Create File
Create Folder
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local math = require "math" local msrpc = require "msrpc" local smb = require "smb" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" description = [[ Attempts to enumerate domains on a system, along with their policies. This generally requires credentials, except against Windows 2000. In addition to the actual domain, the "Builtin" domain is generally displayed. Windows returns this in the list of domains, but its policies don't appear to be used anywhere. Much of the information provided is useful to a penetration tester, because it tells the tester what types of policies to expect. For example, if passwords have a minimum length of 8, the tester can trim his database to match; if the minimum length is 14, the tester will probably start looking for sticky notes on people's monitors. Another useful piece of information is the password lockouts. A penetration tester often wants to know whether or not there's a risk of negatively impacting a network, and this will indicate it. The SID is displayed, which may be useful in other tools; the users are listed, which uses different functions than <code>smb-enum-users.nse</code> (though likely won't get different results), and the date and time the domain was created may give some insight into its history. After the initial <code>bind</code> to SAMR, the sequence of calls is: * <code>Connect4</code>: get a connect_handle * <code>EnumDomains</code>: get a list of the domains (stop here if you just want the names). * <code>QueryDomain</code>: get the SID for the domain. * <code>OpenDomain</code>: get a handle for each domain. * <code>QueryDomainInfo2</code>: get the domain information. * <code>QueryDomainUsers</code>: get a list of the users in the domain. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script smb-enum-domains.nse -p445 <host> -- sudo nmap -sU -sS --script smb-enum-domains.nse -p U:137,T:139 <host> -- -- @output -- Host script results: -- | smb-enum-domains: -- | WINDOWS2000 -- | Groups: n/a -- | Users: Administrator, blah, Guest, testpass, ron, test, user -- | Creation time: 2009-10-17 12:45:47 -- | Passwords: min length: n/a; min age: 5 days; max age: 100 days; history: 10 passwords -- | Properties: Complexity requirements exist -- | Account lockout: 5 attempts in 30 minutes will lock out the account for 30 minutes -- | Builtin -- | Groups: Administrators, Backup Operators, Guests, Power Users, Replicator, Users -- | Users: n/a -- | Creation time: 2009-10-17 12:45:46 -- | Passwords: min length: n/a; min age: n/a days; max age: 42 days; history: n/a passwords -- |_ Account lockout disabled ----------------------------------------------------------------------- author = "Ron Bowes" copyright = "Ron Bowes" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"discovery","intrusive"} dependencies = {"smb-brute"} -- TODO: This script needs some love... hostrule = function(host) return smb.get_port(host) ~= nil end action = function(host) local status, result = msrpc.get_domains(host) if(not(status)) then return stdnse.format_output(false, result) else local response = {} for domain, data in pairs(result) do local piece = {} piece['name'] = domain if(#data.groups > 0) then table.insert(piece, string.format("Groups: %s", stdnse.strjoin(", ", data.groups))) else table.insert(piece, string.format("Groups: n/a")) end if(#data.users > 0) then table.insert(piece, string.format("Users: %s", stdnse.strjoin(", ", data.users))) else table.insert(piece, string.format("Users: n/a")) end -- Floor data.max_password_age, if possible if(data.max_password_age) then data.max_password_age = math.floor(data.max_password_age) end table.insert(piece, string.format("Creation time: %s", data.created)) table.insert(piece, string.format("Passwords: min length: %s; min age: %s days; max age: %s days; history: %s passwords", data.min_password_length or "n/a", data.min_password_age or "n/a", data.max_password_age or "n/a", data.password_history or "n/a")) if(data.password_properties and #data.password_properties) then table.insert(piece, string.format("Properties: %s", stdnse.strjoin(", ", data.password_properties))) end if(data.lockout_threshold) then table.insert(piece, string.format("Account lockout: %s attempts in %s minutes will lock out the account for %s minutes", data.lockout_threshold, data.lockout_window or "unlimited", data.lockout_duration or "unlimited")) else table.insert(piece, string.format("Account lockout disabled")) end table.insert(response, piece) end return stdnse.format_output(true, response) end end