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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Dashboard configuration * * Demo dashboard configuration. Contains charts and plugin initializations * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Setup module // ------------------------------ var Dashboard = function () { // // Setup module components // // Setup Switchery var _componentSwitchery = function() { if (typeof Switchery == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - switchery.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize multiple switches var switches = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.form-input-switchery')); switches.forEach(function(html) { var switchery = new Switchery(html); }); }; // Setup Daterangepicker var _componentDaterange = function() { if (!$().daterangepicker) { console.warn('Warning - daterangepicker.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize $('.daterange-ranges').daterangepicker( { startDate: moment().subtract(29, 'days'), endDate: moment(), minDate: '01/01/2015', maxDate: '12/31/2019', dateLimit: { days: 60 }, ranges: { 'Today': [moment(), moment()], 'Yesterday': [moment().subtract(1, 'days'), moment().subtract(1, 'days')], 'Last 7 Days': [moment().subtract(6, 'days'), moment()], 'Last 30 Days': [moment().subtract(29, 'days'), moment()], 'This Month': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')], 'Last Month': [moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')] }, opens: $('html').attr('dir') == 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left', applyClass: 'btn-sm bg-slate-600 btn-block', cancelClass: 'btn-sm btn-light btn-block', locale: { format: 'MM/DD/YYYY', direction: $('html').attr('dir') == 'rtl' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr' } }, function(start, end) { $('.daterange-ranges span').html(start.format('MMMM D') + ' - ' + end.format('MMMM D')); } ); $('.daterange-ranges span').html(moment().subtract(29, 'days').format('MMMM D') + ' - ' + moment().format('MMMM D')); }; // Use first letter as an icon var _componentIconLetter = function() { // Grab first letter and insert to the icon $('.table tr').each(function() { // Title var $title = $(this).find('.letter-icon-title'), letter = $title.eq(0).text().charAt(0).toUpperCase(); // Icon var $icon = $(this).find('.letter-icon'); $icon.eq(0).text(letter); }); }; // // Charts configs // // Traffic sources stream chart var _TrafficSourcesStreamChart = function(element, height) { if (typeof d3 == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - d3.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize chart only if element exsists in the DOM if($(element).length > 0) { // Basic setup // ------------------------------ // Define main variables var d3Container = d3.select(element), margin = {top: 5, right: 50, bottom: 40, left: 50}, width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right, height = height - margin.top - margin.bottom, tooltipOffset = 30; // Tooltip var tooltip = d3Container .append('div') .attr('class', 'd3-tip e') .style('display', 'none') // Format date var format = d3.time.format('%m/%d/%y %H:%M'); var formatDate = d3.time.format('%H:%M'); // Colors var colorrange = ['#03A9F4', '#29B6F6', '#4FC3F7', '#81D4FA', '#B3E5FC', '#E1F5FE']; // Construct scales // ------------------------------ // Horizontal var x = d3.time.scale().range([0, width]); // Vertical var y = d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]); // Colors var z = d3.scale.ordinal().range(colorrange); // Create axes // ------------------------------ // Horizontal var xAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(x) .orient('bottom') .ticks(d3.time.hours, 4) .innerTickSize(4) .tickPadding(8) .tickFormat(d3.time.format('%H:%M')); // Display hours and minutes in 24h format // Left vertical var yAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(y) .ticks(6) .innerTickSize(4) .outerTickSize(0) .tickPadding(8) .tickFormat(function (d) { return (d/1000) + 'k'; }); // Right vertical var yAxis2 = yAxis; // Dash lines var gridAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(y) .orient('left') .ticks(6) .tickPadding(8) .tickFormat('') .tickSize(-width, 0, 0); // Create chart // ------------------------------ // Container var container = d3Container.append('svg') // SVG element var svg = container .attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr('height', height + margin.top + margin.bottom) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')'); // Construct chart layout // ------------------------------ // Stack var stack = d3.layout.stack() .offset('silhouette') .values(function(d) { return d.values; }) .x(function(d) { return d.date; }) .y(function(d) { return d.value; }); // Nest var nest = d3.nest() .key(function(d) { return d.key; }); // Area var area = d3.svg.area() .interpolate('cardinal') .x(function(d) { return x(d.date); }) .y0(function(d) { return y(d.y0); }) .y1(function(d) { return y(d.y0 + d.y); }); // Load data // ------------------------------ d3.csv('../../../../global_assets/demo_data/dashboard/traffic_sources.csv', function (error, data) { // Pull out values data.forEach(function (d) { d.date = format.parse(d.date); d.value = +d.value; }); // Stack and nest layers var layers = stack(nest.entries(data)); // Set input domains // ------------------------------ // Horizontal x.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d, i) { return d.date; })); // Vertical y.domain([0, d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.y0 + d.y; })]); // Add grid // ------------------------------ // Horizontal grid. Must be before the group svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'd3-grid-dashed') .call(gridAxis); // // Append chart elements // // Stream layers // ------------------------------ // Create group var group = svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'streamgraph-layers-group'); // And append paths to this group var layer = group.selectAll('.streamgraph-layer') .data(layers) .enter() .append('path') .attr('class', 'streamgraph-layer') .attr('d', function(d) { return area(d.values); }) .style('stroke', '#fff') .style('stroke-width', 0.5) .style('fill', function(d, i) { return z(i); }); // Add transition var layerTransition = layer .style('opacity', 0) .transition() .duration(750) .delay(function(d, i) { return i * 50; }) .style('opacity', 1) // Append axes // ------------------------------ // // Left vertical // svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'd3-axis d3-axis-left d3-axis-solid') .call(yAxis.orient('left')); // Hide first tick d3.select(svg.selectAll('.d3-axis-left .tick text')[0][0]) .style('visibility', 'hidden'); // // Right vertical // svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'd3-axis d3-axis-right d3-axis-solid') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + width + ', 0)') .call(yAxis2.orient('right')); // Hide first tick d3.select(svg.selectAll('.d3-axis-right .tick text')[0][0]) .style('visibility', 'hidden'); // // Horizontal // var xaxisg = svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'd3-axis d3-axis-horizontal d3-axis-solid') .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + height + ')') .call(xAxis); // Add extra subticks for hidden hours xaxisg.selectAll('.d3-axis-subticks') .data(x.ticks(d3.time.hours), function(d) { return d; }) .enter() .append('line') .attr('class', 'd3-axis-subticks') .attr('y1', 0) .attr('y2', 4) .attr('x1', x) .attr('x2', x); // Add hover line and pointer // ------------------------------ // Append group to the group of paths to prevent appearance outside chart area var hoverLineGroup = group.append('g') .attr('class', 'hover-line'); // Add line var hoverLine = hoverLineGroup .append('line') .attr('y1', 0) .attr('y2', height) .style('fill', 'none') .style('stroke', '#fff') .style('stroke-width', 1) .style('pointer-events', 'none') .style('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges') .style('opacity', 0); // Add pointer var hoverPointer = hoverLineGroup .append('rect') .attr('x', 2) .attr('y', 2) .attr('width', 6) .attr('height', 6) .style('fill', '#03A9F4') .style('stroke', '#fff') .style('stroke-width', 1) .style('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges') .style('pointer-events', 'none') .style('opacity', 0); // Append events to the layers group // ------------------------------ layerTransition.each('end', function() { layer .on('mouseover', function (d, i) { svg.selectAll('.streamgraph-layer') .transition() .duration(250) .style('opacity', function (d, j) { return j != i ? 0.75 : 1; // Mute all except hovered }); }) .on('mousemove', function (d, i) { mouse = d3.mouse(this); mousex = mouse[0]; mousey = mouse[1]; datearray = []; var invertedx = x.invert(mousex); invertedx = invertedx.getHours(); var selected = (d.values); for (var k = 0; k < selected.length; k++) { datearray[k] = selected[k].date datearray[k] = datearray[k].getHours(); } mousedate = datearray.indexOf(invertedx); pro = d.values[mousedate].value; // Display mouse pointer hoverPointer .attr('x', mousex - 3) .attr('y', mousey - 6) .style('opacity', 1); hoverLine .attr('x1', mousex) .attr('x2', mousex) .style('opacity', 1); // // Tooltip // // Tooltip data tooltip.html( '<ul class="list-unstyled mb-1">' + '<li>' + '<div class="font-size-base my-1"><i class="icon-circle-left2 mr-2"></i>' + d.key + '</div>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + 'Visits: ' + "<span class='font-weight-semibold float-right'>" + pro + '</span>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + 'Time: ' + '<span class="font-weight-semibold float-right">' + formatDate(d.values[mousedate].date) + '</span>' + '</li>' + '</ul>' ) .style('display', 'block'); // Tooltip arrow tooltip.append('div').attr('class', 'd3-tip-arrow'); }) .on('mouseout', function (d, i) { // Revert full opacity to all paths svg.selectAll('.streamgraph-layer') .transition() .duration(250) .style('opacity', 1); // Hide cursor pointer hoverPointer.style('opacity', 0); // Hide tooltip tooltip.style('display', 'none'); hoverLine.style('opacity', 0); }); }); // Append events to the chart container // ------------------------------ d3Container .on('mousemove', function (d, i) { mouse = d3.mouse(this); mousex = mouse[0]; mousey = mouse[1]; // Move tooltip vertically tooltip.style('top', (mousey - ($('.d3-tip').outerHeight() / 2)) - 2 + 'px') // Half tooltip height - half arrow width // Move tooltip horizontally if(mousex >= ($(element).outerWidth() - $('.d3-tip').outerWidth() - margin.right - (tooltipOffset * 2))) { tooltip .style('left', (mousex - $('.d3-tip').outerWidth() - tooltipOffset) + 'px') // Change tooltip direction from right to left to keep it inside graph area .attr('class', 'd3-tip w'); } else { tooltip .style('left', (mousex + tooltipOffset) + 'px' ) .attr('class', 'd3-tip e'); } }); }); // Resize chart // ------------------------------ // Call function on window resize $(window).on('resize', resizeStream); // Call function on sidebar width change $(document).on('click', '.sidebar-control', resizeStream); // Resize function // // Since D3 doesn't support SVG resize by default, // we need to manually specify parts of the graph that need to // be updated on window resize function resizeStream() { // Layout // ------------------------- // Define width width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right; // Main svg width container.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right); // Width of appended group svg.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right); // Horizontal range x.range([0, width]); // Chart elements // ------------------------- // Horizontal axis svg.selectAll('.d3-axis-horizontal').call(xAxis); // Horizontal axis subticks svg.selectAll('.d3-axis-subticks').attr('x1', x).attr('x2', x); // Grid lines width svg.selectAll('.d3-grid-dashed').call(gridAxis.tickSize(-width, 0, 0)) // Right vertical axis svg.selectAll('.d3-axis-right').attr('transform', 'translate(' + width + ', 0)'); // Area paths svg.selectAll('.streamgraph-layer').attr('d', function(d) { return area(d.values); }); } } }; // App sales line chart var _AppSalesLinesChart = function(element, height) { if (typeof d3 == 'undefined' || typeof d3.tip == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - d3.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize chart only if element exsists in the DOM if($(element).length > 0) { // Basic setup // ------------------------------ // Define main variables var d3Container = d3.select(element), margin = {top: 5, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 50}, width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right, height = height - margin.top - margin.bottom; // Tooltip var tooltip = d3.tip() .attr('class', 'd3-tip') .html(function (d) { return '<ul class="list-unstyled mb-1">' + '<li>' + '<div class="font-size-base my-1"><i class="icon-circle-left2 mr-2"></i>' + d.name + ' app' + '</div>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + 'Sales: ' + '<span class="font-weight-semibold float-right">' + d.value + '</span>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + 'Revenue: ' + '<span class="font-weight-semibold float-right">' + '$' + (d.value * 25).toFixed(2) + '</span>' + '</li>' + '</ul>'; }); // Format date var parseDate = d3.time.format('%Y/%m/%d').parse, formatDate = d3.time.format('%b %d, %y'); // Line colors var scale = ['#4CAF50', '#FF5722', '#5C6BC0'], color = d3.scale.ordinal().range(scale); // Create chart // ------------------------------ // Container var container = d3Container.append('svg'); // SVG element var svg = container .attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr('height', height + margin.top + margin.bottom) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')') .call(tooltip); // Add date range switcher // ------------------------------ // Menu var menu = $('#select_date').multiselect({ buttonClass: 'text-default font-weight-semibold bg-transparent border-0 cursor-pointer outline-0 py-0 pl-0', enableHTML: true, dropRight: $('html').attr('dir') == 'rtl' ? false : true, onChange: function() { change(); }, buttonText: function (options, element) { var selected = ''; options.each(function() { selected += $(this).html() + ', '; }); return '<span class="badge badge-mark border-warning mr-2"></span>' + selected.substr(0, selected.length -2); } }); // Load data // ------------------------------ d3.csv('../../../../global_assets/demo_data/dashboard/app_sales.csv', function(error, data) { formatted = data; redraw(); }); // Construct layout // ------------------------------ // Add events var altKey; d3.select(window) .on('keydown', function() { altKey = d3.event.altKey; }) .on('keyup', function() { altKey = false; }); // Set terms of transition on date change function change() { d3.transition() .duration(altKey ? 7500 : 500) .each(redraw); } // Main chart drawing function // ------------------------------ function redraw() { // Construct chart layout // ------------------------------ // Create data nests var nested = d3.nest() .key(function(d) { return d.type; }) .map(formatted) // Get value from menu selection // the option values correspond //to the [type] value we used to nest the data var series = menu.val(); // Only retrieve data from the selected series using nest var data = nested[series]; // For object constancy we will need to set 'keys', one for each type of data (column name) exclude all others. color.domain(d3.keys(data[0]).filter(function(key) { return (key !== 'date' && key !== 'type'); })); // Setting up color map var linedata = color.domain().map(function(name) { return { name: name, values: data.map(function(d) { return {name: name, date: parseDate(d.date), value: parseFloat(d[name], 10)}; }) }; }); // Draw the line var line = d3.svg.line() .x(function(d) { return x(d.date); }) .y(function(d) { return y(d.value); }) .interpolate('cardinal'); // Construct scales // ------------------------------ // Horizontal var x = d3.time.scale() .domain([ d3.min(linedata, function(c) { return d3.min(c.values, function(v) { return v.date; }); }), d3.max(linedata, function(c) { return d3.max(c.values, function(v) { return v.date; }); }) ]) .range([0, width]); // Vertical var y = d3.scale.linear() .domain([ d3.min(linedata, function(c) { return d3.min(c.values, function(v) { return v.value; }); }), d3.max(linedata, function(c) { return d3.max(c.values, function(v) { return v.value; }); }) ]) .range([height, 0]); // Create axes // ------------------------------ // Horizontal var xAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(x) .orient('bottom') .tickPadding(8) .ticks(d3.time.days) .innerTickSize(4) .tickFormat(d3.time.format('%a')); // Display hours and minutes in 24h format // Vertical var yAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(y) .orient('left') .ticks(6) .tickSize(0 -width) .tickPadding(8); // // Append chart elements // // Append axes // ------------------------------ // Horizontal svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'd3-axis d3-axis-horizontal d3-axis-solid') .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + height + ')'); // Vertical svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'd3-axis d3-axis-vertical d3-axis-transparent'); // Append lines // ------------------------------ // Bind the data var lines = svg.selectAll('.lines') .data(linedata) // Append a group tag for each line var lineGroup = lines .enter() .append('g') .attr('class', 'lines') .attr('id', function(d){ return d.name + '-line'; }); // Append the line to the graph lineGroup.append('path') .attr('class', 'd3-line d3-line-medium') .style('stroke', function(d) { return color(d.name); }) .style('opacity', 0) .attr('d', function(d) { return line(d.values[0]); }) .transition() .duration(500) .delay(function(d, i) { return i * 200; }) .style('opacity', 1); // Append circles // ------------------------------ var circles = lines.selectAll('circle') .data(function(d) { return d.values; }) .enter() .append('circle') .attr('class', 'd3-line-circle d3-line-circle-medium') .attr('cx', function(d,i){return x(d.date)}) .attr('cy',function(d,i){return y(d.value)}) .attr('r', 3) .style('fill', '#fff') .style('stroke', function(d) { return color(d.name); }); // Add transition circles .style('opacity', 0) .transition() .duration(500) .delay(500) .style('opacity', 1); // Append tooltip // ------------------------------ // Add tooltip on circle hover circles .on('mouseover', function (d) { tooltip.offset([-15, 0]).show(d); // Animate circle radius d3.select(this).transition().duration(250).attr('r', 4); }) .on('mouseout', function (d) { tooltip.hide(d); // Animate circle radius d3.select(this).transition().duration(250).attr('r', 3); }); // Change tooltip direction of first point // to always keep it inside chart, useful on mobiles lines.each(function (d) { d3.select(d3.select(this).selectAll('circle')[0][0]) .on('mouseover', function (d) { tooltip.offset([0, 15]).direction('e').show(d); // Animate circle radius d3.select(this).transition().duration(250).attr('r', 4); }) .on('mouseout', function (d) { tooltip.direction('n').hide(d); // Animate circle radius d3.select(this).transition().duration(250).attr('r', 3); }); }) // Change tooltip direction of last point // to always keep it inside chart, useful on mobiles lines.each(function (d) { d3.select(d3.select(this).selectAll('circle')[0][d3.select(this).selectAll('circle').size() - 1]) .on('mouseover', function (d) { tooltip.offset([0, -15]).direction('w').show(d); // Animate circle radius d3.select(this).transition().duration(250).attr('r', 4); }) .on('mouseout', function (d) { tooltip.direction('n').hide(d); // Animate circle radius d3.select(this).transition().duration(250).attr('r', 3); }) }) // Update chart on date change // ------------------------------ // Set variable for updating visualization var lineUpdate = d3.transition(lines); // Update lines lineUpdate.select('path') .attr('d', function(d, i) { return line(d.values); }); // Update circles lineUpdate.selectAll('circle') .attr('cy',function(d,i){return y(d.value)}) .attr('cx', function(d,i){return x(d.date)}); // Update vertical axes d3.transition(svg) .select('.d3-axis-vertical') .call(yAxis); // Update horizontal axes d3.transition(svg) .select('.d3-axis-horizontal') .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + height + ')') .call(xAxis); // Resize chart // ------------------------------ // Call function on window resize $(window).on('resize', appSalesResize); // Call function on sidebar width change $(document).on('click', '.sidebar-control', appSalesResize); // Resize function // // Since D3 doesn't support SVG resize by default, // we need to manually specify parts of the graph that need to // be updated on window resize function appSalesResize() { // Layout // ------------------------- // Define width width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right; // Main svg width container.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right); // Width of appended group svg.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right); // Horizontal range x.range([0, width]); // Vertical range y.range([height, 0]); // Chart elements // ------------------------- // Horizontal axis svg.select('.d3-axis-horizontal').call(xAxis); // Vertical axis svg.select('.d3-axis-vertical').call(yAxis.tickSize(0-width)); // Lines svg.selectAll('.d3-line').attr('d', function(d, i) { return line(d.values); }); // Circles svg.selectAll('.d3-line-circle').attr('cx', function(d,i){return x(d.date)}) } } } }; // Monthly sales area chart var _MonthlySalesAreaChart = function(element, height, color) { if (typeof d3 == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - d3.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize chart only if element exsists in the DOM if($(element).length > 0) { // Basic setup // ------------------------------ // Define main variables var d3Container = d3.select(element), margin = {top: 20, right: 35, bottom: 40, left: 35}, width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right, height = height - margin.top - margin.bottom; // Date and time format var parseDate = d3.time.format('%Y-%m-%d').parse, bisectDate = d3.bisector(function(d) { return d.date; }).left, formatDate = d3.time.format('%b %d'); // Create SVG // ------------------------------ // Container var container = d3Container.append('svg'); // SVG element var svg = container .attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr('height', height + margin.top + margin.bottom) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')') // Construct chart layout // ------------------------------ // Area var area = d3.svg.area() .x(function(d) { return x(d.date); }) .y0(height) .y1(function(d) { return y(d.value); }) .interpolate('monotone') // Construct scales // ------------------------------ // Horizontal var x = d3.time.scale().range([0, width ]); // Vertical var y = d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]); // Create axes // ------------------------------ // Horizontal var xAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(x) .orient('bottom') .ticks(d3.time.days, 6) .innerTickSize(4) .tickPadding(8) .tickFormat(d3.time.format('%b %d')); // Load data // ------------------------------ d3.json('../../../../global_assets/demo_data/dashboard/monthly_sales.json', function (error, data) { // Show what's wrong if error if (error) return console.error(error); // Pull out values data.forEach(function (d) { d.date = parseDate(d.date); d.value = +d.value; }); // Get the maximum value in the given array var maxY = d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.value; }); // Reset start data for animation var startData = data.map(function(datum) { return { date: datum.date, value: 0 }; }); // Set input domains // ------------------------------ // Horizontal x.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d, i) { return d.date; })); // Vertical y.domain([0, d3.max( data, function(d) { return d.value; })]); // // Append chart elements // // Append axes // ------------------------- // Horizontal var horizontalAxis = svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'd3-axis d3-axis-horizontal d3-axis-solid') .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + height + ')') .call(xAxis); // Add extra subticks for hidden hours horizontalAxis.selectAll('.d3-axis-subticks') .data(x.ticks(d3.time.days), function(d) { return d; }) .enter() .append('line') .attr('class', 'd3-axis-subticks') .attr('y1', 0) .attr('y2', 4) .attr('x1', x) .attr('x2', x); // Append area // ------------------------- // Add area path svg.append('path') .datum(data) .attr('class', 'd3-area') .attr('d', area) .style('fill', color) .transition() // begin animation .duration(1000) .attrTween('d', function() { var interpolator = d3.interpolateArray(startData, data); return function (t) { return area(interpolator (t)); } }); // Append crosshair and tooltip // ------------------------- // // Line // // Line group var focusLine = svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'd3-crosshair-line') .style('display', 'none'); // Line element focusLine.append('line') .attr('class', 'vertical-crosshair') .attr('y1', 0) .attr('y2', -maxY) .style('stroke', '#e5e5e5') .style('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges') // // Pointer // // Pointer group var focusPointer = svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'd3-crosshair-pointer') .style('display', 'none'); // Pointer element focusPointer.append('circle') .attr('r', 3) .style('fill', '#fff') .style('stroke', color) .style('stroke-width', 1) // // Text // // Text group var focusText = svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'd3-crosshair-text') .style('display', 'none'); // Text element focusText.append('text') .attr('dy', -10) .style('font-size', 12); // // Overlay with events // svg.append('rect') .attr('class', 'd3-crosshair-overlay') .style('fill', 'none') .style('pointer-events', 'all') .attr('width', width) .attr('height', height) .on('mouseover', function() { focusPointer.style('display', null); focusLine.style('display', null) focusText.style('display', null); }) .on('mouseout', function() { focusPointer.style('display', 'none'); focusLine.style('display', 'none'); focusText.style('display', 'none'); }) .on('mousemove', mousemove); // Display tooltip on mousemove function mousemove() { // Define main variables var mouse = d3.mouse(this), mousex = mouse[0], mousey = mouse[1], x0 = x.invert(mousex), i = bisectDate(data, x0), d0 = data[i - 1], d1 = data[i], d = x0 - d0.date > d1.date - x0 ? d1 : d0; // Move line focusLine.attr('transform', 'translate(' + x(d.date) + ',' + height + ')'); // Move pointer focusPointer.attr('transform', 'translate(' + x(d.date) + ',' + y(d.value) + ')'); // Reverse tooltip at the end point if(mousex >= (d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - focusText.select('text').node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.right - margin.left)) { focusText.select('text').attr('text-anchor', 'end').attr('x', function () { return (x(d.date) - 15) + 'px' }).text(formatDate(d.date) + ' - ' + d.value + ' sales'); } else { focusText.select('text').attr('text-anchor', 'start').attr('x', function () { return (x(d.date) + 15) + 'px' }).text(formatDate(d.date) + ' - ' + d.value + ' sales'); } } // Resize chart // ------------------------------ // Call function on window resize $(window).on('resize', monthlySalesAreaResize); // Call function on sidebar width change $(document).on('click', '.sidebar-control', monthlySalesAreaResize); // Resize function // // Since D3 doesn't support SVG resize by default, // we need to manually specify parts of the graph that need to // be updated on window resize function monthlySalesAreaResize() { // Layout variables width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right; // Layout // ------------------------- // Main svg width container.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right); // Width of appended group svg.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right); // Axes // ------------------------- // Horizontal range x.range([0, width]); // Horizontal axis svg.selectAll('.d3-axis-horizontal').call(xAxis); // Horizontal axis subticks svg.selectAll('.d3-axis-subticks').attr('x1', x).attr('x2', x); // Chart elements // ------------------------- // Area path svg.selectAll('.d3-area').datum(data).attr('d', area); // Crosshair svg.selectAll('.d3-crosshair-overlay').attr('width', width); } }); } }; // Daily sales heatmap var _AppSalesHeatmap = function(element) { if (typeof d3 == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - d3.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize chart only if element exsists in the DOM if($(element).length > 0) { // Load data d3.csv('../../../../global_assets/demo_data/dashboard/app_sales_heatmap.csv', function(error, data) { // Bind data // ------------------------------ // Nest data var nested_data = d3.nest().key(function(d) { return d.app; }), nest = nested_data.entries(data); // Format date var format = d3.time.format('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'), formatTime = d3.time.format('%H:%M'); // Pull out values data.forEach(function(d, i) { d.date = format.parse(d.date), d.value = +d.value }); // Layout setup // ------------------------------ // Define main variables var d3Container = d3.select(element); margin = { top: 20, right: 0, bottom: 30, left: 0 }, width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right, gridSize = width / new Date(data[data.length - 1].date).getHours(), // dynamically set grid size rowGap = 40, // vertical gap between rows height = (rowGap + gridSize) * (d3.max(nest, function(d,i) {return i+1})) - margin.top, buckets = 5, // number of colors in range colors = ['#DCEDC8','#C5E1A5','#9CCC65','#7CB342','#558B2F']; // Construct scales // ------------------------------ // Horizontal var x = d3.time.scale().range([0, width]); // Vertical var y = d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]); // Colors var colorScale = d3.scale.quantile() .domain([0, buckets - 1, d3.max(data, function (d) { return d.value; })]) .range(colors); // Set input domains // ------------------------------ // Horizontal x.domain([new Date(data[0].date), d3.time.hour.offset(new Date(data[data.length - 1].date), 1)]); // Vertical y.domain([0, d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.app; })]); // Create chart // ------------------------------ // Container var container = d3Container.append('svg'); // SVG element var svg = container .attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr('height', height + margin.bottom) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')'); // // Append chart elements // // App groups // ------------------------------ // Add groups for each app var hourGroup = svg.selectAll('.hour-group') .data(nest) .enter() .append('g') .attr('class', 'hour-group') .attr('transform', function(d, i) { return 'translate(0, ' + ((gridSize + rowGap) * i) +')'; }); // Add app name hourGroup .append('text') .attr('class', 'app-label') .attr('x', 0) .attr('y', -(margin.top/2)) .text(function (d, i) { return d.key; }); // Sales count text hourGroup .append('text') .attr('class', 'sales-count') .attr('x', width) .attr('y', -(margin.top/2)) .style('text-anchor', 'end') .text(function (d, i) { return d3.sum(d.values, function(d) { return d.value; }) + ' sales today' }); // Add map elements // ------------------------------ // Add map squares var heatMap = hourGroup.selectAll('.heatmap-hour') .data(function(d) {return d.values}) .enter() .append('rect') .attr('x', function(d,i) { return x(d.date); }) .attr('y', 0) .attr('class', 'heatmap-hour') .attr('width', gridSize) .attr('height', gridSize) .style('fill', '#fff') .style('stroke', '#fff') .style('cursor', 'pointer') .style('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges'); // Add loading transition heatMap.transition() .duration(250) .delay(function(d, i) { return i * 20; }) .style('fill', function(d) { return colorScale(d.value); }) // Add user interaction hourGroup.each(function(d) { heatMap .on('mouseover', function (d, i) { d3.select(this).style('opacity', 0.75); d3.select(this.parentNode).select('.sales-count').text(function(d) { return d.values[i].value + ' sales at ' + formatTime(d.values[i].date); }) }) .on('mouseout', function (d, i) { d3.select(this).style('opacity', 1); d3.select(this.parentNode).select('.sales-count').text(function (d, i) { return d3.sum(d.values, function(d) { return d.value; }) + ' sales today' }) }) }) // Add legend // ------------------------------ // Get min and max values var minValue, maxValue; data.forEach(function(d, i) { maxValue = d3.max(data, function (d) { return d.value; }); minValue = d3.min(data, function (d) { return d.value; }); }); // Place legend inside separate group var legendGroup = svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'legend-group') .attr('width', width) .attr('transform', 'translate(' + ((width/2) - ((buckets * gridSize))/2) + ',' + (height + (margin.bottom - margin.top)) + ')'); // Then group legend elements var legend = legendGroup.selectAll('.heatmap-legend') .data([0].concat(colorScale.quantiles()), function(d) { return d; }) .enter() .append('g') .attr('class', 'heatmap-legend'); // Add legend items legend.append('rect') .attr('class', 'heatmap-legend-item') .attr('x', function(d, i) { return gridSize * i; }) .attr('y', -8) .attr('width', gridSize) .attr('height', 5) .style('stroke', '#fff') .style('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges') .style('fill', function(d, i) { return colors[i]; }); // Add min value text label legendGroup.append('text') .attr('class', 'min-legend-value') .attr('x', -10) .attr('y', -2) .style('text-anchor', 'end') .style('font-size', 11) .style('fill', '#999') .text(minValue); // Add max value text label legendGroup.append('text') .attr('class', 'max-legend-value') .attr('x', (buckets * gridSize) + 10) .attr('y', -2) .style('font-size', 11) .style('fill', '#999') .text(maxValue); // Resize chart // ------------------------------ // Call function on window resize $(window).on('resize', resizeHeatmap); // Call function on sidebar width change $(document).on('click', '.sidebar-control', resizeHeatmap); // Resize function // // Since D3 doesn't support SVG resize by default, // we need to manually specify parts of the graph that need to // be updated on window resize function resizeHeatmap() { // Layout // ------------------------- // Width width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right, // Grid size gridSize = width / new Date(data[data.length - 1].date).getHours(), // Height height = (rowGap + gridSize) * (d3.max(nest, function(d,i) {return i+1})) - margin.top, // Main svg width container.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right).attr('height', height + margin.bottom); // Width of appended group svg.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right).attr('height', height + margin.bottom); // Horizontal range x.range([0, width]); // Chart elements // ------------------------- // Groups for each app svg.selectAll('.hour-group') .attr('transform', function(d, i) { return 'translate(0, ' + ((gridSize + rowGap) * i) +')'; }); // Map squares svg.selectAll('.heatmap-hour') .attr('width', gridSize) .attr('height', gridSize) .attr('x', function(d,i) { return x(d.date); }); // Legend group svg.selectAll('.legend-group') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + ((width/2) - ((buckets * gridSize))/2) + ',' + (height + margin.bottom - margin.top) + ')'); // Sales count text svg.selectAll('.sales-count') .attr('x', width); // Legend item svg.selectAll('.heatmap-legend-item') .attr('width', gridSize) .attr('x', function(d, i) { return gridSize * i; }); // Max value text label svg.selectAll('.max-legend-value') .attr('x', (buckets * gridSize) + 10); } }); } }; // Messages area chart var _MessagesAreaChart = function(element, height, color) { if (typeof d3 == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - d3.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize chart only if element exsists in the DOM if($(element).length > 0) { // Basic setup // ------------------------------ // Define main variables var d3Container = d3.select(element), margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}, width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right, height = height - margin.top - margin.bottom; // Date and time format var parseDate = d3.time.format('%Y-%m-%d').parse; // Create SVG // ------------------------------ // Container var container = d3Container.append('svg'); // SVG element var svg = container .attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr('height', height + margin.top + margin.bottom) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')') // Construct chart layout // ------------------------------ // Area var area = d3.svg.area() .x(function(d) { return x(d.date); }) .y0(height) .y1(function(d) { return y(d.value); }) .interpolate('monotone') // Construct scales // ------------------------------ // Horizontal var x = d3.time.scale().range([0, width ]); // Vertical var y = d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]); // Load data // ------------------------------ d3.json('../../../../global_assets/demo_data/dashboard/monthly_sales.json', function (error, data) { // Show what's wrong if error if (error) return console.error(error); // Pull out values data.forEach(function (d) { d.date = parseDate(d.date); d.value = +d.value; }); // Get the maximum value in the given array var maxY = d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.value; }); // Reset start data for animation var startData = data.map(function(datum) { return { date: datum.date, value: 0 }; }); // Set input domains // ------------------------------ // Horizontal x.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d, i) { return d.date; })); // Vertical y.domain([0, d3.max( data, function(d) { return d.value; })]); // // Append chart elements // // Add area path svg.append('path') .datum(data) .attr('class', 'd3-area') .style('fill', color) .attr('d', area) .transition() // begin animation .duration(1000) .attrTween('d', function() { var interpolator = d3.interpolateArray(startData, data); return function (t) { return area(interpolator (t)); } }); // Resize chart // ------------------------------ // Call function on window resize $(window).on('resize', messagesAreaResize); // Call function on sidebar width change $(document).on('click', '.sidebar-control', messagesAreaResize); // Resize function // // Since D3 doesn't support SVG resize by default, // we need to manually specify parts of the graph that need to // be updated on window resize function messagesAreaResize() { // Layout variables width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right; // Layout // ------------------------- // Main svg width container.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right); // Width of appended group svg.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right); // Horizontal range x.range([0, width]); // Chart elements // ------------------------- // Area path svg.selectAll('.d3-area').datum( data ).attr('d', area); } }); } }; // Sparklines chart var _chartSparkline = function(element, chartType, qty, height, interpolation, duration, interval, color) { if (typeof d3 == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - d3.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize chart only if element exsists in the DOM if($(element).length > 0) { // Basic setup // ------------------------------ // Define main variables var d3Container = d3.select(element), margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}, width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right, height = height - margin.top - margin.bottom; // Generate random data (for demo only) var data = []; for (var i=0; i < qty; i++) { data.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * qty) + 5) } // Construct scales // ------------------------------ // Horizontal var x = d3.scale.linear().range([0, width]); // Vertical var y = d3.scale.linear().range([height - 5, 5]); // Set input domains // ------------------------------ // Horizontal x.domain([1, qty - 3]) // Vertical y.domain([0, qty]) // Construct chart layout // ------------------------------ // Line var line = d3.svg.line() .interpolate(interpolation) .x(function(d, i) { return x(i); }) .y(function(d, i) { return y(d); }); // Area var area = d3.svg.area() .interpolate(interpolation) .x(function(d, i) { return x(i); }) .y0(height) .y1(function(d) { return y(d); }); // Create SVG // ------------------------------ // Container var container = d3Container.append('svg'); // SVG element var svg = container .attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr('height', height + margin.top + margin.bottom) .append("g") .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')'); // Add mask for animation // ------------------------------ // Add clip path var clip = svg.append('defs') .append('clipPath') .attr('id', function(d, i) { return 'load-clip-' + element.substring(1) }) // Add clip shape var clips = clip.append('rect') .attr('class', 'load-clip') .attr('width', 0) .attr('height', height); // Animate mask clips .transition() .duration(1000) .ease('linear') .attr('width', width); // // Append chart elements // // Main path var path = svg.append('g') .attr('clip-path', function(d, i) { return 'url(#load-clip-' + element.substring(1) + ')'}) .append('path') .datum(data) .attr('transform', 'translate(' + x(0) + ',0)'); // Add path based on chart type if(chartType == 'area') { path.attr('d', area).attr('class', 'd3-area').style('fill', color); // area } else { path.attr('d', line).attr('class', 'd3-line d3-line-medium').style('stroke', color); // line } // Animate path path .style('opacity', 0) .transition() .duration(750) .style('opacity', 1); // Set update interval. For demo only // ------------------------------ setInterval(function() { // push a new data point onto the back data.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * qty) + 5); // pop the old data point off the front data.shift(); update(); }, interval); // Update random data. For demo only // ------------------------------ function update() { // Redraw the path and slide it to the left path .attr('transform', null) .transition() .duration(duration) .ease('linear') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + x(0) + ',0)'); // Update path type if(chartType == 'area') { path.attr('d', area).attr('class', 'd3-area').style('fill', color) } else { path.attr('d', line).attr('class', 'd3-line d3-line-medium').style('stroke', color); } } // Resize chart // ------------------------------ // Call function on window resize $(window).on('resize', resizeSparklines); // Call function on sidebar width change $(document).on('click', '.sidebar-control', resizeSparklines); // Resize function // // Since D3 doesn't support SVG resize by default, // we need to manually specify parts of the graph that need to // be updated on window resize function resizeSparklines() { // Layout variables width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right; // Layout // ------------------------- // Main svg width container.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right); // Width of appended group svg.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right); // Horizontal range x.range([0, width]); // Chart elements // ------------------------- // Clip mask clips.attr('width', width); // Line svg.select('.d3-line').attr('d', line); // Area svg.select('.d3-area').attr('d', area); } } }; // Daily revenue line chart var _DailyRevenueLineChart = function(element, height) { if (typeof d3 == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - d3.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize chart only if element exsists in the DOM if($(element).length > 0) { // Basic setup // ------------------------------ // Add data set var dataset = [ { 'date': '04/13/14', 'alpha': '60' }, { 'date': '04/14/14', 'alpha': '35' }, { 'date': '04/15/14', 'alpha': '65' }, { 'date': '04/16/14', 'alpha': '50' }, { 'date': '04/17/14', 'alpha': '65' }, { 'date': '04/18/14', 'alpha': '20' }, { 'date': '04/19/14', 'alpha': '60' } ]; // Main variables var d3Container = d3.select(element), margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}, width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right, height = height - margin.top - margin.bottom, padding = 20; // Format date var parseDate = d3.time.format('%m/%d/%y').parse, formatDate = d3.time.format('%a, %B %e'); // Add tooltip // ------------------------------ var tooltip = d3.tip() .attr('class', 'd3-tip') .html(function (d) { return '<ul class="list-unstyled mb-1">' + '<li>' + '<div class="font-size-base my-1"><i class="icon-check2 mr-2"></i>' + formatDate(d.date) + '</div>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + 'Sales: ' + '<span class="font-weight-semibold float-right">' + d.alpha + '</span>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + 'Revenue: ' + '<span class="font-weight-semibold float-right">' + '$' + (d.alpha * 25).toFixed(2) + '</span>' + '</li>' + '</ul>'; }); // Create chart // ------------------------------ // Add svg element var container = d3Container.append('svg'); // Add SVG group var svg = container .attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr('height', height + margin.top + margin.bottom) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')') .call(tooltip); // Load data // ------------------------------ dataset.forEach(function (d) { d.date = parseDate(d.date); d.alpha = +d.alpha; }); // Construct scales // ------------------------------ // Horizontal var x = d3.time.scale() .range([padding, width - padding]); // Vertical var y = d3.scale.linear() .range([height, 5]); // Set input domains // ------------------------------ // Horizontal x.domain(d3.extent(dataset, function (d) { return d.date; })); // Vertical y.domain([0, d3.max(dataset, function (d) { return Math.max(d.alpha); })]); // Construct chart layout // ------------------------------ // Line var line = d3.svg.line() .x(function(d) { return x(d.date); }) .y(function(d) { return y(d.alpha) }); // // Append chart elements // // Add mask for animation // ------------------------------ // Add clip path var clip = svg.append('defs') .append('clipPath') .attr('id', 'clip-line-small'); // Add clip shape var clipRect = clip.append('rect') .attr('class', 'clip') .attr('width', 0) .attr('height', height); // Animate mask clipRect .transition() .duration(1000) .ease('linear') .attr('width', width); // Line // ------------------------------ // Path var path = svg.append('path') .attr({ 'd': line(dataset), 'clip-path': 'url(#clip-line-small)', 'class': 'd3-line d3-line-medium' }) .style('stroke', '#fff'); // Animate path svg.select('.line-tickets') .transition() .duration(1000) .ease('linear'); // Add vertical guide lines // ------------------------------ // Bind data var guide = svg.append('g') .selectAll('.d3-line-guides-group') .data(dataset); // Append lines guide .enter() .append('line') .attr('class', 'd3-line-guides') .attr('x1', function (d, i) { return x(d.date); }) .attr('y1', function (d, i) { return height; }) .attr('x2', function (d, i) { return x(d.date); }) .attr('y2', function (d, i) { return height; }) .style('stroke', 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)') .style('stroke-dasharray', '4,2') .style('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges'); // Animate guide lines guide .transition() .duration(1000) .delay(function(d, i) { return i * 150; }) .attr('y2', function (d, i) { return y(d.alpha); }); // Alpha app points // ------------------------------ // Add points var points = svg.insert('g') .selectAll('.d3-line-circle') .data(dataset) .enter() .append('circle') .attr('class', 'd3-line-circle d3-line-circle-medium') .attr('cx', line.x()) .attr('cy', line.y()) .attr('r', 3) .style('stroke', '#fff') .style('fill', '#29B6F6'); // Animate points on page load points .style('opacity', 0) .transition() .duration(250) .ease('linear') .delay(1000) .style('opacity', 1); // Add user interaction points .on('mouseover', function (d) { tooltip.offset([-10, 0]).show(d); // Animate circle radius d3.select(this).transition().duration(250).attr('r', 4); }) // Hide tooltip .on('mouseout', function (d) { tooltip.hide(d); // Animate circle radius d3.select(this).transition().duration(250).attr('r', 3); }); // Change tooltip direction of first point d3.select(points[0][0]) .on('mouseover', function (d) { tooltip.offset([0, 10]).direction('e').show(d); // Animate circle radius d3.select(this).transition().duration(250).attr('r', 4); }) .on('mouseout', function (d) { tooltip.direction('n').hide(d); // Animate circle radius d3.select(this).transition().duration(250).attr('r', 3); }); // Change tooltip direction of last point d3.select(points[0][points.size() - 1]) .on('mouseover', function (d) { tooltip.offset([0, -10]).direction('w').show(d); // Animate circle radius d3.select(this).transition().duration(250).attr('r', 4); }) .on('mouseout', function (d) { tooltip.direction('n').hide(d); // Animate circle radius d3.select(this).transition().duration(250).attr('r', 3); }) // Resize chart // ------------------------------ // Call function on window resize $(window).on('resize', revenueResize); // Call function on sidebar width change $(document).on('click', '.sidebar-control', revenueResize); // Resize function // // Since D3 doesn't support SVG resize by default, // we need to manually specify parts of the graph that need to // be updated on window resize function revenueResize() { // Layout variables width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right; // Layout // ------------------------- // Main svg width container.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right); // Width of appended group svg.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right); // Horizontal range x.range([padding, width - padding]); // Chart elements // ------------------------- // Mask clipRect.attr('width', width); // Line path svg.selectAll('.d3-line').attr('d', line(dataset)); // Circles svg.selectAll('.d3-line-circle').attr('cx', line.x()); // Guide lines svg.selectAll('.d3-line-guides') .attr('x1', function (d, i) { return x(d.date); }) .attr('x2', function (d, i) { return x(d.date); }); } } }; // Small progress pie chart var _ProgressPieChart = function(element, width, height, color) { if (typeof d3 == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - d3.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize chart only if element exsists in the DOM if($(element).length > 0) { // Basic setup // ------------------------------ // Main variables var d3Container = d3.select(element), border = 2, radius = Math.min(width / 2, height / 2) - border, twoPi = 2 * Math.PI, progress = $(element).data('progress'), total = 100; // Construct chart layout // ------------------------------ // Arc var arc = d3.svg.arc() .startAngle(0) .innerRadius(0) .outerRadius(radius) .endAngle(function(d) { return (d.value / d.size) * 2 * Math.PI; }) // Create chart // ------------------------------ // Add svg element var container = d3Container.append('svg'); // Add SVG group var svg = container .attr('width', width) .attr('height', height) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + width / 2 + ',' + height / 2 + ')'); // // Append chart elements // // Progress group var meter = svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'progress-meter'); // Background meter.append('path') .attr('d', arc.endAngle(twoPi)) .style('fill', '#fff') .style('stroke', color) .style('stroke-width', 1.5); // Foreground var foreground = meter.append('path') .style('fill', color); // Animate foreground path foreground .transition() .ease('cubic-out') .duration(2500) .attrTween('d', arcTween); // Tween arcs function arcTween() { var i = d3.interpolate(0, progress); return function(t) { var currentProgress = progress / (100/t); var endAngle = arc.endAngle(twoPi * (currentProgress)); return arc(i(endAngle)); }; } } }; // Marketing campaigns donut chart var _MarketingCampaignsDonutChart = function(element, size) { if (typeof d3 == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - d3.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize chart only if element exsists in the DOM if($(element).length > 0) { // Basic setup // ------------------------------ // Add data set var data = [ { "browser": "Google Adwords", "icon": "<i class='icon-google mr-2'></i>", "value": 1047, "color" : "#66BB6A" }, { "browser": "Social media", "icon": "<i class='icon-share4 mr-2'></i>", "value": 2948, "color": "#9575CD" }, { "browser": "Youtube video", "icon": "<i class='icon-youtube mr-2'></i>", "value": 3909, "color": "#FF7043" } ]; // Main variables var d3Container = d3.select(element), distance = 2, // reserve 2px space for mouseover arc moving radius = (size/2) - distance, sum = d3.sum(data, function(d) { return d.value; }); // Tooltip // ------------------------------ var tip = d3.tip() .attr('class', 'd3-tip') .offset([-10, 0]) .direction('e') .html(function (d) { return '<ul class="list-unstyled mb-1">' + '<li>' + '<div class="font-size-base mb-1 mt-1">' + d.data.icon + d.data.browser + '</div>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + 'Visits: ' + '<span class="font-weight-semibold float-right">' + d.value + '</span>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + 'Share: ' + '<span class="font-weight-semibold float-right">' + (100 / (sum / d.value)).toFixed(2) + '%' + '</span>' + '</li>' + '</ul>'; }); // Create chart // ------------------------------ // Add svg element var container = d3Container.append('svg').call(tip); // Add SVG group var svg = container .attr('width', size) .attr('height', size) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + (size / 2) + ',' + (size / 2) + ')'); // Construct chart layout // ------------------------------ // Pie var pie = d3.layout.pie() .sort(null) .startAngle(Math.PI) .endAngle(3 * Math.PI) .value(function (d) { return d.value; }); // Arc var arc = d3.svg.arc() .outerRadius(radius) .innerRadius(radius / 2); // // Append chart elements // // Group chart elements var arcGroup = svg.selectAll('.d3-arc') .data(pie(data)) .enter() .append('g') .attr('class', 'd3-arc') .style('stroke', '#fff') .style('cursor', 'pointer'); // Append path var arcPath = arcGroup .append('path') .style('fill', function (d) { return d.data.color; }); // Add tooltip arcPath .on('mouseover', function (d, i) { // Transition on mouseover d3.select(this) .transition() .duration(500) .ease('elastic') .attr('transform', function (d) { d.midAngle = ((d.endAngle - d.startAngle) / 2) + d.startAngle; var x = Math.sin(d.midAngle) * distance; var y = -Math.cos(d.midAngle) * distance; return 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')'; }); }) .on('mousemove', function (d) { // Show tooltip on mousemove tip.show(d) .style('top', (d3.event.pageY - 40) + 'px') .style('left', (d3.event.pageX + 30) + 'px'); }) .on('mouseout', function (d, i) { // Mouseout transition d3.select(this) .transition() .duration(500) .ease('bounce') .attr('transform', 'translate(0,0)'); // Hide tooltip tip.hide(d); }); // Animate chart on load arcPath .transition() .delay(function(d, i) { return i * 500; }) .duration(500) .attrTween('d', function(d) { var interpolate = d3.interpolate(d.startAngle,d.endAngle); return function(t) { d.endAngle = interpolate(t); return arc(d); }; }); } }; // Campaign status donut chart var _CampaignStatusDonutChart = function(element, size) { if (typeof d3 == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - d3.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize chart only if element exsists in the DOM if($(element).length > 0) { // Basic setup // ------------------------------ // Add data set var data = [ { "status": "Active campaigns", "icon": "<span class='status-mark border-blue-300 mr-2'></span>", "value": 439, "color": "#29B6F6" }, { "status": "Closed campaigns", "icon": "<span class='status-mark border-danger-300 mr-2'></span>", "value": 290, "color": "#EF5350" }, { "status": "Pending campaigns", "icon": "<span class='status-mark border-success-300 mr-2'></span>", "value": 190, "color": "#81C784" }, { "status": "Campaigns on hold", "icon": "<span class='status-mark border-grey-300 mr-2'></span>", "value": 148, "color": "#999" } ]; // Main variables var d3Container = d3.select(element), distance = 2, // reserve 2px space for mouseover arc moving radius = (size/2) - distance, sum = d3.sum(data, function(d) { return d.value; }) // Tooltip // ------------------------------ var tip = d3.tip() .attr('class', 'd3-tip') .offset([-10, 0]) .direction('e') .html(function (d) { return '<ul class="list-unstyled mb-1">' + '<li>' + '<div class="font-size-base mb-1 mt-1">' + d.data.icon + d.data.status + '</div>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + 'Total: ' + '<span class="font-weight-semibold float-right">' + d.value + '</span>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + 'Share: ' + '<span class="font-weight-semibold float-right">' + (100 / (sum / d.value)).toFixed(2) + '%' + '</span>' + '</li>' + '</ul>'; }); // Create chart // ------------------------------ // Add svg element var container = d3Container.append('svg').call(tip); // Add SVG group var svg = container .attr('width', size) .attr('height', size) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + (size / 2) + ',' + (size / 2) + ')'); // Construct chart layout // ------------------------------ // Pie var pie = d3.layout.pie() .sort(null) .startAngle(Math.PI) .endAngle(3 * Math.PI) .value(function (d) { return d.value; }); // Arc var arc = d3.svg.arc() .outerRadius(radius) .innerRadius(radius / 2); // // Append chart elements // // Group chart elements var arcGroup = svg.selectAll('.d3-arc') .data(pie(data)) .enter() .append('g') .attr('class', 'd3-arc') .style('stroke', '#fff') .style('cursor', 'pointer'); // Append path var arcPath = arcGroup .append('path') .style('fill', function (d) { return d.data.color; }); // Add tooltip arcPath .on('mouseover', function (d, i) { // Transition on mouseover d3.select(this) .transition() .duration(500) .ease('elastic') .attr('transform', function (d) { d.midAngle = ((d.endAngle - d.startAngle) / 2) + d.startAngle; var x = Math.sin(d.midAngle) * distance; var y = -Math.cos(d.midAngle) * distance; return 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')'; }); }) .on('mousemove', function (d) { // Show tooltip on mousemove tip.show(d) .style('top', (d3.event.pageY - 40) + 'px') .style('left', (d3.event.pageX + 30) + 'px'); }) .on('mouseout', function (d, i) { // Mouseout transition d3.select(this) .transition() .duration(500) .ease('bounce') .attr('transform', 'translate(0,0)'); // Hide tooltip tip.hide(d); }); // Animate chart on load arcPath .transition() .delay(function(d, i) { return i * 500; }) .duration(500) .attrTween('d', function(d) { var interpolate = d3.interpolate(d.startAngle,d.endAngle); return function(t) { d.endAngle = interpolate(t); return arc(d); }; }); } }; // Tickets status donut chart var _TicketStatusDonutChart = function(element, size) { if (typeof d3 == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - d3.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize chart only if element exsists in the DOM if($(element).length > 0) { // Basic setup // ------------------------------ // Add data set var data = [ { "status": "Pending tickets", "icon": "<i class='status-mark border-blue-300 mr-2'></i>", "value": 295, "color": "#29B6F6" }, { "status": "Resolved tickets", "icon": "<i class='status-mark border-success-300 mr-2'></i>", "value": 189, "color": "#66BB6A" }, { "status": "Closed tickets", "icon": "<i class='status-mark border-danger-300 mr-2'></i>", "value": 277, "color": "#EF5350" } ]; // Main variables var d3Container = d3.select(element), distance = 2, // reserve 2px space for mouseover arc moving radius = (size/2) - distance, sum = d3.sum(data, function(d) { return d.value; }) // Tooltip // ------------------------------ var tip = d3.tip() .attr('class', 'd3-tip') .offset([-10, 0]) .direction('e') .html(function (d) { return '<ul class="list-unstyled mb-1">' + '<li>' + '<div class="font-size-base mb-1 mt-1">' + d.data.icon + d.data.status + '</div>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + 'Total: ' + '<span class="font-weight-semibold float-right">' + d.value + '</span>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + 'Share: ' + '<span class="font-weight-semibold float-right">' + (100 / (sum / d.value)).toFixed(2) + '%' + '</span>' + '</li>' + '</ul>'; }) // Create chart // ------------------------------ // Add svg element var container = d3Container.append('svg').call(tip); // Add SVG group var svg = container .attr('width', size) .attr('height', size) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + (size / 2) + ',' + (size / 2) + ')'); // Construct chart layout // ------------------------------ // Pie var pie = d3.layout.pie() .sort(null) .startAngle(Math.PI) .endAngle(3 * Math.PI) .value(function (d) { return d.value; }); // Arc var arc = d3.svg.arc() .outerRadius(radius) .innerRadius(radius / 2); // // Append chart elements // // Group chart elements var arcGroup = svg.selectAll('.d3-arc') .data(pie(data)) .enter() .append('g') .attr('class', 'd3-arc') .style('stroke', '#fff') .style('cursor', 'pointer'); // Append path var arcPath = arcGroup .append('path') .style('fill', function (d) { return d.data.color; }); // Add tooltip arcPath .on('mouseover', function (d, i) { // Transition on mouseover d3.select(this) .transition() .duration(500) .ease('elastic') .attr('transform', function (d) { d.midAngle = ((d.endAngle - d.startAngle) / 2) + d.startAngle; var x = Math.sin(d.midAngle) * distance; var y = -Math.cos(d.midAngle) * distance; return 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')'; }); }) .on('mousemove', function (d) { // Show tooltip on mousemove tip.show(d) .style('top', (d3.event.pageY - 40) + 'px') .style('left', (d3.event.pageX + 30) + 'px'); }) .on('mouseout', function (d, i) { // Mouseout transition d3.select(this) .transition() .duration(500) .ease('bounce') .attr('transform', 'translate(0,0)'); // Hide tooltip tip.hide(d); }); // Animate chart on load arcPath .transition() .delay(function(d, i) { return i * 500; }) .duration(500) .attrTween('d', function(d) { var interpolate = d3.interpolate(d.startAngle,d.endAngle); return function(t) { d.endAngle = interpolate(t); return arc(d); }; }); } }; // Bar charts var _BarChart = function(element, barQty, height, animate, easing, duration, delay, color, tooltip) { if (typeof d3 == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - d3.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize chart only if element exsists in the DOM if($(element).length > 0) { // Basic setup // ------------------------------ // Add data set var bardata = []; for (var i=0; i < barQty; i++) { bardata.push(Math.round(Math.random()*10) + 10); } // Main variables var d3Container = d3.select(element), width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width; // Construct scales // ------------------------------ // Horizontal var x = d3.scale.ordinal() .rangeBands([0, width], 0.3); // Vertical var y = d3.scale.linear() .range([0, height]); // Set input domains // ------------------------------ // Horizontal x.domain(d3.range(0, bardata.length)); // Vertical y.domain([0, d3.max(bardata)]); // Create chart // ------------------------------ // Add svg element var container = d3Container.append('svg'); // Add SVG group var svg = container .attr('width', width) .attr('height', height) .append('g'); // // Append chart elements // // Bars var bars = svg.selectAll('rect') .data(bardata) .enter() .append('rect') .attr('class', 'd3-random-bars') .attr('width', x.rangeBand()) .attr('x', function(d,i) { return x(i); }) .style('fill', color); // Tooltip // ------------------------------ var tip = d3.tip() .attr('class', 'd3-tip') .offset([-10, 0]); // Show and hide if(tooltip == 'hours' || tooltip == 'goal' || tooltip == 'members') { bars.call(tip) .on('mouseover', tip.show) .on('mouseout', tip.hide); } // Daily meetings tooltip content if(tooltip == 'hours') { tip.html(function (d, i) { return '<div class="text-center">' + '<h6 class="m-0">' + d + '</h6>' + '<span class="font-size-sm">meetings</span>' + '<div class="font-size-sm">' + i + ':00' + '</div>' + '</div>' }); } // Statements tooltip content if(tooltip == 'goal') { tip.html(function (d, i) { return '<div class="text-center">' + '<h6 class="m-0">' + d + '</h6>' + '<span class="font-size-sm">statements</span>' + '<div class="font-size-sm">' + i + ':00' + '</div>' + '</div>' }); } // Online members tooltip content if(tooltip == 'members') { tip.html(function (d, i) { return '<div class="text-center">' + '<h6 class="m-0">' + d + '0' + '</h6>' + '<span class="font-size-sm">members</span>' + '<div class="font-size-sm">' + i + ':00' + '</div>' + '</div>' }); } // Bar loading animation // ------------------------------ // Choose between animated or static if(animate) { withAnimation(); } else { withoutAnimation(); } // Animate on load function withAnimation() { bars .attr('height', 0) .attr('y', height) .transition() .attr('height', function(d) { return y(d); }) .attr('y', function(d) { return height - y(d); }) .delay(function(d, i) { return i * delay; }) .duration(duration) .ease(easing); } // Load without animateion function withoutAnimation() { bars .attr('height', function(d) { return y(d); }) .attr('y', function(d) { return height - y(d); }) } // Resize chart // ------------------------------ // Call function on window resize $(window).on('resize', barsResize); // Call function on sidebar width change $(document).on('click', '.sidebar-control', barsResize); // Resize function // // Since D3 doesn't support SVG resize by default, // we need to manually specify parts of the graph that need to // be updated on window resize function barsResize() { // Layout variables width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width; // Layout // ------------------------- // Main svg width container.attr('width', width); // Width of appended group svg.attr('width', width); // Horizontal range x.rangeBands([0, width], 0.3); // Chart elements // ------------------------- // Bars svg.selectAll('.d3-random-bars') .attr('width', x.rangeBand()) .attr('x', function(d,i) { return x(i); }); } } }; // Rounded progress charts var _RoundedProgressChart = function(element, radius, border, color, end, iconClass, textTitle, textAverage) { if (typeof d3 == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - d3.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize chart only if element exsists in the DOM if($(element).length > 0) { // Basic setup // ------------------------------ // Main variables var d3Container = d3.select(element), startPercent = 0, iconSize = 32, endPercent = end, twoPi = Math.PI * 2, formatPercent = d3.format('.0%'), boxSize = radius * 2; // Values count var count = Math.abs((endPercent - startPercent) / 0.01); // Values step var step = endPercent < startPercent ? -0.01 : 0.01; // Create chart // ------------------------------ // Add SVG element var container = d3Container.append('svg'); // Add SVG group var svg = container .attr('width', boxSize) .attr('height', boxSize) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + (boxSize / 2) + ',' + (boxSize / 2) + ')'); // Construct chart layout // ------------------------------ // Arc var arc = d3.svg.arc() .startAngle(0) .innerRadius(radius) .outerRadius(radius - border); // // Append chart elements // // Paths // ------------------------------ // Background path svg.append('path') .attr('class', 'd3-progress-background') .attr('d', arc.endAngle(twoPi)) .style('fill', '#eee'); // Foreground path var foreground = svg.append('path') .attr('class', 'd3-progress-foreground') .attr('filter', 'url(#blur)') .style('fill', color) .style('stroke', color); // Front path var front = svg.append('path') .attr('class', 'd3-progress-front') .style('fill', color) .style('fill-opacity', 1); // Text // ------------------------------ // Percentage text value var numberText = d3.select(element) .append('h2') .attr('class', 'pt-1 mt-2 mb-1') // Icon d3.select(element) .append('i') .attr('class', iconClass + ' counter-icon') .attr('style', 'top: ' + ((boxSize - iconSize) / 2) + 'px'); // Title d3.select(element) .append('div') .text(textTitle); // Subtitle d3.select(element) .append('div') .attr('class', 'font-size-sm text-muted mb-3') .text(textAverage); // Animation // ------------------------------ // Animate path function updateProgress(progress) { foreground.attr('d', arc.endAngle(twoPi * progress)); front.attr('d', arc.endAngle(twoPi * progress)); numberText.text(formatPercent(progress)); } // Animate text var progress = startPercent; (function loops() { updateProgress(progress); if (count > 0) { count--; progress += step; setTimeout(loops, 10); } })(); } }; // Bullet chart var _BulletChart = function(element, height) { if (typeof d3 == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - d3.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Initialize chart only if element exsists in the DOM if($(element).length > 0) { // Bullet chart core // ------------------------------ function bulletCore() { // Construct d3.bullet = function() { // Default layout variables var orient = 'left', reverse = false, duration = 750, ranges = bulletRanges, markers = bulletMarkers, measures = bulletMeasures, height = 30, tickFormat = null; // For each small multiple… function bullet(g) { g.each(function(d, i) { // Define variables var rangez = ranges.call(this, d, i).slice().sort(d3.descending), markerz = markers.call(this, d, i).slice().sort(d3.descending), measurez = measures.call(this, d, i).slice().sort(d3.descending), g = d3.select(this); // Compute the new x-scale. var x1 = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, Math.max(rangez[0], markerz[0], measurez[0])]) .range(reverse ? [width, 0] : [0, width]); // Retrieve the old x-scale, if this is an update. var x0 = this.__chart__ || d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, Infinity]) .range(x1.range()); // Stash the new scale. this.__chart__ = x1; // Derive width-scales from the x-scales. var w0 = bulletWidth(x0), w1 = bulletWidth(x1); // Setup range // ------------------------------ // Update the range rects var range = g.selectAll('.bullet-range') .data(rangez); // Append range rect range.enter() .append('rect') .attr('class', function(d, i) { return 'bullet-range bullet-range-' + (i + 1); }) .attr('width', w0) .attr('height', height) .attr('rx', 2) .attr('x', reverse ? x0 : 0) // Add loading animation .transition() .duration(duration) .attr('width', w1) .attr('x', reverse ? x1 : 0); // Add update animation range.transition() .duration(duration) .attr('x', reverse ? x1 : 0) .attr('width', w1) .attr('height', height); // Setup measures // ------------------------------ // Update the measure rects var measure = g.selectAll('.bullet-measure') .data(measurez); // Append measure rect measure.enter() .append('rect') .attr('class', function(d, i) { return 'bullet-measure bullet-measure-' + (i + 1); }) .attr('width', w0) .attr('height', height / 5) .attr('x', reverse ? x0 : 0) .attr('y', height / 2.5) .style('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges'); // Add loading animation measure.transition() .duration(duration) .attr('width', w1) .attr('x', reverse ? x1 : 0); // Add update animation measure.transition() .duration(duration) .attr('width', w1) .attr('height', height / 5) .attr('x', reverse ? x1 : 0) .attr('y', height / 2.5); // Setup markers // ------------------------------ // Update the marker lines var marker = g.selectAll('.bullet-marker') .data(markerz); // Append marker line marker.enter() .append('line') .attr('class', function(d, i) { return 'bullet-marker bullet-marker-' + (i + 1); }) .attr('x1', x0) .attr('x2', x0) .attr('y1', height / 6) .attr('y2', height * 5 / 6); // Add loading animation marker.transition() .duration(duration) .attr('x1', x1) .attr('x2', x1); // Add update animation marker.transition() .duration(duration) .attr('x1', x1) .attr('x2', x1) .attr('y1', height / 6) .attr('y2', height * 5 / 6); // Setup axes // ------------------------------ // Compute the tick format. var format = tickFormat || x1.tickFormat(8); // Update the tick groups. var tick = g.selectAll('.bullet-tick') .data(x1.ticks(8), function(d) { return this.textContent || format(d); }); // Initialize the ticks with the old scale, x0. var tickEnter = tick.enter() .append('g') .attr('class', 'bullet-tick') .attr('transform', bulletTranslate(x0)) .style('opacity', 1e-6); // Append line tickEnter.append('line') .attr('y1', height) .attr('y2', (height * 7 / 6) + 3); // Append text tickEnter.append('text') .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .attr('dy', '1em') .attr('y', (height * 7 / 6) + 4) .text(format); // Transition the entering ticks to the new scale, x1. tickEnter.transition() .duration(duration) .attr('transform', bulletTranslate(x1)) .style('opacity', 1); // Transition the updating ticks to the new scale, x1. var tickUpdate = tick.transition() .duration(duration) .attr('transform', bulletTranslate(x1)) .style('opacity', 1); // Update tick line tickUpdate.select('line') .attr('y1', height + 3) .attr('y2', (height * 7 / 6) + 3); // Update tick text tickUpdate.select('text') .attr('y', (height * 7 / 6) + 4); // Transition the exiting ticks to the new scale, x1. tick.exit() .transition() .duration(duration) .attr('transform', bulletTranslate(x1)) .style('opacity', 1e-6) .remove(); // Resize chart // ------------------------------ // Call function on window resize $(window).on('resize', resizeBulletsCore); // Call function on sidebar width change $(document).on('click', '.sidebar-control', resizeBulletsCore); // Resize function // // Since D3 doesn't support SVG resize by default, // we need to manually specify parts of the graph that need to // be updated on window resize function resizeBulletsCore() { // Layout variables width = d3.select('#bullets').node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right; w1 = bulletWidth(x1); // Layout // ------------------------- // Horizontal range x1.range(reverse ? [width, 0] : [0, width]); // Chart elements // ------------------------- // Measures g.selectAll('.bullet-measure').attr('width', w1).attr('x', reverse ? x1 : 0); // Ranges g.selectAll('.bullet-range').attr('width', w1).attr('x', reverse ? x1 : 0); // Markers g.selectAll('.bullet-marker').attr('x1', x1).attr('x2', x1) // Ticks g.selectAll('.bullet-tick').attr('transform', bulletTranslate(x1)) } }); d3.timer.flush(); } // Constructor functions // ------------------------------ // Left, right, top, bottom bullet.orient = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return orient; orient = x; reverse = orient == 'right' || orient == 'bottom'; return bullet; }; // Ranges (bad, satisfactory, good) bullet.ranges = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return ranges; ranges = x; return bullet; }; // Markers (previous, goal) bullet.markers = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return markers; markers = x; return bullet; }; // Measures (actual, forecast) bullet.measures = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return measures; measures = x; return bullet; }; // Width bullet.width = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return width; width = x; return bullet; }; // Height bullet.height = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return height; height = x; return bullet; }; // Axex tick format bullet.tickFormat = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return tickFormat; tickFormat = x; return bullet; }; // Transition duration bullet.duration = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return duration; duration = x; return bullet; }; return bullet; }; // Ranges function bulletRanges(d) { return d.ranges; } // Markers function bulletMarkers(d) { return d.markers; } // Measures function bulletMeasures(d) { return d.measures; } // Positioning function bulletTranslate(x) { return function(d) { return 'translate(' + x(d) + ',0)'; }; } // Width function bulletWidth(x) { var x0 = x(0); return function(d) { return Math.abs(x(d) - x0); }; } } bulletCore(); // Basic setup // ------------------------------ // Main variables var d3Container = d3.select(element), margin = {top: 20, right: 10, bottom: 35, left: 10}, width = width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right, height = height - margin.top - margin.bottom; // Construct chart layout // ------------------------------ var chart = d3.bullet() .width(width) .height(height); // Load data // ------------------------------ d3.json('../../../../global_assets/demo_data/dashboard/bullets.json', function(error, data) { // Show what's wrong if error if (error) return console.error(error); // Create SVG // ------------------------------ // SVG container var container = d3Container.selectAll('svg') .data(data) .enter() .append('svg'); // SVG group var svg = container .attr('class', function(d, i) { return 'bullet-' + (i + 1); }) .attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr('height', height + margin.top + margin.bottom) .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')') .call(chart); // Add title // ------------------------------ // Title group var title = svg.append('g') .style('text-anchor', 'start'); // Bullet title text title.append('text') .attr('class', 'bullet-title') .attr('y', -10) .text(function(d) { return d.title; }); // Bullet subtitle text title.append('text') .attr('class', 'bullet-subtitle') .attr('x', width) .attr('y', -10) .style('text-anchor', 'end') .text(function(d) { return d.subtitle; }) .style('opacity', 0) .transition() .duration(500) .delay(500) .style('opacity', 1); // Add random transition for demo // ------------------------------ // Bind data var interval = function() { svg.datum(randomize).call(chart.duration(750)); } // Set interval var intervalIds = []; intervalIds.push( setInterval(function() { interval() }, 5000) ); // Enable or disable real time update document.getElementById('realtime').onchange = function() { if(realtime.checked) { intervalIds.push(setInterval(function() { interval() }, 5000)); } else { for (var i=0; i < intervalIds.length; i++) { clearInterval(intervalIds[i]); } } }; // Resize chart // ------------------------------ // Call function on window resize $(window).on('resize', bulletResize); // Call function on sidebar width change $(document).on('click', '.sidebar-control', bulletResize); // Resize function // // Since D3 doesn't support SVG resize by default, // we need to manually specify parts of the graph that need to // be updated on window resize function bulletResize() { // Layout variables width = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width - margin.left - margin.right; // Layout // ------------------------- // Main svg width container.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right); // Width of appended group svg.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right); // Chart elements // ------------------------- // Subtitle svg.selectAll('.bullet-subtitle').attr('x', width); } }); // Randomizers // ------------------------------ function randomize(d) { if (!d.randomizer) d.randomizer = randomizer(d); d.ranges = d.ranges.map(d.randomizer); d.markers = d.markers.map(d.randomizer); d.measures = d.measures.map(d.randomizer); return d; } function randomizer(d) { var k = d3.max(d.ranges) * .2; return function(d) { return Math.max(0, d + k * (Math.random() - .5)); }; } } }; // // Return objects assigned to module // return { initComponents: function() { _componentSwitchery(); _componentDaterange(); _componentIconLetter(); }, initCharts: function() { // Sparklines _chartSparkline('#new-visitors', 'line', 30, 35, 'basis', 750, 2000, '#26A69A'); _chartSparkline('#new-sessions', 'line', 30, 35, 'basis', 750, 2000, '#FF7043'); _chartSparkline('#total-online', 'line', 30, 35, 'basis', 750, 2000, '#5C6BC0'); _chartSparkline('#server-load', 'area', 30, 50, 'basis', 750, 2000, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'); // Streamgraph _TrafficSourcesStreamChart('#traffic-sources', 330); // Line charts _AppSalesLinesChart('#app_sales', 255); _DailyRevenueLineChart('#today-revenue', 50); // Area charts _MonthlySalesAreaChart('#monthly-sales-stats', 100, '#4DB6AC'); _MessagesAreaChart('#messages-stats', 40, '#5C6BC0'); // Progress charts _ProgressPieChart('#today-progress', 20, 20, '#7986CB'); _ProgressPieChart('#yesterday-progress', 20, 20, '#7986CB'); _RoundedProgressChart('#hours-available-progress', 38, 2, '#F06292', 0.68, 'icon-watch text-pink-400', 'Hours available', '64% average'); _RoundedProgressChart('#goal-progress', 38, 2, '#5C6BC0', 0.82, 'icon-trophy3 text-indigo-400', 'Productivity goal', '87% average'); // Donut charts _MarketingCampaignsDonutChart('#campaigns-donut', 42); _CampaignStatusDonutChart('#campaign-status-pie', 42); _TicketStatusDonutChart('#tickets-status', 42); // Bar charts _BarChart('#hours-available-bars', 24, 40, true, 'elastic', 1200, 50, '#EC407A', 'hours'); _BarChart('#goal-bars', 24, 40, true, 'elastic', 1200, 50, '#5C6BC0', 'goal'); _BarChart('#members-online', 24, 50, true, 'elastic', 1200, 50, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)', 'members'); // Heatmap _AppSalesHeatmap('#sales-heatmap'); // Bullet charts _BulletChart("#bullets", 80); } } }(); // Initialize module // ------------------------------ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { Dashboard.initComponents(); Dashboard.initCharts(); });