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local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" local xmpp = require "xmpp" description = [[ Connects to XMPP server (port 5222) and collects server information such as: supported auth mechanisms, compression methods, whether TLS is supported and mandatory, stream management, language, support of In-Band registration, server capabilities. If possible, studies server vendor. ]] --- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE REASON VERSION -- 5222/tcp open jabber syn-ack ejabberd (Protocol 1.0) -- | xmpp-info: -- | Respects server name -- | info: -- | xmpp: -- | lang: en -- | version: 1.0 -- | capabilities: -- | node: http://www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd/ -- | ver: TQ2JFyRoSa70h2G1bpgjzuXb2sU= -- | features: -- | In-Band Registration -- | auth_mechanisms: -- | DIGEST-MD5 -- | SCRAM-SHA-1 -- | PLAIN -- | pre_tls: -- | features: -- |_ TLS --@xmloutput -- <elem>Respects server name</elem> -- <table key="info"> -- <table key="xmpp"> -- <elem key="lang">en</elem> -- <elem key="version">1.0</elem> -- </table> -- <table key="capabilities"> -- <elem key="node">http://www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd/</elem> -- <elem key="ver">TQ2JFyRoSa70h2G1bpgjzuXb2sU=</elem> -- </table> -- <table key="features"> -- <elem>In-Band Registration</elem> -- </table> -- <table key="auth_mechanisms"> -- <elem>DIGEST-MD5</elem> -- <elem>SCRAM-SHA-1</elem> -- <elem>PLAIN</elem> -- </table> -- </table> -- <table key="pre_tls"> -- <table key="features"> -- <elem>TLS</elem> -- </table> -- </table> -- -- @args xmpp-info.server_name If set, overwrites hello name sent to the server. -- It can be necessary if XMPP server's name differs from DNS name. -- @args xmpp-info.alt_server_name If set, overwrites alternative hello name sent to the server. -- This name should differ from the real DNS name. It is used to find out whether -- the server refuses to talk if a wrong name is used. Default is ".". -- @args xmpp-info.no_starttls If set, disables TLS processing. author = "Vasiliy Kulikov" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"default", "safe", "discovery", "version"} local known_features = { ['starttls'] = true, ['compression'] = true, ['mechanisms'] = true, ['register'] = true, ['dialback'] = true, ['session'] = true, ['auth'] = true, ['bind'] = true, ['c'] = true, ['sm'] = true, ['amp'] = true, ['ver'] = true } local check_citadele = function(id1, id2) stdnse.print_debug("CHECK") local i1 = tonumber(id1, 16) local i2 = tonumber(id2, 16) return i2 - i1 < 20 and i2 > i1 end -- Be carefull while adding fingerprints into the table - it must be well sorted -- as some fingerprints are actually supersetted by another... local id_database = { { --f3af7012-5d06-41dc-b886-42521de4e198 --'' regexp1 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 8) .. '[-]' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 4) .. '[-]' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 4) .. '[-]' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 4) .. '[-]' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 12) .. '$', regexp2 = '^$', name = 'prosody' }, { regexp1 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 8) .. '$', regexp2 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 8) .. '$', name = 'Citidel', check = check_citadele }, { --1082952309 --(no) regexp1 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9]', 9) .. '$', regexp2 = nil, name = 'jabberd' }, { --1082952309 --(no) regexp1 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9]', 10) .. '$', regexp2 = nil, name = 'jabberd' }, { --8npnkiriy7ga6bak1bdpzn816tutka5sxvfhe70c --egnlry6t9ji87r9dk475ecxc8dtmkuyzalk2jrvt regexp1 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9a-z]', 40) .. '$', regexp2 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9a-z]', 40) .. '$', name = 'jabberd2' }, { --4c9e369a841db417 --fc0a60b82275289e regexp1 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 16) .. '$', regexp2 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 16) .. '$', name = 'Isode M-Link' }, { --1114798225 --494549622 regexp1 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9]', 8) .. string.rep('[0-9]?', 2) .. '$', regexp2 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9]', 8) .. string.rep('[0-9]?', 2) .. '$', name = 'ejabberd' }, { --5f049d72 --3b5b40b regexp1 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 6) .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]?', 2) .. '$', regexp2 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 6) .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]?', 2) .. '$', name = 'Openfire' }, { --c7cd895f-e006-473b-9623-c0aae85f17fc --tigase-error-tigase regexp1 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 8) .. '[-]' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 4) .. '[-]' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 4) .. '[-]' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 4) .. '[-]' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 12) .. '$', regexp2 = '^tigase[-]error[-]tigase$', name = 'Tigase' }, { -- tigase.org (in case of bad DNS name): --tigase-error-tigase --tigase-error-tigase regexp1 = '^tigase[-]error[-]tigase$', regexp2 = '^tigase[-]error[-]tigase$', name = 'Tigase' }, { --4c9e369a841db417 --fc0a60b82275289e regexp1 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 16) .. '$', regexp2 = '^' .. string.rep('[0-9a-f]', 16) .. '$', name = 'Isode M-Link' }, { regexp1 = "^c2s_", regexp2 = "^c2s_", name = 'VKontakte/XMPP' } } local receive_tag = function(conn) local status, data = conn:receive_buf(">", true) if data then stdnse.print_debug(2, "%s: %s", SCRIPT_NAME, data) end return status and xmpp.XML.parse_tag(data) end local log_tag = function(tag) stdnse.print_debug(2, "%s: %s", SCRIPT_NAME, "name=" .. tag.name) stdnse.print_debug(2, "%s: %s", SCRIPT_NAME, "finish=" .. tostring(tag.finish)) stdnse.print_debug(2, "%s: %s", SCRIPT_NAME, "empty=" .. tostring(tag.empty)) stdnse.print_debug(2, "%s: %s", SCRIPT_NAME, "contents=" .. tag.contents) end local make_request = function(server_name, xmlns) local request = "<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams'" .. " xmlns=" .. xmlns .." xml:lang='ru-RU' to='" .. server_name .. "' version='1.0'>" return request end local connect_tls = function(s, xmlns, server_name) local request = make_request(server_name, xmlns) request = request .. "<starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>" s:send(request) while true do local tag = receive_tag(s) if not tag then break end log_tag(tag) if tag.name == "proceed" and tag.finish then local status, error = s:reconnect_ssl() if status then return true end break elseif tag.name == "failure" then return false end end end local scan = function(host, port, server_name, tls) local data, status local client = nmap.new_socket() local tls_text local stream_id -- Looks like 10 seconds is enough for non RFC-compliant servers... client:set_timeout(10 * 1000); local caps = stdnse.output_table() local err = {} local features_list = {} local mechanisms = {} local methods = {} local unknown = {} local t_xmpp = stdnse.output_table() local xmlns stdnse.print_debug(port.version.name) if port.version.name == 'xmpp-client' then xmlns = "'jabber:client'" else xmlns = "'jabber:server'" end if tls then tls_text = ", tls" else tls_text = "" end stdnse.print_debug("name '" .. server_name .. "', ns '" .. xmlns .. "'" .. tls_text) status, data = client:connect(host, port) if not status then client:close() return end if tls and not connect_tls(client, xmlns, server_name) then client:close() return end local request = make_request(server_name, xmlns) if not client:send(request) then client:close() return end local tag_stack = {} table.insert(tag_stack, "") local _inside = function(...) local v = select('#',...) for n = 1, v do local e = select(v - n + 1,...) if e ~= tag_stack[#tag_stack - n + 1] then return nil end end return true end local inside = function(...) return _inside('stream:features', ...) end local is_starttls, tls_required, in_error, got_text while true do local tag = receive_tag(client) if not tag then table.insert(err, "(timeout)") break end log_tag(tag) if tag.name == "stream:features" and tag.finish then break end if inside() and not known_features[tag.name] then stdnse.print_debug(tag.name) table.insert(unknown, tag.name) end if tag.name == "stream:stream" and tag.start then --http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0198.html#ns if tag.attrs['xmlns:ack'] and tag.attrs['xmlns:ack'] == 'http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0198.html#ns' then table.insert(t_xmpp, "Stream Management") end if tag.attrs['xml:lang'] then t_xmpp["lang"] = tag.attrs['xml:lang'] end if tag.attrs.from and tag.attrs.from ~= server_name then t_xmpp["server name"] = tag.attrs.from end stream_id = tag.attrs.id if tag.attrs.version then t_xmpp["version"] = tag.attrs.version else -- Alarm! Not an RFC-compliant server... -- sample: chirimoyas.es t_xmpp["version"] = "(none)" end end if tag.name == "sm" and tag.start and inside() then stdnse.print_debug("OK") --http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0198.html --sample: el-tramo.be local version = string.match(tag.attrs.xmlns, "^urn:xmpp:sm:(%.)") table.insert(features_list, 'Stream management v' .. version) end if tag.name == "starttls" and inside() then is_starttls = true elseif tag.name == "address" and tag.finish and inside() then --http://delta.affinix.com/specs/xmppstream.html table.insert(features_list, "MY IP: " .. tag.contents ) elseif tag.name == "ver" and inside() then --http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0237.html table.insert(features_list, "Roster Versioning") elseif tag.name == "dialback" and inside() then --http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0220.html table.insert(features_list, "Server Dialback") elseif tag.name == "session" and inside() then --http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3921.txt table.insert(features_list, "IM Session Establishment") elseif tag.name == "bind" and inside() then --http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3920.txt table.insert(features_list, "Resource Binding") elseif tag.name == "amp" and inside() then --http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0079.html table.insert(features_list, "Advanced Message Processing") elseif tag.name == "register" and inside() then --http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0077.html --sample: jabber.ru table.insert(features_list, "In-Band Registration") elseif tag.name == "auth" and inside() then --http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0078.html table.insert(mechanisms, "Non-SASL") elseif tag.name == "required" and inside('starttls') then tls_required = true elseif tag.name == "method" and inside('compression', 'method') then --http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0138.html if tag.finish then table.insert(methods, tag.contents) end elseif tag.name == "mechanism" and inside('mechanisms', 'mechanism') then if tag.finish then table.insert(mechanisms, tag.contents) end elseif tag.name == "c" and inside() then --http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0115.html --sample: jabber.ru if tag.attrs and tag.attrs.node then caps["node"] = tag.attrs.node -- It is a table of well-known node values of "c" tag -- If it matched then the server software is determined --TODO: Add more hints -- I cannot find any non-ejabberd public server publishing its <c> :( local hints = { ["http://www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd/"] = "ejabberd" } local hint = hints[tag.attrs.node] if hint then port.state = "open" port.version.product = hint port.version.name_confidence = 100 nmap.set_port_version(host, port) end -- Funny situation: we have a hash of server capabilities list, -- but we cannot explicitly ask him about the list because we have no name before the authentication. -- The ugly solution is checking the hash against the most popular capability sets... caps["ver"] = tag.attrs.ver end end if tag.name == "stream:error" then if tag.start then in_error = tag.start elseif not got_text then -- non-RFC compliant server! if tag.contents ~= "" then table.insert(err, {text= tag.contents}) end in_error = false end elseif in_error then if tag.name == "text" then if tag.finish then got_text = true table.insert(err, {text= tag.contents}) end else table.insert(err, tag.name) end end if tag.start and not tag.finish then table.insert(tag_stack, tag.name) elseif not tag.start and tag.finish and #tag_stack > 1 then table.remove(tag_stack, #tag_stack) end end if is_starttls then if tls_required then table.insert(features_list, "TLS (required)") else table.insert(features_list, "TLS") end end return { stream_id=stream_id, xmpp=t_xmpp, features=features_list, capabilities=caps, compression_methods=methods, auth_mechanisms=mechanisms, errors=err, unknown=unknown, } end local server_info = function(host, port, id1, id2) for s, v in pairs(id_database) do if ((not id1 and not v.regexp1) or (id1 and v.regexp1 and string.find(id1, v.regexp1))) and ((not id2 and not v.regexp2) or (id2 and v.regexp2 and string.find(id2, v.regexp2))) then if not v.check or v.check(id1, id2) then stdnse.print_debug("MATCHED") port.version.product = v.name stdnse.print_debug(" " .. v.name) port.version.name_confidence = 60 nmap.set_port_version(host, port) break end end end end local factor = function( t1, t2 ) local both = stdnse.output_table() local t1only = stdnse.output_table() local t2only = stdnse.output_table() --ordered key-value categories for _, cat in ipairs({"xmpp", "capabilities"}) do local both_c = stdnse.output_table() local t1only_c = stdnse.output_table() local t2only_c = stdnse.output_table() local t1c = t1[cat] local t2c = t2[cat] for k,v in pairs(t1c) do if t2c[k] then if t2c[k] == v then both_c[k] = v else t1only_c[k] = v t2only_c[k] = t2c[k] end else t1only_c[k] = v end end for k, v in pairs(t2c) do if not t1c[k] then t2only_c[k] = v end end both[cat] = (both_c() and both_c) or nil t1only[cat] = (t1only_c() and t1only_c) or nil t2only[cat] = (t2only_c() and t2only_c) or nil end --ordered list categories for _, cat in ipairs({"features", "compression_methods", "auth_mechanisms", "errors", "unknown"}) do local t1only_c = {} local t2only_c = {} local both_c = {} local t1c = t1[cat] local t2c = t2[cat] local union = {} for _, v in ipairs(t1c) do union[v] = 1 end for _, v in ipairs(t2c) do if union[v] then union[v] = 2 else table.insert(t2only_c, v) end end for v, num in pairs(union) do if num == 1 then table.insert(t1only_c, v) else table.insert(both_c, v) end end both[cat] = (next(both_c) and both_c) or nil t1only[cat] = (next(t1only_c) and t1only_c) or nil t2only[cat] = (next(t2only_c) and t2only_c) or nil end return both, t1only, t2only end portrule = shortport.port_or_service({5222, 5269}, {"jabber", "xmpp-client", "xmpp-server"}) action = function(host, port) local server_name = stdnse.get_script_args("xmpp-info.server_name") or host.targetname or host.name local alt_server_name = stdnse.get_script_args("xmpp-info.alt_server_name") or "." local tls_result local starttls_failed stdnse.print_debug(2, "%s: %s", SCRIPT_NAME, "server = " .. server_name) local altname_result = scan(host, port, alt_server_name, false) local plain_result = scan(host, port, server_name, false) server_info(host, port, altname_result["stream_id"], plain_result["stream_id"]) if not stdnse.get_script_args("xmpp-info.no_starttls") then tls_result = scan(host, port, server_name, true) if not tls_result then starttls_failed = 1 end end local r = stdnse.output_table() if #altname_result["errors"] == 0 and #plain_result["errors"] == 0 then table.insert(r, "Ignores server name") elseif #altname_result["errors"] ~= #plain_result["errors"] then table.insert(r, "Respects server name") end if not tls_result then if starttls_failed then table.insert(r, "STARTTLS Failed") end r["info"] = plain_result else local i,p,t = factor(plain_result, tls_result) r["info"] = (i() and i) or nil r["pre_tls"] = (p() and p) or nil r["post_tls"] = (t() and t) or nil end return r end