Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
local bin = require "bin" local bit = require "bit" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" description = [[ Connects to a BackOrifice service and gathers information about the host and the BackOrifice service itself. The extracted host information includes basic system setup, list of running processes, network resources and shares. Information about the service includes enabled port redirections, listening console applications and a list of BackOrifice plugins installed with the service. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script backorifice-info <target> --script-args backorifice-info.password=<password> -- -- @arg backorifice-info.password Encryption password (defaults to no password). -- @arg backorifice-info.seed Encryption seed (default derived from password, or 31337 for no password). -- --@output --31337/udp open|filtered BackOrifice --| backorifice-info: --| PING REPLY --| !PONG!1.20!HAL9000! --| SYSTEM INFO --| System info for machine 'HAL9000' --| Current user: 'Dave' --| Processor: I586 --| Win32 on Windows 95 v4.10 build 2222 - A --| Memory: 63M in use: 30% Page file: 1984M free: 1970M --| C:\ - Fixed Sec/Clust: 64 Byts/Sec: 512, Bytes free: 2147155968/21471 --| ...155968 --| D:\ - CD-ROM --| PROCESS LIST --| PID - Executable --| 4293872589 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KERNEL32.DLL --| 4294937581 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSGSRV32.EXE --| 4294935933 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MPREXE.EXE --| 4294843869 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSTASK.EXE --| 4294838549 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ .EXE --| 4294864917 C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE --| 4294880413 C:\WINDOWS\TASKMON.EXE --| 4294878445 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SYSTRAY.EXE --| 4294771309 C:\WINDOWS\WINIPCFG.EXE --| 4294772081 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINOA386.MOD --| NETWORK RESOURCES - NET VIEW --| (null) '(null)' - Microsoft Network - UNKNOWN! (Network root?):CONTAINER --| (null) 'WORKGROUP' - (null) - DOMAIN:CONTAINER --| (null) '\\HAL9000' - - SERVER:CONTAINER --| (null) '\\HAL9000\DOCUMENTS' - sample comment 2 - SHARE:DISK --| (null) '\\WIN982' - - SERVER:CONTAINER --| (null) '\\WIN982\BO' - tee hee hee comment - SHARE:DISK --| SHARELIST --| 'DOCUMENTS'-C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\DOCUMENTS 'sample comment 2' RO:'' RW:' --| ...'' Disk PERSISTANT READONLY --| 'IPC$'- 'Remote Inter Process Communication' RO:'' RW:'' IPC FULL --| REDIRECTED PORTS --| 0 redirs displayed --| LISTENING CONSOLE APPLICATIONS --| 0 apps listed --| PLUGIN LIST --|_ End of plugins -- author = "Gorjan Petrovski" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"default", "discovery", "safe"} dependencies = {"backorifice-brute"} portrule = shortport.port_or_service (31337, "BackOrifice", "udp") --variables local g_packet = 0 --"constants" local MAGICSTRING ="*!*QWTY?" local TYPE = { ERROR = 0x00, PARTIAL_PACKET = 0x80, CONTINUED_PACKET = 0x40, PING = 0x01, SYSINFO = 0x06, PROCESSLIST = 0x20, NETVIEW = 0x39, NETEXPORTLIST = 0x12, REDIRLIST = 0x0D, APPLIST = 0x3F, PLUGINLIST = 0x2F } --table of commands which have output local cmds = { {cmd_name="PING REPLY",p_code=TYPE.PING,arg1="",arg2="", filter = function(data) data = string.gsub(data," ","") return data end}, {cmd_name="SYSTEM INFO",p_code=TYPE.SYSINFO,arg1="",arg2="", filter = function(data) if string.match(data,"End of system info") then return nil end return data end}, {cmd_name="PROCESS LIST",p_code=TYPE.PROCESSLIST,arg1="",arg2="", filter = function(data) if string.match(data,"End of processes") then return nil end data = string.gsub(data,"pid","PID") return data end}, {cmd_name="NETWORK RESOURCES - NET VIEW",p_code=TYPE.NETVIEW,arg1="",arg2="", filter = function(data) if string.match(data,"Network resources:") then return nil end if string.match(data,"End of resource list") then return nil end return data end}, {cmd_name="SHARELIST",p_code=TYPE.NETEXPORTLIST,arg1="",arg2="", filter = function(data) if string.match(data,"Shares as returned by system:") then return nil end if string.match(data,"End of shares") then return nil end return data end}, {cmd_name="REDIRECTED PORTS",p_code=TYPE.REDIRLIST,arg1="",arg2="", filter = function(data) if string.match(data,"Redirected ports:%s") then return nil end return data end}, {cmd_name="LISTENING CONSOLE APPLICATIONS",p_code=TYPE.APPLIST,arg1="",arg2="", filter = function(data) if string.match(data,"Active apps:") then return nil end return data end}, -- I !think! plugin list MUST be last because it causes problems server-side {cmd_name="PLUGIN LIST",p_code=TYPE.PLUGINLIST,arg1="",arg2="", filter = function(data) if string.match(data,"Plugins:") then return nil end return data end} } local function gen_next_seed(seed) seed = seed*214013 + 2531011 seed = bit.band(seed,0xffffff) return seed end local function gen_initial_seed(password) if password == nil then return 31337 else local y = #password local z = 0 for x = 1,y do local pchar = string.byte(password,x) z = z + pchar end for x=1,y do local pchar = string.byte(password,x) if (x-1)%2 == 1 then z = z - (pchar * (y-(x-1)+1)) else z = z + (pchar * (y-(x-1)+1)) end z = z % 0x7fffffff end z = (z*y) % 0x7fffffff return z end end --BOcrypt returns encrypted/decrypted data local function BOcrypt(data, password, initial_seed ) local output ="" if data==nil then return end local seed if(initial_seed == nil) then --calculate initial seed seed = gen_initial_seed(password) else --in case initial seed is set by backorifice brute seed = initial_seed end local data_byte local crypto_byte for i = 1, #data do data_byte = string.byte(data,i) --calculate next seed seed = gen_next_seed(seed) --calculate encryption key based on seed local key = bit.band(bit.arshift(seed,16), 0xff) crypto_byte = bit.bxor(data_byte,key) output = bin.pack("AC",output,crypto_byte) if i == 256 then break end --ARGSIZE limitation end return output end local function BOpack(type_packet, str1, str2) -- create BO packet local data = "" local size = #MAGICSTRING + 4*2 + 3 + #str1 + #str2 data = bin.pack("A<IICACAC",MAGICSTRING,size,g_packet,type_packet,str1,0x00,str2,0x00) g_packet = g_packet + 1 return data end local function BOunpack(packet) local pos, magic = bin.unpack("A8",packet) if magic ~= MAGICSTRING then return nil,TYPE.ERROR end --received non-BO packet local packetsize, packetid, type_packet, data pos, packetsize, packetid, type_packet = bin.unpack("<IIC",packet,pos) pos, data = bin.unpack("A"..(packetsize-pos-1),packet,pos) return data, type_packet end local function insert_version_info(host,port,BOversion,BOhostname,initial_seed,password) if(port.version==nil) then port.version={} end if(port.version.name==nil) then port.version.name ="BackOrifice" port.version.name_confidence = 10 end if(port.version.product==nil) then port.version.product ="BackOrifice trojan" end if(port.version.version == nil) then port.version.version = BOversion end if(port.version.extrainfo == nil) then if password == nil then if initial_seed == nil then port.version.extrainfo = "no password" else port.version.extrainfo = "initial encryption seed="..initial_seed end else port.version.extrainfo = "password="..password end end port.version.hostname = BOhostname if(port.version.ostype == nil) then port.version.ostype = "Windows" end nmap.set_port_version(host, port) nmap.set_port_state(host, port, "open") end action = function( host, port ) --initial seed is set by backorifice-brute local initial_seed = stdnse.get_script_args( SCRIPT_NAME .. ".seed" ) local password = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".password") local socket = nmap.new_socket("udp") local try = nmap.new_try(function() socket:close() end) socket:set_timeout(5000) local output_all={} for i=1,#cmds do --send command local data = BOpack( cmds[i].p_code, cmds[i].arg1, cmds[i].arg2 ) data = BOcrypt(data, password, initial_seed) try(socket:sendto(host.ip, port.number, data)) --receive info local output, response, p_type, multi_flag output = {} output.name = cmds[i].cmd_name multi_flag = false while true do response = try(socket:receive()) response = BOcrypt(response,password,initial_seed) response, p_type = BOunpack(response) -- p_type -> error, singular, partial, continued if p_type ~= TYPE.ERROR then local tmp_str = cmds[i].filter(response) if tmp_str ~= nil then if cmds[i].p_code==TYPE.PING then --invalid chars for hostname are allowed on old windows boxes local BOversion, BOhostname = string.match(tmp_str,"!PONG!(1%.20)!(.*)!") if BOversion==nil then --in case of bad PING reply return "" return else --fill up version information insert_version_info(host,port,BOversion,BOhostname,initial_seed,password) end end table.insert(output,tmp_str) end --singular if bit.band(p_type,TYPE.PARTIAL_PACKET)==0x00 and bit.band(p_type,TYPE.CONTINUED_PACKET)==0x00 then break end --first if bit.band(p_type,TYPE.CONTINUED_PACKET)==0x00 then multi_flag = true end --last if bit.band(p_type,TYPE.PARTIAL_PACKET)==0x00 then break end end end --gather all responses in table table.insert(output_all,output) end socket:close() return stdnse.format_output(true,output_all) end