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  • Arts(Sociology)

Program Specific Outcomes

On the completion of the program students understand concept of social relation, social transactions, social social control, social formation ,social values , social groups ,social culture . Students achieve better understanding and critical sensitivity and able to understand significance of social institution like marriage, caste system, religion, nationalism, integrity equality and justice. Develop ability to use bibliographical tools for advance study in Sociology.

Course Specific Outcomes

  • To learn Fundamentals of Sociology, nature and scope of social groups, social establishment, family, etc.
  • To learn social and political institution of Indian society with special reference to Bihar.
  • To understand scientific methods, Hypothesis, Social survey, Sociometry, Research Methodologies, etc.
  • To learn and understand social thoughts of various sociologist.

Student Information System

This section will deal with all the information pertaining to a student such as personal, academic as well as digital document and student report.

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