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  • Science(Botany)

Program Specific Outcomes

Students enrolled for program trained with essential skills and abilities and got opportunity to master in following objectives:

  • To learn different terms used with respect to plants around us.
  • To articulate factual and contextual knowledge with respect to our body and plants as a whole.
  • To use knowledge to make life better in term of environment and earning by developing knowledge into technology.
  • Develop ability to use bibliographical tools for advance study in Botany.

Course Specific Outcomes

  • To learn structure , life cycle ,and economic importance of different members of plant kingdom with special reference to Algae , Fungi , Bryophytes , Pteridophyte ,Gymnosperm along with some fossils.
  • To learn plant physiology, ecology, Gene manipulation for betterment of humankind along with molecular level information of process occurs inside each and every cell including plant cell.
  • To be able to perform experiments and interpret the result of observation.
  • To apply collected information in evaluating and formulating different requirement of day to day in life.

Student Information System

This section will deal with all the information pertaining to a student such as personal, academic as well as digital document and student report.

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