Home Science

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  • Arts(Home Science)

Program Specific Outcomes

  • Understand and appreciate the role of Interdisciplinary sciences in the development and Well- being of individuals, families and Communities.
  • Understand the importance of food and health to Enhance the quality of life of people.
  • Acquire professional and entrepreneurial skills for Economic empowerment of self in particular, and Community in general.
  • Develop skills in food, nutrition, textiles, housing, Product making, communication technologies and Human development.
  • Take science from the laboratory to the people

Course Specific Outcomes

Foods and Nutrition

  • Understand the concept of food and nutrition.
  • Understand the effect of cooking on food.
  • Explain rationale for nutrient Intake recommendations across the Lifespan.
  • Describe a healthy diet and food Choices, and explain why such Choices will help prevent health Problems.
  • Create awareness about food preservation, meal planning and Nutritional requirements.
  • Understand various processes involved within the body.
Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
  • The basic principles of Diet and diet therapy.
  • Acquire the knowledge of Modifications of normal diet for Therapeutic purposes.
  • Apply the principles of diet for the Management of various diseases like: Diabetes mellitus, Renal diseases ( Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome, Acute and chronic renal failure) , Liver diseases( Jaundice, Cirrhosis ), Digestive elements (Diarrhoea, constipation, Peptic Ulcers).
  • Use the nutrition care process for Special conditions like allergy, Cancer and Burns.
Human Development
  • Developing awareness of important aspects of development During the life span of an individual. Become acquainted with developmental stages from birth to Old age.
  • Perceive the importance of family and the community in the Development of the children with special needs.
Clothing and Textiles
  • Gain knowledge on the characteristics of fabrics and Their use.
  • Understand the methods of maintaining different Fabrics, their finishing and storage.
  • Learn the basic stitching skills and acquiring Knowledge about embroidery.
  • Know the basics of Computers.
Home Management
  • To understand the Fundamentals of resource management in a Changing scenario.
  • To inculcate skills in identifying, creating, selecting and using Available resources judiciously with emphasis on Maximization and conservation.
  • To understand the scientific application of the process Management in the judicious use of resources, work simplification processes.
Extension Education
  • understand the concept of communication and extension And its relevance ‘ for self and national development.
  • Appreciate the role of Home Science extension in Community development.

Student Information System

This section will deal with all the information pertaining to a student such as personal, academic as well as digital document and student report.

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