Political Science

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  • Arts(Political)

Program Specific Outcomes

On completion of program students understand concept of power, Authority , Liberty , Equality , Sovereignty , Rights ,origin of State ,Function of State , Political Parties ,Pressure Groups , Features and sources of Indian and Western Political Thought and Thinkers. Indian Government and Politics, Function of Legislature, Executive and Judiciary, Comparative Government and Politics in context of other countries, Constitution and Constitutionalism , Approaches to study of international Politics and Different international organisation ,Public and Private Administration and different Political Ideologies , Major issues in Contemporary Politics.

Course Specific Outcomes

  • To learn nature, scope and significance of Political Theory
  • To understand concept of Sovereignty, Authority, Legitimacy, Democracy.
  • To understand Function and Role of Political Parties, Pressure groups, state Government, union government.
  • To understand Indian and Western Political Thoughts
  • To understand Indian Govt. and Politics and International Politics.
  • To understand Constitutionalism.
  • To understand Public Administration.
  • To understand Different Political Ideologies.

Student Information System

This section will deal with all the information pertaining to a student such as personal, academic as well as digital document and student report.

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