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local bin = require "bin" local math = require "math" local nmap = require "nmap" local packet = require "packet" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" description = [[ Classifies a host's IP ID sequence (test for susceptibility to idle scan). Sends six probes to obtain IP IDs from the target and classifies them similiarly to Nmap's method. This is useful for finding suitable zombies for Nmap's idle scan (<code>-sI</code>) as Nmap itself doesn't provide a way to scan for these hosts. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script ipidseq [--script-args probeport=port] target -- @args probeport Set destination port to probe -- @output -- Host script results: -- |_ipidseq: Incremental! [used port 80] -- I also implemented this in Metasploit as auxiliary/scanner/ip/ipidseq, but -- this NSE script was actually written first (unfortunately it only worked -- with vanilla Nmap using dnet ethernet sending.. ugh) -- -- Originally written 05/24/2008; revived 01/24/2010 author = "Kris Katterjohn" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"safe", "discovery"} local NUMPROBES = 6 local ipidseqport --- Pcap check function -- @return Destination and source IP addresses and TCP ports local check = function(layer3) local ip = packet.Packet:new(layer3, layer3:len()) return bin.pack('AA=S=S', ip.ip_bin_dst, ip.ip_bin_src, ip.tcp_dport, ip.tcp_sport) end --- Updates a TCP Packet object -- @param tcp The TCP object local updatepkt = function(tcp) tcp:tcp_set_sport(math.random(0x401, 0xffff)) tcp:tcp_set_seq(math.random(1, 0x7fffffff)) tcp:tcp_count_checksum(tcp.ip_len) tcp:ip_count_checksum() end --- Create a TCP Packet object -- @param host Host object -- @param port Port number -- @return TCP Packet object local genericpkt = function(host, port) local pkt = bin.pack("H", "4500 002c 55d1 0000 8006 0000 0000 0000" .. "0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000" .. "6002 0c00 0000 0000 0204 05b4" ) local tcp = packet.Packet:new(pkt, pkt:len()) tcp:ip_set_bin_src(host.bin_ip_src) tcp:ip_set_bin_dst(host.bin_ip) tcp:tcp_set_dport(port) updatepkt(tcp) return tcp end --- Classifies a series of IP ID numbers like get_ipid_sequence() in osscan2.cc -- @param ipids Table of IP IDs local ipidseqclass = function(ipids) local diffs = {} local allzeros = true local allsame = true local mul256 = true local inc = true if #ipids < 2 then return "Unknown" end local i = 2 while i <= #ipids do if ipids[i-1] ~= 0 or ipids[i] ~= 0 then allzeros = false end if ipids[i-1] <= ipids[i] then diffs[i-1] = ipids[i] - ipids[i-1] else diffs[i-1] = ipids[i] - ipids[i-1] + 65536 end if #ipids > 2 and diffs[i-1] > 20000 then return "Randomized" end i = i + 1 end if allzeros then return "All zeros" end i = 1 while i <= #diffs do if diffs[i] ~= 0 then allsame = false end if (diffs[i] > 1000) and ((diffs[i] % 256) ~= 0 or ((diffs[i] % 256) == 0 and diffs[i] > 25600)) then return "Random Positive Increments" end if diffs[i] > 5120 or (diffs[i] % 256) ~= 0 then mul256 = false end if diffs[i] >= 10 then inc = false end i = i + 1 end if allsame then return "Constant" end if mul256 then return "Broken incremental!" end if inc then return "Incremental!" end return "Unknown" end --- Determines what port to probe -- @param host Host object local getport = function(host) for _, k in ipairs({"ipidseq.probeport", "probeport"}) do if nmap.registry.args[k] then return tonumber(nmap.registry.args[k]) end end --local states = { "open", "closed", "unfiltered", "open|filtered", "closed|filtered" } local states = { "open", "closed" } local port = nil for _, s in ipairs(states) do port = nmap.get_ports(host, nil, "tcp", s) if port then break end end if not port then return nil end return port.number end hostrule = function(host) if not nmap.is_privileged() then nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME] = nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME] or {} if not nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME].rootfail then stdnse.print_verbose("%s not running for lack of privileges.", SCRIPT_NAME) end nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME].rootfail = true return nil end if nmap.address_family() ~= 'inet' then stdnse.print_debug("%s is IPv4 compatible only.", SCRIPT_NAME) return false end if not host.interface then return false end ipidseqport = getport(host) return (ipidseqport ~= nil) end action = function(host) local i = 1 local ipids = {} local sock = nmap.new_dnet() local pcap = nmap.new_socket() local saddr = packet.toip(host.bin_ip_src) local daddr = packet.toip(host.bin_ip) local try = nmap.new_try() try(sock:ip_open()) try = nmap.new_try(function() sock:ip_close() end) pcap:pcap_open(host.interface, 104, false, "tcp and dst host " .. saddr .. " and src host " .. daddr .. " and src port " .. ipidseqport) pcap:set_timeout(host.times.timeout * 1000) local tcp = genericpkt(host, ipidseqport) while i <= NUMPROBES do try(sock:ip_send(tcp.buf, host)) local status, len, _, layer3 = pcap:pcap_receive() local test = bin.pack('AA=S=S', tcp.ip_bin_src, tcp.ip_bin_dst, tcp.tcp_sport, tcp.tcp_dport) while status and test ~= check(layer3) do status, len, _, layer3 = pcap:pcap_receive() end if status then table.insert(ipids, packet.u16(layer3, 4)) end updatepkt(tcp) i = i + 1 end pcap:close() sock:ip_close() local output = ipidseqclass(ipids) if nmap.debugging() > 0 then output = output .. " [used port " .. ipidseqport .. "]" end return output end