Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
{ "appTitle": "CKFinder", "dir": "ltr", "langCode": "ca", "common": { "abort": "Abort", "cancel": "Cancel·lar", "choose": "Choose", "close": "Tancar", "copy": "Copy", "delete": "Esborrar", "download": "Descarregar", "edit": "Editar", "maximize": "Maximitzar", "messageTitle": "Informació", "minimize": "Minimitzar", "move": "Move", "newNameDialogTitle": "Nou nom", "ok": "Acceptar", "pleaseWait": "Please wait.", "rememberDecision": "Recordar la meva decisió", "rename": "Canviar el nom", "showMore": "Show more", "skip": "Ometre", "upload": "Afegir", "view": "Veure" }, "units": { "dateFormat": "dd/mm/yyyy H:MM", "dateAmPm": [ "AM", "PM" ], "kb": "{size} KB", "mb": "{size} MB", "gb": "{size} GB", "sizePerSecond": "{size}/s", "pixelShort": "px" }, "files": { "autoRename": "Auto-renombrar", "countMany": "{count} fitxers", "countOne": "1 fitxer", "deleteConfirmation": "Estàs segur d'esborrar els {count} fitxers?", "fileDeleteConfirmation": "Estàs segur d'esborrar el fitxer \"{name}\"?", "fileRenameExtensionConfirmation": "Estàs segur de canviar la extensió del fitxer? El fitxer pot quedar inservible.", "fileRenameLabel": "Si us plau, escriu el nom del fitxer: ", "filesPaneTitle": "Files pane", "filesRefresh": "Refreshing files", "filterPlaceholder": "Filter", "gettingFileData": "Getting file data.", "overwrite": "Sobreescriure", "loadingFilesPane": { "title": "Loading...", "text": "The files are being loaded." }, "emptyFilesPane": { "title": "The folder is empty.", "text": "Use the <strong>Upload</strong> button or <strong>drag and drop</strong> your files here." }, "filterFilesEmpty": { "title": "Nothing found.", "text": "Please try using different search criteria." } }, "folders": { "deleteConfirmation": "Estàs segur que vols esborrar la carpeta \"{name}\"?", "destinationFolder": "Carpeta de destinació", "newNameLabel": "Si us plau, escriu el nom per la nova carpeta: ", "newSubfolder": "Nova Subcarpeta", "renameDialogTitle": "Rename Folder", "treeTitle": "Folders tree" }, "copy": { "dropMenuItem": "Copiar aquí", "errorDialogTitle": "Files that cannot be copied:", "manyFilesDialogTitle": "Copy {count} Files To...", "manyFilesWait": "Copying {count} files.", "oneFileDialogTitle": "Copy File To...", "oneFileWait": "Copying file.", "operationLabel": "Copying Files", "operationSummary": "Número de fitxers copiats: {count}." }, "move": { "dropMenuItem": "Moure aquí", "errorDialogTitle": "Files that cannot be moved:", "manyFilesDialogTitle": "Move {count} Files To...", "manyFilesWait": "Moving {count} files.", "oneFileDialogTitle": "Move File To...", "oneFileWait": "Moving file.", "operationLabel": "Moving Files", "operationSummary": "Número de fitxers moguts: {count}." }, "upload": { "addFiles": "Afegir fitxers", "bytesCountProgress": "({bytesUploaded} of {bytesTotal})", "details": "Details", "filesCountProgress": "{filesUploaded} of {filesTotal}", "progressLabel": "Pujada en progrés.", "progressMessage": "Uploading...", "selectFileLabel": "Triar el fitxer a pujar", "selectFiles": "Select files to upload", "success": "Upload finished!", "summary": "Uploaded files: {count}" }, "settings": { "display": "Mostrar:", "displayDate": "Data", "displayName": "Nom del fitxer", "displaySize": "Grandària del fitxer", "sortAscending": "Ascending", "sortBy": "Sort by", "sortByOrder": "Order", "sortDescending": "Descending", "thumbnailSize": "Thumbnail Size", "title": "Configuració", "viewType": "View", "viewTypeCompact": "Compact", "viewTypeList": "List", "viewTypeThumbnails": "Thumbnails" }, "errors": { "codes": { "10": "Ordre incorrecte.", "11": "El tipus de recurs no ha estat especificat a la solicitut.", "12": "El tipus de recurs solicitat no és vàlid.", "13": "The connector configuration file is invalid.", "14": "Invalid connector plugin: {pluginName}.", "102": "Nom de fitxer o carpeta no vàlids.", "103": "No s'ha pogut completar la solicitut degut a les restriccions d'autorització.", "104": "No s'ha pogut completar la solicitut degut a les restriccions en el sistema de fitxers.", "105": "La extensió del fitxer no es vàlida.", "109": "Petició invàlida.", "110": "Error desconegut.", "111": "No ha estat possible completar l'operació a causa de la grandària del fitxer resultant.", "115": "Ja existeix un fitxer o carpeta amb aquest nom.", "116": "No s'ha trobat la carpeta. Si us plau, actualitzi i torni-ho a provar.", "117": "No s'ha trobat el fitxer. Si us plau, actualitzi i torni-ho a provar.", "118": "Les rutes origen i destí són iguals.", "201": "Ja existeix un fitxer amb aquest nom. El fitxer pujat ha estat renombrat com a \"{name}\".", "202": "Fitxer invàlid.", "203": "Fitxer invàlid. El pes és massa gran.", "204": "El fitxer pujat està corrupte.", "205": "La carpeta temporal no està disponible en el servidor per poder realitzar pujades.", "206": "La pujada s'ha cancel·lat per raons de seguretat. El fitxer conté codi HTML.", "207": "El fitxer pujat ha estat renombrat com a \"{name}\".", "300": "Ha fallat el moure el(s) fitxer(s).", "301": "Ha fallat el copiar el(s) fitxer(s).", "302": "Deleting file(s) failed.", "500": "El navegador de fitxers està deshabilitat per raons de seguretat. Si us plau, contacti amb l'administrador del sistema i comprovi el fitxer de configuració de CKFinder.", "501": "El suport per a icones està deshabilitat." }, "deleteFilePermissions": "Removing files is not allowed in this folder.", "fileInvalidCharacters": "El nom del fitxer no pot contenir cap dels caràcters següents: {disallowedCharacters}", "fileNameNotEmpty": "The file name cannot be empty.", "folderInvalidCharacters": "El nom de la carpeta no pot contenir cap dels caràcters següents: {disallowedCharacters}", "incorrectExtension": "La extensió del fitxer no està permesa en aquesta carpeta.", "missingFile": "The requested file is no longer available.", "missingFolder": "The folder you are trying to reach is no longer available.", "noUploadFolderSelected": "Si us plau, escull la carpeta abans d'iniciar la pujada.", "operationCompleted": "Operació completada amb errors.", "renameFilePermissions": "Renaming files is not allowed in this folder.", "unknown": "No ha estat possible completar la solicitut. (Error {number})", "unknownUploadError": "Error enviant el fitxer.", "uploadErrors": "Upload finished with errors.", "uploadPermissions": "No pot pujar fitxers." }, "chooseResizedImage": { "title": "Choose Resized", "originalSize": "Original Size", "sizes": { "custom": "Custom", "large": "Large", "max": "Max", "medium": "Medium", "small": "Small" } }, "editImage": { "adjust": "Adjust", "apply": "Apply", "confirmExit": "Are you sure you want to close? You have unsaved changes to the image.", "crop": "Crop", "downloadAction": "Downloading original image.", "keepAspectRatio": "Keep Aspect Ratio", "loading": "Loading image", "presets": "Presets", "reset": "Reset", "resize": "Resize", "rotate": "Rotate", "rotateAntiClockwise": "90° Left", "rotateClockwise": "90° Right", "save": "Save", "saveDialogFileExists": "File with the same name already exists in folder.", "saveDialogOverwrite": "Overwrite File", "saveDialogSaveAs": "Save as:", "saveDialogTitle": "Save Changes", "title": "Edit Image", "transformationAction": "Applying transformations.", "uploadAction": "Uploading edited image.", "filters": { "brightness": "Brightness", "clip": "Clip", "contrast": "Contrast", "exposure": "Exposure", "gamma": "Gamma", "hue": "Hue", "noise": "Noise", "saturation": "Saturation", "sepia": "Sepia", "sharpen": "Sharpen", "stackBlur": "Blur", "vibrance": "Vibrance" }, "preset": { "clarity": "Clarity", "concentrate": "Concentrate", "crossProcess": "Cross Process", "glowingSun": "Glowing Sun", "grungy": "Grungy", "hazyDays": "Hazy Days", "hemingway": "Hemingway", "herMajesty": "Her Majesty", "jarques": "Jarques", "lomo": "Lomo", "love": "Love", "nostalgia": "Nostalgia", "oldBoot": "Old Boot", "orangePeel": "Orange Peel", "pinhole": "Pinhole", "sinCity": "Sin City", "sunrise": "Sunrise", "vintage": "Vintage" } }, "shortcuts": { "title": "Keyboard Shortcuts", "general": { "action": "Execute default action", "firstItem": "Go to first item", "focusFilesPane": "Focus files pane", "focusFoldersPane": "Focus folders pane or breadcrumbs", "focusNext": "Focus next pane", "focusToolbar": "Focus toolbar", "lastItem": "Go to last item", "listShortcuts": "Open this help dialog", "nextItem": "Go to next item", "previousItem": "Go to previous item", "showContextMenu": "Open context menu", "title": "General Interface" }, "files": { "addToSelectionAbove": "Add or remove files above to selection", "addToSelectionBelow": "Add or remove files below to selection", "addToSelectionLeft": "Add or remove file on the left to selection", "addToSelectionRight": "Add or remove file on the right to selection", "delete": "Delete file(s)", "refresh": "Refresh files", "rename": "Rename file", "selectAll": "Select all files", "upload": "Upload file(s)" }, "folders": { "collapseOrParent": "Collapse folder / Go to parent folder", "delete": "Delete folder", "expandOrSubfolder": "Expand folder / Go to first subfolder", "title": "Folders Pane" }, "keys": { "ctrl": "Control", "delete": "Delete", "downArrow": "Down arrow", "escape": "Escape", "leftArrow": "Left arrow", "question": "Question mark", "rightArrow": "Right arrow", "upArrow": "Up arrow" }, "keysAbbreviations": { "alt": "alt", "ctrl": "ctrl", "del": "del", "end": "end", "home": "home", "shift": "shift" } } }