Create File
Create Folder
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local citrixxml = require "citrixxml" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" description = [[ Extracts a list of applications, ACLs, and settings from the Citrix XML service. The script returns more output with higher verbosity. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script=citrix-enum-apps-xml -p 80,443,8080 <host> -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 8080/tcp open http-proxy -- | citrix-enum-apps-xml: -- | Application: Notepad; Users: Anonymous -- | Application: iexplorer; Users: Anonymous -- |_ Application: registry editor; Users: WIN-B4RL0SUCJ29\Joe; Groups: WIN-B4RL0SUCJ29\HR, *CITRIX_BUILTIN*\*CITRIX_ADMINISTRATORS* -- -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 8080/tcp open http-proxy -- | citrix-enum-apps-xml: -- | Application: Notepad -- | Disabled: false -- | Desktop: false -- | On Desktop: false -- | Encryption: basic -- | In start menu: false -- | Publisher: labb1farm -- | SSL: false -- | Remote Access: false -- | Users: Anonymous -- | Application: iexplorer -- | Disabled: false -- | Desktop: false -- | On Desktop: false -- | Encryption: basic -- | In start menu: false -- | Publisher: labb1farm -- | SSL: false -- | Remote Access: false -- | Users: Anonymous -- | Application: registry editor -- | Disabled: false -- | Desktop: false -- | On Desktop: false -- | Encryption: basic -- | In start menu: false -- | Publisher: labb1farm -- | SSL: false -- | Remote Access: false -- | Users: WIN-B4RL0SUCJ29\Joe -- |_ Groups: WIN-B4RL0SUCJ29\HR, *CITRIX_BUILTIN*\*CITRIX_ADMINISTRATORS* -- Version 0.2 -- Created 11/26/2009 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net> -- Revised 12/02/2009 - v0.2 - Use stdnse.format_ouput for output author = "Patrik Karlsson" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"discovery", "safe"} portrule = shortport.portnumber({8080,80,443}, "tcp") --- Creates a table which is suitable for use with stdnse.format_output -- -- @param appdata table with results from parse_appdata_response -- @param mode string short or long, see usage above -- @return table suitable for stdnse.format_output function format_output(appdata, mode) local result = {} local setting_titles = { {appisdisabled="Disabled"}, {appisdesktop="Desktop"}, {AppOnDesktop="On Desktop"}, {Encryption="Encryption"}, {AppInStartmenu="In start menu"}, {PublisherName="Publisher"}, {SSLEnabled="SSL"}, {RemoteAccessEnabled="Remote Access"} } if mode == "short" then for app_name, AppData in ipairs(appdata) do local line = "Application: " .. AppData.FName if AppData.AccessList then if AppData.AccessList.User then line = line .. "; Users: " .. stdnse.strjoin(", ", AppData.AccessList.User) end if AppData.AccessList.Group then line = line .. "; Groups: " .. stdnse.strjoin(", ", AppData.AccessList.Group) end table.insert(result, line) end end else for app_name, AppData in ipairs(appdata) do local result_part = {} result_part.name = "Application: " .. AppData.FName local settings = AppData.Settings for _, setting_pairs in ipairs(setting_titles) do for setting_key, setting_title in pairs(setting_pairs) do local setting_value = settings[setting_key] and settings[setting_key] or "" table.insert(result_part, setting_title .. ": " .. setting_value ) end end if AppData.AccessList then if AppData.AccessList.User then table.insert(result_part, "Users: " .. stdnse.strjoin(", ", AppData.AccessList.User) ) end if AppData.AccessList.Group then table.insert(result_part, "Groups: " .. stdnse.strjoin(", ", AppData.AccessList.Group) ) end table.insert(result, result_part) end end end return result end action = function(host,port) local response = citrixxml.request_appdata(host.ip, port.number, {ServerAddress="",attr={addresstype="dot"},DesiredDetails={"all","access-list"} }) local appdata = citrixxml.parse_appdata_response(response) local response = format_output(appdata, (nmap.verbosity() > 1 and "long" or "short")) return stdnse.format_output(true, response) end