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<?php /** * Model Class For Handling All DB Operations Related To Grievance * * @author Softpro India Pvt. Ltd. */ defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); class GrievanceManagement extends CI_Model { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->database(); } function getTotalNonDeletedGrievanceOfUser($cau_id) { $this->db->select("count(*) myTotGrievances"); $this->db->from('grievance_mst'); $this->db->where('gm_delete_status', 'F'); $this->db->where('gm_submitted_by', $cau_id); return $this->db->get(); } function getTotalPendingGrievancesOfUser($cau_id) { $this->db->select("count(*) myTotPendingGrievances"); $this->db->from('grievance_mst'); $this->db->where('gm_delete_status', 'F'); $this->db->where("gm_current_status IN ('P','IP','A','V')"); $this->db->where('gm_submitted_by', $cau_id); return $this->db->get(); } function getTotalResolvedGrievanceOfUser($cau_id) { $this->db->select("count(*) myTotResolvedGrievances"); $this->db->from('grievance_mst'); $this->db->where('gm_delete_status', 'F'); $this->db->where("gm_current_status IN ('R')"); $this->db->where('gm_submitted_by', $cau_id); return $this->db->get(); } function getTotalPostedGrievances($clg_id) { $this->db->select("count(*) totalPostedGrievances"); $this->db->from('grievance_mst GM'); $this->db->join('college_admins_and_users CAU', 'GM.gm_submitted_by = CAU.cau_id'); $this->db->where('CAU.clg_id', $clg_id); return $this->db->get(); } function getTotalLockedGrievancesByUser($cau_id) { $this->db->select("count(*) totalLockedGrievances"); $this->db->from('grievance_mst GM'); $this->db->join('college_admins_and_users CAU', 'GM.gm_locked_by = CAU.cau_id'); $this->db->where('CAU.cau_id', $cau_id); $this->db->where("GM.gm_current_status NOT IN ('R','DL')"); return $this->db->get(); } function getTotalPendingGrievancesByUser($cau_id) { $sql = "select count(*) totalPendingGrievances from grievance_mst GM, grievance_cat_mst GCM where GM.gcm_id = GCM.gcm_id AND " . "GM.gcm_id IN (select gcm_id from gcell_member_allot GMA where GMA.cau_id = " . $cau_id . ") ORDER by " . "GM.gm_submitted_on desc"; return $this->db->query($sql); } function getTotalResolvedGrievancesByUser($cau_id) { $this->db->select("count(*) totalResolvedGrievances"); $this->db->from('grievance_mst GM'); $this->db->join('college_admins_and_users CAU', 'GM.gm_locked_by = CAU.cau_id'); $this->db->where('CAU.cau_id', $cau_id); $this->db->where("GM.gm_current_status IN ('R')"); return $this->db->get(); } function createNewGrievance(array $newGrievanceInfo) { $this->db->insert('grievance_mst', $newGrievanceInfo); return $this->db->insert_id(); } function updateGrievanceInfo(array $grievanceUpdatedInfo) { $this->db->where('gm_id', $grievanceUpdatedInfo['gm_id']); return $this->db->update('grievance_mst', $grievanceUpdatedInfo); } function getAllGrievances($status = '') { $this->db->select("*"); $this->db->from('grievance_mst GM'); $this->db->join('grievance_cat_mst GCM', 'GM.gcm_id = GCM.gcm_id'); if ($status != '') { if ($status == 'R') { $this->db->where('GM.gm_current_status', $status); } else { $this->db->where("GM.gm_current_status NOT IN ('R','DL')"); } } $this->db->order_by('GM.gm_submitted_on desc'); return $this->db->get(); } function getGrvncByUserForListing($cau_id, $status = '') { $this->db->select("*"); $this->db->from('grievance_mst GM'); $this->db->join('grievance_cat_mst GCM', 'GM.gcm_id = GCM.gcm_id'); $this->db->where('gm_submitted_by', $cau_id); $this->db->where('gm_delete_status', 'F'); if ($status != '') { if ($status == 'R') { $this->db->where('GM.gm_current_status', $status); } else { $this->db->where("GM.gm_current_status NOT IN ('R','DL')"); } } $this->db->order_by('GM.gm_submitted_on desc'); return $this->db->get(); } function getAllotteGrievancesOnly($cau_id, $status = '') { if ($status != '') { if ($status == 'R') { $sql = "select * from grievance_mst GM, grievance_cat_mst GCM where GM.gcm_id = GCM.gcm_id AND " . "GM.gcm_id IN (select gcm_id from gcell_member_allot GMA where GMA.cau_id = " . $cau_id . ") AND" . " GM.gm_current_status = 'R' ORDER by GM.gm_submitted_on desc"; } else { $sql = "select * from grievance_mst GM, grievance_cat_mst GCM where GM.gcm_id = GCM.gcm_id AND " . "GM.gcm_id IN (select gcm_id from gcell_member_allot GMA where GMA.cau_id = " . $cau_id . ") AND" . " GM.gm_current_status NOT IN ('R','DL') ORDER by GM.gm_submitted_on desc"; } } else { $sql = "select * from grievance_mst GM, grievance_cat_mst GCM where GM.gcm_id = GCM.gcm_id AND " . "GM.gcm_id IN (select gcm_id from gcell_member_allot GMA where GMA.cau_id = " . $cau_id . ") ORDER by " . "GM.gm_submitted_on desc"; } return $this->db->query($sql); } function getGrievanceInfoById($gm_id) { $this->db->select("*"); $this->db->from('grievance_mst GM'); $this->db->join('grievance_cat_mst GCM', 'GM.gcm_id = GCM.gcm_id'); $this->db->join('college_admins_and_users CAU', 'GM.gm_submitted_by = CAU.cau_id'); $this->db->where('gm_id', $gm_id); return $this->db->get(); } function getGrievancesByFilters($gcm_id = '', $grvncStatus = '', $actionTakenBy = '', $submitionStartDate = '', $submitionEndDate = '', $userRole = '', $cau_id = '') { if ($actionTakenBy != '' && $grvncStatus == '' && $gcm_id == '') { /* If Only Member Is Selected Without Status/Grievance Combination:Start */ $sql = "select * from grievance_mst GM, grievance_cat_mst GCM where GM.gcm_id = GCM.gcm_id AND " . "GM.gcm_id IN (select gcm_id from gcell_member_allot GMA where GMA.cau_id = " . $actionTakenBy . ")"; if ($submitionStartDate != "" && $submitionEndDate == "") { /* If Only Start Date Is Selected */ $sql .= " AND GM.gm_submitted_on >= '" . $submitionStartDate . "'"; } else if ($submitionStartDate == "" && $submitionEndDate != "") { /* If Only End Date Is Selected */ $sql .= " AND GM.gm_submitted_on <= '" . $submitionEndDate . "'"; } else if ($submitionStartDate != "" && $submitionEndDate != "") { /* If Both Start & End Date Is Selected */ $sql .= " AND GM.gm_submitted_on >= '" . $submitionStartDate . "' AND GM.gm_submitted_on <= '" . $submitionEndDate . "'"; } /* If Report Is Accessed By Any G-Cell Or Mgmnt. Members: Only Selecting Those Grievances Whose Heads Has Been Alloted To Him/Her */ if ($userRole == "GCM" || $userRole == "MGMT") { $sql .= " AND GM.gcm_id IN (select gcm_id from gcell_member_allot GMA where GMA.cau_id = " . $cau_id . ")"; $this->db->where("GM.gcm_id IN (select gcm_id from gcell_member_allot GMA where GMA.cau_id = " . $cau_id . ")"); } /* Restriction Of Heads Ends */ $sql .= " ORDER BY GM.gm_submitted_on desc"; return $this->db->query($sql); } else { /* For Other Combination Cases */ $this->db->select("*"); $this->db->from('grievance_mst GM'); $this->db->join('grievance_cat_mst GCM', 'GM.gcm_id = GCM.gcm_id'); /* If Any Grievance Category Is Selected:Start */ if ($gcm_id != '') { $this->db->where('GM.gcm_id', $gcm_id); } /* If Any Grievance Category Is Selected:End */ /* If Any Grievance Status Is Selected:Start */ if ($grvncStatus != '') { $this->db->where('GM.gm_current_status', $grvncStatus); } /* If Any Grievance Status Is Selected:End */ /* If Any Member Is Selected With Status/Grievance Category Combination:Start */ if ($actionTakenBy != '') { /* Combining The Status Choice With Member:Start */ if ($grvncStatus != '') { if ($grvncStatus == 'V') { $this->db->where('GM.gm_viewed_by', $actionTakenBy); } else if ($grvncStatus == 'A') { $this->db->where('GM.gm_acknowledge_by', $actionTakenBy); } else if ($grvncStatus == 'R') { $this->db->where('GM.gm_resolved_by', $actionTakenBy); }/* else if($grvncStatus == 'L'){ $this->db->where('GM.gm_locked_by', $actionTakenBy); } */ } else { $this->db->where("GM.gm_viewed_by = " . $actionTakenBy . " OR GM.gm_acknowledge_by = " . $actionTakenBy . " OR GM.gm_resolved_by = " . $actionTakenBy . " OR GM.gm_locked_by =" . $actionTakenBy); } /* Combining The Status Choice With Member:End */ } /* If Any Member Is Selected With Status/Grievance Category Combination:End */ if ($submitionStartDate != "" && $submitionEndDate == "") { /* If Only Start Date Is Selected */ $this->db->where("GM.gm_submitted_on >= '" . $submitionStartDate . "'"); } else if ($submitionStartDate == "" && $submitionEndDate != "") { /* If Only End Date Is Selected */ $this->db->where("GM.gm_submitted_on <= '" . $submitionEndDate . "'"); } else if ($submitionStartDate != "" && $submitionEndDate != "") { /* If Both Start & End Date Is Selected */ $this->db->where("GM.gm_submitted_on >= '" . $submitionStartDate . "' AND GM.gm_submitted_on <= '" . $submitionEndDate . "'"); } /* If Report Is Accessed By Any G-Cell Or Mgmnt. Members: Only Selecting Those Grievances Whose Heads Has Been Alloted To Him/Her */ if ($userRole == "GCM" || $userRole == "MGMT") { $this->db->where("GM.gcm_id IN (select gcm_id from gcell_member_allot GMA where GMA.cau_id = " . $cau_id . ")"); } /* Restriction Of Heads Ends */ $this->db->order_by('GM.gm_submitted_on desc'); return $this->db->get(); } } function getGrievancesCountByFilters($gcm_id = '', $grvncStatus = '', $actionTakenBy = '', $submitionStartDate = '', $submitionEndDate = '', $userRole = '', $cau_id = '') { if ($actionTakenBy != '' && $grvncStatus == '' && $gcm_id == '') { /* If Only Member Is Selected Without Status/Grievance Combination:Start */ $sql = "select count(*) totalGrievances from grievance_mst GM, grievance_cat_mst GCM where GM.gcm_id = GCM.gcm_id AND " . "GM.gcm_id IN (select gcm_id from gcell_member_allot GMA where GMA.cau_id = " . $actionTakenBy . ")"; if ($submitionStartDate != "" && $submitionEndDate == "") { /* If Only Start Date Is Selected */ $sql .= " AND GM.gm_submitted_on >= '" . $submitionStartDate . "'"; } else if ($submitionStartDate == "" && $submitionEndDate != "") { /* If Only End Date Is Selected */ $sql .= " AND GM.gm_submitted_on <= '" . $submitionEndDate . "'"; } else if ($submitionStartDate != "" && $submitionEndDate != "") { /* If Both Start & End Date Is Selected */ $sql .= " AND GM.gm_submitted_on >= '" . $submitionStartDate . "' AND GM.gm_submitted_on <= '" . $submitionEndDate . "'"; } /* If Report Is Accessed By Any G-Cell Or Mgmnt. Members: Only Selecting Those Grievances Whose Heads Has Been Alloted To Him/Her */ if ($userRole == "GCM" || $userRole == "MGMT") { $sql .= " AND GM.gcm_id IN (select gcm_id from gcell_member_allot GMA where GMA.cau_id = " . $cau_id . ")"; $this->db->where("GM.gcm_id IN (select gcm_id from gcell_member_allot GMA where GMA.cau_id = " . $cau_id . ")"); } /* Restriction Of Heads Ends */ $sql .= " ORDER BY GM.gm_submitted_on desc"; return $this->db->query($sql); } else { /* For Other Combination Cases */ $this->db->select("count(*) totalGrievances"); $this->db->from('grievance_mst GM'); $this->db->join('grievance_cat_mst GCM', 'GM.gcm_id = GCM.gcm_id'); /* If Any Grievance Category Is Selected:Start */ if ($gcm_id != '') { $this->db->where('GM.gcm_id', $gcm_id); } /* If Any Grievance Category Is Selected:End */ /* If Any Grievance Status Is Selected:Start */ if ($grvncStatus != '') { $this->db->where('GM.gm_current_status', $grvncStatus); } /* If Any Grievance Status Is Selected:End */ /* If Any Member Is Selected With Status/Grievance Category Combination:Start */ if ($actionTakenBy != '') { /* Combining The Status Choice With Member:Start */ if ($grvncStatus != '') { if ($grvncStatus == 'V') { $this->db->where('GM.gm_viewed_by', $actionTakenBy); } else if ($grvncStatus == 'A') { $this->db->where('GM.gm_acknowledge_by', $actionTakenBy); } else if ($grvncStatus == 'R') { $this->db->where('GM.gm_resolved_by', $actionTakenBy); }/* else if($grvncStatus == 'L'){ $this->db->where('GM.gm_locked_by', $actionTakenBy); } */ } else { $this->db->where("GM.gm_viewed_by = " . $actionTakenBy . " OR GM.gm_acknowledge_by = " . $actionTakenBy . " OR GM.gm_resolved_by = " . $actionTakenBy . " OR GM.gm_locked_by =" . $actionTakenBy); } /* Combining The Status Choice With Member:End */ } /* If Any Member Is Selected With Status/Grievance Category Combination:End */ if ($submitionStartDate != "" && $submitionEndDate == "") { /* If Only Start Date Is Selected */ $this->db->where("GM.gm_submitted_on >= '" . $submitionStartDate . "'"); } else if ($submitionStartDate == "" && $submitionEndDate != "") { /* If Only End Date Is Selected */ $this->db->where("GM.gm_submitted_on <= '" . $submitionEndDate . "'"); } else if ($submitionStartDate != "" && $submitionEndDate != "") { /* If Both Start & End Date Is Selected */ $this->db->where("GM.gm_submitted_on >= '" . $submitionStartDate . "' AND GM.gm_submitted_on <= '" . $submitionEndDate . "'"); } /* If Report Is Accessed By Any G-Cell Or Mgmnt. Members: Only Selecting Those Grievances Whose Heads Has Been Alloted To Him/Her */ if ($userRole == "GCM" || $userRole == "MGMT") { $this->db->where("GM.gcm_id IN (select gcm_id from gcell_member_allot GMA where GMA.cau_id = " . $cau_id . ")"); } /* Restriction Of Heads Ends */ $this->db->order_by('GM.gm_submitted_on desc'); return $this->db->get(); } } }