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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Timelines * * Demo JS code for Timeline pages set * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Setup module // ------------------------------ var Timelines = function() { // // Setup module components // // Charts var _chartsStatistics = function() { if (typeof echarts == 'undefined') { console.warn('Warning - echarts.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Define elements var daily_statistics_element = document.getElementById('daily_statistics'); var weekly_statistics_element = document.getElementById('weekly_statistics'); // Daily statistics chart config if (daily_statistics_element) { // Initialize chart var daily_statistics = echarts.init(daily_statistics_element); // // Chart config // // Options daily_statistics.setOption({ // Define colors color: ['#2ec7c9','#b6a2de','#5ab1ef','#ffb980','#d87a80'], // Global text styles textStyle: { fontFamily: 'Roboto, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif', fontSize: 13 }, // Chart animation duration animationDuration: 750, // Setup grid grid: { left: 0, right: 10, top: 35, bottom: 0, containLabel: true }, // Add legend legend: { data: ['Clicks','Visits','Sales'], itemHeight: 8, itemGap: 20, textStyle: { padding: [0, 5] } }, // Add tooltip tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.75)', padding: [10, 15], textStyle: { fontSize: 13, fontFamily: 'Roboto, sans-serif' }, axisPointer: { type: 'shadow', shadowStyle: { color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.025)' } } }, // Horizontal axis xAxis: [{ type: 'category', data: ['00:00','02:00','04:00','06:00','08:00','10:00','12:00','14:00','16:00','18:00','20:00','22:00'], axisLabel: { color: '#333' }, axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: '#999' } }, splitLine: { show: true, lineStyle: { color: '#eee', type: 'dashed' } }, axisTick: { show: false }, }], // Vertical axis yAxis: [{ type: 'value', name: 'Visits', axisLabel: { color: '#333' }, axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: '#999' } }, splitLine: { lineStyle: { color: ['#eee'] } }, splitArea: { show: true, areaStyle: { color: ['rgba(250,250,250,0.1)', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.01)'] } } }, { type: 'value', name: 'Clicks', axisLabel: { color: '#333' }, axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: '#999' } }, splitLine: { lineStyle: { color: ['#eee'] } }, splitArea: { show: true, areaStyle: { color: ['rgba(250,250,250,0.1)', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.01)'] } } }], // Add series series: [ { name: 'Clicks', type: 'bar', data: [20, 150, 270, 340, 400, 700, 1000, 750, 500, 380, 220, 120] }, { name: 'Visits', type: 'bar', data: [130, 160, 330, 380, 480, 1100, 1250, 900, 680, 490, 350, 230] }, { name: 'Sales', type: 'line', smooth: true, symbolSize: 7, yAxisIndex: 1, data: [10, 50, 70, 100, 110, 130, 150, 180, 160, 140, 120, 60], itemStyle: { normal: { borderWidth: 2 } } } ] }); } // Weekly statistics chart config if (weekly_statistics_element) { // Initialize chart var weekly_statistics = echarts.init(weekly_statistics_element); // // Chart config // // Options weekly_statistics.setOption({ // Define colors color: ['#2ec7c9','#5ab1ef','#b6a2de',], // Global text styles textStyle: { fontFamily: 'Roboto, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif', fontSize: 13 }, // Chart animation duration animationDuration: 750, // Setup grid grid: { left: 0, right: 10, top: 35, bottom: 0, containLabel: true }, // Add legend legend: { data: ['Profit', 'Expenses', 'Income'], itemHeight: 8, itemGap: 20, textStyle: { padding: [0, 5] } }, // Add tooltip tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.75)', padding: [10, 15], textStyle: { fontSize: 13, fontFamily: 'Roboto, sans-serif' }, axisPointer: { type: 'shadow', shadowStyle: { color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.025)' } } }, // Horizontal axis xAxis: [{ type: 'value', axisLabel: { color: '#333' }, axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: '#999' } }, splitLine: { show: true, lineStyle: { color: '#eee', type: 'dashed' } } }], // Vertical axis yAxis: [{ type: 'category', data: ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday'], axisTick: { show: false }, axisLabel: { color: '#333' }, axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: '#999' } }, splitLine: { show: true, lineStyle: { color: ['#eee'] } }, splitArea: { show: true, areaStyle: { color: ['rgba(250,250,250,0.1)', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.015)'] } } }], // Add series series: [ { name: 'Profit', type: 'bar', barWidth: 26, itemStyle: { normal: { label: { show: true, position: 'inside', textStyle: { fontSize: 12 } } } }, data: [200, 170, 240, 244, 200, 220, 210] }, { name: 'Income', type: 'bar', stack: 'Total', barWidth: 5, itemStyle: { normal: { label: { show: true, position: 'right', textStyle: { fontSize: 12 } } } }, data: [320, 302, 341, 374, 390, 450, 420] }, { name: 'Expenses', type: 'bar', stack: 'Total', itemStyle: { normal: { label: { show: true, position: 'left', textStyle: { fontSize: 12 } } } }, data: [-120, -132, -101, -134, -190, -230, -210] } ] }); } // // Resize charts // // On sidebar width change $('.sidebar-control').on('click', function() { daily_statistics.resize(); weekly_statistics.resize(); }) // On window resizw var resizeCharts; window.onresize = function () { clearTimeout(resizeCharts); resizeCharts = setTimeout(function () { daily_statistics.resize(); weekly_statistics.resize(); }, 200); }; }; // Schedule var _componentFullCalendar = function() { if (!$().fullCalendar) { console.warn('Warning - fullcalendar.min.js is not loaded.'); return; } // Add events var eventsColors = [ { title: 'Day off', start: '2014-11-01', color: '#DB7272' }, { title: 'University', start: '2014-11-07', end: '2014-11-10', color: '#42A5F5' }, { id: 999, title: 'Shopping', start: '2014-11-09T13:00:00', color: '#8D6E63' }, { id: 999, title: 'Shopping', start: '2014-11-15T16:00:00', color: '#00BCD4' }, { title: 'Conference', start: '2014-11-11', end: '2014-11-13', color: '#26A69A' }, { title: 'Meeting', start: '2014-11-14T08:30:00', end: '2014-11-14T12:30:00', color: '#7986CB' }, { title: 'Meeting', start: '2014-11-11T09:30:00', color: '#78909C' }, { title: 'Happy Hour', start: '2014-11-12T14:30:00', color: '#26A69A' }, { title: 'Dinner', start: '2014-11-13T19:00:00', color: '#FF7043' }, { title: 'Birthday Party', start: '2014-11-13T03:00:00', color: '#4CAF50' } ]; // Container var $element = $('.my-schedule'); // Initialize with options $element.fullCalendar({ header: { left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay' }, defaultView: 'agendaWeek', defaultDate: '2014-11-15', editable: true, events: eventsColors, isRTL: $('html').attr('dir') == 'rtl' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr' }); // Render if inside hidden element $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown.bs.tab', function (e) { $element.fullCalendar('render'); }); }; // // Return objects assigned to module // return { init: function() { _chartsStatistics(); _componentFullCalendar(); } } }(); // Initialize module // ------------------------------ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { Timelines.init(); });