_R", resp) status, resp = self.comm:exchange( p, Packet.LoginResponse ) if ( not(status) ) then return false, ("ERROR: iscsi.Helper.login: %s"):format(resp) end if ( resp:getErrorCode() ~= Packet.LoginResponse.Errors.SUCCESS ) then return false, "Login failed" end return true, resp end, --- Disconnects the socket from the server close = function(self) self.socket:close() end } return _ENV;