Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
local ftp = require "ftp" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" description = [[ Checks if an FTP server allows anonymous logins. If anonymous is allowed, gets a directory listing of the root directory and highlights writeable files. ]] --- -- @args ftp-anon.maxlist The maximum number of files to return in the -- directory listing. By default it is 20, or unlimited if verbosity is -- enabled. Use a negative number to disable the limit, or -- <code>0</code> to disable the listing entirely. -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 21/tcp open ftp -- | ftp-anon: Anonymous FTP login allowed (FTP code 230) -- | -rw-r--r-- 1 1170 924 31 Mar 28 2001 .banner -- | d--x--x--x 2 root root 1024 Jan 14 2002 bin -- | d--x--x--x 2 root root 1024 Aug 10 1999 etc -- | drwxr-srwt 2 1170 924 2048 Jul 19 18:48 incoming [NSE: writeable] -- | d--x--x--x 2 root root 1024 Jan 14 2002 lib -- | drwxr-sr-x 2 1170 924 1024 Aug 5 2004 pub -- |_Only 6 shown. Use --script-args ftp-anon.maxlist=-1 to see all. author = "Eddie Bell, Rob Nicholls, Ange Gutek, David Fifield" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"default", "auth", "safe"} portrule = shortport.port_or_service(21, "ftp") -- --------------------- -- Directory listing function. -- We ask for a PASV connexion, catch the port returned by the server, send a -- LIST on the commands socket, connect to the data one and read the directory -- list sent. -- --------------------- local function list(socket, target, max_lines) local status, err -- ask the server for a Passive Mode: it should give us a port to -- listen to, where it will dump the directory listing local buffer = stdnse.make_buffer(socket, "\r?\n") status, err = socket:send("PASV\r\n") if not status then return status, err end local code, message = ftp.read_reply(buffer) -- Compute the PASV port as given by the server -- The server should answer with something like -- 2xx Entering Passive Mode (a,b,c,d,hp,lp) -- (-- IP--,PORT) -- PORT is (hp x 256) + lp local high, low = string.match(message, "%(%d+,%d+,%d+,%d+,(%d+),(%d+)%)") if not high then return nil, string.format("Can't parse PASV response: %q", message) end local pasv_port = high * 256 + low -- Send the LIST command on the commands socket. "Fire and forget"; we -- don't need to take care of the answer on this socket. status, err = socket:send("LIST\r\n") if not status then return status, err end local list_socket = nmap.new_socket() status, err = list_socket:connect(target, pasv_port, "tcp") if not status then return status, err end local listing = {} while not max_lines or #listing < max_lines do local status, data = list_socket:receive_buf("\r?\n", false) if (not status and data == "EOF") or data == "" then break end if not status then return status, data end listing[#listing + 1] = data end return true, listing end --- Connects to the FTP server and checks if the server allows anonymous logins. action = function(host, port) local socket = nmap.new_socket() local code, message local err_catch = function() socket:close() end local max_list = stdnse.get_script_args("ftp-anon.maxlist") if not max_list then if nmap.verbosity() == 0 then max_list = 20 else max_list = nil end else max_list = tonumber(max_list) if max_list < 0 then max_list = nil end end local try = nmap.new_try(err_catch) try(socket:connect(host, port)) local buffer = stdnse.make_buffer(socket, "\r?\n") -- Read banner. code, message = ftp.read_reply(buffer) if code and code == 220 then try(socket:send("USER anonymous\r\n")) code, message = ftp.read_reply(buffer) if code == 331 then -- 331: User name okay, need password. try(socket:send("PASS IEUser@\r\n")) code, message = ftp.read_reply(buffer) end if code == 332 then -- 332: Need account for login. -- This is rarely seen but may come in response to a -- USER or PASS command. As we're doing this -- anonymously, send back a blank ACCT. try(socket:send("ACCT\r\n")) code, message = ftp.read_reply(buffer) if code == 331 then -- 331: User name okay, need password. try(socket:send("PASS IEUser@\r\n")) code, message = ftp.read_reply(buffer) end end end if code and code >= 200 and code < 300 then -- We are primarily looking for 230: User logged in, proceed. else if not code then stdnse.print_debug(1, "ftp-anon: got socket error %q.", message) elseif code == 421 or code == 530 then -- Don't log known error codes. -- 421: Service not available, closing control connection. -- 530: Not logged in. else stdnse.print_debug(1, "ftp-anon: got code %d %q.", code, message) end return nil end local result = {} result[#result + 1] = "Anonymous FTP login allowed (FTP code " .. code .. ")" if not max_list or max_list > 0 then local status, listing = list(socket, host, max_list) socket:close() if not status then result[#result + 1] = "Can't get directory listing: " .. listing else for _, item in ipairs(listing) do -- Just a quick passive check on user rights. if string.match(item, "^[d-].......w.") then item = item .. " [NSE: writeable]" end result[#result + 1] = item end if max_list and #listing == max_list then result[#result + 1] = string.format("Only %d shown. Use --script-args %s.maxlist=-1 to see all.", #listing, SCRIPT_NAME) end end end return table.concat(result, "\n") end