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local bit = require "bit" local comm = require "comm" description = [[ Connects to a MySQL server and prints information such as the protocol and version numbers, thread ID, status, capabilities, and the password salt. If service detection is performed and the server appears to be blocking our host or is blocked because of too many connections, then this script isn't run (see the portrule). ]] --- -- @output -- 3306/tcp open mysql -- | mysql-info: Protocol: 10 -- | Version: 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1 -- | Thread ID: 7 -- | Some Capabilities: Connect with DB, Transactions, Secure Connection -- | Status: Autocommit -- |_ Salt: bYyt\NQ/4V6IN+*3`imj -- Many thanks to jah (jah@zadkiel.plus.com) for testing and enhancements author = "Kris Katterjohn" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = { "default", "discovery", "safe" } --- Grabs NUL-terminated string --@param orig Start of the string --@return The NUL-terminated string local getstring = function(orig) return orig:match("^([^\0]*)"); end --- Converts two bytes into a number --@param num Start of the two bytes --@return The converted number local ntohs = function(num) local b1 = bit.band(num:byte(1), 255) local b2 = bit.band(num:byte(2), 255) return bit.bor(b1, bit.lshift(b2, 8)) end --- Converts three bytes into a number --@param num Start of the three bytes --@return The converted number local ntoh3 = function(num) local b1 = bit.band(num:byte(1), 255) local b2 = bit.band(num:byte(2), 255) local b3 = bit.band(num:byte(3), 255) return bit.bor(b1, bit.lshift(b2, 8), bit.lshift(b3, 16)) end --- Converts four bytes into a number --@param num Start of the four bytes --@return The converted number local ntohl = function(num) local b1 = bit.band(num:byte(1), 255) local b2 = bit.band(num:byte(2), 255) local b3 = bit.band(num:byte(3), 255) local b4 = bit.band(num:byte(4), 255) return bit.bor(b1, bit.lshift(b2, 8), bit.lshift(b3, 16), bit.lshift(b4, 24)) end --- Converts a number to a string description of the capabilities --@param num Start of the capabilities data --@return String describing the capabilities offered local capabilities = function(num) local caps = "" if bit.band(num, 1) > 0 then caps = caps .. "Long Passwords, " end if bit.band(num, 8) > 0 then caps = caps .. "Connect with DB, " end if bit.band(num, 32) > 0 then caps = caps .. "Compress, " end if bit.band(num, 64) > 0 then caps = caps .. "ODBC, " end if bit.band(num, 2048) > 0 then caps = caps .. "SSL, " end if bit.band(num, 8192) > 0 then caps = caps .. "Transactions, " end if bit.band(num, 32768) > 0 then caps = caps .. "Secure Connection, " end return caps:gsub(", $", "") end portrule = function(host, port) local extra = port.version.extrainfo return (port.number == 3306 or port.service == "mysql") and port.protocol == "tcp" and port.state == "open" and not (extra ~= nil and (extra:match("[Uu]nauthorized") or extra:match("[Tt]oo many connection"))) end action = function(host, port) local output = "" local status, response = comm.get_banner(host, port, {timeout=5000}) if not status then return end local length = ntoh3(response:sub(1, 3)) if length ~= response:len() - 4 then return "Invalid greeting (Not MySQL?)" end -- Keeps track of where we are in the binary data local offset = 1 + 4 local protocol = response:byte(offset) offset = offset + 1 -- If a 0xff is here instead of the protocol, an error occurred. -- Pass it along to the user.. if (protocol == 255) then output = "MySQL Error detected!\n" local sqlerrno = ntohs(response:sub(offset, offset + 2)) offset = offset + 2 local sqlerrstr = response:sub(offset) output = output .. "Error Code was: " .. sqlerrno .. "\n" output = output .. sqlerrstr return output end local version = getstring(response:sub(offset)) offset = offset + version:len() + 1 local threadid = ntohl(response:sub(offset, offset + 4)) offset = offset + 4 local salt = getstring(response:sub(offset)) offset = offset + salt:len() + 1 local caps = capabilities(ntohs(response:sub(offset, offset + 2))) offset = offset + 2 offset = offset + 1 local status = "" if ntohs(response:sub(offset, offset + 2)) == 2 then status = "Autocommit" end offset = offset + 2 offset = offset + 13 -- unused if response:len() - offset + 1 == 13 then salt = salt .. getstring(response:sub(offset)) end output = output .. "Protocol: " .. protocol .. "\n" output = output .. "Version: " .. version .. "\n" output = output .. "Thread ID: " .. threadid .. "\n" if caps:len() > 0 then output = output .. "Some Capabilities: " .. caps .. "\n" end if status:len() > 0 then output = output .. "Status: " .. status .. "\n" end output = output .. "Salt: " .. salt .. "\n" return output end