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--- A SIP library supporting a limited subset of SIP commands and methods -- -- The library currently supports the following methods: -- * REGISTER, INVITE & OPTIONS -- -- Overview -- -------- -- The library consists of the following classes: -- -- o SessionData -- - Holds session data for the SIP session -- -- o Session -- - Contains application functionality related to the implemented -- SIP methods. -- -- o Connection -- - A class containing code related to socket communication. -- -- o Response -- - A class containing code for handling SIP responses -- -- o Request -- - A class containing code for handling SIP requests -- -- o Util -- - A class containing static utility functions -- -- o SIPAuth -- - A class containing code related to SIP Authentication -- -- o Helper -- - A class containing code used as a primary interface by scripts -- -- -- @author "Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>" -- @copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html -- -- @args sip.timeout - specifies the session (socket) timeout in seconds -- Version 0.1 -- Created 2011/03/30 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net> local bin = require "bin" local math = require "math" local nmap = require "nmap" local os = require "os" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local openssl = stdnse.silent_require "openssl" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" _ENV = stdnse.module("sip", stdnse.seeall) -- Method constants Method = { ACK = "ACK", INVITE = "INVITE", OPTIONS = "OPTIONS", REGISTER = "REGISTER", } -- Error constants Error = { TRYING = 100, RING = 180, TIMEOUT = 408, BUSY = 486, DECLINE = 603, OK = 200, UNAUTHORIZED = 401, FORBIDDEN = 403, NOTFOUND = 404, PROXY_AUTH_REQUIRED = 407, } -- The SessionData class SessionData = { --- Creates a new instance of sessiondata -- @return o an instance of SessionData new = function(self, o) local o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.user = "user" return o end, --- Sets the session username -- @param user string containing the username setUsername = function(self, user) self.user = user end, --- Sets the session password -- @param pass string containing the password setPassword = function(self, pass) self.pass = pass end, --- Sets the SIP domain -- @param domain string containing the SIP domain setDomain = function(self, domain) self.domain = domain end, --- Sets the ip and port of the remote server -- @param host string containing the ip of the remote server -- @param port number containing the port of the remote server setServer = function(self, host, port) self.server = { host = host, port = port } end, --- Sets the ip and port of the client -- @param host string containing the ip of the client -- @param port number containing the port of the client setClient = function(self, host, port) self.client = { host = host, port = port } end, --- Sets the SIP users Full Name -- @param name string containing the full name of the user setName = function(self, name) self.name = name end, --- Retrieves the username -- @return user string containing the sessions username getUsername = function(self) return self.user end, --- Retrieves the session password -- @return pass string containing the session password getPassword = function(self) return self.pass end, --- Retrieves the SIP domain -- @return domain string containing the SIP domain getDomain = function(self) return self.domain end, --- Retrieves the client IP and port -- @return host string containing the client IP -- @return port number containing the client port getClient = function(self) return self.client.host, self.client.port end, --- Retrieves the server IP and port -- @return host string containing the server IP -- @return port number containing the server port getServer = function(self) return self.server.host, self.server.port end, --- Retrieves the SIP users full name -- @return name string containing the users full name getName = function(self) return self.name or "Nmap NSE" end, } -- The session class holds the code necessary to register a SIP session Session = { --- Creates a new session instance -- @param host table containing the remote host to connect to -- @param port table containing the remote port to connect to -- @param sessdata instance of SessionData -- @param options table containing zero or more of the following options -- <code>expires</code> - the expire value in seconds -- <code>timeout</code> - the socket timeout in seconds -- @return o containing a new instance of the Session class new = function(self, host, port, sessdata, options) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.protocol = port.protocol:upper() o.expires = (options and options.expires) or 300 o.conn = Connection:new(host,port) o.cseq = (options and options.cseq) or 1234 local timeout = ( ( options and options.timeout ) and options.timeout * 1000 ) or 5000 o.conn.socket:set_timeout( timeout ) o.sessdata = sessdata or SessionData:new() return o end, --- Connect the session -- @return true on success, false on failure -- @return err string containing error message connect = function(self) local status, err = self.conn:connect() if (not(status)) then return false, "ERROR: Failed to connect to server" end local status, lhost, lport, rhost, rport = self.conn.socket:get_info() if ( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to retreive socket information" end self.sessdata:setClient(lhost, lport) self.sessdata:setServer(rhost, rport) return true end, --- Closes the session -- TODO: We should probably send some "closing" packets here -- @return true on success, false on failure close = function(self) return self.conn:close() end, --- Sends and SIP invite -- @param uri invite = function(self, uri) local request = Request:new(Method.INVITE, self.protocol) local lhost, _ = self.sessdata:getClient() local tm = os.time() local uri = (uri and uri:match("^sip:.*@.*")) or ("sip:%s@%s"):format(uri, self.sessdata:getDomain()) request:setUri(uri) request:setSessionData(self.sessdata) local data = {} table.insert(data, "v=0") table.insert(data, ("o=- %s %s IN IP4 %s"):format(tm, tm, lhost)) table.insert(data, "s=-") table.insert(data, ("c=IN IP4 %s"):format(lhost)) table.insert(data, "t=0 0") table.insert(data, "m=audio 49174 RTP/AVP 0") table.insert(data, "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000") request:setContent(stdnse.strjoin("\r\n", data)) request:setContentType("application/sdp") local status, response = self:exch(request) if ( not(status) ) then return false, response end local errcode = response:getErrorCode() if ( Error.PROXY_AUTH_REQUIRED == errcode or Error.UNAUTHORIZED == errcode ) then -- Send an ACK to the server request:setMethod(Method.ACK) local status, err = self.conn:send( tostring(request) ) if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: Failed to send request" end -- Send an authenticated INVITE to the server request:setMethod(Method.INVITE) self.cseq = self.cseq + 1 status, data = self:authenticate(request, response) if ( not(status) ) then return false, "SIP Authentication failed" end response = Response:new(data) -- read a bunch of 180 Ringing and 100 Trying requests, until we get a 200 OK while ( response:getErrorCode() ~= Error.OK ) do status, data = self.conn:recv() if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: Failed to receive response" end response = Response:new(data) end end return true end, --- Prepares and sends the challenge response authentication to the server -- @param request instance of the request object requiring authentication -- @param authdata string containing authentication data -- @return status true on success false on failure -- @return err string containing an error message if status is false authenticate = function(self, request, response) local rhost, _ = self.sessdata:getServer() local auth_header, auth_data = response:getAuthData() local auth = SipAuth:new(auth_data) auth:setUsername(self.sessdata:getUsername()) auth:setPassword(self.sessdata:getPassword()) auth:setMethod(request.method) auth:setUri(("sip:%s"):format(rhost)) if ( auth_header == "WWW-Authenticate" ) then request:setWWWAuth(auth:createResponse()) else request:setProxyAuth(auth:createResponse()) end request:setCseq(self.cseq) local status, err = self.conn:send( tostring(request) ) if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: Failed to send request" end local data status, data = self.conn:recv() if ( not(status) and data ~= "TIMEOUT" ) then return status, "ERROR: Failed to receive response" end return status, data end, --- Sends a SIP Request and receives the Response -- @param request instance of Request -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return resp containing a new Response instance -- err containing error message if status is false exch = function(self, request) request:setCseq(self.cseq) local status, err = self.conn:send( tostring(request) ) if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: Failed to send request" end local status, data = self.conn:recv() if ( not(status) ) then return status, "ERROR: Failed to receive response" end return true, Response:new(data) end, --- Sends a register request to the server -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return msg string containing the error message (if status is false) register = function(self) local request = Request:new(Method.REGISTER, self.protocol) request:setUri("sip:" .. self.sessdata:getServer()) request:setSessionData(self.sessdata) request:setExpires(self.expires) local status, response = self:exch(request) if (not(status)) then return false, response end local errcode = response:getErrorCode() if ( status and errcode == Error.OK ) then return true, response elseif ( Error.PROXY_AUTH_REQUIRED == errcode or Error.UNAUTHORIZED == errcode ) then local data self.cseq = self.cseq + 1 status, data = self:authenticate(request, response) response = Response:new(data) errcode = response:getErrorCode() if ( not(status) or ( errcode and errcode ~= Error.OK ) ) then return false, "ERROR: Failed to authenticate" end elseif ( Error.FORBIDDEN == errcode ) then return false, "Authentication forbidden" else return false, ("Unhandled error: %d"):format(errcode) end return true end, --- Sends an option request to the server and handles the response -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return response if status is true, nil else. options = function(self) local req = Request:new(Method.OPTIONS, self.protocol) req:setUri("sip:" .. self.sessdata:getServer()) req:setSessionData(self.sessdata) req:setExpires(self.expires) req:addHeader("Accept", "application/sdp") local status, response = self:exch(req) if status then return true, response end return false, nil end, } -- The connection class contains basic communication code Connection = { --- Creates a new SIP Connection -- @param host table containing the host to connect to -- @param port table containing the port to connect to -- @return o containing a new Connection instance new = function(self, host, port) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.host = host o.port = port o.socket = nmap.new_socket() return o end, --- Connects to the server -- @return status containing true on success and false on failure -- @return err containing the error message (if status is false) connect = function(self) local status, err = self.socket:connect(self.host, self.port) if ( status ) then local status, lhost, lport, _, _ = self.socket:get_info() if ( status ) then self.lhost = lhost self.lport = lport end end return status, err end, --- Sends the data over the socket -- @return status true on success, false on failure send = function(self, data) return self.socket:send(data) end, --- Receives data from the socket -- @return status true on success, false on failure recv = function(self) return self.socket:receive() end, --- Closes the communication channel (socket) -- @return true on success false on failure close = function(self) return self.socket:close() end, --- Retrieves the client ip and port -- @return lhost string containing the local ip -- @return lport number containing the local port getClient = function(self) return self.lhost, self.lport end, --- Retrieves the server ip and port -- @return rhost string containing the server ip -- @return rport number containing the server port getServer = function(self) return ( self.host.ip or self.host ), ( self.port.number or self.port ) end, } -- The response class holds the necessary methods and parameters to parse a response Response = { --- Creates a new Response instance -- @param str containing the data as received over the socket -- @return o table containing a new Response instance new = function(self, str) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.tbl = stdnse.strsplit("\r\n", str) return o end, --- Retrieves a given header value from the response -- @param name string containing the name of the header -- @return value string containing the header value getHeader = function(self,name) for _, line in ipairs(self.tbl) do local header, value = line:match("^(.-): (.*)$") if ( header and header:lower() == name:lower() ) then return value end end end, --- Returns the error code from the SIP response -- @return err number containing the error code getErrorCode = function(self) return tonumber(self.tbl[1]:match("SIP/%d%.%d (%d+)")) end, --- Returns the error message returned by the server -- @return errmsg string containing the error message getErrorMessage = function(self) return self.tbl[1]:match("^SIP/%d%.%d %d+ (.+)$") end, --- Returns the message method -- @return method string containing the method getMethod = function(self) return self.tbl[1]:match("^(.-)%s.*SIP/2%.0$") end, --- Returns the authentication data from the SIP response -- @return auth string containing the raw authentication data getAuthData = function(self) local auth = self:getHeader("WWW-Authenticate") or self:getHeader("Proxy-Authenticate") if ( auth ) then return ( self:getHeader("WWW-Authenticate") and "WWW-Authenticate" or "Proxy-Authenticate"), auth end end, --- Retrieves the current sequence number -- @return cseq number containing the current sequence number getCSeq = function(self) local cseq = self:getHeader("CSeq") cseq = (cseq and cseq:match("^(%d+)")) return (cseq and tonumber(cseq)) end, } -- The request class holds the necessary functions and parameters for a basic SIP request Request = { --- Creates a new Request instance -- @param method string containing the request method to use -- @param proto Used protocol, could be "UDP" or "TCP" -- @return o containing a new Request instance new = function(self, method, proto) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.ua = "Nmap NSE" o.protocol = proto or "UDP" o.expires = 0 o.allow = "PRACK, INVITE ,ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, SUBSCRIBE" .. ",NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS" o.maxfwd = 70 o.method = method o.length = 0 o.cid = Util.get_random_string(60) return o end, --- Sets the sessiondata so that session information may be fetched -- @param data instance of SessionData setSessionData = function(self, data) self.sessdata = data end, --- Adds a custom header to the request -- @param name string containing the header name -- @param value string containing the header value addHeader = function(self, name, value) self.headers = self.headers or {} table.insert(self.headers, ("%s: %s"):format(name, value)) end, --- Sets the SIP uri -- @param uri string containing the SIP uri setUri = function(self, uri) self.uri = uri end, --- Sets an error -- @param code number containing the error code -- @param msg string containing the error message setError = function(self, code, msg) self.error = { code = code, msg = msg } end, --- Sets the request method -- @param method string containing a valid SIP method (@see Method constant) setMethod = function(self, method) self.method = method end, --- Sets the sequence number -- @param seq number containing the sequence number to set setCseq = function(self, seq) self.cseq = seq end, --- Sets the allow header -- @param allow table containing all of the allowed SIP methods setAllow = function(self, allow) self.allow = stdnse.strjoin(", ", allow) end, --- Sets the request content data -- @param string containing the content data setContent = function(self, content) self.content = content end, --- Sets the requests' content type -- @param t string containing the content type setContentType = function(self, t) self.content_type = t end, --- Sets the supported SIP methods -- @param supported string containing the supported methods setSupported = function(self, supported) self.supported = supported end, --- Sets the content-length of the SIP request -- @param len number containing the length of the actual request setContentLength = function(self, len) self.length = len end, --- Sets the expires header of the SIP request -- @param expires number containing the expire value setExpires = function(self, expires) self.expires = expires end, --- Sets the User Agent being used to connect to the SIP server -- @param ua string containing the User-Agent name (defaults to Nmap NSE) setUA = function(self, ua) self.ua = ua end, --- Sets the caller ID information of the SIP request -- @param cid string containing the callers id setCallId = function(self, cid) self.cid = cid end, --- Sets the maximum forwards allowed of this request -- @param maxfwd number containing the maximum allowed forwards setForwards = function(self, maxfwd) self.maxfwd = maxfwd end, --- Sets the proxy authentication data -- @param auth string containing properly formatted proxy authentication data setProxyAuth = function(self, auth) self.proxyauth = auth end, --- Sets the www authentication data -- @param auth string containing properly formatted proxy authentication data setWWWAuth = function(self, auth) self.wwwauth = auth end, --- Specifies the network protocol being used -- @param proto should be either "UDP" or "TCP" setProtocol = function(self, proto) assert( proto == "UDP" or proto == "TCP", ("Unsupported protocol %s"):format(proto)) self.protocol = proto end, --- Converts the request to a String suitable to be sent over the socket -- @return ret string containing the complete request for sending over the socket __tostring = function(self) local data = {} local branch = "z9hG4bK" .. Util.get_random_string(25) -- must be at least 32-bit unique self.from_tag = self.from_tag or Util.get_random_string(20) local sessdata = self.sessdata local lhost, lport = sessdata:getClient() local rhost, rport = sessdata:getServer() local name, user, domain = sessdata:getName(), sessdata:getUsername(), sessdata:getDomain() assert(self.method, "No method specified") assert(self.maxfwd, "Max forward not set") -- if no domain was specified use the remote host instead domain = domain or rhost if ( self.error ) then table.insert(data, ("SIP/2.0 %s %d"):format(self.error.msg, self.error.code)) else if ( self.method == Method.ACK ) then table.insert(data, ("%s %s:%d SIP/2.0"):format(self.method, self.uri, rport)) else table.insert(data, ("%s %s SIP/2.0"):format(self.method, self.uri)) end end table.insert(data, ("Via: SIP/2.0/%s %s:%d;rport;branch=%s"):format(self.protocol, lhost, lport, branch)) table.insert(data, ("Max-Forwards: %d"):format(self.maxfwd)) table.insert(data, ("From: \"%s\" <sip:%s@%s>;tag=%s"):format(name, user, domain, self.from_tag)) if ( self.method == Method.INVITE ) then table.insert(data, ("To: <sip:%s@%s>"):format(user, domain)) else table.insert(data, ("To: \"%s\" <sip:%s@%s>"):format(name, user, domain)) end table.insert(data, ("Call-ID: %s"):format(self.cid)) if ( self.error and self.error.code == Error.OK ) then table.insert(data, ("CSeq: %d OPTIONS"):format(self.cseq)) else table.insert(data, ("CSeq: %d %s"):format(self.cseq, self.method)) end if ( self.method ~= Method.ACK ) then table.insert(data, ("User-Agent: %s"):format(self.ua)) table.insert(data, ("Contact: \"%s\" <sip:%s@%s:%d>"):format(name, user, lhost, lport)) if ( self.expires ) then table.insert(data, ("Expires: %d"):format(self.expires)) end if ( self.allow ) then table.insert(data, ("Allow: %s"):format(self.allow)) end if ( self.supported ) then table.insert(data, ("Supported: %s"):format(self.supported)) end if ( not(self.error) ) then if ( self.proxyauth ) then table.insert(data, ("Proxy-Authorization: %s"):format(self.proxyauth)) end if ( self.wwwauth ) then table.insert(data, ("Authorization: %s"):format(self.wwwauth)) end end self.length = (self.content and #self.content +2 or 0) if ( self.headers ) then for _, val in ipairs(self.headers) do table.insert(data, val) end end if ( self.content_type ) then table.insert(data, ("Content-Type: %s"):format(self.content_type)) end table.insert(data, ("Content-Length: %d"):format(self.length)) table.insert(data, "") if ( self.content ) then table.insert(data, self.content) end table.insert(data, "") else self.length = (self.content and #self.content +2 or 0) table.insert(data, ("Content-Length: %d"):format(self.length)) table.insert(data, "") end return stdnse.strjoin("\r\n", data) end, } -- A minimal Util class with supporting functions Util = { --- Generates a random string of the requested length. -- @param length (optional) The length of the string to return. Default: 8. -- @param set (optional) The set of letters to choose from. Default: upper, lower, numbers, and underscore. -- @return The random string. get_random_string = function(length, set) if(length == nil) then length = 8 end if(set == nil) then set = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_" end local str = "" for i = 1, length, 1 do local random = math.random(#set) str = str .. string.sub(set, random, random) end return str end } -- The SIP authentication class, supporting MD5 digest authentication SipAuth = { --- Creates a new SipAuth instance -- @param auth string containing the auth data as received from the server new = function(self, auth) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.auth = auth return o end, --- Sets the username used for authentication -- @param username string containing the name of the user setUsername = function(self, username) self.username = username end, --- Sets the password used for authentication -- @param password string containing the password of the user setPassword = function(self, password) self.password = password end, --- Sets the method used for authentication -- @param method string containing the method (Usually REGISTER) setMethod = function(self, method) self.method = method end, --- Sets the uri used for authentication -- @param uri string containing the uri (Usually sip:<ip>) setUri = function(self, uri) self.uri = uri end, --- Processes and parses a challenge as received from the server parseChallenge = function(self) if ( not(self.auth) ) then return end self.nonce = self.auth:match("nonce=[\"]([^,]-)[\"]") self.algorithm = self.auth:match("algorithm=[\"]*(.-)[\"]*,") self.realm = self.auth:match("realm=[\"]([^,]-)[\"]") assert(self.algorithm:upper() == "MD5", ("Unsupported algorithm detected in authentication challenge (%s)"):format(self.algorithm:upper())) end, --- Calculates the authentication response -- @return reponse string containing the authentication response calculateResponse = function(self) if ( not(self.nonce) or not(self.algorithm) or not(self.realm) ) then self:parseChallenge() end assert(self.username, "SipAuth: No username specified") assert(self.password, "SipAuth: No password specified") assert(self.method, "SipAuth: No method specified") assert(self.uri, "SipAuth: No uri specified") local result if ( self.algorithm == "MD5" ) then local HA1 = select(2, bin.unpack("H16", openssl.md5(self.username .. ":" .. self.realm .. ":" .. self.password))) local HA2 = select(2, bin.unpack("H16", openssl.md5(self.method .. ":" .. self.uri))) result = openssl.md5(HA1:lower() .. ":" .. self.nonce ..":" .. HA2:lower()) end return select(2, bin.unpack("H16", result)):lower() end, --- Creates the complete authentication response -- @return auth string containing the complete authentication digest createResponse = function(self) local response = self:calculateResponse() return ("Digest username=\"%s\", realm=\"%s\", nonce=\"%s\"," .. " uri=\"%s\", response=\"%s\", algorithm=%s"):format(self.username, self.realm, self.nonce, self.uri, response, self.algorithm) end, } -- The Helper class used as main script interface Helper = { --- Creates a new instance of the Helper class -- @param host table containing the remote host -- @param port table containing the remote port -- @param options table containing any options to pass along to the -- session (@see Session:new for more details) -- @return o containing a new instance of the Helper class new = function(self, host, port, options) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self local timeout = stdnse.get_script_args("sip.timeout") if ( timeout ) then options.timeout = timeout end o.sessdata = SessionData:new() o.session = Session:new(host, port, o.sessdata, options) return o end, --- Connects the helper instance connect = function(self) return self.session:connect() end, --- Disconnects and closes the helper instance close = function(self) return self.session:close() end, --- Sets the credentials used when performing authentication -- @param username string containing the username to use for authentication -- @param password string containing the password to use for authentication setCredentials = function(self, username, password) self.sessdata:setUsername(username) self.sessdata:setPassword(password) end, --- Sets the SIP domain -- @param domain string containing the domain name setDomain = function(self, domain) self.sessdata:setDomain(domain) end, --- Register the UAC with the server -- @param options table containing zero or more options -- (@see Session:register for more details) -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return msg containing the error message if status is false register = function(self, options) local status, response = self.session:register(options) if ( not(status) ) then return false, response end return true end, options = function(self) return self.session:options() end, --- Attempts to INVITE the user at uri to a call -- @param uri string containing the sip uri -- @return status true on success, false on failure invite = function(self, uri) return self.session:invite(uri) end, } return _ENV;